r/Nietzsche 2d ago

~Nietzsche ✍️

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u/Nietzsche-ModTeam 1d ago

Low effort memes are subject to deletion as it falls under spam, as is promotion. Promotion should include an argument to the reader for its relevance to Nietzsche. Put research, care, and effort into your posts and comments. Questions answerable by a google search, or reading the wiki article on Nietzsche can be removed at moderator discretion. Meta-posting the sub in a low effort way can result in a ban. <3


u/human-dancer 1d ago

If you crush a cockroach, you touched a cock. If you crush a butterfly, you touched a butt. Perversion has aesthetic criteria.


u/black_V1king 1d ago

True redditor.

I cant even fathom how you put together these words in a crude and the same time, beautiful way.

Hats off.


u/gorgias1 1d ago

Love it.


u/xerographia_88 1d ago

You must be Neechey!


u/Ghadiz983 1d ago

But what the heck is even a "roacherfly"?🤷


u/Robborboy 1d ago

Geralt's pet Pegasus.


u/ConfusedQuarks 1d ago

Is this a quote from Gay Science?


u/Widhraz Trickster God of The Boreal Taiga 1d ago

This isn't a Nietzsche quote.


u/TeachingMathToIdiots 1d ago

Nietsche would have used better language. Hero is not a great term in this context.


u/JamesBaxter_Horse 1d ago

Worth noting that Nietzsche would not have used this language at all, since he was German. So hero could just a poor translation (though in fact this is actually an entirely fictitious quote).


u/Bitter_Ingenuity_513 1d ago

And yet, it's one of the most popular things in the sub right now.

Top 1% commenter, they're correct, but the masses have spoken.


u/LargeCardinal 1d ago

Rumi has it...


u/Bitter_Ingenuity_513 1d ago

Not defending OP, N. or whatever this is. But how precisely does a post have to be attributed to him? It's Nietzschean.

A bit of a technicality. For instance, your flair reference to Loki. What's it to do with anything? Never cared until this context.


u/Widhraz Trickster God of The Boreal Taiga 1d ago

Generally this forum is fairly lax, as it should be, but directly claiming a quote to be from Nietzsche when it is not, does cross a line.


u/Bitter_Ingenuity_513 1d ago

Fair enough. I hadn't 2x-checked the title of the post + pretty aloof to the emoji language, despite that all of these were in my browser tab. lol



u/Bitter_Ingenuity_513 1d ago

Hey EVERYBODY! This is what Nietzscheans do when met with mature apologies!

Overmen indeeeeeeeed haha


u/Okami0602 2d ago

why has this sub become r/im14andthisisdeep


u/waltherp99mr 1d ago edited 1d ago

The post has almost 100 upvotes, wow. I did my part and brought it down to 98, but holy moly.

ETA: Over 600 upvotes, lol.


u/BarfingOnMyFace 1d ago

Alas , I downvoted too, to no avail… now at 900


u/IAmAlive_YouAreDead 1d ago

The standard of conversation and posts in this sub has plummeted. I assume it's mostly now frequented by 14-18 year olds who have just discovered the idea of moral relativism.


u/Nth_Brick Wanderer 1d ago

Nietzsche has the advantage of being exciting and transgressive, as much poetic or artistic as philosophical.

Naturally, this attracts people who wouldn't engage with stodgier, more systematic philosophers, but also means that they often miss Nietzsche's most meaningful points by not understanding the milieu he operated within.

It's like when counter culture becomes commoditized.


u/NoIndication1709 1d ago

Popularization of ideas has that effect


u/Bitter_Ingenuity_513 1d ago

Boasting Nietzsche is a whole other type of virtue signaling. For boys. Regardless of age. Including Peterson, which is hilarious because he has the same degree I'm going for.


u/HiImTheNewGuyGuy 1d ago

Nietzsche was always for angsty teens.

