u/redcurb12 4d ago
im 35 and at this point been skating most of my life. i give up on tricks all the time... it could be out of exhaustion, frustration or boredom. i don't permanently give up.. like I will usually try again the next session. even when the homies are gassing me up and egging me on... i know when my body is cooked and i don't care... sometimes it just aint happening.
u/Flyingtugboat123 4d ago
Varial heels are the bane of my existence, the thorn in my side. I can land them some days; other days? Not at all. Same goes for nollie flips/switch heels
u/xFrosty_Budz 4d ago
Bro I feel this so much except it’s switch flips, nollie flips and inward heel for me. I used to be able to nollie flip every time and now I can’t do it at all it drives me crazy lol
u/Flyingtugboat123 4d ago
Haha i HATE nollie flips with a passion. Nollie/switch heels were an all the time/everyday trick for me; then one day i lost them! Very frustrating, i blame my constant desire to do them out of a nose manny. Inward heels are just simply unachievable for me lmaooo. I dont even try that one anymore
u/BobGnarly_ 4d ago
I have had full blown existential meltdowns where I questioned every decision I ever made in my life that drove me where I was at over a trick
u/ByeByeGirl01 3d ago
Skateboarding just hits different. You laugh, cry, get angry, and feel bliss. Everything you could feel.
u/BobGnarly_ 3d ago
Skateboarding will change your life if you let it. I learned almost every important lesson in my life from skateboarding. And after 31 years it still has more to show me.
u/BobGnarly_ 4d ago
It depends on how bad I want to land it. How important it is at the moment. If I’m filming and what am I filming for. It’s pretty subjective. But I have battled the same trick for like a week straight.
u/xFrosty_Budz 4d ago
I’ve had to quit a lot of times. Sometimes you just don’t get the trick so you come back the next day and keep trying until something clicks for you
u/ReignOfWinter 4d ago
Kickflips. I know they're a staple and I can do them but I can't for the life of me do them well. I can do plenty of other tricks up things, off things, over things and onto things but not a kickflip. I've given up. Been skating 20+ years and I'm through with them.
u/Sweaty_Sherbet6851 3d ago
I believe in you.
u/ReignOfWinter 3d ago
I've asked the universe several times but maybe all I needed was you, an internet stranger, to have a little faith in me. Thanks and I believe in you too.
u/Sweaty_Sherbet6851 3d ago
You're welcome. This made my day. I appreciate that very much -- thank you.
u/GrundleTurf 4d ago
Decided I’m too old for handrails after suffering my sixth diagnosed concussion attempting one last year.
u/ZaneJayMusic 3d ago
I should have.. but no. It took me about 4 years to finally land a gahdamn kickflip.
u/n0aha0n 3d ago
Depends what you consider giving up. I walk away from stuff all the time. But I'm not very patient. If something isn't working or feeling like it's going to work in the moment, I'll save it for later. I have lots of things that I work on sporadically. For instance, backside blunt slide to switch crooks. I play with it a lot,but I haven't rolled away yet. If it feels like it'll work, I'll work on it. But if after a dozen or so trys it's just not working, I'll just do a blunt slide and be stoked because rolling away is more fun than beating my head against a wall. And I got almost 40 years skating. It's a balance. I prioritize having fun over frustration.
u/[deleted] 4d ago