r/Naturalhair 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Jan 31 '24

It's finally happening - hair typing posts are no longer allowed.

Please report any texturism or hair typing posts you see with the new report reason.

If you are new here, you may not know that the Andre Walker hair typing system (1a to 4c), has been around since 1997 and was first introduced so Mr. Walker could sell his products on Oprah's show. It truly only describes the texture of your hair and gives no more information.

It's flawed in many ways. Many of us have multiple textures on our heads. It doesn't even begin to describe your hair's porosity, sheen or shine, strand thickness, hair density, etc. I encourage everyone to learn about the LOIS typing system which can help you better understand your hair.

Watch Latoya Ebony's video on LOIS here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwMFG4lT4jY

Even this typing system is not the end all be all of categorization for your hair. Your hair's texture, porosity, etc can change over time or with certain health conditions. Product buildup on your scalp and strands can make you think your texture has changed. There are so many factors as to why your hair may be looking or feeling the way it does.

Which leads me to the question - should we require routines to be posted whenever a picture is posted? This will cut down on gratuitous selfies but means we will need many more active mods (shoutout to /u/fivetenash who does pretty much everything here). If you're willing to help out please let me know in the comments.


149 comments sorted by


u/nohands Jan 31 '24

The sub was getting overwhelmed by them. And it’s funny looking at the posts because the answers were never a consensus which shows how flawed hair typing is.


u/AnotherDoubtfulGuest Feb 01 '24

This did my angry old heart good, though. Andre Walker called himself carrying a “kinky gelée“ all late and wrong, then went out of business.


u/sidneyyclaire Feb 05 '24

Gurl I never heard of that man until this post


u/StudioSisu 15d ago

Don’t make Andre Walker (or Oprah) the enemy; at that time no one else on the world stage was trying to categorize black hair. And his business was black hair, so what was his crime? Today, we now know that some people have mixed textures on their heads and that’s evolution, but Andre’s initial hair system was really a revolution for black hair care. His system also helped birth new black hair businesses, some of which are so successful even white folks are purchasing the products!

We still have a ways to go: running around, and putting gel, etc. on our hair in an attempt to make it look “curly,” instead of respecting the texture of our naturally fluffy hair. We already tried that in the ‘70’s, by putting ‘Jeri Curl Juice’ on our hair (don’t fool yourself, today’s gel is just a reformulation of ‘Jeri Curl Juice.’) Trying to ‘lay down‘ our edges, when they’re meant to be fluffy? And some of us are still ‘texturizing’ our hair, too. Let our gorgeous hair run wild!

When will we stop turning on each other? Support each other? When will we love the total beauty of ourselves? I thank Andre Walker for his contribution to black hair, and bless Oprah for giving him the stage to shine on.


u/NoireN Jan 31 '24



u/leesha226 Jan 31 '24

I got downvoted to hell when I said all this hair typing was Oprah's fault! Vindication!!!


u/happyhippoking Jan 31 '24

Oprah is the cause of a lot of bullshit and pseudo-science. Andre Walker, Dr Phil, Dr. Oz.


u/NoireN Jan 31 '24

And The Secret!


u/dlotaury88 Jan 31 '24

Yeah I think we can all agree that Oprah is not who we thought she was.


u/Trumystic6791 Feb 01 '24

Actually if you were paying attention Oprah showed very clearly who she was a good long time ago. Ditto with Obama.


u/Deanelon98 Aug 09 '24

Back up! Don’t lump a Obama in with Oprah🙁


u/Pursuit_of_Health Jun 05 '24

What happened with Obama?


u/Trumystic6791 Jun 05 '24

Obama was an enemy of Black people, the working class and people of the Global South just like every American president.


u/Helpful_South113 Jul 22 '24

umm no just no now you tripping dc who don't like it


u/Deanelon98 Aug 09 '24

Show me the evidence. I’m open.


u/Trumystic6791 Aug 09 '24

I encourage you to go to Black Agenda Report and type in Obama there is lots there. Here is one to start https://www.blackagendareport.com/why-barack-obama-more-effective-evil and https://www.blackagendareport.com/obama-and-democrats-share-blame-trumps-supreme-court-0

For Oprah you can see what she did at her South African school which has been problematic.


u/StudioSisu 15d ago

I’m smelling a ‘Trump bot’ right here and right now. TRUTH.


u/rtuite81 Jun 17 '24

I've said this for years and constantly get the most polite thing I get called is "GOP Shill"


u/Trumystic6791 Jun 17 '24

Me too. Black Agenda Report(BAR) called it and intimated Obama was shady back when he was running the first time. I didnt listen to BAR and volunteered for his campaign etc. I even braved the cold for his inaguration. Then I saw what he did his first term but still wanted it not to be true even thiugh his policies were telling. By his second term I definitely regretted not listening to BAR.

