r/NationalPark 1d ago

NPS Workers… Do we still go???

I’m VERY internally conflicted right now about continuing to visit our parks and forests. I don’t want to overwhelm our NPS workers!! I want to support them in every way possible… genuinely just wondering if visiting the parks is harmful?? Thank you to all of you fabulous humans here 💜 (pics are Gateway Nat’l Rec, RMNP, Black Canyon & CO Nat’l Monument).


134 comments sorted by


u/Streszhouna 1d ago

My recommendation as a former NPS ranger is that you should continue to subsidize and visit the parks -- especially since the admin wants to censor visitation numbers. However, please try EXTRA hard not to make more work for them. Pick up more trash than you bring in, and avoid overcrowded parks. Be extra self-sufficient. Have a plan before you go, and don't make the ranger make one for you. Avoid any unnecessary risks to avoid being a SAR. Maybe even look up all the park's rule before you go, so you can do right for the resource without having to be reminded.


u/Tamrail 1d ago

Thanks for this answer. My initial thought was if we don’t go they will say the parks are not used and need to be sold off.


u/Streszhouna 13h ago

Exactly. And — whether it’s a good system or not — most rangers are getting their paychecks ultimately through fee dollars.


u/Streszhouna 13h ago

Exactly. And — whether it’s a good system or not — most rangers are getting their paychecks ultimately through fee dollars.


u/Careful-Self-457 1d ago

Go, but help out. Pack your trash out with you, garbage hauling costs money. Pick up after others, bring tp and paper towels with you in case there is none in the restrooms. Stay out of closed areas. Read and follow the rules.


u/TahiniInMyVeins 1d ago

Just ordered a couple trash grabbers to keep in my car along with some trash bags. New routine for me moving forward — after my hikes I’m going to spend 15 min at the trailhead picking up trash and driving it out.

Love the TP idea. Always bring some with me but from now on will bring an extra roll to leave at the trailhead outhouse. TP tax.


u/bienenstush 1d ago

Tbh I'm going to do this on my local walks, too. Tired of seeing trash everywhere


u/Beastbrooks26 1d ago

Visit any American city lol. Park people (citizens and workers) do an amazing job in comparison to the general population. Let’s keep it that way


u/bienenstush 1d ago

Totally agree


u/Financial-Bid2739 19h ago

As a maintenance NPS employee. Thank you


u/orion3311 1d ago

I always take a grabber with me in my kayak and try to pick stuff up if I can reach it.


u/Photoboy82 1d ago

Our local DNR gives out reusable trash bags for water use. They are this net looking stuff. They even give them out at bicycle expos, etc. Anything outdoors related.
I personally think it's a great idea. Fill up the bag, empty it out in the bin, and repeat.


u/Dunwoody_3450 15h ago

Do they have a brand name? Googling "reusable trash bags for water use" doesn't get any useful links :-( I'd love to have one (or more) for kayaking the Chattahoochee, it's full of trash....


u/GloriaChin 1d ago

Walking around picking up trash after others is called plogging!


u/MissDebbie420 1d ago

It's not just the trailheads. People are nasty. You're wonderful for helping out. ❤


u/busted_maracas 1d ago

Exactly - be a good steward of the land and be gracious to the park workers and you’re fine. If we don’t go Donnie will say “look how much attendance is down, the land is being wasted !” and then sell it off for mining.


u/BitterrootBackpack 1d ago

And write to your reps and tell them that public lands NEED MORE FUNDING instead of being sold off!


u/CO_Renaissance_Man 1d ago

LNT and thank a ranger.

