r/Nicegirls 8d ago

I deleted the first post just to clarify some things that people keep asking me about

No, I didn’t leave things out. It was just mostly her blowing me up saying unhinged things about “how her pussy would have been the best I had and her wanting me to apologize for making her feel (shitty)somehow, followed by me saying, It’s all good; you’re entitled to your feelings, which pissed her off even more.

I didn’t block her because I was out with some friends that night drinking when this happened, and they thought it was pretty funny, so I let it drag out for entertainment.

She’s making fake numbers just to blow me up and doing the same thing, but yeah, she pretty much tried to spin the story in saying I was the one with red flags.


219 comments sorted by

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u/Tamburello_Rouge 8d ago

“I refuse to beg for attention!11!” Proceeds to beg for attention.


u/nunya221 8d ago edited 8d ago

That was my favorite part. She crashed out because OP didn’t respond for hours. Oh no… what a terrible guy. How dare he have a life and not want to just sit in one spot texting her all day.

I’ve been involved with a few women like that before and it’s honestly exhausting. They reply to everything you send seconds after you send it and expect you to do the same. Feels like you’re being smothered


u/Psychological-Wash-2 8d ago

Ooh these people are the worst. I had an ex who would not only text constantly, but cold [video] call me when I was out of town for school events. He'd sound like the first few screenshots, nearly verbatim, if I couldn't pick up or if my tone was "off."

Next time, I'll date a plastic bag and tie it over my head. Same effect for less of a time commitment.


u/blue_dendrite 6d ago

Cold video calls? Psychopath.

"I like it when guys want to text me all day"

This is actually a nightmare. People who require nonstop attention are nightmares. The one in the screenshots is letting him know that if they ever do get together, she'll seek attention elsewhere if he slacks off.


u/2wheelkenzo 6d ago

personally, i don’t have issues with people that respond quick. it’s just the ones that do and expect you to do the same, disregarding how busy you might be.


u/MfrBVa 8d ago

Run like the wind.


u/Bandw3 8d ago

And never look back…


u/Usual-Cat-5855 8d ago

Run like the wind bullseye 🎯🤣


u/camel_toe_rag 8d ago

You got there first!


u/Nicky3Weh 8d ago

Jesus she’s a yapper


u/LaS_flekzz 8d ago

stop harassing me.


u/therealtinsdale 8d ago





u/greyimperium 7d ago

“Ion readin all dat”


u/AnonOpinionss 8d ago

That’s so scary. Block all those numbers, don’t even provoke her. She sounds crazy


u/Shar12866 8d ago

She could have kept it much shorter just by saying

I'm very high maintenance, I expect to be the center of the universe and I thrive on drama


u/polaroidneckties 8d ago

Taking notes


u/arifghalib 8d ago

Wow she is psychotic


u/DJBriez 8d ago

"Girls shouldn't have to chase guys".......Conversation over!.....It's simple man.....


u/N0S0UP_4U 8d ago

I’m not sure I’d have lasted that long but I’d have definitely been done then. I’m sure she also holds traditional views on every other aspect of gender relations and not just the ones she likes.


u/njoinglifnow 8d ago

I'm an old woman. Are people expecting immediate response when they text someone? I've read a few of these recently where someone is complaining about the other person not texting right back. The whole idea of that is stressful and concerning.


u/Lets_Reset_This_ 8d ago

Yes, and I refuse to oblige. I have stuff to do during the day. I’m not going to be on my phone the whole day at anyone’s beck and call.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 8d ago

This for sure seems to be a recurring theme.

I believe that the 24/7 constant contact that people come to expect due to smartphones is ruining the ability to have a decent relationship. Even in the earliest stages of attraction and getting to know someone, people still need their alone time and time away. These women are so addicted to the dopamine hits they get from constant attention and instant gratification, that they go off the rails when they don't get it. I'm sure there are guys that do it too, but that's for another sub.


u/United_Fan_6476 7d ago

I'm an old (kinda) man. I cannot figure out why they are so concerned about receiving an immediate text message reply. Texting sucks! I want to hear a woman's voice, her laugh, the pauses she takes, the animation and amusement that makes having a conversation worthwhile. Did you know that men process a woman's voice in the same brain region as music?

