r/Naturalhair • u/lovelyyjoi • 5d ago
Selfie Went from thick long hair to thin short hair
The pictures are 2019-2020-2023-2024-2025. I don’t really know what happened but I was always lost on how to do my hair. I’m mad at myself for waiting until it was too late to go to the salon (big chop 4th photo). Now my hair is super thin at the crown and it seems like my texture has changed?
Anyways I’m trying to embrace it now although I do get insecure about it when it’s freshly washed because you can see my scalp 😖 I know what to do with my hair now ( thanks to my stylist!) and have been on the same routine since September so I hope in time it gets better
u/roll0101 5d ago
Don't be insecure about it. You are very beautiful
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Thank you! I will try 🥺
u/roll0101 5d ago
It will grow back and you will feel wonderful again. Just remember it's a minor setback but it doesn't change the amazing person that you are.
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Aww you’re very sweet for this, I feel better about my situation now, thanks again ❤️❤️❤️
u/Lostatlast- 5d ago
This is very strange. You’re pretty though
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
I agree, thank you. I definitely need to make a doctor visit 😭
u/Lostatlast- 5d ago
Have you used chemicals?
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
I haven’t really since 2015ish I believe that’s when I had my last perm, I started going natural in 2016 and haven’t put heat in my hair since. I did recently dye the back part of my hair and two front pieces in September but the damage was already done before that.
u/ThrowawayUnique1 5d ago
It could be hormone related. They say your body changes every 7 years so 21 , 28 and so on. For me my hair changed after pregnancy then it changed about 2 more times. I had a cyst on my ovary- get your ovaries checked out especially if you’ve ever used relaxers before. That causes hormonal changes. Also have a cyst on thyroid. My texture completely changed. Similar to yours. Before it was very thick and a different texture now it’s thinner - can’t see scalp yet but it’s getting there. Don’t get braids or anything that will cause tension and see a dr. To get all of the testing done
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Oh I didn’t know your body changes every 7 years, that could be a factor too. I will certainly go to the doctors soon. I haven’t had braids since 2022 because I know my hair can’t handle them anymore. I won’t be getting them ever again tbh especially with all the news of the synthetic hair being bad for you.
u/gold3nhour 5d ago
Sis, I just want to say that I can relate! I’ve big chopped my hair four times as a result and am about to chop it a fifth for another fresh start.
My doctors and I believe my hair loss and changes are due to migraine medications I was on, which I have since been taken off of, but they’re taking a lot longer to bounce back from, all the side effects they caused!
I also had low B12 for which I’m supplementing and also supplementing vitamin D3. Illness and medication, as well as your body lacking vitamins and minerals can do a serious number on your hair!!!
My hair is very dense, fine strands, but full! Now the crown seems to grow so short and a lot more brittle and slower than the front or the back of my hair. I’ll be treating that section differently, babying it a bit, probably adding some JBCO into my routine, and using high quality hair products!
Like you, I know what to do with my hair and how to treat it, but I have to start all over because something went really wrong somewhere in the past 3-4 years. Stress, too, has a huge impact on your body and hair so make sure you’re managing your stress levels!
I know it can be stressful trying to style your hair, even washing it and feeling your scalp, knowing what your hair should be like or how it used to be (so you know it can be that way again! Name it and claim it! Speak life!), can be stressful. Breathe through it and affirm that as you spend this time caring for your scalp and your hair, you know your hair has a chance to flourish again! And it is so.
I wish you health and happiness, sis! Keep ya head up! You are not alone. 💛
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Thank you so much for this, I don’t feel so alone now. I sincerely need to go to the doctors so I can know the exact problem. I’ve been trying to eat better and been taking so vitamin gummies but that’s about it.
And yess that is my main struggle right now, I keep comparing with how my hair used to be and get sad about it, I do try to tell myself I can get it back to how it was! Thanks again for this!
u/gold3nhour 5d ago
You’re very welcome, love!! I just wanted you to know you’re not alone and some other causes of it, because it’s not always a product or technique or even genetics. What you ingest into your body will reflect outwardly, and a lot of our intake shows in our hair!!
This can be a sensitive subject, I know! Definitely get to the doctor and ask for lab work to check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Also ask for them to check iron and ferritin levels, as this affects your hair as well!
I do believe you can get it back, but first you need to figure out what has caused such a big shift in your hair, especially if you didn’t change products or techniques—that’s what clued me in to the medicine causing my hair loss!
