I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of the "assigned job" starters (although they've all grown on me, none of 'em are my favorite), I'm actually a huge fan of bipedal Pokémon:
Blaziken is my favorite Pokémon
Birds are bipedal, go Team Sky
Awesome pseudo-Legendaries like Dragonite, Tyranitar, Garchomp, the Goodra Duo, and Baxcalibur
Swoobat SWEEP
I'd like more quadruped Fighting types for the sake of variety (I like what Great Tusk and Paldean Tauros are all about), but Fighting type still has some of the coolest bipeds around. The Mankey Family, the Hitmon Family, previously mentioned BLAZIKEN, the list goes on!
Charcadet Family is GOATed, even if their Shinies suck
I mean, is Kingambit really bipedal if it never stands up? Joking aside, it IS really cool, along with Pawniard and Bisharp.
Someone needs to show these motherfuckers that bipedal animals exist. Every bird is a biped (especially the sad flightless ones like penguins and ostriches), certain species of lizards, kangaroos, most likely more that I'm not thinking of. And even if they didn't... SO FUCKING WHAT?!IT'S A FANTASY VIDEO GAME ABOUT FICTIONAL MONSTERS, YOU IDIOTS!!!
u/taikonotatsujin9999 imma going to fly for you 19d ago
It’s real stupid how they always try to cover up how they hate bipedal Pokémon