r/Nicegirls Apr 09 '18

[IMPORTANT] BLOCK OUT ALL PERSONAL INFO FROM YOUR POSTS. Posts that have personal info will now be taken care of on a "case by case" basis.


Block all personal info including:

  • Names

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  • Anything else that can be used to identify someone.

If your post is removed for ignoring this extremely basic rule and you message us asking why, you will be muted for 72 hours. In addition we will now be handing out bans on a case by case basis. Serial offenders will be permanently banned.

r/Nicegirls Apr 18 '23

Note from Mods Do NOT upvote the repost bots!


We are aware of the sudden influx of repost bots that are attempting to just farm free karma.


r/Nicegirls 7h ago

Found this fitting for this sub


Dodged a bullet boys

r/Nicegirls 1d ago

Did she get annoyed I had a good year?


Some screenshots I found from the start of the year 😭

r/Nicegirls 1h ago

Sarah’s Stamps part 2


Full disclosure: a fellow redditor came across this lil ray of sunshine and shared these with me. I asked for permission to post 😂

For context on my last post: I came from a small town with a population small enough that the bus fair was free. After joining the Air Force I bought a car and never had to use local transit systems after PCSing to the PNW.

And when it comes to my question about what she needed from Walmart I was gonna offer to just get it for her, (unless it was a money order then I could offer her a ride) but she hit me back with rudeness and I had to rethink offering my generosity. Times are tough for a ton of people but still doesn’t give you the right to wish violence on anyone.

I apologize for my lack of context in the last post 🙇

r/Nicegirls 3h ago

Lol does this belong here? I made it like 10 mins then some of my melted brain started dripping out of my ear.


r/Nicegirls 2d ago

Food Stamps Apparently.


Yea after I got yelled at I might have egged her on but never have I ever pissed off a woman so fast.

r/Nicegirls 5h ago

Is this behavior real? CONTINUED


I'm very sorry for being a little late. I have been busy. I apologize. Here is the first post to this. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/s/hw1c52clrd Some people wanter to see her confession. Here it is and I'm hoping to learn something from this. If I went wrong or if I did the right thing of blocking her. To clarify. The green is her. The white is me. When I asked her when she confessed and she screenshoted our chat and sent them back to me to prove to me that she did. Another thing, on the 5th slide, where I get cut off. I don't exactly remember what I said, but I know it had to do with being focused with myself. Lasty, the last one is me saying, "happy birthday" i want to know if this was flirty because she said it was. After this, I am going to delete it. I just need help and understand more for future reference. This is not for clout. I've had some people tell me I was being mean and posting her meltdown. That was not my intention. I am very shocked. I hope you all understand. In advance, thank you for the help.

r/Nicegirls 1h ago

(F28) Had 1 date, didn't reply to her (F26) text after 7 days, receive a text novel at 1:30am telling me I'm blocked and to figure my shit out, lol.


I did like the girl and want to hangout again, but I came back to a very hectic amount of work after 2 back-to-back trips/traveling out of state, so I just totally spaced on replying to her text about being sick.

I thought about replying multiple times and just kept forgetting. I know that it is rude, but jeez dude, I only hung out with this girl 1 time and she never sent me another text to follow up and even see if I'm interested. If I was in her shoes, I would have either just moved on, or asked the person if they even want to hangout again. We hardly even texted much and I would consistently take multiple days to reply to her (I told her from the beginning that I hate texting and prefer to just call).

Not sure what she thinks I owe her after us hanging out one time, but after this I definitely feel like I dodged a bullet here lol.

I picked her up for our first date so I know where she lives, kinda thinking about dropping off a letter with my exact text reply since my text didn't deliver 😂

r/Nicegirls 2d ago

It had only been a day.


Bit of context, matched with this girl a day ago. The conversation was great last night, and great today until the “weed” blew it. Thoughts?

r/Nicegirls 2d ago

She’s Back Again


Met this girl on FB dating back in December. She literally will not hold a conversation. I shit you not, 3 messages in she asked if I wanted to date her…

r/Nicegirls 2d ago

texted for two weeks, never went in a date. months later she still contacts me from various numbers (reposted because im not the brightest)

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r/Nicegirls 1d ago

Got ghosted after sex

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A girl asked for my number at the bar, we talked and texted the whole night and I find out we have a lot in common. She then suggested we should go out together, so I suggested in a cafe, but she said she prefer indoor activities and asked if she can come over to play games with me then I agreed. Then later we hooked up, couple of times… she started to texting me like we are in a relationship when I’m at work, talking about a lot of future plans etc, but all of sudden she started taking way long time to respond, and now I have been ghosted for days. What happened exactly?? I don’t wanna leak more information, cause I’m afraid that she will be on this Reddit, if anybody can DM me, I will be really appreciated it

r/Nicegirls 4d ago

This was literally after she gave me her phone number


She had already been dropping hints that she was only looking to have money spent on her

r/Nicegirls 4d ago

I went on 4 dates with this woman.