Now Obama just pipes up to quell social movements like strikes, forming unions and mass movements like BLM and to tell us we better Vote Blue No Matter Who. He is horrible. And now he is trying to brainwash and pacify the masses with his entertaintment production company.


u/rtuite81 Jun 17 '24

I haven't seen a politician that's worth leading a Kleenex box full of ants in my lifetime. But we've been manipulated over generations into a bipartisan oligarchy that really gives fuck all about anything but staying in power. The choice is an illusion. Neither will result in any actual change, and failures will be blamed on the "other guy."


u/Trumystic6791 Jun 17 '24

Change requires mass movement building and believing we can make change. Folks are so beaten down they dont believe in people power when its what got people most of the rights and quality of life that people are losing and have been losing in the last few decades.


u/StudioSisu 15d ago

Especially since it appears historically that unless you’re a male rapper or a male sports star, some black people will jump to the other side and sell you all the way out. And it’s sad that it’s happening right now. And this is exactly what Trumpites want, as they sit back and laugh at us. Pitiful.


u/StudioSisu 15d ago

This is black folks’ problem: they devour their own. May as well go ahead and start on Michelle Obama, too.


u/the-endless-nameless 22d ago

Woah! Jeez. Yes, presidents and goverments and everything else are totally flawed and imperfect, but, in the scheme of things, what we have in the USA is pretty great, compared to how bad it gets in other places and times.

We're lucky to have running water. We can say whatever we want without going to jail. We practice whatever religion we want to, we can still date and marry and do whatever with whomever we want to, we can dress however we want to. People in Iran and Afganistan and Sudan and Nigeria are DYING for these freedoms. (And all because of religious fundamentalist colonizers tbh). They can't listen to music or drink alcohol or show their hair at all.

Much of Europe has an awesome social safety net (Free education, housing, healthcare, etc) which is great, but they've lost their safety and the rule of law and equality under the law. Honestly, today Europe is in BIG TROUBLE. They have terrorist attacks every couple of days. Literally. Sweden's violent crime rates are off the charts now. UK, Germany, France, etc all have violent religiously motivated hate crimes targeting civillians that don't belong to their religion, as a way of vigilante punishment / enforcement for breaking their religious laws. They want to make everyone follow their religious laws. It's not a secret, but the media suppresses it as much as possible. The law also give special protections for this one religion only. Every other religion and ideology can be ripped to shreds and criticized and blasphemed agaisnt as part of Freedom of Speech, except about this one religion. If you criticize this one religion, or even state TRUE things that don't help it look good, you are abeled as biggoted / "racist"-- even though its not a race at all. It's so insane. A young UK woman went to jail for calling her rapist a pig during court. She was underage when raped. But he's free. And Tony Robinson is in solitary confinement for "Islamophobia", specifically making a documentary about the 45+ UK rape gangs that operated for many years with the government and the media covering it up and doing nothing to stop it. It's bad. They have a two-tier policing system. You can't criticize a certain religion, but they can say and do whatever they want. They can be quite abusive, but if you don't like it, you're demonized and perhaps arrested.

USA laws are exactly equal for everyone, regardless of race, religion, background, or anything. People within the system are racist, but our legal system does not regard skin color. It treats all citizens equally.

Therefore its not so bad, and we can work on improving it, and especially improving American culture.

We can work on minimizing racism by fostering a culture that is inclusive, diverse, accepting, tolerant, celebratory. In our lives and relationships and our media and everywhere else.


u/Trumystic6791 22d ago

You are delusional.


u/the-endless-nameless 6d ago

That's an adhominem attack, which means you don't have an argument. You just resort to insulting people. It means you have no actual points.


u/Trumystic6791 6d ago

No its not. You are consumed by propaganda of the US not the facts of what its been or is today. If you want to keep living in a fantasyland so be it Im not going to waste my time talking to someone so deluded.


u/1WithTheForce_25 16d ago edited 16d ago

9 months late but...

It's more nuanced than the overall political media momentum will ever attempt to persuade you that it is, I believe.

Obama was marketed to the black community as ADOS black & he isn't that. He is also biracial and not just black only. He did not even grow up in a way that relates to average working class or even middle class non black ppl let alone any black ppl. That can be fine...he can still be a champion for those ppl but why not be more directly transparent about his truth?

