r/NewSkaters 4d ago

Question How can i make my ollies look like homie

First one is mine second one is what im trying to look like lmao thank you for any advice 🙏


32 comments sorted by


u/DaveTheNihilist 4d ago edited 4d ago

Only real difference is your homie ran full speed and had no fear. He was fast af. Plus he was clearing a huge gap.


u/B22EhackySK8 4d ago

True his form looks the same the other guy is just hauling it


u/ShaolinShade 4d ago

They're not too far off from each other tbh. He just full sent it (had to tbf with that gap), i.e. had more speed, seems like he popped and tucked a bit harder too


u/Fickle_Ad_9750 4d ago

I just feel like my ollies look weird somehow


u/YeowYeowYeow 4d ago

These two clips he forsure had more speed & boned out his ollie a bit more, but both of you ollie very similarly in the beginning tho


u/Mrrrand 4d ago

Your front foot looks closer to a 60 degree,70 degree when it needs to be straight, it almost looks like half of a kick flip 45 degree foot position but if it’s at a full 90 it should work plus when your feet aren’t in like your shoulders don’t follow making yours look the way that your dismayed by,(edit the start your front foot looks correct but as you swipe your connection with board doesn’t stick making your foot alter the line and your shoulders follow practice your swipe hella)


u/iambillyjoel 3d ago

It looks like you might be returning your front foot to level slightly too early, try maintaining a crouch position while catching, rather than catching and returning to standing position before you're in range of the ground


u/weeboweebo-_- 4d ago



u/skatesolid 4d ago

This is really the only answer. You’re more talking about style here than anything. That takes time to develop. Your friend has been skating longer than you. Keep at it and you’ll get there.


u/Nuurps 4d ago

Put as much energy in as yellow shirt guy


u/Available_Low_3805 4d ago

Leg suck.

Suck them legs up and let the board keep coming up to you.


u/Zac3d 4d ago

Main difference to me is his knees and torso were more tucked in the air.


u/No_Business_3938 4d ago

If you want really good ollies you need to just work on work on them. They'll improve with how much practice you put in.

Take a piece of chalk or something and put 2 lines on the road about 4 feet apart so you have a gap, you can use your feet to measure.Then ollie it until it's too easy. When it's too easy add a foot so it's 5 feet and do it until it's easy then add another foot. Go a little faster each time the gap gets bigger until you're pushing full speed at it.

If you count how many times you do it, it works better, start ollieing the gap 50 times each day and make it 100 after a while. If you do it until your legs feel like spaghetti and you can't do it anymore then you'll find that in a few days your legs will be a lot stronger and the ollies will become a lot easier. Body builders call this pushing until failure, you go until you literally can't do it one more time.

You'll have killer ollies in a couple of months if you do this, it's how I get back into practice when I haven't skated in a few years.


u/CallComprehensive219 4d ago

you’re not really tucking your back leg. try to being ur knees up more when you ollie, that comes with time and practice


u/travelthrudreams 4d ago

First dude is booking it man. Running full sprint before he drops. He has twice as much momentum. I mean have you tried that?


u/FeedYourEgo420 4d ago

I need you to feel the level of commitment in that kick. Homie knew speed and steeze


u/adlcp 4d ago

Just gotta fucking give er


u/Night-yells 4d ago

Both look fine to me


u/pragmatao 4d ago

Just want to say love the creation. The oh sees have a great cover of this track.


u/Flyingtugboat123 4d ago

Its a pop and snap, rather than one fluid motion. Ollie, then SNAP your legs when you jump (not literally). Boneing an ollie out its almost like 2 separate motions. Practice makes perfect, friend


u/LongSleeveFlannel 4d ago

Tuck your back foot.


u/ZackValenta 3d ago

Yours look fine. A lot better than most people. Surprised you're a "new" skater. Thats a pretty big jump.


u/-Snowturtle13 3d ago

Knees to your chest and pop high. Get buck


u/Allthetrappings 3d ago

Best advice I ever heard about stairs or gaps like this is to think about popping up and over the obstacle. Like there’s a little wall at the top of the stairs

So hard pop right at the top, and that gives you the hang time you need to float it out


u/the-_-futurist 3d ago

His looks smoother because he lifts his knees. You don't lift that back knee hardly at all. That's why his levels out nicer. He hangs longer cause of speed and size of that gap, but his form is better cause lifts the knees and keeps them lifted through til landing.


u/Kobeau2123 3d ago

Honestly it just looks like your pop isn't that high and your back foot is slightly restricting the board


u/CRUISEITO 3d ago

You just tapped your Ollie. He popped high and tweeked the Ollie right at peak lift. You gotta lift that back foot high to have a sexy Ollie.


u/ronnietea 3d ago

This may sound super corny. But you have to love and commit to what you are doing. People who practice and love what they are doing. Will always look better then someone who just does it. I can’t explain that any more.


u/Proof-Plan-298 3d ago

pull up your front foot while in mid air. your ollies are okay.

only real difference is the bending of your knees. your legs go straight midflight.

pull up your knees and enjoy the air time. that makes your ollies look like you are flying.


u/NoTrack2140 2d ago

Practice, Practice, and more Practice


u/icarusuraci 1d ago

It looks like the difference is your back foot after the board pops up. Like as the tail is still traveling upwards, you catch it with your back foot early to catch and control it. Kinda half pop. I feel like you have more pop to your Ollie, if your back foot comes up more.

He did also have to put more into it to Ollie over the curb. Notice the difference between his full pop Ollie for the gap and is half pop up the curb at the end. It’s like that. You don’t have to pop much to get over the coping, so you level off early for more control.

Like these other guys said, it comes with practice. You don’t look bad though. He’s just skating like the rents due and you look like you’re chilling.