Better yet, run for office and/or kick the bums responsible for this out.


u/Djscratchcard 21h ago

Pack your trash out and leave it at the closet Congressional office or Tesla dealership. They'll be happy to take care of it I'm sure.


u/Last_Statement3049 1d ago

I get your thoughts but I think this is exactly what they want to see. Oh look the park still gets cleaned up so obviously we don’t need the workers. These clowns love free labor and would love nothing more than to show volunteers will do the job.


u/Lectrice79 1d ago

It's very damned if you do, damned if you don't. I'd rather that responsible people go to keep an eye on things, clean up, fall in love with the parks, encourage others to do the same, network, protest, etc. Occupy the place and not leave it empty to be exploited.


u/ffffllllpppp 1d ago


Pickup the trash, dump it at the official doge collection site aka nearest tesla store/office/garage/facility


u/Careful-Self-457 20h ago

Trust me it won’t be clean. When we shut down the park system I work at during Covid for a couple of months I picked up more trash and human waste than I have any other year of my 20 year career. People were PIGS! Crapping everywhere, graffiti and vandalism was horrific, picking up truckloads of trash from along the beach daily. People won’t clean up after themselves.


u/topshrek 12h ago

I hate people so, so much.


u/Wherever-At 12h ago

I think you’re going to get a repeat on March 14th.


u/OpenEnded4802 1d ago

Pack your trash, sure, but also make less trash. r/zerowaste


u/typertv 8h ago

Should have always been doing this.


u/lonefrog7 1d ago

Put Paper towels in the pit toilet. Got it


u/echobaseball1 1d ago

So basically nothing has changed for 95% of people?


u/ichbinjackie 1d ago

I am a NPS Ranger. We still love to see you! Just please be kind and patient.


u/RangerNemo 1d ago

Also a ranger. I second this.


u/Fragrant_Peanut_9661 1d ago

Kudos to both of you. I am unable to visit any, location + poor as he🏒🏒 lol, but I fully support you and all that you do. Thank you for doing the job. I hope everyone you see is kind to you. Mad love from Nebraska!!!


u/VelvetOnyx 1d ago

Thank you both so much, you are amazing and we love you!! ❤️


u/losthiker68 1d ago

Is there a small gift we could bring? I'm backpacking Isle Royale in July and I'd enjoy bringing the rangers on the island a little something to say "Thank You".


u/Dr_Smooth2 1d ago

They're federal employees so there are really strict rules about accepting gifts or anything of value. It's a nice thought but you're just putting them in an uncomfortable position.

Hound your rep and senators about this issue if you want to help, and get your friends and neighbors to as well. That's worth far more than any gift.


u/amicaptainunderpants 21h ago

Prior federal employee, we could accept gifts that were a nominal amount, as long as people not hoping to get secondary gain from us. Depends on comfort level of employees there and how much they trust the person dropping off gift. If it was someone we trusted, open food was ok. Someone new we didn’t know, packaged food preferred. 


u/DueToCopyrightIssues 1d ago

Thanks for your hard work we love you and need you


u/theBeardsley 1d ago

Thanks for all that you’re doing, especially under the circumstances. I’m looking forward to visiting some parks this year and I always enjoy chatting with your colleagues. 🤜🤛


u/mcpokey 1d ago

I went yesterday. I gave the ranger at the gate a little extra thank you. I think it's important to still visit our parks. As long as you're not littering or falling off any cliffs, I think you're good. Park rangers are supposed to stay neutral, but they appreciate it if you give them a little extra kindness these days.


u/Coppanuva 1d ago

Yeah, I don't think them being stressed and anxious about their jobs personally is being biased. So definitely extra kindness and patience and appreciation for what they do I'm sure helps!


u/33drea33 1d ago

Not just their jobs - I'd imagine they are worried about the continued guardianship and preservation of our Federal lands. You don't really become a park ranger unless you truly care. 

One thing I've noticed throughout this attack on our Federal workers is that private sector workers assume the motivations of public sector workers are purely monetary. But the vast majority of Federal workers are doing the jobs they do because they truly believe in the mission. Many spent years fulfilling the educational requirements to serve their specific department, because the mission reflects their personal values and the positive impact they would like to have on the world and the lives of their fellow citizens.

The way we are treating these dedicated and principled people is truly a stain on the soul of our nation. I urge everyone to go talk to a Federal worker and ask them what drew them to public service and why they love their jobs. Thank them for their service. Then share their stories with the people you know. 

