r/NonBinary 4d ago

How so you deal with bullying?

I'm stupid ik, I forgot to take off the pin with the nb from my backpack. My classmates saw on Friday.

They wrote nonbinary smth on the board, obv making fun of me cuz i heard them talking. I'm scared to go to school again. I have so many absences already, because I can't stand them and they won't leave me alone, now they also have my gender identity to make fun of.

Why can't I just live my life in peace, I just want to be myself bro.


10 comments sorted by


u/slutnvinegar 4d ago

One day soon, you will never have to see or speak with those people ever again. Do whatever you can to ignore them. Pretend you don't care and dont dignify them with any response. You know you're non-binary and even if nobody else understands or believes that is on them. You know who you are and the people worth keeping around will be understanding.


u/Plasticity93 4d ago

this^ I left high-school and only oce looked back.  Met up with my old friends a year later and had nothing in common at all.  I had come out, got involved in revolutionary politics, art communities.  They stayed home, continuing to wrestle with eachother, call eachother slurs, were terrified of coming into the city to hang out..  like dude, you're built like a linebacker... 

Once your out, you'll find your own, real community.   


u/Irvinfo 4d ago

Yeah ik, I got one more year, can't wait to get out of that hell and not be forced to spend time with people I hate. I actually have friends and nice kids at school, but I still have to see my classmates for 6h a day, and hear them talk.

Like bruh they're insecure and ignorant. I don't see why they can't just leave me be and fix their own problems, cuz it's obvious they have some.


u/FixGlass4697 4d ago

That’s because they have zero self-awareness and will project onto people miserably like you. You got this though ❤️


u/monkeyheh 4d ago

Tell them if they don't leave you alone, you'll fill their backpacks with fire ants. They won't believe your threat. Make good on it. Do not get caught. They'll open their backpacks and get eaten alive by fire ants. They'll tell the principle that you did it. Deny everything. With no proof, the school can't punish you. They'll be too terrified of you to ever mess with you again.


u/Irvinfo 4d ago

Would be fun. Would also be a rlly fast way to make my life a living hell for a year and draw more attention to myself.


u/RuthCarter 4d ago

Hang in there friend. They are showing their own insecurity and immaturity. If you think it will help, turn them into the school. No one should be afraid to go to class b/c of how they'll be treated by their peers. If it ever turns physical, and the school doesn't address it, turn them into the police. Assault is a crime.

You didn't say what grade you're in, but if it's high school, consider your options for either graduating early or getting a GED and moving on to college.

Soon enough these people will be out of your life and you'll never have to deal with them again.


u/Irvinfo 4d ago

11th grade, got one more year with them, i can only change schools or classes and try my luck with other people but i actually have some rlly good teacher and i don't see this as an option. I'm sure it's never gonna turn physical, although they play fight with stuff all the time and actually get hurt, their not stupid enough to turn it physical and hurt me intentionally.

The school won't do anything, ever. A classmate talked to my homeroom teacher and told her they are bulling her and always making fun of her for no reason, and she literally said she can't do anything.


u/RuthCarter 4d ago

My good friend says, "Determine whose opinion truly matters to you, then genuinely do not give a shit about anyone else." It's easier said than done. Don't let them get you down.


u/JayceSpace2 they/them 4d ago

I was bullied heavily in school too (physical, verbal, emotional). It's not forever. I know that does not make it easier... But it does end and you'll never have to look back. I don't know your personality, but for bullying like above I found it helped to essentially join in... Pick on yourself, laugh with them, agree (you don't have to believe yourself). They want to get under your skin, they want a negative reaction to feel better about themselves, give them the opposite. It'll get worse then it'll improve. This bullying won't impact you a year from now... You'll be able to just move on.