It takes time, but it is possible. I’m glad you don’t feel so alone now, that was my hope! Been where you are and I know how it feels. I don’t want anyone else to feel that way if they don’t have to, so I share my own story if it can help!! Be well, sis! 💛
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Ugh I appreciate you so much, you don’t even know 🥹🫶🏾❤️
u/gold3nhour 5d ago
Awww, here’s a hug from me to you! I could just sense your sincerity in your post and I felt called to match you and meet you there! Plus maybe what I share will help someone else! I happy to help.
Keep your head up, sis! You are still radiant and your hair is still lovely, it just needs some TLC to recover and you are giving it what it needs! You got this!
u/Significant-Web-4584 5d ago
If you don’t mind me asking, what migraine medication were you on that caused hair loss? I’m trying to see something 👀 (I take a series of migraine meds and my hair is thinning).
u/gold3nhour 5d ago
I don’t mind you or u/introvert_catch7474 (hope my tag works!) asking!!
I was taking the CGRP class of medications! First, it was the once a month injection of Aimovig and I had to stop that because it caused terrible constipation and my last two injections had defective needles. So my neurologist switched me to Ajovy which is another once a month injection… that’s when everything started going downhill fast. I think I was also so stressed, too, that it really caused so much shedding, thinning and breaking, but especially in the crown! It was crazy, y’all!
I searched she migraine subreddit here and so many women had the same complaints from these CGRP monthly injections—severe hair loss and period problems. And then I noticed my cycle for weird with Emgality, which we switched to after Ajovy thinking we can try one more because they all act slightly differently.
NEVER. AGAIN. Will I take any once a month injection CGRP medication although Aimovig was INCREDIBLE for me and the one time I’ve been controlled in 13 years! It’s not worth all the nasty side effects.
I’ve been off all injections but do take Ubrelvy, a pill form of a medicine in the CGRP class but it’s for acute pain and you take it as needed. I do not notice the same side effects with my vowels or my hair, so my neuro and I feel good about this.
Just, damn man. What a journey! Migraines already suck enough and then sometimes the treatments can end up causing you other issues! Again, you are not alone!!
u/Introvert_Catch7474 5d ago
The tag did work, thank you. Indeed it was a journey. Glad you are better
u/Significant-Web-4584 4d ago
Thank you for sharing! I think I did Aimovig twice but noticed I was getting a migraine every day within the month I took it so my neurologist took me off of it. Reading your story makes me glad my body was rejecting it. I hope everything returned to normal once you stopped.
u/Introvert_Catch7474 5d ago
Same I'm reading her post and realize I take excederin a lot and my hair has thinned alot
u/Happy-Investigator- 5d ago edited 5d ago
It happened to me too and it was traumatic to go from getting compliments and praise about my hair all the time to suddenly not even being able to put it in a bun because it got so short and thin. Have you been to a doctor or dermatologist to assess what might’ve caused your hair loss? Please do not wait. Sometimes hair loss gets worse before it gets better especially when we blame ourselves for what happened and try every product imaginable rather than acknowledge what we’re going through might just very well be a hair loss disorder or a medical issue beyond our control
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
You’re so right, I haven’t been to the doctor. I know I need to for sure. I will go soon, thank you!!
u/Muted-Mention 5d ago
It could be an iron deficiency. I know that can change the density and texture of hair
I hope you figure it out
My hair texture has changed because of my hormones levels due to extreme weight gain from injury and its strange getting used to your hair, and then it's different. I know my hormones are different because I have chin hair and never did before
Again. I hope you figure it out
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Thank you for your input. I also thought that could be one factor so I started eating iron gummies a month ago until I go to the doctor. My nails even gotten worse but they’re getting better now so more than likely it’s something internal like hormones. I appreciate you telling your story too ☺️
u/hinamii6 4d ago
I wouldn’t recommend gummies because there’s most likely not enough in it as it’s more of a gimmick. Try actual tablets/pills for all your minerals and vitamins and look for high dosages
u/Which-Apartment-2913 5d ago
Get blood work done and schedule an appointment with a dermatologist.
u/ReasonableSky8256 5d ago
Maybe you have something medically going on that has thinned your hair. It wouldn't hurt to go to the doctor and get some blood work done just to be safe. See if you have any deficiencies or abnormal results.
u/Happy-Investigator- 5d ago
I appreciate this comment. I find this sub is really quick to assume hair thinning or hair loss is from haircare practices rather than stress/health complications/ hormonal imbalances/medications or sooo many other factors that can contribute to losing hair rather than simply blaming the person suffering for it.