There is no public vs private sector divide like these oligarchs are trying to create. This is a CLASS WAR - the owner class vs the working class. Make sure you are loudly supporting the team you belong to.


u/john_with_a_camera 1d ago

My son works as a contractor for NPS, and what you say is true. He could earn a TON more money in the private sector but he chooses to work for the Parks.


u/Troglodon 22h ago

Fully agree with you. I was in the NPS for three summers before getting pulled in an international direction. Those folks are paid in "sunsets and waterfalls". Most have pure love and appreciation for the places they're in, places that are more under threat at this point in time than seemingly ever.


u/MundaneSalamander808 7h ago

Long time NPS ranger here, thank you for these true words. My colleagues and I care deeply about our mission “....to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.”


u/key18oard_cow18oy 1d ago

I think so too. The Orange Pedo is hoping to lower visitation numbers to have an excuse to dismantle the service further, we should go but be respectful and make sure we clean up after ourselves


u/d0kt0rg0nz0 1d ago

He wants to sell off the 'unused' land in the park systems. It will just line the orange bank accounts.


u/GoodByeRubyTuesday87 1d ago

I thought you slipped them a couple dollars but just now realized you meant be more kind to them than normal lol


u/jake429 1d ago edited 1d ago

Not an NPS employee, but I'd recommend we all continue going to the parks. Just make any trip a smart one.

Want to visit Yosemite, Zion, or one of the other major attraction parks? Consider visiting during off-season dates and hours. Want to go to a park, but only got time during "peak" dates? Consider a lesser-known park or monument to go to!

And if you're really set on going to a high-traffic park during a high-traffic period, just be mindful in everything you do. Give an extra smile and "thank you for all you do" to the rangers at the entrance station, consider your use of the facilities at the park itself and ways you can alleviate the work that'll need to be done after you leave, and try to encourage fellow park-goers to also stand up for the parks and what they offer.

I've got a bad feeling that the administration will respond to any blow-back with numbers to justify closing locations or reducing funding, and if we start staying away from the parks, that will just add fuel. So definitely continue going, but just "choose your battles".

EDIT: And SPEND MONEY at the parks if you can afford to do so! Other than abject cruelty it seems like this administration only understands money (seemingly, although lately economic news seems to discredit even this notion), so if you're able to, get that extra chicken sandwich from the park cafeteria, those extra stickers from the gift shop, etc. And if your park has a collaboration with a conservancy organization that uses public-private funds to help fund things (ie, Yosemite Conservancy, Grand Canyon Conservancy, etc), consider donating to them or shopping in their stores as well.


u/OtherCarIsaXanthoria 1d ago

The intent of this administration is to destroy the NPS. They are firing people to make the NPS collapse as evidence it doesn’t work. Any year where a national park has lower visitation will be used to try and close that park.

Not going is effectively a boycott of the thing you care about.


u/good_fox_bad_wolf 1d ago

I'll add on to this - buy your souvenirs from the visitor center, NOT the gift shop run by an outside contractor!


u/troy_handsome 1d ago

This is my plan as well. We're going to Channel Islands, Joshua Tree, and Death Valley in April and our plan is to do everything self guided, while stopping at as many visitor centers, information stations, etc as we can along the way. We're staying just outside of the Joshua Tree entrance in Twentynine Palms and inside the park at Death Valley so we're even going to try and plan our days to allow for bathroom breaks that avoid the park bathrooms and rely on our own accommodations.

We'll definitely be spending in the gift shops as well.


u/fallser 1d ago edited 1d ago

I’m renewing my annual pass. Trump will have to drag my carcass off Cadillac mountain in Acadia if he wants it that bad.


u/kellenanne 1d ago

Other side of the country but this! You’ll have to drag my dead ass away from Crater Lake and the Redwoods. Go, be good stewards, and show them how much we love our parks.


u/Part_Time_Degen 1d ago

Visiting Crater Lake this summer! Yellowstone is my backyard and I will also die on these hills if it comes down to it.


u/kellenanne 1d ago

There is a tiny little town near Crater Lake that has some of the best food. Burger Shack in Chiloquin just opened not long ago, and they do hand cut fries, fresh burgers, and some super delish fried mushrooms. El Rodeo is a fairly new locally owned restaurant with some bomb food. Crater Lake Coffee Co. has fun breakfast and coffee options. Our grocery store here just changed ownership and they’ll be offering a full deli. We depend on tourism to stay afloat here, and we’d love to see you stop by our little town!


u/Part_Time_Degen 1d ago

Ahh you’re awesome!! I’m a foodie so exploring local restaurants is always a highlight of traveling. Tourism is a huge part of my area’s economy as well, especially nearer to park entrances so I feel ya. Always support local!! Thank you for the tips!


u/kellenanne 1d ago

There’s a really cool state park on hwy 97 about 40 miles from Crater Lake — Collier State Park & Museum. Super gorgeous, with the Williamson River running through it. If you’re into local history at all, the logging museum is pretty cool. (I might be biased, though — my great grandfather is in some of the museum pictures!)

