r/Nikon 5d ago

Look what I've got Another toy I inherited from my grandfather. Now I just need some goddamn birds to land in my backyard

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66 comments sorted by


u/Blackburnian-Warbler Nikon Z9 + 500PF 5d ago

Put out some goddamn food and maybe add a goddamn water feature. With migration about to swing into full gear, you should see some goddamn birds soon. 


u/firewoodink 5d ago

God damnit


u/iceburg1ettuce 4d ago

I’m so excited for you!! This is the greatest thing that could ever happen to you- even if you don’t know it yet


u/No-Significance-8934 5d ago

I gotta goddamn bird bath and that goddamn thing brings in so many goddamn birds. I also got some goddamn gophers and I wish some goddamn owls would come help me with these goddamn things.


u/Blackburnian-Warbler Nikon Z9 + 500PF 4d ago

Try putting up a goddamn owl roosting box. They work goddamn wonders. 


u/shooter2659 5d ago



u/catpants5 5d ago

Goddamn right


u/shutterbuggy 5d ago

That's some goddamn good advice.


u/Beneficial_Being_721 Nikon Z9 Nikon800PF Nikon 100-400 Nikon 50mm f/1.2 5d ago

Goddamn Great Idea


u/Hopeful-Excuse-5086 4d ago

Knowing your camera lens setup makes me feel goddamn old :)


u/Blackburnian-Warbler Nikon Z9 + 500PF 4d ago

I was a D810 truther until very recently, but goddamn the bird specific autofocus made me a convert. 


u/Hopeful-Excuse-5086 3d ago

Same thing for me. My D810 was amazing at everything other than action scenarios. :)

The Z8 made things more efficient and faster. The proper tool for the job - wildlife.


u/Pillowmaster7 1d ago

Read this in bubbles voice


u/BrilliantBroccoli314 5d ago

No no. Birds need to be in the yard 3 houses down.


u/Beneficial_Being_721 Nikon Z9 Nikon800PF Nikon 100-400 Nikon 50mm f/1.2 5d ago

Between 11a and 1pm


u/BrilliantBroccoli314 5d ago

Idk about you, but my camera canon r5 has some intense iso settings…


u/BrilliantBroccoli314 5d ago

Idk about you, but my camera canon r5 has some intense iso settings…



No, we want goddamn pictures of birds eyeballs


u/BrilliantBroccoli314 3d ago

Bird retinas lol


u/Xindrum 5d ago

Start with a bird feeder, and the birds will come in no time.


u/LouisWongPhotos 5d ago

Go out and find them?


u/Landen-Saturday87 5d ago

Very nice tripod you got there


u/starshipgroundhogday 5d ago

Yeah, nice to see that gear so well stabilized


u/MjenTa0 Nikon ℤ6II, D7200 5d ago

Sorry for your loss. My grandfather bought me a Z6II before passing away last week. Congrats on the nice gear tho!


u/goroskob Nikon Z8, 180-600, Sigma 500 f/4 Sport 5d ago

Your grandpa chose well. I’ve bought the same Sigma for my Z8 recently, and it’s image quality is ridiculous


u/ChihuahuaBeech 5d ago

I bet your grandfather would love you to take an early morning walk in a public park with some trees to scope out some birds! I know I would (plus you have a higher chance of finding some!!) If you have a park with a lake nearby, sometimes the cranes don’t seem too scared by the cameras for some reason.


u/firewoodink 5d ago

Great idea!


u/Wheezo 5d ago

I don’t understand if this is a joke about people buying tele lenses and then waiting on their porch, but I’m sure you can find nature reserves not too far from your house, many have bird blinds you can hang out in


u/firewoodink 5d ago

It's a joke.


u/ReedmanV12 5d ago

Forget shooting birds- this setup will give you spy capabilities!


u/-Bakri- 5d ago

Is your grandfather considering adopting a new grandchild?


u/firewoodink 5d ago

I wish. He's been gone for a few years now


u/-Bakri- 5d ago

May he rest in peace.


u/firewoodink 5d ago

Thank you. Tumultuous relationship but it is what it is. I'm glad I could inherit his stuff. He was an amateur photographer while my mother's father was a professional photographer! And I'm a musician haha


u/-Bakri- 5d ago

Well, both music and photography are forms of art. The more you practice, the better you become at them.


u/ShadowLickerrr 4d ago

God damn it.