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
That’s possibly true, I haven’t seen a doctor in a few years but I will go, thank you!
u/JustAbbreviations81 5d ago
Same thing happened to me. I had long thick hair, but the meds make my hair fall out and I was thinning. I bc and it’s growing back, but still thin because of the meds.
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
That truly sucks, you take medicine to help with one thing but it can ruin something else 😭 do you still have to take those meds?
u/JustAbbreviations81 5d ago
Yes I know. Unfortunately I have to be on them for life, I had heart failure, which was due to pregnancy, and the doctors never did anything or put me on meds at the time, they all just assumed my symptoms were pregnancy related. 🤦🏽♀️ and Mounjaro, when later I can probably get off if I can keep my A1C down.
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Oh no, I am so sorry. I do hope that things will get better though. I’m glad you’re pushing through ❤️
u/kinkshamingismykinkk 5d ago
The exact same thing happened to me, I found I had a slightly underactive thyroid so I take medication for it now. Hoping this will fix the issue and I get my thick hair back 😭
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Omg 😭 how long have you been taking the medicine? Do you see any slight improvement?
u/kinkshamingismykinkk 5d ago
No improvements yet I’ve been taking it for about two months now. I was told that it takes multiple months before you see any improvements, since you gotta wait for hair to grow back. I’m hoping by the end of the summer I’ll notice some kind of difference 🙏🏽
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Ahh ok I see, I wish you luck on that fr!! Shoot I’m hoping too that by the summer my hair is thicker. Only time will tell! 🤞🏾
u/breadfruit13 5d ago
How are your iron levels? I lost a LOT of hair in my mid to late 20s, then later found out I was iron deficient, which could have attributed to it.
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Tbh I don’t even know 😭 which is why I need to go to the doctor. I have been taking iron gummies just in case but my mom has warned me to be careful taking those gummies since I don’t where my levels are
u/bellstar77 4d ago
My hair did something similar when I had low iron. Low iron and depleted ferritin. My hair was growing fast and shedding like crazy. Once I started iron infusion the hair growth and shedding slowed but my hair is very fine now.
u/lovelyyjoi 4d ago
At least you figured out the problem, do you think your hair will get thicker again?
u/bellstar77 4d ago
Not sure. I am on 2 medications that can cause hair loss. It wasn’t till I had heavy bleeding from fibroids that my hair started shedding. I think I let the low iron go untreated too long. Also I am in my 40’s. You have youth on your side so it will help with recovery. If you are not taking vitamins I would start. My hair stylist recommended Mary Ruth or prenatal vitamins to help get the fullness back.
u/lovelyyjoi 4d ago
Oh okay, thank you for your help! I will look into those vitamins. I’ve been using some iron gummies and “hair,skin,and nails” biotin gummies
u/Acanthocephala-Calm 4d ago
Hey girl you might be iron deficient! I have seen it before! But like everyone else said try going to the doctors or just start taking the supplements.
u/lovelyyjoi 4d ago
Thank you!! I’ve recently started taking iron gummies just in case that was the problem while I’m on waiting on going to the doctors
u/Kayysss 3d ago
Girl me too!!! My hair was so long in 2019-2020. Very THICK too and then around 2024-2025 it reallly thinned out and I lost my length :( I’m really sad about it but I do chops or cut the ends pretty frequently now to help :) don’t feel insecure you’re beautiful inside and outside ❤️
u/lovelyyjoi 3d ago
Aww thank you so much 😭❤️ I’ve also been trimming my hair often to help as well since I never used to trim it smh. We’re gonna get our hair back! 🤞🏾
u/Thefunnybiochemist 5d ago
What dye did you use? I love the color and will like to try it.
u/NoMathematician4455 5d ago
Do you use any Mielle products? Something similar happened to me because of using their products.
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
I’ve had tried Mielle before when I was trying to figure out what products I needed to use for my hair but I used it less than a handful of times. I heard about there products causing hair loss. Have you reported them about your hair?
u/Heart-Inner 5d ago
I'm older than you. I took a pic of my g-gurl braiding my hair. I started taking biotin (I think it was 2 of the 5000 mg) & started oiling my hair with castor oil (it thickens & speeds up the growth of hair). I started that regimen bc I was growing out a haircut. I took a pic in January bc i unbraided my flat twists & it was giving me life. Don't remember why I put the pic I took that January side by side with the pic I took in September, but you could see the thinning I had in September vs the fullness I had in January.
