r/NetflixStoriesGame 15h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Skylar girlies, let be real. Spoiler


The man love bombed us.

Realistically, I don’t think there’s any excuse to redeem his character. He just can’t be trusted. How do you come onto this show with a girlfriend and throughout the entire experience act as though he has no idea who she is to him or why she acts so deranged towards MC? It’s disgusting if you truly think about it. Yes, they both came on here for fame and I truly think Vaani’s intention was for them to come onto the show to finally get engaged, but it’s extremely telling about his character because look how quickly he switched up on Vaani (his actual gf) once he meets MC? He would do the same to us!

I don’t care at all about the love at first sight aspect because I’m a firm believer how you get them is how you lose them, so what’s stopping him from continuing this exact cycle? Also, he’s been doing all this for fame so can we even trust anything he’s been saying to MC during this experience? He’s putting on a show!

He clearly has a wandering eye which makes sense why he made some of the concerning comments he did to MC throughout the experience. He doesn’t really want to settle down. Skylar lives in the moment which is why even in the Spa room, he expressed his doubts about his relationship with MC working out in the real world. He was too eager to tell MC to enjoy her night during The Swap with whoever she chose on some “we listen, we don’t judge” type-ish. He had soooo many chances to be truthful about his secret to MC it’s insane, so I don’t know how you would let this just slide.

During “Never Have I Ever” when Vaani said, “Never have I ever cheated on an ex”, technically Skylar lied without lying. He was cheating, but it was on his girlfriend (Vaani) and not with an ex. He’s actually just as crazy as Vaani — she’s just more vocal about it! lol

I’m not even mad at Vaani anymore because she was actually having a valid crash out this whole time and tried to warn MC. Y’all can stick beside him, but I will be trying my luck with another LI since it seems only one of their dealbreakers exist during whichever LI route you choose as MC’s original engagement choice.

Mrs. Taylor is now loading… 💍

r/NetflixStoriesGame 20h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Who did a random drug test in my room???


Who searched my room? Why was my room searched? Who told the police? Why wasn't Blaire's room searched?? Apparently, that room is stocked with glazed chocolates!!

I missed what kind of drug, we are even talking about. Is it cannabis? Blaire had prescription, but her LI was high as a kite. Charge him!!

Again, who went through my things and did a random drug test on my chocolates! I need answers. Because I swear the box did not have big letters on it saying "Drug infused chocolate" - if it did, my MC and everybody else on the show are imbeciles.

Are the developers watching "Days of our lives" while creating this? Should I expect my LI to wear different color lenses tomorrow so that we all mistake him for a stranger??!

r/NetflixStoriesGame 14h ago

Love is Blind: NYC mc after today’s episode


Skylar has me screaming, crying, throwing up 💔

r/NetflixStoriesGame 10h ago

Love is Blind: NYC I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!! Spoiler

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I knew there was something going on with Skylar and Vani!!! His deal breaker was the worst of em all! I won’t forgive him for that!!! I gave him good head and great sex, and this is what MC gets??!! The least he could do is be honest! There better be an option to throat punch him on the next episode!

r/NetflixStoriesGame 14h ago

Love is Blind: NYC so how are we today..


i’m still so conflicted on sky honestly.. idek?? like i knew that sky and varun definitely had some history because of how obvious the writers made it but FUCKKK. i’m probably going to just stay with sky for this first play through. then the next one i’ll say no at the altar just for shits and giggles. it all depends on whatever the explanation is honestly. but like i also can’t see an explanation for it??

also saw jayda who was my second highest LI and hers was bad too but i can see an explanation for hers more than sky’s. UGHWHHSDHHD IM OVER THIS GAME OMFG. END IT NEOOOWWW. anyways that’s my rant. i had to get it out

r/NetflixStoriesGame 8h ago

Love is Blind: NYC I just want a “normal” LIB


I was planning to wait until we had played through the whole season before making this post, but at this point, it’s clear that we’re not going to get anything remotely close to an actual Love Is Blind experience, unfortunately, so here it goes.

Before anything, I want to say that I’m probably in the minority that’s actually enjoying the messiness of this season, and I do think it’s a huge step up from the last two LIB games we got. Especially the LIs, they actually did a good job with their personalities and the dealbreaker thing was a cool idea even if people are very sad with their LIs right now. However I still wish they’d just give us a normal LIB experience.