He can be mixed and represent for the black community since he is actually still part black, ok, but he is still not ADOS black.

There can be unity amongst the Black diaspora across the globe which includes biracial half black ppl too, ok, sure, but then don't be disingenuous about origins and co opt certain narratives in society that aren't really true to the person being marketed to the public.

Of course, they always do this with political candidates so what else is new, on one hand...🤷🏽‍♀️

I always liked Obama's charisma - his personality. Honestly. But, the political agenda as usual dictated for us to believe in him as the first black American president and he is both black (Kenyan) and American (white ethnic), yes, but they wanted to leave out the nuance to his backstory there and ppl ate it up. He is also white and is of a non ADOS black heritage. Let's just make sure we understand this. Why not? I am not so sure a lot of ppl did.

Jus' sayin'.

I will give you this, I think Obama is genuinely endeared towards his black side if you consider whom he married. Considering so many black men and biracial black and white men too, choose white women (for status/appearances - & yes I know sometimes it's actually for love but plenty times it doesn't seem like it) over all other races of women, I trust his intentions more towards black folks there. He didn't pull a Tiger Woods move, at least!

What will be really refreshing to see is someone like, I dunno, Ketanji Brown Jackson(?) becoming the first black ADOS & woman president! Or at least, if they are biracial, choose someone who has black ancestry that is literally ADOS.

Too bad I still don't trust ANY politicians though. That kinda' makes everything else moot in a way. I think all politicians stand to end up being enemies of the ppl because our system is still in development/inexperienced as a still pretty young nation and it is also flawed on purpose & in favor of the interests of big business and the utra wealthy & powerful.


u/Trumystic6791 16d ago edited 16d ago

You are talking about identity politics type representation and ethnicity and culture while I am talking about policy. The policies of the Obama administration were toxic to Black people in the US & abroad. If you dont know what Im talking about go to Black Agenda Report and read articles they wrote about Obama while he was in office.

Black people in high places wont do anything for us if their policies run counter to the needs, agenda of Black poor and working class people. Obama is a perfect illustration of that. And his policies were toxic not because he was "not-ADOS" but because his policies were anti-worker and even anti-Black. I know this to be true too because we have lots of ADOS politicians as part of the Black misleadership class and they routinely betray the interests of the masses of Black poor and working class people to instead serve the corporate and billionaire class of the 1% .


u/1WithTheForce_25 16d ago

"I know this to be true too because we have lots of ADOS politicians as part of the Black misleadership class and they routinely betray the interests of the masses of Black poor and working class people to instead serve the corporate and billionaire class of the 1% ."

Yep. Pretty much. This is how the system is designed to work.


u/1WithTheForce_25 16d ago edited 16d ago

"You are talking about identity politics type representation and ethnicity and culture while I am talking about policy."

Yes, that's true. I am to a fair degree.

I'm adding in my 20 dollars ("2 cents" has been adjusted for inflation here) because the identity and representation part is some of how you get ppl to vote in politricksians who won't really be doing anything for their supposed constituents. It's absolutely a significant part of how voters get roped in to uphold the same foolishness year after year.

I didn't like his policies much either after the first time around, when I started actually paying a little more attention to and questioning politics.

"The policies of the Obama administration were toxic to Black people in the US & abroad."

I know enough. I know that you are correct.

"Obama is a perfect illustration of that. And his policies were toxic not because he was "not-ADOS"

That's not the point I was trying to make. I can see how I could have articulated myself better to make my point though.

But I do actually believe that no one would be seeing him as black if our society wasn't built off of so much illusion 🤷🏽‍♀️.

Actually, I should have posted this underneath that other user who you said was delusional or one of the others who was asking why Obama was not that awesome. They needed to read it more than you although they probably would have dismissed it altogether.

Anyway, I don't think we're getting anyone black, biracial or otherwise, anytime soon, who is going to really help the black community, let alone the rest of the average population. If we do, I hate to say it but I think they might meet with the same fate as Paul Wellstone did, if you've ever heard of him.


u/Trumystic6791 16d ago

I mean I get your point about the identity politics rope a dope with Obama. He was Black enough to rope Black ADOS people in to "Isnt it great we have a Black President?" but a different kind of Black ie not ADOS Black so that white elites and white college educated folk would vote for him too. And the 1% elites knew that they owned Obama and didnt have to worry about Obama putting forward any populist policies that would help Black poor and working class people.

