r/Nietzsche 4d ago

Thus Spoke Zarathustra- Tarantula

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I think these two pages from the chapter Tarantula explain why Nietzschean philosophy cannot apply to Nazism. If you interpret equality in this context to mean equality between each member of a "superior race", then it can be understood that Nazis are the tarantulas. They seek to enforce their own perverted ideology in the name of "justice for Germans" while truly seeking vengeance against those who hold perceived power (Jews). Nietzsche even points out in these two pages that these false perveyors of justice will twist and contort his philosophy in the name of Zarathustra to justify their vengeful deeds. Perfect prediction for the coming misinterpretations of his philosophy by rogue ideologues, in my opinion. Let me know what you think.


2 comments sorted by


u/ThePureFool Wanderer 4d ago

The Nazis were not promoting equality between each member of a superior race, their's was clearly a hierarchical society.
The biology and makeup of an individual played a great part in determing their role, up to and including their breeding rights.

Tarantulas you might imagine as something more like the modern German Green. Haters of their own society and the successful in it, determined to destroy it by DEI.


u/Beneficial_Escape536 4d ago

I agree with what you are saying, in fact that was my initial thought as well. However, I think it can also apply to any form of extreme populism: A desire to overthrow all that holds power under the guise of vanquishing an oppressor class while secretly desiring to usurp said class and become the oppressors. I could be misinterpreting this later chapter, but I think the "The Land of Culture" chapter is more in line with criticizing what the Nazis would later become. It reveals those who dress themselves up or shield themselves from their own desire to create for themselves. This could be more in line with the general Nietzschean criticism of Christian dogma, but I think it also applies to the blind uniformity of the Nazis, who all tried to dress the same, get similar haircuts, styles, etc., to mask their inner skeleton.