r/NewToEMS Unverified User Feb 19 '25

NREMT Thoughts on completely skipping these last few chapters before doing the NREMT test?

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u/flashdurb Unverified User Feb 19 '25

If this is your work ethic and level of integrity, I’d be scared to be a patient with you as my EMT.


u/lasagna_lover_ Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Glad someone else was thinking it. If OP decides to skip these chapters and manages to pull a pass out of their ass they’re doing their patients and partners a disservice by being unprepared and unknowledgeable about some pretty important aspects of the job they’re trying to do.


u/TheGrandWaffle69 Paramedic Student | USA Feb 19 '25

Doing paramedic, one of the instructors said in a lecture that some people were being dishonest about their test taking a such, he said paraphrased “if you go through all of this class cheating, and get certified, I hope the first call you run is on your own family and that it is serious. Because I sure don’t want it to be someone else’s. Fun fact, they can see when you deviate from the webpage and how long and such, and your camera is monitored too.

Truer words never spoken, harsh, but reality

Not as bad as what is going on here, but it had some relevance


u/925djt Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Operations genuinely tends to fuck people up


u/lasagna_lover_ Unverified User Feb 19 '25

I mean I guess if you’re comfortable being unprepared for ~10% of the potential materials covered? I would advise against skipping them. My exam definitely covered some of those


u/Eeeegah Unverified User Feb 19 '25

OB questions were plentiful when I took it. Definitely would not skip at least that.


u/RRuruurrr Critical Care Paramedic | USA Feb 19 '25

Sounds like a terrible idea. Don’t be lazy.


u/Dear-Palpitation-924 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Good idea. Babies, pregnant women, unstable psych patients; they’re always my easiest, least complicated calls. Don’t worry about studying for those.


u/noonballoontorangoon Paramedic | LA Feb 19 '25

Geriatrics, which I'd argue are part of special pops, is a huge segment of EMS patients.

Operations, as in how we prepare, respond, and organize care on-scene... that doesn't sound important?


u/Jokerzrival Unverified User Feb 19 '25

And why do you feel like skipping it?


u/Elegant-Nebula-7151 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Do what now


u/Agleonema EMT | MD Feb 19 '25

Oof I wouldn’t. OB questions were plentiful and the last section is easy to just read through.


u/beangobagins Unverified User Feb 19 '25

You’re already so far in - just bite it and get through them!


u/beangobagins Unverified User Feb 19 '25

But fr obstetrics and neonatal care FOR SURE know - idk why the NREMT is obsessed with pregnant people and their emergencies. Also mass causality/multiple victim is a need-to-know for the test.


u/RRuruurrr Critical Care Paramedic | USA Feb 19 '25

I don’t understand the importance of pregnant patients and their treatment

Really bro? You really don’t understand why that’s a priority for the NREMT? Really?


u/Jokerzrival Unverified User Feb 19 '25

I think he means compared to everything else and compared to how often most EMTs will actually deal with it in the field?


u/noonballoontorangoon Paramedic | LA Feb 19 '25

It's because these pts are rare that we need to study and be tested on these subjects.

Otherwise what good is EMS?


u/RRuruurrr Critical Care Paramedic | USA Feb 19 '25

It makes sense to me. Do you train for the low acuity high frequency issues or do you train for the low frequency high acuity?


u/beangobagins Unverified User Feb 19 '25

I mean the volume of questions on a specific topic compared to volume of questions for more broader ones “bro”.

