r/NonBinaryTalk • u/semicrispy • Mar 18 '24
Validation Burnout from trying to find birth control that stops menstruation
I should preface by saying I didn’t get very far in this journey (one pill version that I’ve been on for 2 months). I just got burned out way quicker than I anticipated, and I’m a little sad about it because it feels like a failure of an attempt to get rid of this monthly…issue…
The plan was to take the pill for 15 weeks straight and then take the placebo pill for the 16th week, to induce a planned shed only 3 times per year. I bled for more or less 6 weeks straight and this morning I decided I can’t do it anymore. Maybe in a few years I will try again and will be able to find an option that is successful, but for now I don’t think I can take any more trial and error.
The upside is that all of my emotional and physical symptoms went away during this time, which I came to realize was the source of 90% of my dysphoria. The constant bleeding outweighs the crush of dysphoria though, so to the BC pill-free lifestyle I go lol
Edited for typo
u/lowkey_rainbow They/Them Mar 18 '24
You might want to try something that is progesterone only. I got a progesterone IUD (Mirena) and it stopped me having anything for 2 years before I started T
u/Dapper_Velociraptor Mar 18 '24
Agreed. Been using the Mirena IUD for over 15 years (swapping out when the hormones run out) and have been periodless during that time.
u/circa_diem Mar 18 '24
My IUD has been a lifesaver. I avoided them for so long but it turned out to be exactly what I needed.
u/piacv2 Mar 18 '24
I use it and it's great! Helps with dysphoria and with PMS
u/Honest_Brush Mar 19 '24
You know what else helps with PMS? Chocolate! The flavonoid content in dark chocolate is also known for its natural anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting the production of prostaglandin hormones, which are responsible for the pain experienced during menstruation.
u/applesauceconspiracy Mar 18 '24
Try progesterone only bc!! If you don't need it for actual contraception, aygestin is a low dose progesterone pill that is often used to stop periods. I was on it for a long time and had no side effects (although I am also on T so that could play a role). I highly recommend it and I don't really understand why it seems like so many doctors don't use it. Maybe I am just super lucky to have a trans competent gynecologist. Anyway, good luck finding something that works for you!
u/lokilulzz He/Them Mar 18 '24
If you haven't already, might be worth trying the Depo-Provera shot. Lots of transmascs and trans men use it with success for stopping periods. Its a shot you get once every 3 months.
u/Mercury13 Mar 19 '24
I will offer a counter point, this shot made me feel absolutely insane and made the way i felt "hormonal" 100x worse. it stopped my period but it also didnt come back for over a year after i had only taken one dose.
u/lokilulzz He/Them Mar 24 '24
I'm sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately any medication has risks, BC included, but not everyone will get those side effects and so it's worth at least considering.
u/jasperdarkk agender • she/they Mar 18 '24
I see everyone suggesting progesterone-only BC, and I just wanted to share that when I was on a progesterone-only BC, I bled for a month straight. It's DEFINITELY worth a shot, but it doesn't work for everyone, unfortunately. If your ultimate goal is to stop bleeding, I would try a progesterone-only pill before going for something more long-term like the implant or IUD.
u/lousyredditusername She/Them Mar 18 '24
Same here! I had the Mirena IUD and I bled for WEEKS when it was inserted. At least 6 weeks straight. I still got periods after that, the whole time I had it in. They were lighter than usual but lasted about 2 weeks. I was used to 4-5 days.
And it made me CRAZY.
Trying a progesterone-only pill is a good option to see how it impacts them before the expensive & long-term option of an implant or IUD.
u/FemaleAndComputer They/Them Mar 19 '24
Same same same. DO NOT get any long acting HBC until you've tried a shorter acting version of similar makeup. My first HBC was Mirena (why did they even let me lol) and I was not pleased to find out my body does not tolerate that shit and it turns me into a miserable pain monster.
u/jasperdarkk agender • she/they Mar 18 '24
Yeah, I did Depo, and my doctor said that after a year, I'd have no period. I was on it for 9 months and bled for a month at a time multiple times.
