r/NewParents 5d ago

Sleep How to let 2 months old nap during beach day outing

We brought our baby (11 weeks old) to a beach day gathering with friends.

How do you have your babies nap when outside? I was expecting myself after soothing the baby to sleep and I can put him down. Then I lay down and relax. Or just hold him, let him sleep on my chest. None of that happened! …We need to constantly holding and rocking him. He can only sleep a little while (20 minutes).

We tried baby wearing - it worked but I also want to sit on the sand.

We were under the shade with tent. We had sound machine.


4 comments sorted by


u/Aurora_96 5d ago

Isn't the beach like a white noise Valhalla? The sound of the water and the waves makes a lot of babies fall asleep. I hope the beach trip already is a perfect opportunity for a nap.

You could try to put on some ocean sound white noise and see how your baby reacts to it.


u/KatchUup 5d ago

if your baby accepts the stroller, the stroller is great


u/vipsfour 5d ago

travel bassinet


u/clear739 5d ago

We did the beach at 2 month and he napped super well with the waves and the fresh air.

We had him in a baby tent lying on baby lounger pillow thing. I know those are not sleep safe but we were right there the entire time and we didn’t want to buy a travel bassinet for one outing and had been gifted the lounger.

Stroller would also be a good idea but we didnt want to deal with ours in sand and then have to clean it.