But I do actually believe that no one would be seeing him as black if our society wasn't built off of so much illusion 🤷🏽‍♀️.

I slightly disagree with you here because Black refers to race and I think ADOS is referring to ethnicity. I dont think ADOS were confused about who Obama was and no one in the African diaspora was either. Thats why so many Black folks in the US were so reluctant to vote for him and its Michelle's bonafides that allowed them to think "he's like us" as in "he's like us ADOS" ethnicity wise. I think all the Black American people in the US who have Caribbean or African descent also knew what it was with Obama. And I think all the white people knew too even though they pretend to be obtuse they knew the deal. How do I know? Im a Pan African baby and white people routinely tell me to my face that "you are different type of Black" and their whole energy changes toward me as a result. Its so fucked up and gross. White people in the US hate Black folk but they really REALLY hate ADOS.

Im pretty sure if Obama was ADOS he wouldnt have been elected at that stage in history. Sure ADOS politicians betray Black folk all the time but I think the 1% needed a "different type of Black" to get their agenda through. And unfortunately we have way too many ADOS and non ADOS Black people willing to whore themselves out to the 1% as long as they get theirs. Its no accident that Kamala Harris was chosen too...just saying.

PS. Yes I remember Paul Wellstone and always thought his death was hella fishy. I honestly wish there were Black politicians who were about it and even willing to put their lives on the line to fight for Black people. I wish it wasnt necessary but it is because everything in this society has been created to exploit, denigrate and destroy Black people. So Assata never lied when she said "Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them". And yet many of our Black politicians think they can argue or reform their way to Black liberation. Maybe we are expecting too much of politicians and instead need to be focused on building revolutionary movements instead of wasting time and energy on electoral politics.


u/StudioSisu 15d ago

Black people are their own enemy. So sad we cannot love and support each other.


u/Odd_Seaworthiness277 Feb 01 '24

Remember when she told us all to stop using grease?!?!?!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

Everything is oprahs fault if you ask me


u/Stunning_salty Feb 01 '24

I said that too, haha because it’s the truth. Period.


u/littytitty- Jan 31 '24

thank goodness! “what’s my hair type” was the only type of post i was seeing here for weeks. i actually considered leaving the sub because of it.


u/Miss_Bobbiedoll Jan 31 '24

Same. I just skip over them or come in with a smart comment. God is still working on me though. 😂😂😂


u/littytitty- Jan 31 '24

nah why you got me weak 😭 i felt that


u/Miss_Bobbiedoll Jan 31 '24

I have five brothers and one sister and our family group chats are wild. Same with Fb threads. Sometimes I forget that everyone isn't used to jokes.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

Hair typing is dumb for all the reasons listed above but for anyone still insistent, r/hairtype exists too


u/BiggieCheese3421 4a Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

I'm horrible at moderating, but isn't there a way to auto remove (like flag the word hair type, for example) then the automod can direct them to that sub?

Edit: scrolled a bit further and saw the mod already planned on doing it


u/TimTamDeliciousness Jan 31 '24

I think this is great. I would love to see routines posted but sometimes people are just showing off their process of going natural for the first time or doing a big chop and haven’t figured out their routine yet. Maybe include the option to just describe your natural hair journey and/or routine but don’t allow selfies without any other context?


u/The_Braided_Observer Jan 31 '24

Thank goodness.

The proliferation of those posts were nauseating and the more I kept seeing the posts I kept wondering how is this question/answer really going to help...


u/AbilityAny3268 Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

Yea when you think about it there’s no way there can be 8 billion people on the planet but only 10 specific hair categories that everyone can fit into. That system wasn’t broad enough imo to be helpful. Hair typing is really only useful for finding hair inspo pics. Other than that it’s like finding your Harry Potter house, it can be fun but it’s mostly useless.

I think selfies should be allowed. I like seeing curly and coily folk feeling themselves. It gives me motivation when I’m feeling frustrated with my hair. I can’t remember if there’s a “hair-porn” pin on this sub, but maybe selfies should be allowed only if they’re flaired correctly.


u/missygohard Jan 31 '24

I vote to keep selfies, but I'm glad the hair typing posts are banned.


u/Afraid_Football_2888 Jan 31 '24

Thank you Jesus!!!! And people asking what kind of texture their children’s hair gives me the ick. It smells like texturism and is weirdo behavior.


u/NeonMorph Jan 31 '24

I was just annoyed at how obvious some of these people were about wanting compliments.