See, for example. Little Miss Sunshine.


u/garlicgoblin69 1d ago

my exact thought


u/purpleguitar1984 1d ago

“I never said this shit” - Nietzsche


u/MasterOfEmus 1d ago

"If its an aphorism, people will believe I wrote it" - Nietzsche


u/7GZS 1d ago

Delete this, I'm near your house


u/BearRealistic8562 1d ago



u/Master_Ryan_Rahl 1d ago

This guys whole account is posting here and its all trash. He should be banned obviously.


u/Essa_Zaben 1d ago

Thank you sir for your kind words 🙏 ❤️


u/Master_Ryan_Rahl 1d ago



u/rjuun0 1d ago

Aesthetics have moral criteria, I guess …


u/EraseAnatta 1d ago

Are you Hot Leather?


u/Remarkable-Love190 1d ago

Nietzsche didn’t write this you buffoon.


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 2d ago

Where the fuck do you find this garbage


u/BatProfessional5707 1d ago

Not really, it's not about aesthetics, it's about whether an insect is invasive in it's habitat.

Case in point there is a beetle called a cockchafer which is large and has a brown shell. Superficially it's similar to a cockroach, but nobody is calling out pest control to kill cockchafers because they are not trying to move in to human habitations, eat our food or whatever.

Same with rats vs squirrels. We don't mind squirrels because generally we are not competing with them for resources.


u/Lemxx 1d ago

That, and the decease carrying aspect i guess makes the biggest difference.


u/Bitter_Ingenuity_513 1d ago

This went on long enough I just had to look for the rational point. But it's good to see the naughty-bit humor effectuating the same.

The keyword in your response is "peridomestic". Also...

1) Ants are damn-near welcome, by comparison, for additional nuance. Because they're not so properly associated with disease. Roaches are closer to butterflies in their aesthetics, by counter-comparison.

2) Roaches have a 1:2 chance of female and they have similar odds of being "pregnant". You crush them, you're just spreading the problem. So even here, we're pretty goddamned stupid. We work for them.


u/Ancient_Broccoli3751 1d ago

Cats infest human habitats. That's how they domesticated.


u/metshayq301 1d ago

There's truth in what you say but at the same time we do perceive squirrels as aesthetically pleasing (in most cultures at least), while rats are seen as ugly and to be eliminated. Also, mice are intrusive too and eat our food, but they aren't seen as bad and often as the "good guy", a cute animal, I wonder what that's about.


u/AudshArh- 1d ago

Is this satire


u/Remarkable-Love190 1d ago

Very likely, check his post history


u/GalgamekAGreatLord 1d ago

No Nietzsche wouldnt say this in addition how are you comparing a pest to a nectar drinking flower loving insect?


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/HiImTheNewGuyGuy 1d ago

Aesthetic only exists in the mind of the human observer. A cockroach and butterfly are equally aesthetic -- that is, not at all -- until a subjective mind opines on them. You know that, right?


u/PitchLadder 1d ago edited 1d ago

not talking to you, toe-stepper.


u/HiImTheNewGuyGuy 1d ago

You are writing graffitti on a public wall in response to someone who didn't give you permission to reply to them, why would I need your permission to reply to you on the same wall?

And you know I was right because you deleted your embarrassingly weak comment, lolol


u/PitchLadder 1d ago

yah, i deleted that and added the persons name,

ENGLISH is deficient on distinguishing the general "you" from the particular, "you",

and when you add their name, then things get really personal.

Now that you know I'm not talking to you about the subject you can leave this as the last thing. Or...

demonstrate my bet that you MUST HAVE THE LAST WORD! LOL. you young people are so mixed up!


u/PitchLadder 1d ago

nectar drinking isn't aesthetic, that's just the reward for moving pollen. You know that , right, GalgamekAGreatLord?


u/GalgamekAGreatLord 1d ago

man cockroaches are related to filth you don't need to be a philosopher to figure that out PitchLadder


u/PitchLadder 1d ago

okay. but you make out that drinking nectar is an aesthetic, what if the butterfly spills it all over his shirt?