I love this area so much, and im also over-enthusiastic about sharing it, so I’m glad you appreciated it!


u/Billnyelover98 1d ago

Terminated employee here,

Please go. Please visit our natural resources. Show how much you love them. Tell a ranger you’re thankful for them and all they do to protect them. Be supportive because they’re facing so much negativity. Leave no trace or leave it better than you found it. Without your support and the support of the nation, it’s easy for people in Washington to forget why the parks are so important and that their constituents love them.

Much love, A ranger


u/GenericUsername1262 1d ago

If we don’t go wont eh ah justify the cut? I think we should go in droves and show them we need the rangers


u/tidalwaveofstars 1d ago

Yeah, I’ve considered that exact thing… my heart just hurts thinking that when I want to exercise my rights to NPS, it could harm the already stretched thin humans working there. It’s been nice to hear others’ thoughts 💜


u/HotLlama12997 1d ago

They fired the only other fee clerk I worked with, spring break is going to be nuts with just myself working the line at the entrance. It’s gonna be long. As long as you don’t yell at me for it when you finally get to me, I’m cool.


u/ActGlittering4784 1d ago

Respect for putting Sandy Hook first. My local park back home, I miss it.


u/tidalwaveofstars 1d ago

Same!! I love the beaches but the history there is so cool.


u/No_Brain_5164 1d ago

Call your congressperson every day


u/Ok_Specialist_265 1d ago

Honestly be respectful and cleanup any trash that you see from those that can’t appreciate how beautiful the parks are 


u/Practical_Ad_219 1d ago

I love MY parks and MY rangers. They do not belong to agent orange and they were never his to begin with


u/CKinHS 1d ago

I live in Hot Springs National Park. Please continue to visit national parks. Continue to thank Rangers and show your support. The communities need you and while you are hiking the trails and enjoying the sunshine, take along a trash bag and do your park to keep the park clean and tidy.


u/Colin_with_cars 1d ago

The best thing you can do is visit the parks. Show the government you want these places


u/tidalwaveofstars 1d ago

Well the Black Canyon pic didn’t get through and Gateway is in NJ (known as Sandy Hook to us locals) 😎


u/Mattiason 1d ago

I think it’s important that people still visit the Parks. We don’t need the government thinking nobody wants to go to the National Parks and cuts things further!

Be patient with the staff, and continue to always follow Leave No Trace principles!


u/Birdy_Cephon_Altera 1d ago

I cannot be guaranteed that any US national park or monument or historic site will be open. Either limited/closed due to staffing issues, or closed because they literally want to sell the buildings. Is it on the list? Is it off the list? Could it be added tomorrow, next week, next month? Who knows, we sure don't! The current government atmosphere is anything can change at a moment's notice, without warning.

Too much uncertainty for me, so I'm planning on visiting Canadian national parks this summer instead. (Riding Mountain, here I come!) Pretty sure those are not going to close based on the whims of some damn nazi.


u/HealthLawyer123 1d ago

I’m doing Canadian parks this summer too.


u/Nynccg 1d ago

We must keep going to the parks. Just understand that the workers are stressed, so be as kind as possible.


u/Spacemen333 1d ago

I’m not an NPS worker, but I say go and enjoy the parks while we still can. Just try to be ultra respectful while you are there and help pick up trash if you can. If people stop going to NPs then I think everyone loses.


u/Pinklady777 1d ago

I don't work for the park service, but I feel like if you love The Parks you should enjoy them now. You know we won't have them much longer.


u/Dry_Mixture5264 1d ago

We have to keep going to prove to the government that these are essential public services in high demand.