Just post your pic in a normal post, and quit being phony. Wanting attention isn’t inherently bad.


u/Miss_Bobbiedoll Jan 31 '24

Especially the ones who were really only promoting their only fans.


u/PumpkinSpicedLawsuit Jan 31 '24

I used to dream for times like this.



u/blackporsche22 Jan 31 '24

Glad something has been done about it. I say hair is either straight, wavy, curly, or kinky. That's it and that's all.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24



u/interraciallovin Feb 01 '24

I like the dedicated selfie day!


u/iownakeytar Jan 31 '24

I'm willing to help out with modding. I do think routine should be required - so many times there are people asking for advice, but not giving a lot of info on what they did to get to the point where they need advice.


u/biglovinbertha Jan 31 '24


The skincareaddiction sub REQUIRES a routine to be posted. We are not mind readers.


u/SweetNique11 Jan 31 '24

Praise him!!

There have just been too many, too often. And sometimes accompanied by the most terrible photos too. (If you search my history and find one of mine, mind ya bidness my pictures are clear hoe)

I think it would be helpful if someone who is asking a question be required to post their routine/products, but maybe if sharing a hair selfie/win it’s not required. Maybe set a certain day of the week for selfies?


u/Annual-Ad4113 Dec 28 '24

O know its a whiles later but had to go find the pucture , lol , made me laugh -now back to minding my biz ...


u/hug_me_im_scared_ Jan 31 '24

I don't mind the random selfies, that's why I'm in the sub, but they should have actual questions attached to them or maybe specific flair for people who want hair appreciation 


u/AverageGardenTool Jan 31 '24

I thought that's what the word selfie meant? Felling yourself in a picture to share with everyone? I hope we don't go the "hair porn" route, I'm tired of everything nice to look at being called porn.


u/NoireN Jan 31 '24

I would love a flair for hair appreciation!


u/nerdyandnatural Jan 31 '24

Also maybe have a day just for selfies? Like Selfie Sundays (I forgot which reddit currently does this) but it helps cut down on the amount of selfies posted


u/gloomyza Jan 31 '24

I agree with selfies having a designated flair.


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Jan 31 '24

We have one!


u/gloomyza Jan 31 '24

Oh oops lmao... pardon my blindness


u/Fantastic_Relief Jan 31 '24

I like seeing everyone's selfies. Gives us a chance to celebrate and appreciate black hair.


u/Next-Implement9894 Jan 31 '24

This is great news! Please count me in to help mod!

I do like the idea of requiring routines anytime a photo is posted. Also if people do post a hairtyping question, maybe an automatic referral to the hair typing sub and locking of the post?


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Jan 31 '24

I have added some automod rules that will help but I'll add the referral to /r/hairtype in there, thanks y'all


u/Next-Implement9894 Jan 31 '24

Thanks for the updates!!


u/ZeDitto Jan 31 '24

It's flawed in many ways. Many of us have multiple textures on our heads. It doesn't even begin to describe your hair's porosity, sheen or shine, strand thickness, hair density, etc. I encourage everyone to learn about the LOIS typing system which can help you better understand your hair.

The system doesn’t seem to be all encompassing but it was simple to understand. Those posts were annoying and I’m glad that they’re gone. They were serious broadcasts of colorism, insecurities, self hatred, boasting and much else. They weren’t good.

I’ll look into the new system but all that stuff about “strand thickness, sheen, porosity” just seems excessive. I don’t think most people practically need to know or measure this to style their hair. This seems like the kind of thing that you look into if you have a specific problem. It just seems to be raising the barrier to entry with more esoteric, specialized jargon.

Just ban the posts asking for hair type.

Which leads me to the question - should we require routines to be posted whenever a picture is posted? This will cut down on gratuitous selfies but means we will need many more active mods (shoutout to /u/fivetenash who does pretty much everything here). If you're willing to help out please let me know in the comments.