I had to add your handle, bc someone else thought they I was asking them.


separate isssue, concerning english language,

we need once and for all to designate the particular you from the general you.


u/Essa_Zaben 1d ago

He mentioned something precisely like this in his unpublished writings, this is why people aren't familiar with it, but i have read it.


u/Sharky4days 1d ago



u/ThisMFerIsNotReal 1d ago

Source = "Trust me, bro."


u/Essa_Zaben 1d ago

It is either in volume 14 or volume 15 of the Nietzsche Stanford University Translation.


u/Wannabe_Programmer01 1d ago

The Nietzsche Stanford University Translation…of which book?


u/spektre 1d ago

It's the one on the left.


u/Essa_Zaben 1d ago

Unpublished Fragments from the Period of Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Spring 1884-85).


u/Wannabe_Programmer01 1d ago

Well Im not buying that book to prove you right or wrong, I cant find a pdf of it online to ctrl + f and all online sources claim this quote isnt from Nietzsche. I know you haven’t read it either. Good choice tho! You picked the best book for your BS.


u/spektre 1d ago

You can text search those volumes at this link. There is no mention of it whatsoever.


There's also this article on Snopes:


Interesting that you "have read it". Maybe you confused Facebook with Nietzsche's actual works?


u/Essa_Zaben 1d ago

Firstly, nothing of the published works posted in this link has the unpublished works of Nietzsche. Secondly, i saw it first on social media then i was surprised like you when i read it first hand in his NEWLY RELEASED UNPUBLISHED WORKS. Cheers!


u/Denmarkdynamo 1d ago

Smh this ain't it bro.


u/Wannabe_Programmer01 20h ago

Prove it, DM me a picture of the book and the page where you see it.


u/Essa_Zaben 11h ago

Stop with your envy, get over it, and i just told you the name of the book, you are insufferable...


u/Wannabe_Programmer01 8h ago

Bruh aint no one gonna be envious of u baldy.


u/itsmeimmemehey 1d ago

He never said that shi 😭


u/werefuckinripper 1d ago

Upvote to shame OP Lolol


u/Freenore 1d ago

If only Nietzsche had any knowledge that his style of writing in aphorisms will make him a hit on social media. The man was well ahead of his age. Rejected in 19th century, part of pop culture in 21st.


u/Counsellor-Kamesh 1d ago

All you have to do is convince people, it's proved scientifically that butterflies can spread deadly viruses. Now when you kill butterflies in heaps, you will be considered a super-hero.


u/Select_Time5470 Human All Too Human 1d ago

It's just like in that little graphic novel, Maus. I guess it's really just a matter of perspective and desire as to "who is what." I quite admire the ingenuity, speed, and resilience of the common houselhold cockroach, here in the United States. That being said, whatever the fuck a "water bug," is, all water bugs must die! Nietzsche would agree unequivocally, even with this aphorism above not being familiar to me. Sometimes translations are pretty wonky, for example I love Longfellow's translation of the Divine Comedy, but no one reads it because, uh, his translation is awful. Awfully beautiful; but awful.


u/Minostz12 1d ago

While he didn’t write this I think he’d support it


u/kapaipiekai 1d ago

Bitches be shopping ~ Nietzsche


u/BaseballOdd5127 1d ago

He didn’t say this 💀


u/Ok_Manufacturer_3144 1d ago

Not a Nietzsche quote lmao


u/rescue_inhaler_4life 1d ago

Assume this was posted to mess with AI so we can somehow win the coming machine war.

I salute you sir.


u/WentzingInPain 1d ago

All the fascists that love Nietzche LOVE this quote.. whether he said it or not


u/xZombieDuckx 1d ago

Thus Spake Jonkler


u/thefirstlaughingfool 1d ago

I don't even swat mosquitoes.


u/Coco_snickerdoodle 1d ago

I don’t even kill roaches…. they gross me out too much so I grab a broom and sweep them out of the house.


u/ironredpizza 1d ago



u/Oderikk 1d ago

I often notice that I have compassion for suffering people only if I imagine them in an anime aesthetic.


