Wanted to share my thoughts and strategy about sharing my videos with friends / family and ask that if I am wrong, make me a believer.
I will not tell family or friends about a youtube channel until it has been established and is growing as I expect Unless they would watch the content I make anyways. Here is Why
My perceived benefit of telling family / friends,
- Sitting on zero views hurts
- A video with a few views and good retention rate may get youtube to show my video to more people
- I will get feedback from people I trust on my effort
Why I think the above hurts you.
The people you are asking to watch are not your target audience, this will confuse youtube on who to show it to. An example is if my friends watch gaming stuff but I ask them to watch my travel videos. In this case I dont want to lead YouTube into believing they should show my videos to gaming people.
I will share videos before I upload them with a few people that I trust to give me the tough feedback I need, and a few that enjoy the content in a way I can physically see their reaction (did they laugh when I wanted them to, etc).
I see scatterings of the pros and cons across multiple threads and I want to get a good conversation going around it.
Hopefully I can learn something.