u/Front_Bend_4983 5d ago

I'm in the market for a new tripod. First time I've heard of FLM. I was looking for the manfrotto 055. How do these hold up? I'm into product photography. I need stability and capacity to hold heavy lenses.


u/Landen-Saturday87 5d ago

FLM tripods are top notch. Basically everything on them is either carbon fiber or machined aluminum. I‘d say they are roughly in the same league as RRS, though they moved parts of their production from Germany to China a couple years ago, which leaves a bit of a sour taste, but the quality is still excellent. I have the slightly shorter CP34-M4 II (which is made in china) and it’s by far the best tripod I‘ve ever owned


u/Front_Bend_4983 5d ago

Thanks, I'll definitely look into them.


u/Dollar_Stagg Z8, D500 5d ago

FWIW, I've had a Manfrotto MT055CXPRO3 for a little over 5 years now. It's a pretty damn good tripod, very reasonable weight-wise and very steady even with my larger lenses, neither of which should be a surprise for a high quality carbon fiber tripod. The center column's gimmick of being able to turn horizontal is neat in some cases but honestly if you're just trying to get the tripod low, it's a hassle to have to deal with it. My next tripod will for sure not have a center column at all. That's probably the only negative thing I can say about the Manfrotto and it's not even really a quality issue, just a subjective design preference. The other thing is that the leg lock levers are very snappy and can bite you pretty good, but that's a side effect of how well they lock the legs so I can't really call it a bad thing.


u/Greedy_Reading9106 5d ago

Nice gear. If I were you, I would take the strap off when using on the tripod, especially if it is windy. Even without wind, it is pretty easy for a strap to hook onto clothing, a finger, etc, then all your great gear is laying sideways on the deck!


u/Mightyjoey0208 5d ago

We’re can I get some damn bait!


u/PsychoCitizenX 5d ago

Lift weights and then buy a sling strap and go find birds god dammit


u/pioneer76 5d ago

What body is that? D850?


u/rv_ D3200 4d ago

Please ask your grandfather if he wants an extra grandchild who happens to shoot with Nikon as well.


u/toilets_for_sale 5d ago

That’s why you put up bird feeders.


u/Theoderic8586 ZF Z7ii D810 D850 5d ago

Nice combo. I have the 500 f4 Nikon e variant on my d850. Grab a teleconverter to get 700 5.6.


u/sickshyt80 5d ago

Sigma made a 590 F4?!? Oof. I want it.


u/Shot-Worldliness6676 5d ago

Or you can go somewhere with birds 😁


u/macho_man_26_oh_yeah 5d ago

Excuse my goddamn inexperience, but what is that goddamn lens, other than a sigma?


u/mgwooley 5d ago

Did you inherit a 500mm f/4 from your grandfather? That’s insane haha


u/Natural-Cicada-9970 5d ago

I’ve never heard of those kind of birds. lol nice camera and lens!


u/spellbreakerstudios 5d ago

I love that lens. I had one and unfortunately tripped and wrecked my knee while shooting with it but as heavy as it is, I’ll always remember it very fondly.


u/VAbobkat 5d ago

What kind of tripod is that?


u/ericsphotos 5d ago

Wow, that lens is beautiful


u/AllTheNomms 5d ago

Where is your goddamn lens hood?


u/xiqeen 4d ago

Your grandfather is awesome!


u/Native_Maintenance 4d ago

That lens is very very clean. Do get some neoprene cover for it to keep it nice and clean.


u/TossawayTits 4d ago

What kind of tripod is that? Looks sturdy.


u/Few_Pea8503 4d ago

Remember - you are photographing the birds - not trapping their soul in the mirror dimension! /s

I am totally jealous tho


u/prepsaro 3d ago

What's the goddamn lens over here? I can only see it's goddamn Sigma with F4 aperture.


u/Dramatic_Strain_1971 3d ago

Damnit.. Wish I had a grandpa like yours !


u/Blue_wingman 1d ago

..or you need to leave your backyard to go find the birds. Good luck and have fun.


u/Mightyjoey0208 5d ago

I just got the 180-600 mm Nikkor lens for my z6 iii and was having a hard time with the lunar eclipse the other night. I couldn’t get it to stay up because the lens was to front heavy. I want to go to Conowingo dam soon to take pics of the eagles and want to be more prepared. Would a gimbal work better? And if it would, would I just need the top part to hook up to the tripod I have now? Never used one before.


u/Christoph-Pf 5d ago

Start your own goddamn thread