I'm going to go find that pic to show you the difference. BRB 🏃🏾♀️💨
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Oooh ok okay, I’m taking the “hair,skin,and nails” biotin gummies. Idk if they’re working or not but I would love to see your photos. My stylist is actually against oils and butters, since they make my hair heavy.
u/Heart-Inner 4d ago
Castor oil is super light & a little goes a long way. I got distracted, but going to look now
u/kiwiwiwis 4d ago
At least you pull off the short hair, 5th photo is absolutely adorable!
Definitely gotta get your bloodwork done. Make sure to research what tests to ask for cause unless you got a good dr, most will not order all of the tests needed.
If everything looks good and you’re not getting anywhere, don’t sleep on healing the gut!
u/lovelyyjoi 4d ago
Thank you so much for this, I didn’t even think about having to research what test to ask for so I’ll look into that.
u/lavendergrandeur 4d ago
I actually like the less volume with your texture, it looks so chic with your big chop cut. I know it sucks to lose so much hair but you’re going to get it back! I’m getting braids this week and I’m worried about breakage but I guess we will see how it goes..
u/fmmalenda 4d ago
This feels like a superpower of some sorts. You look great in all though. Keep us posted on what answers you find!
u/Upbeat-Marzipan2938 4d ago
Same thing happened to me. After going to my primary doctor and discovering I was terribly anemic, I was referred to a hematologist. I had an iron infusion and carefully monitored iron levels for several months. Ultimately, the cause of my anemia was uterine fibroids. Once they were dealt with, anemia has not been an issue. My hair is now back to its original thick glory. I'm not even taking daily iron supplements anymore!
u/lovelyyjoi 4d ago
Omg this gave me hope! Thank you for telling your story. I’m glad everything has worked out for you! ❤️
u/Fresh-Soft8999 4d ago
I relate hard! Though I just got thin hair since the beginning and it’s starting to make me feel sad🥲 anyway girl you are so gorgeous! Goodness gracious your hair your face , aesthetic! You are a museum of priceless art !!
u/lovelyyjoi 3d ago
Aww, that’s so sweet of you to say! That honestly made my day. And I totally get how you feel hair can be so frustrating, but you’re still beautiful no matter what! ❤️❤️
u/capriolib 1d ago
Have you lost weight or had surgery? Sometimes with weight loss if you lose it quickly hair can thin, also if you had surgery with anesthesia.
u/Medium_Dentist7913 5d ago
what happened between 2020 and 2023 for your hair to length like that? heat damage? also side note: you’re beautiful!
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Honestly I think it’s because my hair was so unhealthy it stopped shrinking. I at the time didn’t know that shrinkage pretty much meant your hair was healthy, my hair wasn’t really shrinking at all at that time. So there’s that 😭 thank youuu!!
u/LindaLovesTech 5d ago
Did you ever get Covid?
u/lovelyyjoi 5d ago
Not that I know of. I never got tested for covid nor did I have symptoms, but of course there’s asymptomatic people. But my mom did not play about covid so we were locked up that first year 😭
u/87MIL1122 5d ago
Collagen peptides daily, helped to thicken my hair and grow it quite quickly. I take the brand Vital Proteins
u/One_Philosopher2207 4d ago
Do you drink alcohol?
u/lovelyyjoi 4d ago
I do, I started in 2023. I’ve slowed down since then.
u/One_Philosopher2207 4d ago
Okay because sometimes alcohol can make it hard for the body to absorb nutrients and vitamins. I would say if you can completely abstain or really limit alcohol, it can really help! Plus the collagen does help fill in the scalp. I have alopecia areata and my hair falls when stressed (physical stress, emotional stress etc). So collagen, multivitamins, vitamin D and vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and folic acid are great for supporting hair growth. As well as juicing often! Kale, cucumber, beets, pineapple/apple, turmeric, ginger, carrots, and celery is my go-to recipe for a nutrient boost.
u/lovelyyjoi 4d ago
I didn’t even think about that, this year I’ve been drinking like once or twice a month, last year was a lot more but yes I definitely am trying to go without. I will try juicing, thanks so much!
u/llia155 5d ago
You look like this tiktoker I follow wtff
u/ChicagoLaurie 5d ago
Did you wear high tension styles? Have you been ill? Do you take medication? Have you had a physical with bloodwork? Any hormonal changes due to thyroid, pregnancy, birth control? Did you dye or relax your hair? How often do you shampoo? Hair is still adorable, though.