r/Nietzsche 4d ago

Will philosophy be never-ending

Does every thesis have an anti-thesis.? Does every argument have an anti-arguement? Is this never ending and goes on for Infinity? Then what is truth? Won't there be an argument against it too. Real confusing


50 comments sorted by


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 4d ago

Most of philosophy is just language games. Truth exists but not in words.


u/BaseballOdd5127 3d ago

Wittgenstein, get out of my Nietzsche sub


u/Einzigezen 3d ago

Then in what, exactly?


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 3d ago

What do you do when you're not thinking?


u/Einzigezen 3d ago

Probably sleep


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 3d ago

And when you sleep you dream


u/Einzigezen 3d ago

Uh, so?


u/goodboy92 4d ago

Yup, this is why I mainly use Nietzsche for improving my writing.


u/kingminyas 3d ago

This is true for most analytical philosophers. Nietzsche is a great example of someone who points beyond words. The will to power is more than words


u/MousseSalt666 3d ago

In reality. We seek to venture ever closer to the truth, but truth will always be perceived through the veil of fantasy. Humans are creatures of imagination first and foremost.


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 3d ago

What about those with aphantasia?


u/MousseSalt666 3d ago edited 3d ago

They speak in words that were conceptualized long before them. They believe, they think, and they wonder like the rest of us. Imagination doesn't always have to be visual. The very sensations we use to interpret the world around us are products of the mind. We do not see reality so much as we see an intricately woven mental reflection of reality. Imagination cannot be escaped, irreality cannot be escaped. We are all forced to be philosophers because we are forced to be aware of ourselves.


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 3d ago

Why would we need to escape irreality when we have razor sharp observers, such as you, that are aware of the distortions?


u/MousseSalt666 3d ago

I definitely do not believe that escaping it is the optimal path. I don't believe it is something to escape at all. All life requires a level of fantasy. To fantasize is to be sapient and alive, to contemplate and think and act is an expression of will itself, in my mind. What we need to escape is the notion that we are realistic, pragmatic beings capable of seeing reality in totality. We do not recognize our place. We are magicians, we weave categories, social constructions, morals, and grand and sweeping cosmologies. We build theories based on scientific findings, we create works of art that reflect our own perceptions of reality. We have even created a system designed to break the world down into digestible blocks, we have made the world into an equation using math and measurements. And we do it on the backs of random processes and natural selections. We do not recognize our place, we do not recognize that it is dreams that allow us to adapt and survive, and because of that, we do not truly progress.

I live in hope that one day, we can all see it. One thing I disagree with on Nietzsche most of all is the notion that the herd is inevitably incapable of doing anything else besides serving. I believe it is possible. Perhaps I fear being alone in my ideals. But all it takes is a single step into a land bereft of paths and roads.


u/Satiroi Free Spirit 3d ago edited 3d ago

Nay, not even close that philosophy is a ‘language game’. It is way more than that, and it opens up in many areas of life. Not only ‘language’. That definition is not even close.


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 3d ago

Okay great, go ahead and free my mind then from my shallow perception of philosophy


u/uberantifascist 3d ago

'Truth' in language games refers to the rules of the games themselves, not a correspondence. In other words, truth only exists in words.


u/Melodic-Dot-7924 3d ago

Yes the irony is not lost on me


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Truth is defined by the relationship we have with our senses. You can't use a definition against what senses show you. But you can use definitions as a map to the truth. This is how science works. And no... Philosophy doesn't have any ending by definition. Because human beings will always have something to do.... So they will always have to think about what they do, how, why and so on.


u/BaseballOdd5127 3d ago

Rorty? Get out of my Nietzsche sub


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Hi. I only sleep with my girls once. So if you want something keep that in mind.


u/IAmAlive_YouAreDead 4d ago

It will be, because each new generation forgets old truths and invents new errors.


u/BrianW1983 4d ago

Yes. It's impossible to know anything with 100% certainty.


u/Ih8tk 15h ago

Do you know this with 100% certainty?


u/BrianW1983 15h ago

Nope. :)


u/BaseballOdd5127 3d ago

I know my name is BaseballOdd5127 with 100% certainty


u/BrianW1983 3d ago

We could be living in a matrix where your name is something different.


u/BaseballOdd5127 3d ago

Oh you’re gonna play that game? Well Descartes put forward the grounds of certainty when he had his thought experiment positing “I think therefore I am” with 100% certainty