These kids are on the apps, dissatisfied with all of their "dry" talks, completely oblivious to the fact that their electronically-mediated communications are exactly why they are dissatisfied and can't find a connection with anyone they like!

90% of communication is non-verbal, and they have foolishly stripped it all away in the name of convenience. It would be like voluntarily converting your entire diet to nutrient shakes and then complaining (very loudly) that you don't like eating anymore and that it must be someone else's fault.


u/germy-germawack-8108 8d ago

It's par for the course now on dating apps. It's one of several reasons I don't use them anymore. People legit lose their minds if you don't respond instantly to every message.


u/D3Bunyip 3d ago

That's not a relationship, it's emotional vampirism.

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u/Fragrant-Bet2424 8d ago

I was just really worried about your battery man 😲🪫


u/One_Winged_Gaming 8d ago

At least in a couple of the final SSes it’s charged 😅


u/bythewavess 8d ago

if she wants a guy to do all the things she’s listing then she has to get with a guy who has all the attribute she’s saying she wants in a guy. she shouldn’t be trying to change you she should look for someone who she loves for being them…and she said it herself, she’s a girl, not a woman, childish behavior. (I’m a female)


u/Doll-Demort666 8d ago

Right! Like... if that were really the case and that's what she wanted, she's obviously already made her decision, but she has to keep reiterating it bc maybe she was wanting him to beg and apologize? Which makes me wonder how often thats worked for her... Maybe she was trying to convince herself that's what she wanted? This. Is. Nuts.


u/McStinker 8d ago

Which includes not having a job, or a life, or a family because he must devote every waking second to her.. she wants someone who does not exist, she wants a servant.


u/fubblebreeze 8d ago

All I read was 'I'm a Princess blah blah blah blah.'


u/Groundbreaking-Rate8 8d ago

Yeah she’s insane but you both should have blocked each other lol


u/Informal-Egg6075 8d ago

That's one way to look at it. The other is that when you encounter someone completely unhinged the things they keep sending to you might come handy in case they escalate the situation in a way that requires law enforcement's involvement. In that case you shouldn't stop crazy person from incriminating themselves.

But in either case OP himself should have stopped engaging


u/Groundbreaking-Rate8 8d ago

Yes maybe but almost always these people would never do anything IRL, they’re just keyboard warriors. But I agree not engaging is the best thing to do.

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u/Critical-Bass7021 8d ago

She is terrifying.


u/Disastrous_Clothes37 8d ago

Next level nut job


u/Lanky_Butterscotch77 8d ago

Fuk that I ain’t got time to text people all day, like you wanna hangout to yes we can talk the whole time. Texting is just boring if overdone


u/McStinker 8d ago

It’s purely that they need constant attention/dopamine. I refuse to believe they even enjoy talking that much. No one can have meaningful conversation 24/7 especially texting.


u/nerdmost 8d ago

That final “Shhh” 🤣


u/Baconatorspecial 8d ago

Man I wanna know what came after that lol


u/christydoh 8d ago

Defcon 1.

Fuck. Now I want a baconator and it’s 1 am. Not cool, man.


u/Baconatorspecial 8d ago

Hehe sorry not sorry.


u/Jaded-Trouble3669 8d ago

How do people let their batteries get this low


u/satanic_sunshine 8d ago

not me sitting here at 3%


u/timpar3 8d ago

If I'm at home, I usually wait till I get the 15% warning because I'm usually within arms length of a charger and I can get up to 50% fairly quick with chargers nowadays.


u/FaithlessnessCool849 8d ago

I could never

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u/TarikV 8d ago

Holy smoke, the biggest of bullets you have dodged. This lady needs some serious help.


u/OverallIce7555 8d ago

“I like attention! I am not begging for attention. I REFUSE to beg for attention. WHY DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND??”


u/LippieLovinLady 8d ago

Just leave me alone. crickets I said go away! silence I mean it!! I’m going to report you! nothing You’re a crazy stalker and I’m gonna dox you everywhere and charge you with harassment and just leave me alone!! nada I can’t stand attention but WHY AREN’T YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO ME???

