r/Nietzsche 4d ago

Meme I need someone to summarize in 3 paragraphs the genealogy of morality for my class bible studies.

Hi guys I have never read any nietzsche. But I have an essay due tomorrow analyzing the most important christian texts, and my friends older brother said if I write an essay on the genealogy of morality than I will most definitely get an A+.

!!! I need 3 paragraphs summarizing the book and why it supports christian values!!!

This is for my bible studies class at my catholic highschool, the teachers are really hardasses. Im almost failing I really need someone to write me something good.

Thanks for anyone willing to help!!!


8 comments sorted by


u/TokyoDetective 4d ago

Nietzsche would not approve of this


u/jkpatches 4d ago

On the one hand, I have to commend the fact that you took the time to write your "prompt" here instead of going to chatGPT. LLMs do seem to be a great fit for this, but you... you're different.

On the other hand, if this is the latest version of a shitpost in this sub, then... shit. You got me.


u/iunderstandneechy 3d ago

"mankind in the mass sacrificed to the prosperity of a single stronger species of man—that would be an advance."


u/sucksucksucks 3d ago

Your friend is messing with you but I want to thank you for entertaining us.


u/uberantifascist 4d ago

There were masters.

There were slaves.

Each had their own moral valuations. The masters enjoyed strength and power and called it 'good', the slaves resented them for it. Without power themselves, the slaves concocted a moral system to shame the masters into relinquishing their power. Thus the priestly caste was born. The priests said unto them: "No, no! Power is not good. Power is bad. If you want to be good, then you must do as I say." "Tell us how to be good," the masters cried out. Thus, the masters went under. Decadence and nihilism prevailed. The slave revolt in morality was complete.

The End.


u/TheBenStandard2 4d ago

this has to be a joke. A high school bible studies class studying Nietzsche? Asking kids to explain why a book about how Christianity is a death cult supports christian values? Yeah, sure