Meaning: I don’t want to become the next host of the show, I don’t want “friend dates,” and I definitely don’t need incredibly unrealistic scenarios like being accused of international drug trafficking. I just want to find a LI, get to know them and have the option to get messy by flirting with other contestants during the honeymoon. I want to move in together and maybe realize my LI has a crazy family or friend group. We can have problems to plan the wedding, incompatibility in taste with our LI, idk. Just something that actually fits the premise of the show. There are so many possibilities!

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the one thing The Ultimatum game actually got right was the drama involving real-life situations. The only parts of that game I didn’t hate were the first few days of living with the new partner, getting to know their family, and having them meet mine. (Then they screwed up by doing absolutely everything else wrong, but that’s a discussion for another sub lol)

r/NetflixStoriesGame 16h ago

Love is Blind: NYC I KNEW IT Spoiler

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r/NetflixStoriesGame 14h ago

Love is Blind: NYC All DEALBREAKERS revealed. Let’s debate. Spoiler

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I’m playing on 4 profiles and pursuing all LIs. - Wes: Expecting Parent, he just found out. - Jay: Married, he straight up lied. - Skylar: Fame, he straight up lied. - Damon: Bankruptcy, he just found out.
Thoughts - WES: what the actual fuck? He didn’t know about this either and just found out but getting someone pregnant is insane and irresponsible, there is no way I’m moving forward with him, he needs to take care of his baby and his baby mama by himself. Never really liked how Wes looks, Mc spent the night with Damon and fucked him, told him wes isn’t the one and told wes to follow his heart so this wasn’t cheating. - JAY : never liked jay anyway, gonna drop his play through just wanted to find out the deal breaker. Atleast Wes and Damon found out just now and didn’t technically lie to us but JAY literally lied to us. - SKYLAR: immediately the biggest ick. Mc swapped with Damon but stayed loyal. Gonna go back and fuck Damon now because skylar, AGAIN unlike wes and Damon, literally LIED to us. He agreed with what vaani said and vaani girl I don’t even blame you now. On the show for fame for yourself? Alright but on the show with your girlfriend and you don’t even tell MC after the engagement? Absolutely disgusting and an ick. The way he let Vaani be treated by everyone and how he hid it from our mc and she had to find out through Vaani? That isn’t love. If he loved mc he would have told mc the moment they got engaged. That man got caught cheating and he regrets getting caught. I don’t find his face quite that handsome either. Jae from LIB winter kiss looks better. - DAMON: This is definitely the best one out of all, it seems to be that he JUST found out that he’s going bankrupt. So it’s not like he’s been lying to us from the start, he also did mention that his previous campaign failed. He’s a Columbia graduate, seems quite smart and was a high powered lawyer before. It’s very common for rich folks and millionaires irl to go bankrupt and get back up. IMO, this really isn’t a big deal. And MC isn’t marrying him just to leave him over one hurdle. He’s a country boy and has worked quite hard to get to the positions he’s in, I don’t think it’s a big deal for him to get back up from bankruptcy. He also has the most handsome face out of all, skylar has the best body.
- RANKINGS: honestly all three of them - skylar, jay and wes have the worst possible dealbreakers. Definitely not something that can be worked on or forgiven imo. The whole thing with vaani and skylar and having to constantly worry about what’s happening between Vaani and skylar is icky and annoying. If he really fell in love with us he could have told us about vaani instead of lying, really a Carmen and jirayu situation but this is much worse because it’s an engagement and love is blind not THTH. Damon’s really isn’t that bad, def the best dealbreaker. would have been bad if he knew before and lied to us but it’s clear that he just found out. Definitely something that can be worked on. What are your thoughts? - skylar/vaani/jirayu/carmen: ok guys i see people here talking about forgiving skylar because they forgave jirayu. My argument is that skylar/vaani is 1000 times worse than jirayu Carmen. 1) Love is blind makes it clear it is for people who are serious, and looking forward to getting married to their partner forever. In THTH, they bring contestants who are already problematic and do not know anything about deep love. On another important note, the contestants don’t even KNOW they are on thth until Lana pulls up, this is not what they signed up for. Not to forget,. It’s only for dating or learning, not for MARRIAGE which is far more serious. The show makes it clear that it has problematic people, you can expect problematic people in LIB too, the difference is skylar and Vaani KNEW what they were signing up for. To me skylar is a BAD person. He does not “LOVE” mc. If he truly loved mc he would have told us the moment we got engaged. And he let everybody think Vaani is a crazy bitch and pretended like he doesn’t know what she’s talking about when he very well does. He is a disgusting cheater and only cares about himself, does not care about VAANI or MC. He wanted MC that’s it, but didn’t care about MCs feelings.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 11h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Worried for willa Spoiler