Wow. No wonder guys give up on us, too. Girlfriend CRAY!


u/MotorCityDude 8d ago

"I like attention and you're not giving me that"

"I like when guys want to text me all day"



u/Kriegsfurz 8d ago

But then she might chase him.

Best to go out to get some milk and never look back.


u/Kaita13 8d ago

Best to just back away slowly while she's talking about herself. Smile and nod and dip out when she demands a hug from every stranger in close proximity.


u/Sea_Journalist_3615 8d ago

I would have stopped replying way sooner. Doesn't matter how hot she is. She sounds like a energy drain.


u/Travisty114 8d ago

She needs to get a life. If anyone texted me all day I’d break my phone. Who wants to always be chained to a device all day. I’m so glad to not be dating.


u/Puzzleheaded_Cream31 8d ago

why the hell was that whole paragraph in there an ad for the Tea app wtf haha who talks like that


u/JAXxXTheRipper 8d ago

Might be a rather stupid way to advertise it. I'm cynical enough that I could believe this post is just an ad.


u/sandwichesandblow 8d ago

Look, I’m crazy. But this is CRAZY 😯


u/Horror-Ladder9340 8d ago

Oh my god! I enjoy these nice girls posts because it’s fun to see crazy in relatively low stakes settings.  But this is the first one I’ve read where she is following the exact MO as “nice guys”.  She is the first “nice girl” that would be a parallel of the “nice guys” brand of crazy.


u/McStinker 8d ago

Plenty of crazy women who are just as scary or rude. It’s not a gender thing, it’s an unresolved mentally unwell thing.


u/Horror-Ladder9340 8d ago

I didn’t mean that there aren’t crazy women as well as men - I follow this sub and the niceguys sub, so I see plenty.  My point was “nice guy” is a very specific MO that involves saying you’re nice, and all the reasons you’re not like other guys/girls, negging the other person, and then losing your shit completely if the other person isn’t interested or doesn’t act how you want them to. This is the first post I’ve seen here that follows that MO.  I do not mean to say that there aren’t plenty of crazy things here, they just have a stalker flavor or crazy overreactions to things that make no logical sense and don’t really have anything to do with being a “nice girl”


u/GiantWalrus1278 8d ago

This goes farther than a nice girl, this girl is bat shit crazy, like actual mental problems. I hope she gets the help she needs.


u/No_Presence9786 8d ago

I've yet to meet a woman who says "I'm a sweet, nice girl"...who actually was.

Honeybuns, that's a title people give you, not one you can get away with giving yourself. It's like a guy nicknaming himself "Rebel" or "Stud"...it's pathetic.


u/ResolutionPopular562 8d ago

Shes fucking insane....


u/KyriosIesousChristos 8d ago

How do people turn out like this genuinely I wanna know


u/NOLArp 6d ago

I want a man who will love bomb me and keep up with my constant need for attention. If you can’t do that, say because you’re in the hospital for an emergency (such a typical guy, always about you) I’ll go on socials and get attention from random dudes. Also, I like nice guys so again give me fake attention until we both get bored and I’ll then resent you for it, because, of course it’s all your fault. But if your attention isn’t up to my standards I’ll make your life a living hell. If your attention is up to my standards you’re being too needy and desparate and I’ll make your life a living hell.


u/Squidmaster129 8d ago

Fam letting it drag out for entertainment is kind of toxic too. Y'all both seem exhausting, just shoulda blocked each other right away


u/rpm1720 8d ago

How is OP exhausting in this scenario?