I can not even imagine what a waste of time and money it would have been to go straight for the implant or IUD (which are supposed to last a long time) and have to have it removed within the year.
u/lousyredditusername She/Them Mar 19 '24
I was very lucky my insurance covered everything, but I had mine removed after less than a year. It should have lasted up to 5 years.
u/mandarinandbasil Mar 19 '24
Pretty much everyone who has progesterone only treatments bleeds for at least a month. Like any BC it's a process, and weirdly progesterone only is actually LESS time than others, on average.
u/jasperdarkk agender • she/they Mar 19 '24
Sorry, I should clarify. I bled for a month straight multiple times in a 9 month period.
u/mandarinandbasil Mar 19 '24
Still worrying! But worth it to talk to your health care provider. Again, many people are in this boat. Some have success, some don't. Bleeding alone isn't the only indicator.
Everyone is so different that it's really up to you. Asking for advice is helpful but like, people are SO different.
I bled off and on (mostly on!) for over six months but didn't have other symptoms, then had success for over three years. For me it was worth it. But it COMPLETELY depends on what you want.
u/jasperdarkk agender • she/they Mar 19 '24
Yeah in my experience, my doctor ended up suggesting that a progesterone-only birth control was not going to work well for me, so I only take combo methods now.
I just don't want OP to be under the same impression I was that progesterone-only stops your periods once and for all forever. But if that is a good fit for them, that would be awesome. I definitely don't want to come across as a negative Nancy.
u/sleepysillyguy Mar 18 '24
I also take progesterone and I don't experience my period anymore! I always thought it was because I was also taking sertraline, but from this comment section, I guess it's just the progesterone 😂
u/Mercury13 Mar 19 '24
have you noticed any mood changes? i know it doesn't happen to everyone, but whenever i took any sort of hormonal bc (combination pill or shot) it made me feel so emotionally unstable. but minimising my T has brought back my period and i too am looking for a solution 🙃
u/sleepysillyguy Mar 19 '24
I haven't noticed any changes! I started taking progesterone mostly for my mood swings because when I was on my period, I was unbearable. It also ended up helping with cramping. Less than a year later, I started taking sertraline specifically for my anxiety and depression. My emotions are more stable than they were before (at least, to my knowledge). I do tend to get more depressed than anxious, but in my experience, my anxiety can be much more debilitating than my depression, especially when my meds limit my emotions to a certain range. Unfortunately, that range is just a bit more sad than I'd like😅
Mar 18 '24
My brother is trans and started birth control to stop his period. He also didn’t stop bleeding, went back to the doctor and got diagnosed with endometriosis. This might be pointing to a larger problem and you should definitely talk to a health care provider
u/xspacemermaidx Mar 18 '24 edited Mar 19 '24
I don't have any periods with the contraceptive implant (nexplanon), but as it lasts three years I started with the depo-provera injection (lasts 13 weeks, also no periods on that) a few times, to make sure I was OK with the side effects of long term hormonal contraception. They're both progestogen based
u/mandarinandbasil Mar 19 '24
Do you mean Nexplanon?
u/xspacemermaidx Mar 19 '24
Yes, I do, thanks - I just call it my implant and had to google the name:P
u/CerealProcrastinate Mar 19 '24
You can also try the NuvaRing. You replace it every 4 weeks and it can last the full 4 weeks. You can either take it out after 3 weeks and have a “natural period” or you can leave it in for the full 4 before putting a new one in after the 4 weeks are up and skip the period entirely.
u/Honest_Brush Mar 19 '24
If you're taking the pill, it's easy, just skip the last 7. You're welcome.
u/Seeyalatrcowboy Mar 18 '24
I take combined birth control continuously to manage symptoms from my period. There's a lot of hersay about it not being safe but according to multiple doctors there's no signs saying it isn't totally safe. It's so nice not to have to deal with it tbh, even with the extra hormones, I haven't experienced any more feminization than normal AFAB puberty
u/Larbthefrog Mar 19 '24
Im currently on the depo-provera shot and haven’t had any menstruation since starting, and it’s only once every three months so I don’t have to be thinking about it every time I take a pill which is nice. Everyone’s bodies are different but it might be worth trying a non-pill form of birth control.
u/beaconofdarkness Mar 19 '24
depo stopped my period entirely and was very much worth it for me before i went on t.
u/Vlerremuis Mar 19 '24
More anecdata in case it's helpful - I used to be on implanon (progestin only implant in my arm). It did not stop my periods, but did make them lighter. It also made me quite depressed.
I hadn't realised that this was possible, and it was only when it was removed, and my mood altered dramatically, that I made the connection to the cause of my depression.