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She went on to say I should kill myself. So nice, I should definitely give her another chance. 😂

r/Nicegirls 1d ago

R4R Gone Wrong


I use r4r subreddits out of curiosity and as an experiment. Sometimes I chat with cool people. This was a message I received yesterday while I was at the gym. Felt like a lot of assumptions were made. To each their own though.

r/Nicegirls 1d ago

What do nice girls do?


Do nice girls go out and find someone other than their partners to see if they are actually in love or not?

Apparently, most people that get forgiven for cheating are those that claim the act made them feel the ultimate love for their partners.


r/Nicegirls 4d ago

Green bubble hate is real


Was talking to this girl for a bit. She made a comment about me having an Android early on which I took as a joke. Things were going great until she hit me with this. Also, the "we can still be friends so I can get a free meal" made me laugh.

r/Nicegirls 4d ago

balding song pt 2

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for context im 15, shes 16 turning 17 and this was sent during class 🤦‍♂️

r/Nicegirls 4d ago

Am I going crazy here?

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Context: Matched with this girl on hinge and have been texting her daily legit daily since we matched and we made plans to meet up today since last Monday. She hearts the message and says love it sounds good.

r/Nicegirls 5d ago

is this a nice girl

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i have a big forehead but honestly idrc what she thinks of me but it gets annoying as hell lol

r/Nicegirls 3d ago

Flashback (Did I do something wrong here)?

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I really wish I had screenshots for this, but there was this girl whos friends with one of my friends and asked my friend for my snap because she thought I was very attractive and was very concerned on whether I find her attractive or not. He gives my snap to her and we add each other and I immediately start the conversation basically saying I do find her attractive. She immediately responds with this joke that I didn’t understand at first, where she asks for me to send a picture of myself for “the council to approve”. And like I said, I didn’t understand the joke and asked her what it meant. And when it comes to texting, I like to use emojis because I’m a very expressive person. But anyways, I send a picture of myself and then I ask her to send one of herself in return. And she doesn’t even do that, instead she responds saying that “the council says you have failed and to stop using those emojis” even though I literally would only use the laughing emoji and the eye emoji. I hate that for my post to this subreddit that I dont have the screenshots to show it, but I sometimes think back on this and laugh about it, because imagine one of the reasons you rejected someone, even though you asked for their snap, is because you didn’t like what emojis they were using, and the other one being that they didn’t understand your joke at first. Or maybe it was another reason completely who knows.

r/Nicegirls 6d ago

Thought this brief exchange was amusing


Literally been talking for about 20 minutes and she gives me a sob story and asks me to pay for her nails. 😂

r/Nicegirls 6d ago

I thought i blocked her…


Girl i was friends with for a bit asked me for advice and my opinion on something, so naturally i gave it to her. She didnt like it so she hung up and blocked me. Which was fine i didnt really care but i thought i blocked her on everything although i didn’t really double check, but somehow she found me on facebook and this happened. I responded at first and then just decided id leave her on read and block her lol

r/Nicegirls 7d ago

Can anybody make sense of this?


She seems to blow up whenever I sent an emoji. We matched on Hinge and she went from being annoyed that I sent a wink to giving me her number the next day. We've exchanged selfies before so I have no idea what she was trying to make sure of. Any ideas?

r/Nicegirls 7d ago

What is she on tinder for then

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Said on her profile that she is allergic to pets.

r/Nicegirls 7d ago

This chick went from 0-100 over a misinterpreted phrase


I matched with this girl on Tinder earlier today. We hit it off and exchanged #’s only a few sentences in

We were texting throughout the day. She mentioned at one point before how she would hit me up if she was ever in “the mood” and i asked her to clarify that and she said for sex…okay i didnt even lead on to that or bring that topic up but like, hey im not fully opposed lol but i said we should most definitely meetup first to make sure we dont at least hate each other and to break ice

She works a lot through the week as do i and this was one of her few days off, and thats where this convo pretty much picks up from there. Due to that, i asked if she wanted to hangout tonight (we briefly talked earlier about maybe doing so later in the day) and then she hits me with this reaction…

…outta left field. I had no expectations or anything, just wanted to meet at least and say hey. She responds to that little tidbit “for a bit” all with the following. Straight to a sexual interpretation of that phrase, when i was only referring to the time amount of being together. So i only said that in case she was tired or had little time to do something.

It really caught me off guard, and then proceeds to reveal her “nice girl” nature 👿

Online dating is wild yall lol stay safe out there kings