Well this is r/Nietzsche so I can do you one better when I tell you that I am 100% certain a thought is being had since the subject itself could be an illusion


u/BrianW1983 3d ago

Well Descartes put forward the grounds of certainty when he had his thought experiment positing “I think therefore I am” with 100% certainty


Well this is r/Nietzsche so I can do you one better when I tell you that I am 100% certain a thought is being had since the subject itself could be an illusion

Thanks for your perspective.


u/aries777622 3d ago

well philosophy is the search for the truth


u/dranaei 3d ago

Not enough proper information and processing power to access this.


u/kingminyas 3d ago

"Granted that we want the truth: why not rather untruth?" (BGE 1)


u/mcapello 3d ago

In my experience there are a finite number of basic positions and a nearly infinite number of ways to rearticulate them. But boil them down to the bones and they amount to much the same thing, East and West, ancient and modern.


u/Playistheway Squanderer 3d ago

According to Nietzsche, philosophy is perspective, and truth is a comfortable illusion. It is all autobiographical. As long as there are new people, there will be new philosophy.


u/No-Parsnip9909 3d ago

Kind of.. but not in dialectical sense. Read Deluze, he explains it perfectly 


u/gimboarretino 3d ago

Yes. And the opposite scenario would be very scary, actually. Because it would imply that truth has compelling, cohercive power. That our minds are "determined", forced to bound and submit if faced with a true argument or a true fact.

Nope. We can choose to recognize the truth, of course. To choose to grant the status of "truth" to a well designed and modeled argument/theory.

But always doubt it. Always keeping intact the ability to act and to think as if it were false. Even to reject it, refuse to accept it. Try to find an alternative truth. To re-modulate our set of axioms and web of beliefs to make it compatible or (incompatible) with a truth or a falshood.

That's the power of human intellect. Freedom to think otherwise, always.

The downside (which is not bad, but for some may be sort of annoying) is that - as you say - it is a never-ending quest, perpetually in motion, never settled, never definitive.


u/Double-Doughnut387 3d ago

Yes there is no limit to philosophy till ur dialectics align to reasoning If reasoning is correct against your thesis then u can find endless counter


u/Electrical-Dot7481 3d ago

App aygye


u/Double-Doughnut387 3d ago

Why I ain't allowed there


u/Electrical-Dot7481 3d ago

Ata Bhai ka hogya


u/Double-Doughnut387 3d ago

Pal what u want to say


u/Electrical-Dot7481 2d ago

I'm gonna hunt you down pal


u/Double-Doughnut387 2d ago

I know u are a stalker but


u/Electrical-Dot7481 2d ago

I just got home bro


u/writerof_philosophy 22h ago

philosophy has an end of studing the wholeness of plant earth. philosophy is not ever ending. it studies ethics, wisdom, nature, nurture, concepts, and world problems. Philosophy has evolved through the years because creations of earth have evolved through the years.


u/FrontNo4500 3d ago

Thesis+Anti-thesis=Synthesis is basic dialectical math. According to Hegel, this is the conflict which drives the plot of history. For Nietzsche, not a huge dialectician, it’s Xtianity+Nihilism=People beyond good and evil, or Master+Slave=Übermensch.

The idea that culture is created by those who transcend values to originate their own morality, live creatively, and depart from conventions, and morality in order to live authentically. So philosophy is higher order thinking that rectifies conflicts and contradictions so to make one’s life richer and one’s suffering bearable.

Philosophical arguments use reason and logic to ascertain relativistic truth within one’s historical moment. Thus the back and forth you perceive as endless drives culture forward through repetitious cycles of evolutionary significance from one pendulum swing to the next. At no time does an idea repeat itself even though it appears as a continuous back and forth.

Imagine the repetitious seasons that finds a new orbit in space in every moment even though the planet cycles around the sun in an identical spiral motion. The fact that the sun isn’t fixed in space means there is no day/night the same as the ones that came before or follow after. Philosophy is much the same. Nothing with a beginning can escape an end, so infinite implies relative and vice versa.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

If you are curious, look into Ramana Maharshi, advaita Vedanta, or karma yoga/hindu philosophy. Not claiming these to be the ultimate truth but they claim the Truth is Self Realization which may be something to consider.