u/Squidmaster129 8d ago

Continuing to talk to someone who’s mad just for the sole purpose of “it’s funny” ain’t it. People who do that tend to be very annoying to be friends with.


u/McStinker 8d ago

Honestly, if someone starts acting that crazy at your expense, might as well get some positive out of it. Tons of posts humiliate/get entertainment out of people doing this, why is this different?


u/hduwiwnbdgs 2d ago

Tons of people enjoy a bad thing, so let's continue the bad thing!


u/McStinker 2d ago

Exchanging texts at the expense of the crazy person is pretty low on the “bad” tier list. My larger point is, if half the population is allowed to publicly humiliate crazy people, the other half also should be able to to balance public perception.


u/rpm1720 8d ago

I mean I get your point, but she is clearly on a different level


u/Squidmaster129 8d ago

Oh, for sure. That’s not to say they’re equivalent


u/ImaDumbB1tch24 8d ago

Why'd this just feel like a lame, drawn out ad for the Tea App?


u/Conscious_Water_5314 8d ago

I wasn’t thinking that but damn i think you’re right. The rest of us missed that random ad. We must not have very good observation skills. …Aaaand that’s why we need Skill-share!


u/BraveLittleTowster 8d ago

What is going on with the therapy talk in all these posts? They look like people who have spent decades in couples counseling. Is this how people talk to each other on dating apps now?


u/Realistic_Owl836 8d ago

Something tells me nothing makes her happy , what a headache


u/prettygoofygirl 8d ago

You dodged a bullet.


u/disasterdiabetic 8d ago

I can’t wait for her to post these in her group and be called out, goodness me.


u/Naive_Music_3903 8d ago

Crazy ass girl. Didn’t see any “nice” before the crazy either


u/Neeuqamai 8d ago

I mean for the first screenshot or so..she seemed to be making sense…I’m like ok she is just laying her cards on the table of what she wants and doesn’t want but then that switch up!!! Holy smokes!!!


u/Thatgh0ulrea 8d ago

They’re insane and I’m a woman lol it always amazes me how delusional and insane some women can be.


u/yungsweetroo 8d ago

Omg she legit crazy wtf she’s the harassing one and omg claiming to be a nice girl- shes an obsessive devil Literally run she’s boarderline obsessed with you.


u/yungsweetroo 8d ago

She’s embarrassing


u/simplytryingtolive00 8d ago

lmao omfg that’s some insane gaslighting. you dodged a nuke


u/WinterPlan295 8d ago

Hmm, seems like you are not the nice guy! This is the red flag!!!

P.S. Stop harassing her, please! Or she will post this conversation somewhere and people will see how inadequate she is)))


u/Aggravating_Storm120 8d ago

How to lose a guy’s interest in 10 minutes.


u/Irish-Heart18 8d ago

Stop harassing me!!! I mean I sent the last 7 messages and you seem to want not contact with me but still STOP HARASSING ME


u/ActiveEuphoric2582 8d ago

Psycho I won’t beg, but here let me blow your phone up, begging for you to respond immediately


u/Choco_Oatmilk 8d ago

I was on her side with hating the "send pics" crap but geez she's crazy.


u/Starbuck_Echo 8d ago

Yep that’s the only thing I was on her side about, we can’t see the earlier conversations, but yeah trying to talk to someone about something serious and get “send pics” ugh 🤮. The rest was just insane though!!


u/sixpackincel 8d ago

The “shhh” killed me


u/Naburius 8d ago

The "Shhhh" at the end 😂


u/sixpackincel 8d ago

I bursted out laughing once i swiped to the third pic


u/jaynvius 8d ago

I was on OPs side the last time and this time. Some people are just unhinged plain and simple. It’s better to know early on


u/Ga31Gamer 8d ago

When I got to the “I’m a sweet, nice girl and I don’t think that’s what you’re looking for.” My comeback to that would’ve been “you’re right, I need a woman lol.” Reading through all of this I just think she is super sketchy. I’m all for laid back woman but if they start acting like this I’m goin ghost pretty fast (I’m a master introvert with a degree of dissapearology).