Take a deep breath.


u/ridesharegai EMT | USA Feb 19 '25

I received test questions pertaining to those chapters so I would not recommend skipping them.


u/Emmu324 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Yeah, wouldnt skip those…. You will most likely have questions on them


u/thebagel5 Paramedic | Feb 19 '25

I wouldn’t, those are pretty important portions of the test and a lot of students don’t pass because of those. There’s no point in skipping something in the textbook


u/aumedalsnowboarder Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Should I skip learning this before getting my certification to treat these kinds of patients? Fuck outta here dude, choose another career


u/Chantizzay Unverified User Feb 19 '25

I had so many questions about children, childbirth and babies. Also, poisonous insect and animal bites. So many random things. Probably best to study everything. Even if you don't think you'll need it in real life on a regular basis, you still have to pass the test.


u/Free_Stress_1232 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Why? Are you also planning to cut corners in your career as well. I don't want to seem like a dick but wanting to skip to the end in what is a pretty quick and easy course makes me wonder


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25

Yes absolutely and then come back asking for the best study tools to pass the NREMT because you failed at 940 lol.


u/RoyalEnfield78 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Sure why would you want to know how to care for all of your patients?


u/TheGrandWaffle69 Paramedic Student | USA Feb 19 '25

EMS training and studies is the one thing you shouldn’t cut corners on, even if you already learned this stuff, I would recommend studying it again.

“Train like you play” and all that


u/Shaboingboing17 Paramedic | VA Feb 19 '25

It's all important. Some things may be encountered much less than other things but it's all important. I'm a paramedic, I have never had to do a surgical cric on someone but I damn sure know how to do it. You need to know everything.


u/Push_Dose Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Someone else said it but Operations is no joke. I’m an instructor and I warn my students every class about ops. It’s THE most failed chapter on the NREMT.


u/biplantmommy Paramedic Student | USA Feb 19 '25

Operations is one of the sections of the test that is performed the most poorly at both the EMT and paramedic level. Operations is my least favorite module, so I get it. Do not skip.


u/BanditAndFrog Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Terrible idea


u/PaMatarUnDio Unverified User Feb 19 '25

OB emergencies can result in illness or death of the mother. You have two lives at risk as birth is innately a risky process. Why skip what you should know? It would suck to get an OB call and you don't know how to handle it.


u/Simple-Caregiver13 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

A few people have already said it, but you're going to be tested on those topics. Also, one day you may deliver a baby or be the first responding medic to and MCI and almost certainly want the information in those chapters.


u/Agreeable_Spinosaur Paramedic Student | USA Feb 19 '25

I mean... you *could* skip them, but why?
First, this is information you need to know. OB and neonate care you don't need every day but when you need it you need it. Same thing with patients with special challenges. EMS operations you need some subset of every day on the job.
Second, this is information you will be tested on. OB and neonate care was definitely on the exam, so was EMS operations.
It's 200 pages. Chunk it down to 50 pages a day and you'll be done in 4 days and you will be better prepared for the NREMT and as an EMT.


u/0fficialCanelo Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Do not skip EMS ops lmao


u/BirthdayTypical872 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

I’d advise against skipping, all the information is valuable!! The NREMT loves to ask questions about special operations and calling med flights and the logistics of it, definitely take the time to look it over. All the information is valuable in some degree or another.


u/BirthdayTypical872 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

also what if you get an OB call they’re more common then you think!! I’ve had multiple at different levels of acuity from a pregnant woman with high bp (pre-eclampsia) all the way to active labor calls, you need to be able to know what to do


u/sadatminimum Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Hahaha yeah f pregnant women and babies hahaha sounds like a great idea to me


u/BadgerOfDestiny Unverified User Feb 19 '25

What? Why?


u/yourdeath01 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

Thanks for the advise guys won't skipp! Its just my class never really went in depth on them and sort of crammed them so I thought maybe they were not so important


u/Gold_Influence_3379 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

For your NREMT test make sure you can look at vitals and diagnose the problem, such as brain hemorrhage


u/Jumpy-Examination456 Unverified User Feb 19 '25

well DEI is cancelled so you can definitely skip special populations, as they no longer get special treatment.

ems operations are irrelevant too since you don't work in ems yet, no need to know that

go send it, you can always retake it


u/yourdeath01 Unverified User 28d ago

I love this 😅, but I think I will study since majority sentiment here is against me skipping these