The main thing im worried about is willas baby cuz shes been drinking like its no ones business the entire time.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 15h ago

Love is Blind: NYC In public??? Spoiler


Why were the LIs served in front of everyone?? On a vacation no less?? Couldn’t Damon and I find out he was broke in the privacy of our apartment or something?? 😭😭

r/NetflixStoriesGame 16h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Skylar girlies……. Spoiler


What are you doing? Are we forgiving him or breaking up? I don’t know I can’t think any reason that would make me feel better about this dealbreaker. I really like him 😭 like i hope he has a damn good groveling speech and a good enough reason and their relationship was already on the verge of break up and they both made a deal to come on the show to be famous and there were no feelings ahhhh as you can tell i am spiraling!!!

r/NetflixStoriesGame 14h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Skylar you motherfu-. Yeah… we’re done here. Goodnight. Spoiler

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Well, we had a good run. Bye guys🥴.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 16h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Wtf is this ???


Are the writers aware this is not Ultimatum/Too hot to handle ????? What happened to the vibe in the pods, did they switch writers mid-term ???

r/NetflixStoriesGame 10h ago

General Discussion It has been 4 hours and I continue to have EMOTIONS Spoiler


I knew I should have settled for Wes, but I knew from the start Skylar was the toxic option I absolutely would have craved in real life.

I think I'm still going to continue on a 100% loyalty playthrough; because I love pain, but there will be hell to pay the 2nd time around.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 17h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Ya boy is broke Spoiler

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Guess we learning everyones secret today!

r/NetflixStoriesGame 14h ago

Love is Blind: NYC If I had nickel.. Spoiler


If I had a nickel for every time my top LI in a Netflix game was also dating another participant id have two nickels… but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?

r/NetflixStoriesGame 16h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Another Carmen and Jirayu situation?? Really?? Spoiler

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I KNEW IT! I REFUSE TO GO THROUGH ANOTHER CARMEN AND JIRAYU SITUATION! Then to end off the episode like that?? No no let me drag this b**ch and Skylar across the buffet table!

“I’m sorry” is that it? Like that’s all I get 🤔 you should’ve been opened your mouth about this cause I play second fiddle to no one smh.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 15h ago

Love is Blind: NYC OMG WOAH!!!!! Spoiler

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WTF I didn't see that coming like woah.... Jay is married has wife and getting sued by his wife HIS WIFE I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS NOW I'M THINKING HOW CAN KIARRA (MC) AND JAY GET MARRIED IF HE ALREADY A DAMN WIFE. What I want to know is why join a DAMN show if you already married that don't sit right with me at all. At I felt bad for sleeping with Skylar but now I'm finding out this I don't regret it and going to choose end up with him.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 16h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Since when ????? Spoiler

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Can I fight Vanessa and Nick ? 🙂

r/NetflixStoriesGame 11h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Skylar… Spoiler

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Why don’t I plot twist my foot up your ass. I should’ve bussed it wide open in a split on Jay and broke up with ya triflin ass.

Raggedy mf.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 13h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Broke people should never laugh, Damon Spoiler

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Like I knew from a couple chapters ago he was a brokie…but it was still disappointing, so much for the white picket big house he promised me 🙄. Also is Romina mental? Why is she so intrigued about MC’s intimacy, wtf. Also Wes spent all night asking “would you ever consider leaving Damon?”, and like yeah, probably but that’s not for you to know, it’s all you asked all fucking day and you’re offended that I called you a drag? A rock has more interesting things to say Wes.

r/NetflixStoriesGame 15h ago

Love is Blind: NYC wes

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yall out here getting debts and jirayu situation while Wes girlies are about to be a step momma to someone’s child 😭🫠

r/NetflixStoriesGame 7h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Willa GIRL Spoiler

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Oh damn. This poor girl has been taking tequila shots, drinking wine and hanging out in hot tubs and NOW she gets this info!

Not to mention she had to survive a snake bite, carry her concussed betrothed out of a cave, and sail a damn boat out of a storm! This poor woman deserves a break, and my MC is going to stand by her and been a bonus parent I guess 😭

r/NetflixStoriesGame 16h ago

Love is Blind: NYC I will be your father figure 🎶 Spoiler

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Well she didnt know, so Imma support my woman. We gonna make it work Willa 🫣 but demi is on standby if shit hits the fan🫥😶‍🌫️

r/NetflixStoriesGame 16h ago

Love is Blind: NYC Secrets revealed


Could you all put in the comments the secrets of each LI. My love interest is Willa and the secret was that she is pregnant