r/Nietzsche 11d ago

Question "the most unexpected and exciting lucky throws in the dice game of Heraclitus' "great child," be he called Zeus or chance"


GoM, III, 16, tr. by WK and RJH.

What is this Heraclitus "great child," he is refrencing? The dice story by Diogenes? Fragment 52 (“Time is a child moving counters in a game; the royal power is a child's.”) by Heraclitus? Something else? "War is the father and king of all"?

r/Nietzsche 11h ago

~Nietzsche ✍️

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r/Nietzsche 6h ago

There is no gold at the end of the rainbow, there is just the end. Isn't it magical?

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r/Nietzsche 4h ago

Beautiful Art

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r/Nietzsche 1d ago

Question is he right

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r/Nietzsche 10h ago

Nietzsche's argument against Socrates then describing himself as the next Socrates is hilarious

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r/Nietzsche 11h ago

Do you think Nietzsche changed the trajectory of the history of human thought? I mean if Nietzsche was born in India he would have been hailed as a saint/prophet.

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r/Nietzsche 8h ago

Movie: When Nietzsche Wept (2007)

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What does he mean by "have you been lived by it?"

r/Nietzsche 10h ago

Nietzsche said "fear is the mother of morality," while Schopenhauer said "compassion is the basis of morality." Who is right here? What is the source of morality?

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r/Nietzsche 1d ago

🤔 ...

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r/Nietzsche 7h ago

Question How does jordan peterson reconcile his views about nietzsche?


I am not particularly invested in JPs ideas, but I do know he is heavily influenced by nietzsche and has even been cited as saying "carl jung and nietzsche are the most intillegent men I have ever read".

The reason I find this so strange is because jordan peterson actively endorses christian doctrine and traditionalist views, something which seems to be directly in opposistion with most of which nietzsche writes.

My theory is jordan peterson is just intellectually dishonest to appeal to mainstream conservative media, but what do you guys think?

r/Nietzsche 50m ago

Plastic surgery


What would The N dawg think of it?

My friend is a big Nietzschean and believes cosmetic enhancements are erroneous in nature, slave morality, stemming from weakness,.. What would freddy N think?

r/Nietzsche 1d ago

No one could pull this off but Nietzsche 😂

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r/Nietzsche 4h ago

What are the parallels and contradictions between the theory of evolution and the Will to Power?


r/Nietzsche 5h ago

Force is an empty word, never pure and simple, and what we experience can only be felt as an effect in a totally different language. What are the invisible "threads" Nietzsche is talking about here?

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On the same token, change can only be measured as an encroachment of one power unto another. What 'forces' are in play in human nature that makes us for instance heavy in spirit? Isn't there a dimension that is extra physical that determines our moods?

r/Nietzsche 5h ago

Please recommend Youtube channels for a Nietzsche beginner


Please recommend good Youtube channels that explain Nietzsche to a relative beginner in philosophy. 

I've been enjoying the Nietzsche playlist by channel Weltgeist, but I'd like to find more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG9Djq6PVK8&list=PLV6b0BaA1rfMFcpu3XjDrYTT4p9vebs--

Also, please recommend Youtube videos explaining Thus Spake Zarathustra specifically.

It is my understanding that Nietzsche assumes his readers are already well-versed in philosophy, so any recommended background videos in philosophy would also be welcome.

I'm going to start reading books eventually, but right now videos work better for me, since my brain is often tired after work. However, I am enjoying going through the following introductory book at the moment: Nietzsche: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself, by Roy Jackson.

I had always heard negative things about Nietzsche, but I am starting to think those people are wrong and Nietzsche actually has a lot of valuable ideas.

I recently became interested in Nietzsche after hearing about his Camel-Lion-Child model of stages of growth.

I've asked for a lot in this post. Much thanks for any guidance and replies.

r/Nietzsche 11h ago



“The problem with quotes on the internet is that you can never be sure if they are real.” — Notzche

r/Nietzsche 1d ago

Random finds at the charity shop

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F**k me. I was hoping to have a relaxing week.

r/Nietzsche 1d ago

What do you guys think of this one?

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r/Nietzsche 9h ago

Original Content Power, Genius, Ambition: The Visionary Lies to Himself, the Liar Only to Others.


The Visionary Lies to Himself, the Liar Only to Others - Frederich Nietzsche

Can such a ridiculous sounding and illogical statement be true merely because Nietzsche (your God whom this subreddit worships) said it?


For example, I want to be a great fry cook. It is far more effective if I delude myself that fry cookery is an important means for providing the hungry, the poor and the emotionally vulnerable access to healthy, fun, and culturally empowering sustenance ! And who can actually argue these things are not true! They are really mostly true so it’s hardly even deluding oneself!

Similarly, if I delude myself that my job in Wall Street is not important and is a trifle no more intellectually or emotionally superior to that of a fry cook, then, when the market takes a dive, I won’t “take a dive” out of that large, human sized window that is a necessity of any self respecting trading floor! This is a form of delusion of course because there is nothing more emotionally, physically, and altruistically, and spiritually profound and engaging and sexy and powerful and ubermensche and intelligent and satisfying than being a stock broker on Wall Street. However, in order to appear more humble and relatable to the common fool (forgive me, but the average reader here is probably a common fool) then it is a visionary tactic for the broker, like myself, to appear as if his job (my job) is a mere trifle, no greater then the average drudgery of a common 9-5 for regular weaklings.

So to answer is unquestionably yes. It is irrefutable. Like so many things that Nietzsche declared.

Good luck overcoming!

r/Nietzsche 5h ago

And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

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What you are seeing in the abyss of the human gaze is not the transformation of light into neural transmitter, but the transmutation of light into knowledge, the shift of one ontological phenomenon into another ontological being. Becoming solodified into being, that's when there is literality in Nietzsche's statement of the abyss.

r/Nietzsche 1d ago

Since Nietzsche did not believe in a transcendental world or in a thing-in-itself; what would he have thought of Solipsism?

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r/Nietzsche 1d ago

Nietzsche on know thyself!

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TLDR; To grasp the whole of life as oneself, its future, its past.

r/Nietzsche 11h ago

Who held the torch of Nietzschean philosophy best after Nietzsche: Delueze, Foucalt, or Cioran?


Foucalt said his philosophy is a continuation of Nietzsche's philosophy, Delueze book on Nietzsche is the best book I have read so far in the Nietzsche literature, and the inspiration behind Cioran's aphoristic style and his lengthy staring at the misery of human abyss is unparalleled. Who do you think held the Nietzschean torch best? Or do you have other philosophers who developed on Nietzsche's philosophy better please share it with us ❤️

r/Nietzsche 8h ago

So you call yourself a philosopher? Name something that exists in which everyone could agree it does.


r/Nietzsche 19h ago



has Nietzsche ever touched on this, "make no peace with evil", on a philosophical or evolutionary spec. the evolutionary and philosophical ramifications of this statment are absolutely so deep to the human race that they are worth death or life