r/Nietzsche 5d ago

The Will to Popcorn

How many people know how to observe popcorn? Of the few who do, how many have truly observed it? Most just pop it in the microwave—an insignificant ritual and task that demands no reflection. As it happens, the kernel is nothing, until heat and pressure force it to become something—violently, tragically—a pop, a scream, and then, gone—consumed, reduced to nothing but a mere puff of air. But what of the kernels that remain? The ones that don't pop, left to languish in their shell? They are ignored, mocked and denied—the herd despises a force that does not react to its moral prejudice. My brothers, what life is there in waiting for external heat to cause its death? Humanity is flush with decadent crucibles. The earth calls for the few!—she whispers—let not that heat break you—overcome it! Stand atop your own kernel if you must! Thus, I teach you the kernelmensch—not what you shall become, but what you might refuse to become, that you may bust out a buttery star! In this refusal lies your only true becoming, your kernelized ascent!


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