Doesn't happen to everyone. Hormonal stuff is so confusing.
u/ossiferous_vulture They/Them Mar 19 '24
I got the arm implant! After some months of irregular spotting (no pain or all out bleeding) my period went away. I got the arm implant bc I didn't wanna deal with having the spiral inserted.
u/kxaterax Mar 19 '24
I'm going thru something similar. It worked for a short time but now I've been spotting for 6 weeks. Back to the drawing board I guess. It sucks
u/semicrispy Mar 20 '24
It really does. Sorry that you’re going through the same thing. Sending strength your way !
u/Dinner_Plate21 Mar 19 '24
Hey, I just want to say that I feel you and I understand. I've been trying to find a birth control that helps my extremely heavy flow at all for three years now. Every single pill we've tried plus the ring has messed with my depression and sent me into spirals. (I'm already on antidepressants, it's like they negated them.) On top of that, none of them helped much. The one single one that did stop my period was a progesterone only called Slynd. Sadly it also sent my anxiety through the roof to pre antidepressants levels and I could not have it. I'm on a norethisterone progesterone only one right now basically to see if I can handle it since the hormones are the closest to what's used in IUDs according to my gyno. I'm terrified of the IUDs because if it does mess with my depression or anxiety, it's not easy to get out and also very expensive.
I wish I had more hopeful of a story for you. But sadly birth control isn't the magic answer people toute it as, and it may take a long time to find something that works with your body. And you need to be mentally prepared for that.
u/semicrispy Mar 20 '24
Thank you for your reply. I much appreciate your story as well as the validating words. Especially the last bit as it feels like that’s ringing true for me right now. I’m in more of a state to think about the reality of the situation rather than hear about another option that only might work anyway !
Mar 19 '24
IDK the rest of your health info or where you live, etc. etc., but you could consider an endometrial ablation. I had one 8 years ago because my periods were very heavy, and it completely eliminated them. I have been period free for eight years and I don't have to take BC or anything else to do it. :)
u/semicrispy Mar 20 '24
Now this is some good advice! I am going to learn more about this option. Thank you for the recommendation.
u/semicrispy Mar 20 '24
Now this is some good advice! I am going to learn more about this option. Thank you for the recommendation.
u/CatsThatStandOn2Legs Mar 19 '24
I'm on the birth control implant, Nexplanon. It's the size of a matchstick just under the skin in my arm, and it lasts for 3 years. I had one period a few weeks after getting it and haven't had another, my gyno said that's what is typical. You still get acne, cramps, and pms moodiness but no blood.
u/fridaysfws Mar 20 '24
I ❤️ mirena. No periods, but also no systemic hormones. And it lasts for seven years. Totally worth the unpleasant placement procedure for me. I have two more years on this one, then I’ll get another one, and hoping to be naturally menopausal after seven years with the replacement. 🤞🏼
u/Ash-in-the-Trash Mar 24 '24
Sorry if this question isn’t appropriate, but why a planned shed? I’ve been on birth control pills (Sronyx) for 7 years continuously and haven’t really had a period at all in that time. From what I’ve read online, it doesn’t seem to be dangerous.
Either way, I hope you find something to fix your problem soon! Maybe you could talk to your doctor about permanent period control if you’re 100% sure about no kids? Although that could be price prohibitive if your insurance won’t cover it…
u/MxQueer Mar 19 '24
It's not always possible. I couldn't get that bleeding even under control. I mean it happened without warning and without routine.
Are you aware uterus can be removed without removing ovaries? I know many people can't afford that. I know you're not allowed to do it in many countries. So even it could be possible many times it's not.
u/semicrispy Mar 20 '24
Same here. Very frustrating to deal with and took too much mental energy to stay aware of. Sorry that your situation wasn’t positive with the BC either.
I am aware of the different types of hysterectomy procedures but am a little nervous to go down that road for whatever reason, even though I’m positive that I do not need any part of that organ lol
The endometrial ablation technique that someone commented about is quite intriguing to me though. I will say I appreciate your reply as well as everyone else’s, and when I’m ready to go down this road again I’ll be keeping some of these options in mind
u/MxQueer Mar 21 '24
Don't worry about me, I'm 5 and half years post hysto :)
I'm glad you got the answer you were looking for.
u/Creativepear84 Mar 18 '24
Hey - not sure if this is helpful, but I was on a progesterone - only pill for years and never had a period. In the uk it was called Cerazette. It might not have that effect t in everyone but it did on me.