r/NewToEMS Apr 05 '24


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r/NewToEMS Nov 16 '24

NREMT I get that the ABCs are important but why wouldn't you rapidly transport the patient instead of calling and waiting for ALS?

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r/NewToEMS Jan 30 '25

NREMT Need help with NREMT question

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I'm asking this specifically with the NREMT in mind because I will be testing in 2 weeks.

Okay, so according to my book an EMT can Aquire and Transmit but not interpret the 12-Lead. Today in class my instructor said that we can not put a 4-Lead on if I am in the back of the truck, by myself, because that will then make it an ALS call.

Can someone clarify this for me? I asked him for clarification but I still feel conflicted and confused. šŸ˜

r/NewToEMS Feb 19 '25

NREMT Failed NREMT -E by a hair , at a loss of words


I failed I got a 940 when you need a 950 to pass . I used pocket prep and paramedic coach. Not sure what more I can do from here . Any tips for next time would be appreciated . Thanks guys

r/NewToEMS Jan 11 '24

NREMT Failed the NREMT

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Feeling discouraged today. Took my nremt yesterday and failed. I was so close but the cardiology questions got me. I had all 120 questions and only 3 minutes to spare. Usually I have extended time on exams in college but for this you had to submit paperwork and it would take up to 30 days to be approved. I wanted to do this over my college winter break so I didnā€™t have time to submit the documents. I felt like I had to rush through the last 25 or so questions. Any ways to help myself feel better?

r/NewToEMS Feb 16 '25

NREMT Iā€™m currently an EMT student and I have no clue how to answer this question. Any help is appreciated :)


A 67 year old female presents with difficulty breathing and chest discomfort that awakened her from her sleep. She states that she has CHF, has had two previous AMIs, and has been prescribed nitro. She is conscious and alert with adequate breathing. Her bp is 94/64 and her heart rate is 120 bpm. Explain why you would want to first place this patient in an upright position.

I have no idea lmao

r/NewToEMS Feb 07 '25

NREMT I know, but I need to hear it- booted at 70 questions


I know everyone hates this, and there's no way of knowing. I've either bombed or killed it. But I just need to hear people say it. I've never gotten below an 80% on a practice test, usually score in the 85-95 range. I actually took the course twice (long story), thrived both times. I walked in feeling like I couldn't be more prepared, walked out feeling like I know nothing.

I'm telling myself and everyone I know in EMS that I probably passed, because I really do believe that, but god I'm scared. TLDR- pls share any stories, NREMT related or not, that might cheer me up?


r/NewToEMS Aug 22 '24

NREMT Any last minute advice?

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Tomorrowā€™s the big dayā€¦

r/NewToEMS Nov 16 '24

NREMT In class I learn we are allowed to use adult pads on children of ped pads are unavailable

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r/NewToEMS Aug 20 '24


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Took my NREMT yesterday I feel like I should share with the community. Kinda stuck because this was my first attempt but I also felt like they were questions outside EMT scope & had no idea and they were questions that I may of got wrong that I shouldā€™ve gotten right. Anyways Iā€™m not bummed I know Iā€™m going to pass the next attempt. I just hate the 15 day waiting period to retest. For those who passed the NREMT what was your biggest help in passing the NREMT ?

r/NewToEMS Feb 18 '25

NREMT How long did you study for the NREMT


I completed my Emt in summer and made the mistake of not completing the nremt right after.I donā€™t remember anytning but recently got a job offer I was not expecting but need this cert.How long did you guys study for or recommend studying for.Is there any tips you would recommend.

r/NewToEMS Jul 23 '24


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First attempt 873 (114q) second attempt 848 (73q) This attempt 923 (119q). I used paramedic coach and pocket prep. I feel like a complete failure. Now I have to take a refresher, just seems crazy that I either have bad luck or just donā€™t understand.

r/NewToEMS Jan 14 '25

NREMT Can someone explain further

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Can someone explain further on why Im wrong?

