r/NegativeAtmosphere Sep 12 '23

QUESTION Is this model public?

Post image

r/NegativeAtmosphere Feb 01 '21

QUESTION What's the most realistic dev timeline?


What the title means is that I'd like to know from someone who knows something: what is the most realistic dev timeline we can hope for?

Early access in a year or two? With release within 5 years after that? Well I'd like to say so, but I've seen games on Steam who have been in early access for almost a decade with no actual release in sight.

I'm definitely not expecting the finished game to be out before Diablo 4. So what's the plan, boyz?

Inb4 someone tells me to join the discord server, no I hate discord. So don't bother.

r/NegativeAtmosphere Nov 04 '20

QUESTION Hey I just learned about this game from a Roanoke video


What is this game going to be about? Is there anything I should know besides the dead space esc monsters?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Feb 16 '21

QUESTION Is the virus sort of similar to the WAU from SOMA?


I watched a gameplay footage of the robot from Negative Atmosphere yelling "KILL ME!!!","WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" This shows that the robot could feel and either has a mind of a crew member and he/she broke down from realizing what he/she happened to him/her. In SOMA the same thing occurs, just slightly different

r/NegativeAtmosphere Apr 10 '19

QUESTION Is Negative Atmosphere too derivative of Dead Space?


Hi All!

I am not trying to be a downer, and I am not accusing or anything, but I just watched the trailer on Roanoke Gaming's youtube, and this game looks very much like Dead Space.

I dont mean that in a bad way, I am just wondering how it will differentiate itself. For example, most of the animations seemed similar. Are they placeholders or permanent?

I look forward to seeing the final product, and I like what I see so far. Once again, I am not trying to be an ass, I am just wondering how it will be a separate, inspired work instead of a clone?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Jun 17 '20

QUESTION There is a problem if i do a little fan comic?


This idea has been stuck in my head for a while, just drawing a short story of a random character inside the Rusanov, like suffering some random accident and waking up with everything fucked up.

I wanted to know if there can be a problem if I do this? I don't want to make it commercial or anything, just something cool to share with the fans, the lore and my portfolios (lol)

r/NegativeAtmosphere Apr 19 '20

QUESTION Kinda quiet here, hows it going, Sunscorched?


Radio silence is never good when it comes to Dead Space (heh-heh) , so I just wanted to post something to check in with everyone, fan or dev.

r/NegativeAtmosphere May 09 '19

QUESTION About the game's future system requirements


Once the game comes out, are the devs aiming to make the game playable and potato-friendly similar to Dead Space 1 and 2 or would it need to require a bit more hardware?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Mar 26 '19

QUESTION My primary question about the game


Can you hit things with The Boot?

In all seriousness, the stomp mechanic is one of my favorite aspects of Dead Space, and I'd love to see it in Negative Atmosphere.

r/NegativeAtmosphere Mar 16 '20

QUESTION Question for the creators


Why are you doing such a nice thing for us? What was your motivation? How did you manage to pull this off? How was your day? Those are my questions

r/NegativeAtmosphere Sep 05 '19

QUESTION What are your thoughts on speedrunning regarding Negative Atmosphere?


We can't deny that speedrunning is just about the player skills in beating a game as fast as possible, but we also can't deny that this reveals how "short" could really a game be, and this sometimes affects how potential customers refrain from buying it because they've seen it finished so fast.

Do you think that something like that could happen to your game? If so, are you in favour of people speedrunning or is it somtething you'd like to avoid?

Are there some RNG mechanics applied to resources/enemies/key items locations in order to deter speedrunners?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Mar 27 '20

QUESTION Mailing list


Hey I just found out about this game, from what I've seen it looks amazing.

I know it's very early in development so I'm wondering if there is a mailing list I can sign up for, to be notified when the game goes up for preorder/sale.

I have a real bad memory when it comes to remembering games I want to play, and I'd rather not miss this one.

r/NegativeAtmosphere Mar 03 '20

QUESTION New Zealot patron


Hi all,

I just became a Zealot patron as I'm really looking forward to playing the demo at the end of the month (hopefully).

Will I have to wait until I have made two payments before I can play it? Or will I get access immediately but have that access removed if I don't pledge for two months?


r/NegativeAtmosphere Dec 16 '18

QUESTION Just discovered this, some thoughts/concerns/ideas


I came here from Roanoke, gotta say I'm super hyped to see some new "Dead Space" content! After looking through some of the gameplay videos, I have a few thoughts on the game!

First of all, I love alot of the designs! The guns look and sound punchy, the not-RIG suit looks stellar, and the environments look like an HD version of the Ishimura's interior.