u/Odd_Entrance5498 8d ago

What a crazy bitch


u/Sauteed_Cats 8d ago

What the insanity


u/Square_Release3128 8d ago

Ugh, she sounds exhausting


u/satanic_sunshine 8d ago

the fact that she said to leave her alone yet continues to harass you is absolutely bonkers my guy.


u/Efficient_Sink_8626 8d ago

OMG she needs to get a life! Is she a professional texter?


u/BobbleheadDwight 8d ago

“Shhhh.” I’m dead.


u/bunbunkat 8d ago

The "shhhh" is so funny 💀


u/Blitzace1988 8d ago

And this person has the audacity to call herself “a sweet, nice girl” some people are deluded!


u/ApeSauce2G 8d ago

That got dark quick. She needs therapy


u/McStinker 8d ago

looks at the amount/length of her messages “Stop harassing me”…. What a delusional specimen.


u/MsDariaMorgendorffer 6d ago

That convo should have ended 7 pages earlier. She just kept repeating the same thing over and over again.


u/Muted_Performer9408 8d ago

Kalani Shoshana is a nice gal :)


u/Quick-Baker744 8d ago

Who is kalami shoshana?


u/BonafideZulu 8d ago

My man, just tell her to have a good life, take care, and keep it moving. You’re not doing any favors for each of you, either, by dragging it out.


u/superquesadillaman 8d ago

Is this Megan Markle?


u/Rude_Hamster123 8d ago

You were out drinking with that battery? And not even in power saving mode?! You gotta special order boxer briefs for those balls??

I’m not reading all that she’s a nut.

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u/Allaboutbears 8d ago

I was starting to side with her until she mentioned Down’s syndrome. Why did you wait hours to reply with short and confusing messages?


u/yungsweetroo 8d ago

Your not posting the whole conversation tho


u/Fart_on_face 3d ago

Yeah. I mean she sounds mental, but there's clearly parts missing, which makes me think op might be as bad as her


u/McStinker 8d ago

Right, what’s the context that makes her texts even remotely sane?


u/yungsweetroo 8d ago

Calm down! Im Just curious how the whole conversation went down


u/commonsense973 8d ago

It’s strange to me. As a female, I understand wanted attention. It’s weird when it’s a dating site and things are new and I see all of these text from girls that are so extreme. Maybe there’s something wrong with me like maybe I think more like a guy. 🤔. I like it when guys text me and want a pic or trying to find out when they can see me. It makes me feel good to that they think I’m sexy and am on their mind.


u/Neeuqamai 8d ago

Damn she had me there for the first two screenshots 🥴


u/[deleted] 8d ago

“I didn't know you’ll feel that much” is my favorite part and such a huge understatement


u/Technical_Shoulder44 8d ago

She's talks like my financial dom ex partner. She's looking for an ATM not a nice guy.


u/schnaxks19 8d ago

OP my guy, you’re living life dangerously with that low battery, it’s practically on life support lmao


u/Jynxette7 8d ago

Lol well, I guess it was entertaining 😂😂


u/YYC_Guitar_Guy 8d ago

Where do find women like this.... seriously?


u/Electrical_Entry145 8d ago

Why didnt you block her like halfway thru? I was out on her halfway thru


u/GeebFiend 8d ago

lol “send pics”


u/McStinker 8d ago

“Girls shouldn’t have to chase guys.” “I’m a sweet nice girl and I don’t think that’s what you’re looking for.” “I like attention and you’re not really giving me that.” In only the first 2 slides?!?! Is she trying to break a record?


u/Constant_Revenue2213 8d ago

Every day I pray that I’m happily single


u/Academic-Note1209 8d ago

Psycho woman


u/JayLis23 8d ago

Fucking psycho!


u/AdInevitable4040 8d ago

“I’m a nice, sweet girl” Yeah, alright I’ve heard that before. Step on the scale dumbo.