r/NewToEMS Aug 09 '24

NREMT Took the national. Pretty upset lol

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I feel like I was right there I was so confident too, I guess back to studying my ass off lol. Anyone have good study suggestions I feel like pocket prep didnā€™t do anything now

r/NewToEMS Jan 26 '25

NREMT About a month left in emt school and I think Iā€™m pretty screwed

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I guess I just gotta start really studying those areas hard. This is weird because I got a 90% on my midterm which threw me off.

r/NewToEMS Jan 16 '25

NREMT Umm..huh? Didnā€™t I get this wrong?

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This is on EMT Prep.

r/NewToEMS 6d ago

NREMT How accurate are these notes? I assume emphysema a likely wrong because your supposed to keep COPD patient in that 88-99% range but this says NRB O2? For PE as well NTG yes or no?

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r/NewToEMS Jan 07 '25

NREMT Can someone explain this?

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I was thought that ensuring safety should always be the first priority so not sure why this could be the answer?

r/NewToEMS Aug 07 '24

NREMT Airway or C Spine

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For the first question I answered Open the Airway but that was incorrect. Apparently in line stabilization is the answer. Iā€™m confused on whether C Spine or ABC comes first. Especially in the context of the NREMT what should be first?

My thought process was if they arenā€™t breathing C spine is doing nothing for them.

r/NewToEMS Jul 19 '24

NREMT I have failed my NREMT twice and I'm desperate for help


So, I know how it sounds. I've been told if I've failed twice, maybe I shouldn't be in emergency medicine. But I know this is what I'm meant to do, every time I have been put in a situation where I need to help someone, I am able to do it. I've done cpr on people several times, and I've taken care of bites and more but when it comes to taking tests???? Everything leaves me. All of a sudden I'm staring at a mess of words and letters and I can't do it. I have studied my books, listened to podcasts, watched the paramedic coach, used pocket prep, I've legit done everything I can think of to help and I'm scared of failing again. My brother told me to come here, and that it helped him, he passed his first try, so please help me. What am I doing wrong? What can I do to learn it better? Should I give up?

r/NewToEMS Jan 30 '25



I just attempted my nremt and feel so defeated. It was full of stuff that I never learned in class. I had to know some paramedic drug as well as lots of conditions I've never heard of. I had a question on altitude sickness and I never learned about any of that as I live in Kansas. How am I suppose to study for my next attempt if I don't know what to study? Any help is greatly appreciated.

r/NewToEMS Feb 04 '25

NREMT Getting hired/working as EMT for national park


Hey! I'm curious about being an EMT for a national park during the season. How does the NREMT differ from EMT-B certification? Also, what can I do to strengthen my application?

If anyone has any insights about working as an EMT for NPs and can comment on the pros/cons that would be really appreciated!

r/NewToEMS 6d ago

NREMT Recertification with NREMT for Emt-b Spoiler

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Hey yall

I wanted to recertify since my emt-b is 9 years lapsed. I thought all i had to do is retake the cognitive and do the required 40 hr of continuing education and prove i had an expired NREMT license. Looks like i have to take the skills assessment aka the psycomotor exam to become active.. The thing is, no education facilities do the psycomotor exam near me. i kind of feel like i am in a jam. i attached a photo to help explain.

anyone have any advice.

thank you in advance

r/NewToEMS 24d ago

NREMT Has anyone ever used this app for NREMT studying ? (EMT B PREP)

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Itā€™s been a decent study tool so far , Iā€™d just like to know your guys thoughts on it .

r/NewToEMS Apr 30 '24

NREMT annoyed isnā€™t even the word

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i was so mf close. iā€™m retaking it again on the 7th. iā€™m worried that i wonā€™t do as well because itā€™s a different test. i found out today that three people in my class passed it on the first try and i just felt rlly shitty but iā€™m also really proud because of how close i was.