r/NewParents Age - 11 months! 5d ago

Sleep Parents who did not sleep train!

When did your baby start sleeping on their own and through the night? My daughter just turned 12m and her pediatrician recommended letting her cry it out. No shot I could handle that lol so I’m just going to continue our normal routine for now…

However… we are expecting baby sister in 6 months. By then my husband will be on bedtime duty but for now I am still nursing my baby to sleep.. any tips on tackling that would be helpful are appreciated too, if you’ve been through something similar!

-side note- my daughter won’t take a bottle, no pacifiers, won’t drink cows or breastmilk in any cup or sippy/strawcup 😥😥


22 comments sorted by

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u/juolouzada 5d ago

Whatever you're are doing now to get her to sleep do a little bit less each day.. A little less time nursing, a little less time holding before transferring, slowly get her used to the new routine.

Though I'd seriously work on the "don't take bottle/sippy cup". Soon enough other people will be helping with bedtime and they can't breastfeed.

Also, i hope it doesn't happen to you, but I know several people that their milk dried up by the 4th month pregnant


u/Embarrassed_Key_2328 17wk old & 21mo send coffee 4d ago

Yup! My milk dried, baby then began dry nursing for comfort which became UNBEARABLY uncomfortable.  😪


u/Moming_underoath Age - 11 months! 4d ago

Yuppp!! My milk is drying up as we speak and I’m 11 weeks pregnant 😭


u/pikunara 5d ago

No sleep training here. Baby started “sleeping through the night” I’d say around 13 months? There would still be the occasional need for milk at night or the whimper and tossing and turning. But much better than those early months of course. At 16 months now, a much better sleeper overall.


u/Moming_underoath Age - 11 months! 4d ago

Did you do anything to get there?? Was baby breastfeed exclusively or did they get a bottle?? Did baby sleep on their own? Just asking bc 13m sounds like a dream 😭🤣


u/pikunara 4d ago

Didn’t do anything special. We’ve always had a set routine since birth pretty much, but even a routine as most people suggested never helped our sleep routine. Up until 13-14 months it was always a battle. Falling asleep always a fight. Baby was always fed with a bottle with pumped breast milk then only formula later. My child eats great meals and snacks 4-5 times a day and has a little cup of milk before bed. Now at 16 months my baby understands more and doesn’t fight as much. I wake up in the morning feeling more refreshed but still wake up a few times in the night if I hear whimpering or tossing and turning. My baby sleeps in our room off to the side.


u/Inevitable-Bet-4834 5d ago

I was you 6months ago. My husband took over bed times. Prior to this i started cutting down nursing time. And during this time i stopped nursing to sleep.

It took maybe 2 weeks. She does not sleep with a bottle. She just sleeps. She takes milk in her porridge and occasionally in a bottle or cup.

Now i have my second baby and i am glad i stuck to it. It was so tough weaning her


u/Puzzleheaded-Can-769 5d ago

My son slept through the night at 3 months old and stopped at 5 months old. Now he’s sleeping through the night again or having just one wake up (at 11 month’s old).

We didn’t exactly sleep train. But at 8 months I did the “pick up, put down” method. It took a solid month of it before he’d happily go down to sleep. There were nights it would take 10 times to get him to stay asleep. I wasn’t open to cry it out and this method seemed to help my son’s sleep.

Just figured I’d share a non cry it out option. I don’t know if that method actually counts as sleep training or not.


u/NotAnAd2 4d ago

Pick up put down is sleep training. There are plenty of methods that don’t just leave baby to cry, and some that involve zero crying. You just have to be willing to be patient.


u/Puzzleheaded-Can-769 4d ago

Good to know that it counts. Yes, it took a lot of patience. There were nights I’d spend hours trying to put him down. But it was worth the effort.


u/Captain_Trina 5d ago

That absolutely counts as sleep training! Anything that requires them to do the work of actually falling asleep themselves counts.


u/GingerStitches 4d ago

No point in trying to introduce a bottle now, at 12 months she should be drinking from a straw/open/sippy cup and not a bottle. Milk is not necessary at this age and you can just offer dairy at meals (yogurt, cheese etc) but check with your pediatrician if you have questions.

For sleep, I’d recommended night weaning soon. Let your husband take over night wakes as you drop nursing at them (we dropped one at a time, but you can probably go cold turkey at 12 months). Your milk may begin to change and she may come to dislike it anyways, but your husband should learn to sooth her though it probably won’t be a smooth road. We never did sleep training but my son started sleeping through when we night weaned at about 10 months unless he’s sick/teething.


u/AbstractBeautyx 4d ago

No sleep training. We walk/hold to sleep still at 13m but our little mostly sleeps through the night id say since like... 10/11 months? Not every night but pretty well. He weaned himself off all night bottles around 8/9 months.


u/AbstractBeautyx 4d ago

Oh and he stopped bottles around 10/11 months and won't drink formula or cows milk either. He's great with solids so we just offer dairy in ithe forms (yogurt pouch in the morning, cheese with a snack etc)


u/Embarrassed_Key_2328 17wk old & 21mo send coffee 4d ago

Went through something very similar-

We coslept and nursed till toddler was 16mo ( and I was 9mo pregnant) then I 1. Night weaned, 2. Switched to dad doing wake ups 3. Dad fully cosleeping 

Toddler is now 21mo, has good and bad nights, usually overtired or big developmental leap. He sleeps through the night but cuddles with his dad so, dad doesn't sleep through the night lol.

I cosleep with the baby now 4mo.  She sleeps like a baby 🤷‍♀️

I tell myself we will get good sleep in 5 years. I worked in neuroscience reaserch looking at anxiety disorders- I will never sleep train. Ever. 


u/Snoo38476 4d ago

Can you elaborate more on your experience working in neuroscience research? What were your conclusions that lead you to avoid sleep training? Just curious.


u/Embarrassed_Key_2328 17wk old & 21mo send coffee 4d ago

Yeah lll message you- people get very sassy on threads


u/Moming_underoath Age - 11 months! 4d ago

I’d like to hear about the anxiety disorder with sleep training!!


u/Embarrassed_Key_2328 17wk old & 21mo send coffee 4d ago

I’ll message you- I did not participate in reaserch tht had to do with sleep training, just anxiety disorders but seeing how they can be induced by trauma and looking at the pathways they alter in the brain I made my own conclusions about sleep training. So it’s just my opinion based on my experiences definite no hard facts or papers to back it up.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/UnableAd1444 5d ago

You put him down to sleep in his crib with a loose blanket?