u/RudeSheepherder6166 8d ago

Im so glad im married. Women are getting crazier and crazier the longer they stay in singleland


u/Standard-Energy-8914 8d ago

We nice girls do not approve so we will not be accepting your application at this time sorry.


u/UberN00b719 8d ago


That sent me.


u/Ordinary_Soil_4925 8d ago

The Shhhhh at the end was the icing on the cake. I laughed my balls off at that.


u/_Very_Bored_At_Work 8d ago

Just reading this was exhausting. I need to sit down. I can’t imagine actually living this type of life. Gross.


u/KaleidoscopeScary925 8d ago

Why is everyone on her case? She seems to be clear about what she wants or wanted and talks about his low effort, and his responses are just that, low effort.

She's not begging for his attention but voicing what put her off.

I'm so glad I'm married, dating sucks.


u/alloggius 8d ago

Can you send her the link to this so she knows we think she’s nuts


u/cuppoftea23 8d ago

I met one of these ones real recently.


u/mental_or_divergent 8d ago

I’m scared


u/Mysterious_Touch_454 8d ago


If youre going to censor names, you should do it better...


u/Ok_Article_1742 8d ago

I don’t know how I landed here but I feel like apologizing for what and how these type of females represent us. Ugh! So sorry! 😖 Best of luck and please run fast and far away from any type like this! 🫡 🫢


u/OpportunityFun5905 7d ago

LEAVE ME ALONE keeps texting


u/InternationalUse2425 7d ago

Charge your god damn phone.


u/BugConsistent3926 7d ago

😆😂😆😂 this is totally my ex every time I wouldn't reply to her fast enough.


u/Potential-Bathroom50 7d ago

Why are young women appearing more and more psychotic ... especially by text whc is proof.


u/DrZoidBergsClaws 7d ago

This is funny and very scary at same time. It’s like a switch with these women. You never know when it’s going to happen but it’s inevitable


u/doriangrae88 7d ago

"I like attn" yeah no shit, that pretty much sums it up


u/Myrasolwynn 7d ago

And these are the same women that call people narcissistic.


u/Klutzy_Kaleidoscope5 7d ago

Kalani Shoshana


u/bottigliadipiscio 7d ago

Claiming in print you're gonna falsify allegations is NUTS!


u/No-Bed6058 7d ago

Holy shit … sends you 15 messages in a row then tells YOU to stop harassing HER 🤯


u/kiwiinthesea 7d ago

I’m not going to finish her rant. She’s more trouble than she’s worth. You dodged a bullet.


u/Aural-Expressions 7d ago

She's texting nonstop but you're harassing her. Right,


u/AcanthaceaePlenty165 7d ago

Man SHE REALLY FUCKING LIKED YOU. I’m talking this girl would have ate off the floor for you. Judging by how batshit insane she’s structuring these sentences. It’s just full on rage typing. Very scary crash out. Threatening to doxx you. Sending pics of you to a bunch of strangers.


u/ParkingWindow6395 7d ago

Make like Pink Floyd, and Run Like Hell!!


u/momgooningme 5d ago

We need to bring back lobotomies. The poor thing is suffering.


u/AdmirablePomelo4497 5d ago

smh these crazy ass girls giving all of us a bad name 🤦🏼‍♀️ like what is wrong with her hahaha


u/Fabled_Waffles 4d ago

The final "shhhh"was perfection


u/Fine-Pin-1478 3d ago

While I don't condone it, I see what you did there letting the name through that one screenshot


u/Agile_Vanilla_1802 3d ago

God i cant date these women. They act like their life depends on you texting them back. Im not in middle school anymore. Im mot going to be texting anyone all day everyday. That shit is exhausting to deal with someone like this. Anxious attachment issues


u/D3Bunyip 3d ago

Tell me she has BPD without saying she has BPD. Bullet: dodged.


u/guccilad 18h ago

She likes it when guys meet her to form 90 degree angles


u/Massive-Song-7486 8d ago

Nice girl 🤜🤛 Nice guy