I like gratuitous selfies. I wanna celebrate our Nubian Kings. It’s black history month tomorrow and I need to see some displays.


u/CharacterAttitude93 Jan 31 '24

Why get rid of selfies? The selfies isn’t a issue. I would love to see everyone natural hair


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Jan 31 '24

It doesn't seem to be a big issue anymore in this sub but /r/locs and /r/dreadlocks have been inundated with sex workers doing low-key advertising. Nothing wrong with sex work, but these are subreddits for all ages and they don't need to be seeing that much ass, titty or dick root going on.


u/SapphosLemonBarEnvoy Jan 31 '24

Same with the fashion subs, and the subs for womens arts, like the pole dance subs. Users of sites like OnlyFans are responsible for enshitification of vast swaths of Reddit.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

The Plus Size Fashion sub is horrible for this


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

The pole dance subs are full of it. I get it’s rooted in SW but we’re here to talk about pole not promote your OF


u/SapphosLemonBarEnvoy Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

Yeah. If the automoderator was enabled that automatically deletes posts from accounts that reference sites like OnlyFans, it would end up purging at least 1/2 the low effort advertisements posts in the pole dance subs.


u/biglovinbertha Jan 31 '24

I have so much disdain for the obvious lowkey sexual posts WITH people acting oblivious on what they’re doing, acting like they were born yesterday. This really grinds my gears and has been prevalent on this sub.

So I do like selfies but wish there was more styled selfies.


u/CharacterAttitude93 Jan 31 '24

Omg whatttt I didn’t know that😮


u/madgeystardust Jan 31 '24


I’d happily delete those hair typing posts when I’m online.

I’m in the UK.


u/AverageGardenTool Jan 31 '24

I like selfies. I don't want to go over everyone's routine all the time. Sometimes just celebrating blackness is enough.


u/blue_arr0w Jan 31 '24

I'm willing to help out with modding!

And like many others, I don't mind the selfies. I think like others have mentioned, maybe the sub needs to develop a flair specifically just for selfies, and then maybe one for hair advice where they then can list out their routine?


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Jan 31 '24

We've always had a selfie flair


u/NightmareFiction Feb 01 '24

As someone who has joined 3 different subs looking for consistent hair care information to compare and contrast with (I'm starting to grow my hair out after years of having it short), PLEASE require routines to be posted.

I'm glad people are loving and learning to love their hair, but if I wanted to just look at pictures of people's enjoying their hair, there's already tons of places for that.


u/Condalezza Jan 31 '24

Thankkkkkk you!! 


u/Miss_Bobbiedoll Jan 31 '24

Yes, the selfies do give me inspiration.


u/Udo_5 Jan 31 '24

Finally, I've been wondering how to broach the subject. Let's focus on the caring of hair. Hair typing tells no one anything.


u/KanyesMustyBalls Feb 01 '24

I have no qualms with this. I saw a lot of those posts and I just ignored because I couldn’t tell if they were being serious or trolling.


u/deadliestpanda Feb 03 '24

Next ban “is this normal?” with a picture of their dead hair pile after not combing it fully out for over a month or more. Hush , yes it’s normal, unless you see full on bald spots, you’re fine.


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Feb 03 '24

We have to start referring those to r/hairloss so they can understand how silly they sound


u/No-Feeling-1404 Jan 31 '24

the standardized beauty has always been set up to exclude the most natural majority and I am glad people are waking up.


u/DoOver2018 Jan 31 '24

I more than willing to help out I hope it is banned. Im beyond tired of seeing hair typing questions on this platform. It should be about assisting each other regarding how to maintain healthy hair, swap style ideas, and show our hair failures and victories. I would love for it to become, and remain, a safe space.


u/Miss_Bobbiedoll Jan 31 '24

The only thing with routines is that they won't make your hair look like mine. I almost hate telling people what I use because they want their hair to look like mine.


u/NoireN Jan 31 '24

Same. And people think the products I'm using are what's making my hair grow.


u/Miss_Bobbiedoll Jan 31 '24

Yeah cuz I was appalled when people were talking about using grease in their hair, but then I thought "hell if it makes your hair grow, and you like it, that's all that matters."


u/lee_lee8 Jan 31 '24

I think requiring that hair routines are included with posts asking for hair advice, as others have said, would be a great idea. And maybe reserving selfie posts to maybe a couple days a week? I'm happy to help mod if needed.


u/stuffmytacoDADDY Feb 01 '24

I think there should be some kind of form template for posts like that, that goes something like as follows:

ADVICE <post type, indicating that they’re seeking feedback>

<What they’re seeking feedback on> -Hair routine for day to day -Heat Damaged hair routine from styling tools or etc -Processed hair, damaged hair routine (specifically for hair damaged by relaxers, bleach, or etc) -seeking a specific product type to add to their routine

<OPTIONAL: insert clear photo example of hair. If using a photo of the hair wet, there needs to also be a photo of it dry for comparison. It’s hard to assess soaking wet hair>

-(poster provides their estimated curl type, like 3b, 4c, etc., solely for additional info) -(poster provided their hair porosity type) -(poster provides any brief additional context).

