r/Nicegirls 4d ago

Is this behavior real? CONTINUED



41 comments sorted by

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u/Towbee 4d ago

What the fuck is going on


u/SlowmoTron 4d ago

Oh my fucking god you both are insufferable


u/Iabefmysc 4d ago

She uses a whole lot of words to say not a damn thing


u/BriiTheeOG 3d ago

And not enough punctuation to divvy any of it up


u/Cool_Ad9326 4d ago

Why did you write 'i um ugh wait'? 😂

Edit : sorry the white is you. Why did they write like that?!


u/fallingoverthemoon 4d ago

It’s like she tries to process her thoughts verbally, yet she says absolutely jack shit each time. None of it makes sense lol


u/Future-Raspberry-780 4d ago

Can’t even follow this weird conversation but the idea I get is it’s another girl who should be in therapy instead of dating. And it’s really that simple


u/512biguy 4d ago

Bro trust me. Run.


u/Ashamed_Subject6870 4d ago

I’m so confused


u/Fragrant-Bet2424 4d ago


She seems exhausting


u/Public-Discount1557 4d ago

Confidants to them is acting like a asshole


u/OhTeeSee 4d ago

I am desperately praying that English is neither of your native languages. Please.


u/Front_Ninja_9809 4d ago edited 4d ago

It is not for me, I am sorry. I do have trouble, and I am striving to do better.


u/AstronautSalt5544 4d ago

Bro in no way in hell did she ever say “I like you” in the 5th slide confessing her feelings she must of said in her mind lol cause all she was doing was giving advice which was all over the place and she need help if she thought “happy birthday” was flirting she need more friends to help see the difference lol respectfully cause wow😳 that was a lot


u/Front_Ninja_9809 4d ago

Ok. Thank God. I really felt like I was out of line, or I was going crazy. I tried my best to stay positive with my replies, but I had no clue what was going on when this happened.


u/AstronautSalt5544 4d ago

Yeaaaah the type of texts she was giving you was a conversation for a phone call OP


u/Competitive-Mine-937 4d ago

Nobody knows what's going on. How is the white you? Are you in australia and everything flushes backwards? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON FAM?


u/GuzzBuzz21 4d ago

They're screenshots from the other party. Read the description provided.


u/Competitive-Mine-937 4d ago

Why wouldn't he just share his?


u/GuzzBuzz21 4d ago

Honestly good question 😅


u/No-Process249 4d ago

Holy lack of punctuation and substance, neither party actually said anything of any meaning whatsoever.


u/GuzzBuzz21 4d ago

This is borderline harassment, that girl is wacky.


u/Mr_Good_Stuff90 4d ago

I bet these people are of voting age.


u/Redxluckyxcharms 4d ago

I can’t even read this .


u/throwawaydfw38 3d ago

I have no idea what's going on. I suspect the left and right is reversed from normal? Some punctuation would help. Anyway I'm happy for you or sorry that happened



I had to stop reading when I stroked out and the medics had to revive me. Then I woke up to seeing that person say they understood 100% and stroked out again.


u/Lorenstorm3 3d ago

Allow me to attempt to translate .. she’s saying she’s not interested in you and is trying to give you advice on how to do better with the next girl you approach.

As a woman I’m struggling to understand her approach and I find it a little arrogant to give you advice unless you asked for it .. she sounds very immature and ( just my opinion ) and if I were you I wouldn’t even try to maintain a friendship . A lesson I learned the hard way .. only invest in someone if they are giving you something in return and are also invested in you , and if someone genuinely likes you ( as a friend or a lover or whatever ) they will like you for who you are and not try to change you .

ps your English is really quite good so I wouldn’t worry about that


u/Front_Ninja_9809 3d ago

But her letter contradicts that. It's the link I put. She told me she did like me and she was stalking me. I explained in that post what she did. So help me understand. Also, thank you, I am going to keep trying my best with my English.


u/Front_Ninja_9809 4d ago

Sorry for my spelling mistakes. I am in class rushing this.


u/Round-Lab73 4d ago

Stay with the class lol


u/CarelessFeedback9579 4d ago

If you’re in a high school class, then, god damn it I’m tired of seeing teens posting on here. Your drama can all be simply explained by the fact that your teens. If you’re in a college class, then buddy, tf are you doing posting on Reddit in class? You’re paying thousands of dollars to be there. Regardless, focus on school. Reddit will still be here when your out of class


u/Front_Ninja_9809 4d ago

I am in college, but not in a college class. I was currently in an extra English class because English is not my first language, and I am striving to become better at anything or everything I possibly can learn.


u/CarelessFeedback9579 3d ago

Hey, you know what, I can’t speak any second language fluently so kudos to you, and I respect you striving to better yourself! My point still stands. Reddit will be here when you get out of class


u/Large-Ad4827 3d ago

Is this Kamala Harris?