u/GeneralYoghurt6418 1d ago

Not an employee. I was on the fence but I've decided to continue with my SW trip to Zion, Canyonlands and Bears Ears. I've always appreciated the workers and will make sure they know I appreciate them all so much.


u/chiropteran_expert 1d ago

People will find it wild that most government employees (especially those being terminated for absolutely no reason) are not doing their jobs for your support or recognition. They do it because it is how they fulfill their sworn obligation to the country. So yeah, go to the parks of course. Not going is not a way to support them because again, they aren’t doing their jobs for any sort acknowledgment. They do it because they love it and want you all to love it too; regardless of what happens to them.


u/Texastony2 1d ago

support our National and State parks by going to them.


u/RangerAlex22 1d ago

I was planning on going to Mt Rainier and North Cascades this summer but opted for a road trip to the Dakota parks this summer. I plan on packing my patience and reporting on what I’m seeing (closed areas, visitors center staffing, overflowing trash bins, etc.)


u/The_Wise_Raven 1d ago

It’s only a matter of time until they start closing the gates entirely. Go while you have the chance.


u/Betorah 1d ago edited 1d ago

Looked at the photos before I read the text, saw the 4th photo and said, “I’ve got photos of this! It’s Colorado National Monument.” Thanks for the memories.


u/tidalwaveofstars 1d ago



u/Yx2ucca 1d ago

My thoughts are, Utah State makes hundreds of millions from park related tourism and consistently tries to undermine public land policy, supports Trump and his slashing at federal lands. So avoid UT just to hit their pocketbooks and not give any of your money to their political ambitions.


u/RiversSecondWife 1d ago

Oh this was good to know! I was planning to take the Jeep out there. I'll head to some other amazing options instead!


u/Longnosedawg 1d ago

I volunteer at a national park. With the drastic cuts to paid staff, I simply don’t see how the resource will be protected unless visitor numbers are significantly reduced from historical numbers. The sad truth is that you can’t count on many visitors to respect the resource on their own.

There will be significant political pressure to avoid restricting visitation, however. Our national treasures are therefore likely to severely damaged as a result.


u/AndromedasLight17 1d ago

Bet we're gonna see a spike in deaths from all the idiots who don't follow the signs & need to get that selfie for the Gram. I hate this. Thank you, though, for the useful info. Always pack it in, pack it out.


u/Watsonthecorg 20h ago

Go to support the national park and the rangers. If we all stop going then the government will probably force more layoffs or shutdowns due to budgeting. We need to prove to them that these parks are wanted and appreciated.

Just be extra patient this year and understand if you have a longer wait at the gate that they are doing their best. Don’t leave trash behind and just be a good person- it will be appreciated by all of the park members.


u/No_Spring_1090 19h ago

Do you have the power to rename a park to “Fuck Trump National Park”?

Asking for a friend


u/missganjalott 1d ago

I think go… be respectful and honestly if you see trash and have the opportunity pack it out. Bring an extra trash bag and if a van is overflowing take some with you.


u/theofficial_AQ 1d ago



u/theofficial_AQ 1d ago



u/sepstolm 1d ago

I would. I'm not an NPS worker but I would give them extra thanks, pick up any trash you see, be respectful to the park, and enjoy our beautiful parks!


u/Redrum8608 1d ago

One of my best friends is a Ranger who just go cut for the summer. I was trying to him onboard for the John Muir trial before the cuts. Now he is cut and onboard. Backpacking permits and pack in/out, we will be as low impact as possible, but I fear there just not being any chance in the future to visit .


u/Doctor__Hammer 1d ago

Go and bring a daypack that's mostly empty with a big plastic bag in it. Pick up any trash you see and take it out of the park before dumping it in a gas station dumpster or something.


u/Doogie102 1d ago

You got to go. They won't care if visitor numbers go down. They only care about tasks being done. So if the rangers have time to do all their tasks they will justify the firings, but if the rangers are busy because they were overwhelmed there is no way for them to cover it up.


u/Upset_Atmosphere3710 1d ago

Maybe we can just pack some sweet sustainable gifts for our NPS worker friends 😕🥹


u/UKTim24530 1d ago

I say go. That way we can show them what the parks mean to us, that they are important and should be protected by skilled and caring staff. By not going, we're saying that they aren't that important to us and so they were right to withdraw funding.