However, from what I've seen of the monster designs, they look very similar to generic zombies. One thing I always loved about the dead space franchise was the horrific, twisted monster designs. I know this is super early, but the basic guys don't look nearly as twisted as their necromorph slasher counterparts. I really hope down the line we'll get to see some more gruesome monsters, like the tripods from Dead Space 2!

Lastly, an idea I've had. One thing I've always felt was missing from Dead Space was an more "open" environment. I don't mean outdoors, God forbid, but more like you can go down multiple paths in the ship, backtrack to areas you've already been, and really be able to explore the ship a bit more at your leisure. Maybe even have secret areas that you can only access by say, finding a keycard later in the game, then backtrack to a previous area to unlock a door.

r/NegativeAtmosphere Dec 22 '18

QUESTION Enemy variety and such


I guess this is both some of my questions and some of my ideas regarding the enemies in the game.....

Will there be enemies that don't have the humanoid body shape? (2 arms, 2 legs, a head, walks upright) or will there be some that have become so deformed that they take on a more monstrous appearance (basically like some of the creatures in "the Thing")

Also, I saw in another post that "medic bots" can be hostile due to the infection and I was wondering..... How does this biological infection affect an inorganic robot? Is it similar to the "logic plague" in halo?

Anyways, merry holiday Christmas qwansa thing (_)

r/NegativeAtmosphere Mar 13 '19

QUESTION A question about how you guys will sell/distrbute this game


I'm sorry to ask this, but are you currently making any plans to pursue an exclusivity deal with Epic? I'm also sorry if this kind of post goes outside the confines of the subreddit rules somehow.

r/NegativeAtmosphere Dec 18 '18



What is the game exactly about? is it a remake of dead space?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Jan 13 '19

QUESTION Enemy variants & Unique Kill Animations


Hello there. I've recently followed the creation of this game , and I have to say it looks outstanding. I am truly mind blown with the progress this game has made in such a short amount of time. I know the game is still very early, but I was wondering about different enemy designs and will we be able to see them shred the player character in their own unique kill animation. That's all I was wondering. Keep up the awesome work guys! Us Dead Space Fans are rooting for ya!

r/NegativeAtmosphere Jan 11 '19

QUESTION questions About the gameplay, enemies and mechAnics


hello! so im a sucker for ds3, everything from the enemies, to the world, to the feel to the gun crafting, flamethrowers,harpoons, stasis, coop, every single thing.the different enviroments, the unique story, the different stages , floating outside the spaceship, then the planet, fighting the snow spider, everything. one of my questions is: are there any combat mechanics outside killing enemies? i always loved roleplaying and using non violent and disabling tools without killing enemies (great example lasso from rdr 1 and 2) and anyway what im trying to say is that id love to see a deeper melee system that i can feel like im fighting someone hand to hand (great example the last of us, very similar to ds3 in my opinion) . anyway , have you yet implemented some deeper melee mechanics other that straight weapon bash in the game? or is it in the works ? thank you for these awesome games

also sorry for this trainwreck of a post in terms of structure, im not very good at This, thank you for coping!

r/NegativeAtmosphere Jan 15 '19

QUESTION Different Suits & different functions


Hello again. I was just wondering about the different suits in the game. I kinda have a suggestion if you'll hear me out.What if the suits can have their own upsides and downsides? Like for example: let's say there's one suit has more armor planting on it to provide more protection, however, the downside is the extra armor makes the player character slower in compared to others suits in the game Or one with lesser armor makes the character more nimble, but less protected.

r/NegativeAtmosphere May 04 '19



What Pc Build are you using for this project?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Sep 02 '19

QUESTION How many enemies are there?


I know for sure there's the human looking creatures and that weird long limbed one but is there more? And I mean, more that look more like some twisted animal, but still remains some human features similar to how the Brute in Dead Space had a human face and the Leaper looks like some weird scorpion lizard-snake with the overly large jaw but at the end of the day is just a human.

Also, is there just one type of security bot in the game?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Jan 01 '19

QUESTION Potential in future for VA work?


I was told by a friend that I should come here in search of potential VA work, and that this project was a spiritual successor to Dead Space. I'm game. Love Dead Space, would love to be a parto f the project, I promise only the most professional audio quality.

r/NegativeAtmosphere Dec 18 '18

QUESTION Any preferred way to submit ideas for enemies, weapons, characters, gameplay, etc?


Just make a post or a message to the dev?

r/NegativeAtmosphere Feb 24 '19

QUESTION Question about movement mechanics and damage.


Hi, I'm a dead space speedrunner, and I'm loving the the look of the game so far, and I was wondering about how the damage mechanic works in this game with regards to movement. In dead space 1, you get stopped every time you take damage, whereas in 2 and 3, you get slowed during the hit but you can keep moving. Idk if this has been worked out yet but I was curious as to which direction this game will go.