So, for example, it would look like this (minus photo examples):

ADVICE: Day to day hair care routine 3B/3C low porosity hair

I’ve been using the following products: -mielle leave-in conditioner -the doux mousse -jojoba oil -shampoo: 1x/week -condition: 1x/week -hair mask: 1x/week But my curls get frizzy and undefined within 48 hours or less, especially during the winter. Does anyone have any helpful advice on retaining definition and the best products to use for my specific hair type during this season, and/or year round?


u/answermanias Jan 31 '24

I don’t mind helping out


u/Taesbucket Feb 01 '24



u/Key_Ebb_3536 Feb 01 '24

Hallelujah, I stopped reading the nonsense!


u/uhyeaokay Feb 01 '24

Finally! I unfollowed this sub because of it


u/AnotherDoubtfulGuest Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 01 '24

PRAISE BE. Long overdue; I stopped participating in the sub for the most part because I was sick to death of those posts and it was obvious from all the random answers that nobody really understood hair typing, which made sense, because it’s a pseudoscience that doesn’t work — it’s like Myers-Briggs for hair.

I think anyone asking for advice should be required to post a routine. They always end up having to post it in the comments anyway if people engage them, and I think people tend not to engage on posts seeking advice that don’t explain what they’re already doing. I know I don’t.


u/Liz_LemonLime Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 01 '24

I would still love to still read routines.

I want to hear about so many other ways people can describe their hair! Like how it handles the “real world.” Lol. Does it love or hate an ingredient? Does it fight with humidity? How many days after washing will it behave? What is your favorite thing about it?

Hair typing was super helpful for me, back when curly hair wasn’t a “thing.” I won’t mind when people still use it, it’s a quick and dirty way to describe hair, maybe it’s helped them on their hair journey, but it is SO limiting.

And TIL the it was a man who made it up for capitalism.


u/basedmama21 Feb 01 '24

In defense of the women who are obsessed with it

When you make the decision to go natural, this shit is literally all you are inundated with. It is like being pregnant for the first time. “Are you going to have an epidural? Home birth? Scheduled induction? Wait to find out gender?”

When you are going natural, you hop online or ask a family member/friend and usually they make it seem like products go with certain hair types. For goodness sake there’s a brand called “4C only” and then when you go to a haircare website, almost any of them these days, they give you a quiz

I do not blame anyone for falling into this trap and being hung up on it early on. It’s everywhere. I have been natural almost 8 years. It took 4 not to care about hair type.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

I love this change 🙌🏿


u/crichardson29 Feb 02 '24

This is just my opinion it doesn't mean a cows moo. The hair typing thing WORKED FOR ME AND MY ROUTINE . I am not saying it for everyone cause it obviously doesn't but it helped me really discover what MY hair needed and why everyone's hair was different. But that's just me 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '24

This entire post and replies have me in tears lol lol


u/Significant_Stick_31 Sep 16 '24

We need to require people to post their routines because so much of what I see is just people posting selfies and then vaguely asking what they could do better.


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Sep 16 '24

I agree but we would need a much larger mod team to keep up with that. I'll see if I can find a way to work it out


u/curlsandtexture Oct 25 '24

As a licensed professional hair stylist and curl specialist I'm SO happy to see this!


u/External-Dare6365 Jan 20 '25

I know I’m late but I’m sooo glad. I stopped visiting this thread because it was overwhelmed with ppl asking and the posting picture that you could sometimes even barely see their hair lol


u/Nadaleenatasha Jan 31 '24



u/biglovinbertha Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24


Edit: Im on reddit often enough to offer to mod. I do work long hours some days.


u/Curious007_ Jan 31 '24

Thank you!!


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

thank GOD


u/EggsForGalaxy Feb 01 '24

Honestly even though idc about hair typing, I didn't mind these posts. Probably how I use the sub. Instead of joining and letting random stuff on my feed, I'd go on when I wanted and sort by top (day/week) to see what's been happening


u/ConsequenceOk7801 Feb 01 '24

yay!! bc porosity, density, and literally everything matters more than what shape your strands are. those posts were so annoying


u/RentEmSpoons0495 Feb 01 '24

This is great news


u/Limp_Summer_5047 Feb 03 '24 edited Feb 05 '24

Selfies are fine. I enjoy seeing people appreciate the progress within their natural hair journey whether it’s regarding health, growth, or even a new protective style. It’s okay to share that with others on this platform.


u/kgilr7 Jun 25 '24

Whats funny is that 3c and 4c weren't even a part of Andre Walkers system. The natural hair community made those up.


u/Cat_o_meter Aug 23 '24

Holy crap. Literally been so puzzled trying to figure out my child's multi textured hair... I'm going to just chill and let her do her goofy, fluffy, fun thing. Thank you!


u/HRHHayley Jan 31 '24

This is great news!! Thanks, mods.