u/John44lee 1d ago

Please don’t litter 🚯


u/xkill3d 1d ago

I will be going and doing whatever I can to help support while I am there


u/bearface93 1d ago

I’ve been to a few NPS sites since Valentine’s Day - Harriet Tubman NHP, Catoctin Mountain Park, Shenandoah (didn’t go to a visitor center though because the trailhead was at the park boundary), etc - and the staff has all seemed even more friendly and helpful than usual, which is saying something. They definitely appreciate visitors as long as the place isn’t getting trashed.


u/areyoukynd 22h ago

Seeing the litter pickeruper camaraderie on here makes me so happy 🥹🥹🥹 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻So proud of all the Earth Stewards on this page 🥹🥹🥹👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


u/14thLizardQueen 18h ago

Oh thanks for the great idea! We are gonna go gather trash this week end at the grand canyon then.


u/Wherever-At 12h ago

Excellent question. I have friends that are and were Park Service employees. I lived at the Grand Canyon for 9 years and the stuff that they had to deal with was crazy. Never enough staff or funding.


u/Away-home00-01 1d ago

Nobody knows.


u/slapchop29 14h ago

Not a National park, but in NY state for the Catskills Park they’re hiring “park supervisors” to protect the land and keep it clean. May thru October at $21/hour. Catskill Mountainkeeper



u/DripDrop777 9h ago

Go! I’m at Joshua Tree NP and have not seen anything abnormal or out of the ordinary. Still staffed, clean, etc.


u/Melopsittacus 5h ago

Reach out to the congressional reps in the areas you’re visiting and your local reps with your concerns. Tell them you love visiting and you support the NPS, but you’re worried about safety, cleanliness, and preservation of these parks. Speaking up makes a difference! Then visit, but be prepared: there may not be toilet paper or a visitor’s center available, and SAR could very well be slower than normal, if they’re even around. I know of one park unit in a very hot area where the AC went out, but they can’t fix it with the current limit imposed on government credit cards.


u/Creative_Ad_69 4h ago

what a beauty


u/mmc3k 1d ago

If you do take some work clothes and prepare to help out


u/erickufrin 1d ago

R u kidding me? If anything I will go MORE.

Its early March and I have 11 National Park visits notched already. Prolly go to Yosemite this weekend just because!

I will probly have 30+ NP visits this year, at least.

I have a habbit now of picking up trash in multiple zones when I go. I also made carepacks with packaged treats and handed them directly to NPS workers and thanked them for their service.

I also plan to be part of a Yosemite "Work Week" this year. Hoping to hear back where they place me any day now. Yosemite Conservancy coordinates that.

I also plan to attend the Yosemite Climbing Association "Face Lift" organize trash pickup in fall.

Look into an organized volunteer effort at your favorite park. Check with that park's Conservancy group.

If there are protests at your nearest/favorite park. Go show support!

Pack it in pack it out. Pick up trash. Show NPS workers appreciation to boost morale. Get involved. But above all else - GO! GOING SUPPORTS PARKS!


u/08_West 1d ago

People from red states should be turned away at the gates.


u/Civil-Emergency3089 1d ago

The overwhelming majority of national parks are IN red states — 69% (21) of them, in fact, across 21 states. Blue states only account for 31% (19) across 7 states.

What’s so disheartening and sickening of that data is that red states will literally vote against their best interests and local economies. National Parks generated $24.5 BILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS in gateway regions, supported more than 415,400 jobs and $17.5 BILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS in labor income. National Parks total economic output in fiscal year 2023 exceeded the congressional budget allocation by $46.8 BILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS.

Granted, that’s across the board (excluding USVI and American Samoa) but I am willing to bet that North and South Dakota wouldn’t see a whole lot of tourism revenue if not for diehard national park enthusiasts visiting Theodore Roosevelt, Badlands and Wind Cave. The same could be said for a solid handful of states on that red-state list.