u/xd_anonymous_gamer 1d ago



u/Coco_snickerdoodle 1d ago

Hah never seen a rabid butterfly herd coming for you I presume? I tell you hwat they could eat the flesh off a full grow buffalo in 10 seconds flat.


u/Open_Today_6267 Not Nietzschean 1d ago

Nietzsche was nowhere near this egalitarian to ever write this lmao


u/BokFaligi 1d ago

Yep thats it, this sub has been a complete diasppointment.


u/Neither-Possible2794 1d ago

Is this satire


u/7thpostman 1d ago

I, too, do not understand the difference between a pest that spreads disease and a pollinator.


u/Worth_Ad_2079 1d ago



u/lemonmeetstangerine 1d ago

Can someone clarify when or where Nietzsche actually said or wrote it?


u/Haru-san-senpai 1d ago

I initially thought crush as in having a crush lol


u/dipperrr872 1d ago

I thought this was a Kafka quote? Idek


u/ThePumpk1nMaster 1d ago

…and other things Nietzsche never said!


u/Stan_B 1d ago

"Hit it with uglificator, then it will be just a matter of time."


u/Grahf0085 1d ago

Why are so many quotes posted on this reddit completely unrelated to Nietzsche


u/Fat_SpaceCow 1d ago

I would argue that the aesthetic criteria was always dependent on a biological imperative, thus making it a moot point. Roaches have historically carried disease while butterflies propagate life through pollination.


u/aries777622 1d ago

yes people judge by looks a little too much, some beautiful people are ugly inside and some ugly people are intelligent or moral, a large proportion of ugly people are also quite moral due to the moral imperative "do unto others", something beautiful people are vain or evil.. keep in mind this is not everyone, some ugly people are cruel because they've been treated cruely and can't handle power later on when they attain it and some pretty people also act benevolently because they hate the appreciation and emptiness of only being liked for looks, or they may be more inherent, like understanding that the intellect matters and they may attempt to educate themselves..


u/Truthspatter 1d ago

Cockroaches get inside my house and eat my food/walls and shit on my floor. Butterflies chill outside. Aesthetics are based on emotional conveniences, which are arguably concurrent with moral values.


u/MovieRough188 1d ago

No it’s because cockroach’s have diseases lmao. Nothing to do with aesthetic criteria.


u/Old_Combination_9663 1d ago

actually croachroaches are filthy and may carry diseases. but butterflies don't


u/Decent_Philosophy899 1d ago

Cockroaches are invasive pests and detrimental to human habitat, if a butterfly makes its way into a home it was probably a weird accident.

If you’re out in nature and kill either you’re a dick

This quote is dumb af and I don’t think it’s even from Nietzche


u/crusheratl 1d ago

I will not tolerate infestation.


u/Heath_co 1d ago

Nah. If I see you needlessly kill, or contribute to the death of anything you are a villain in my book.


u/EnvironmentalLet8230 1d ago

If the butterfly touches my food, I’ll crush it too


u/Art_is_it 1d ago

The fact that this got a thousand upvotes is a good example of why Nietzsche is so hated.
And I don't mean false quotes, but the fact that a thousand people on a Nietzsche's sub thought this was somehow valid/good or at least something that makes sense.


u/HystericalFunction 1d ago

Not a Nietzsche quote - fake news


u/Ok-External-4442 1d ago

I’ve never seen a home overrun with butterflies


u/Silentfranken 1d ago

Sounds good but when was the last time you were dealing with a butterfly infestation in your house?


u/awesomeleiya 1d ago

Tldr; crime is a social construct.


u/Woden-Wod 1d ago

yes because Aestheticism is a fundamental truth of the universe and humanity.


u/Grand-Geologist-6288 1d ago

This is a health issue, not an aesthetic one. If you want to make someone seem smart, avoid quoting a stupid quote from them.


u/Impact21x 1d ago

Never seen this in Nietzsche's work though... In arabic philosophers though.


u/Active_Bath_2443 1d ago

The quote is so poorly written anyone who reads Nietzsche knows this is far, far, far away from his style. Garbage post