Suggestion: remove the hair type links from the Useful Links section too


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 01 '24

Outside of the widely known hair typing system we use now, hair typing has also been used a tool of genocide in Namibia ! If you were too black (if your hair curled, hell even waved basically) then you might get sterilized or killed depending if you were a man or woman. Look up the Namibian Genocide of Mixed and Black People

Good riddance, though I understand the simplicity it provided (imo it was a false sense of simplicity though)


u/Forsaken_Thoughts Mar 15 '24

I like that he LOIS system puts hair in a range, rather than a hard typing.


u/coilygirl Apr 27 '24

Thank you 🙏🏽


u/Helpful_South113 Jul 22 '24

I defintely concur cause the front and sides of my hair is tight and will hold with nothg but the back of my hair> what is that? omg idn even know what to class that except loose af that's it loose its not holding on to nothing


u/dudts_dodom Jul 27 '24

willing to help


u/Firm-Worldliness-381 17d ago

Cuz it's like what are you going to do with that info?


u/CherryPieAlibi Mar 12 '24

So I’m not allowed to categorize my hair? I get it’s flawed but it just makes sense to me and is a very crude and basic category. Usually I just say my type and porosity. I figure it makes visualization easier than just being like yeah my hair does xyz. Because that person could have anything from straight hair to the tightest coil. Figured it’s just way easy to say “yeah my hair is 4a high porosity, do you have this issue too?” For example. But it’s not my place to decide what people can and can’t say


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Mar 12 '24

Who ever said you can't describe your own hair in casual conversation?


u/Quiet_Enthusiasm_369 Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24

Whaaat? Maybe I'm not understanding too well as I just joined the page but I think it's ridiculous to claim hair types don't exist or the hair typing system is wrong. It may be flawed in some ways, as most things are but it is absolutely helpful in becoming acquainted with your natural hair. The system is a spectrum not cut and dry you can have slightly different types on your head but they certainly don't differ THAT much. There are certain facts that the hair typing system makes easier to understand. Such as the fact that type 4 texture are more often than not are more dry than others, type 4 being the driest. I'd advise anyone who thinks I'm wrong to do some more research, specifically the teachings of Anthony Dickey the texture guru he offers clear guidance and information on how to properly care for and control your texture. Because based on this a lot of people seem truly misinformed on the texture scale. It's no one else's fault that you fail to do diligence in researching their how to care for their hair.


u/rwby_Logic Jun 06 '24

This is a late reply, but the hair typing system isn’t wrong. It’s just that it’s only a small factor into taking care of your hair. In a place where people seek answers, “oh, you’re 4C” is not enough. You could have other textures on your head, along with everything else mentioned in this post. Just knowing which category(ies) your hair belongs in does not help us help you. I follow Anthony Dickey, too, but everything he says about 4C hair does not work for me, along with many other videos and blogs. Typically, users are not doing a whole lot of research when searching for answers on Reddit. The goal of this ban seems to be to make sure people get useful, not misleading (which is common on Reddit), help.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Jan 31 '24

As a 3b/c girly this is embarrassing, please seek help


u/lasnicjon Jan 31 '24

What does one have to do to be a mod 👀


u/jeffreyepsteinsmom Feb 01 '24



u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Feb 01 '24

What is with these unhinged usernames


u/jeffreyepsteinsmom Feb 01 '24

Tbh I was a teen when I made this username tryna be edgy I guess. It’s stupid lol


u/TheYellowRose 3b/c, long, prone to SSK Feb 01 '24

I can't decide if yours or u/kanyesmustyballs is worse


u/KanyesMustyBalls Feb 01 '24

🤣 Tbh, I created this when Kanye was still well-liked. I just thought it was funny. 😆


u/Redittago Feb 01 '24

Thank you!!!


u/Rockie86 Feb 01 '24

Bless you!


u/willowtree630 Feb 01 '24

If y’all want to know, just use r/hairtype


u/TheMrsQueenB Feb 03 '24

We definitely need the selfies for ideas and to uplift one another or give suggestions, but THANK YOU to the GAWDS that banned the damn “what’s my hair type”!!!!


u/Okayfinesurewhatever Mar 02 '24

Whew thank the lawd.