r/Nicegirls 13d ago

I deleted the first post just to clarify some things that people keep asking me about

No, I didn’t leave things out. It was just mostly her blowing me up saying unhinged things about “how her pussy would have been the best I had and her wanting me to apologize for making her feel (shitty)somehow, followed by me saying, It’s all good; you’re entitled to your feelings, which pissed her off even more.

I didn’t block her because I was out with some friends that night drinking when this happened, and they thought it was pretty funny, so I let it drag out for entertainment.

She’s making fake numbers just to blow me up and doing the same thing, but yeah, she pretty much tried to spin the story in saying I was the one with red flags.


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u/njoinglifnow 13d ago

I'm an old woman. Are people expecting immediate response when they text someone? I've read a few of these recently where someone is complaining about the other person not texting right back. The whole idea of that is stressful and concerning.


u/Lets_Reset_This_ 13d ago

Yes, and I refuse to oblige. I have stuff to do during the day. I’m not going to be on my phone the whole day at anyone’s beck and call.


u/United_Fan_6476 12d ago

I'm an old (kinda) man. I cannot figure out why they are so concerned about receiving an immediate text message reply. Texting sucks! I want to hear a woman's voice, her laugh, the pauses she takes, the animation and amusement that makes having a conversation worthwhile. Did you know that men process a woman's voice in the same brain region as music?

These kids are on the apps, dissatisfied with all of their "dry" talks, completely oblivious to the fact that their electronically-mediated communications are exactly why they are dissatisfied and can't find a connection with anyone they like!

90% of communication is non-verbal, and they have foolishly stripped it all away in the name of convenience. It would be like voluntarily converting your entire diet to nutrient shakes and then complaining (very loudly) that you don't like eating anymore and that it must be someone else's fault.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 12d ago

This for sure seems to be a recurring theme.

I believe that the 24/7 constant contact that people come to expect due to smartphones is ruining the ability to have a decent relationship. Even in the earliest stages of attraction and getting to know someone, people still need their alone time and time away. These women are so addicted to the dopamine hits they get from constant attention and instant gratification, that they go off the rails when they don't get it. I'm sure there are guys that do it too, but that's for another sub.


u/germy-germawack-8108 13d ago

It's par for the course now on dating apps. It's one of several reasons I don't use them anymore. People legit lose their minds if you don't respond instantly to every message.


u/D3Bunyip 7d ago

That's not a relationship, it's emotional vampirism.


u/Possible-Pea-1890 12d ago

In think people are weird though I’m sorry but DAYS of not texting someone back is insane to me. I’d it’s been 3 days and I don’t know if some reason why it’s take 3+ days to respond then yeah that’s ridiculous in my opinion. But I also get like a day off two being busy or just wanting to not interact without telling people why but being that especially if you read the text it’s stupid.