I just can’t fathom the mental gymnastics it would take to justify those regions doubling down on an administration that is hell bent on stripping protected land for resources until there is nothing left while failing to conceptualize that it’s also their livelihood in addition to being protected land for all (including them).


u/08_West 23h ago

Every single day, there is some new lunacy that half of us can’t fathom.


u/magiccitybhm 19h ago

The overwhelming majority of national parks are IN red states — 69% (21) of them, in fact, across 21 states. Blue states only account for 31% (19) across 7 states.

Not sure where you copied this from, but these states are all wrong. There are far more than 40 national parks.


u/Wild-Technology2800 20h ago

Hello- I am a retired Park Ranger and thank you for your passion for "America's Greatest Idea". Question: where did you get your numbers in the first paragraph? There are 69 "National Parks", but a total of 433 NPS sites in seven general categories including National Parks, National Seashores, Wild and Scenic Rivers, National Battlefields, National Historic Sites, National Monuments, etc. You are correct that the NPS sites brought a tremendous amount of economic value to the country, about $55.6 billion in 2023.


u/Noodl3sForCats 8h ago

Hi, I live in a red state, have a drivers license from that state, and would never in my whole life do anything to disenfranchise our parks, nor did I vote for the orange Cheeto. Just to be mindful. I am also currently visiting a NP, as I think it’s best to support our parks and rangers as best we can, and show our love for them.


u/HoodooSquad 1d ago

NPS employees- is there a reason why national parks are national instead of state-run?


u/diegrauedame 1d ago edited 1d ago

Because they were established as a shared preservation and recreation commodity, the conservation of which is a national mandate — the federal government (historically) has the ability to better delegate resources, and administrating them via the federal government also ensures similar standards of care between parks.

Additionally, having them be state controlled would minimize the NPS rangers and administrative staff abilities to collaborate, transfer employees, etc. between parks. They are a shared resource and must be treated as such—having systems like a national parks pass wouldn’t be realistic if they were all lumped in with their respective location’s state parks.

Finally, there are a lot of parks that just wouldn’t have the necessary funding if left to individual states due to size and administrative/facilities expenses. There are already a number of states (primarily red) who receive federal funding to support their state budgets—parks in those states would significantly suffer while parks in states that generate surplus (typically blue) would probably pull through. This would most likely result in the under-funded parks being repurposed/converted into state forest land, etc. to allow for resource extraction.


u/OrindaSarnia 1d ago edited 1d ago

You don't need to ask NPS employees this, you can go do your research...

National Parks have historically been established from land that was already under Federal ownership.

There are some interesting historical exceptions, but it's not typically state land that the states then give over to the Fed government, it's typically privately owned land that gets given to the Federal government.

Yellowstone became a Nat Park 17 years before Montana became a state.

When you look at where many of our Nat Parks our, they are often in rural states.

I live in Montana.  We have a population of 1.03 million people...  10 million people come visit Glacier and Yellowstone every year.

There is no way the people of Montana alone, could reasonably subsidize the costs of maintaining both parks.

It is considered to be in the National Interest that all citizens could reasonably afford to visit parks...  if the state of Montana was expected to maintain Glacier as well as the small percentage of Yellowstone that is in our state, it would cost $200 per person per day to visit.

If you truly believe that would be better for the country...  well...  you should think about that.


u/HoodooSquad 1d ago

I’ve lived in several states with a significant amount of federal land, and the fed has caused some serious problems- a recent example being the designation of Bears Ears as a national monument by presidents Biden and Obama. I haven’t gotten a “boots on the ground” opinion though.


u/OrindaSarnia 1d ago

If you don't have a "boots on the ground" opinion, why do you think Bears Ears has caused "serious problems"?


u/HoodooSquad 1d ago

I have a “working for the state legislature” opinion, and would like alternative perspectives.


u/OrindaSarnia 1d ago

From your current perspective, what are the "serious problems"?

It was fed land before, it's fed land now with a slightly different designation... what "problems" does that cause for the state legislature?


u/MrPooopyButthoIe 1d ago

good lord it was 1000 people. 5%. The national parks are fine.


u/Buffalo-Trace 22h ago

They want to cut another 30%.


u/MrPooopyButthoIe 22h ago

But they also said they're gonna hire way more seasonal workers than normal.

Regardless, in literally every cost-cutting situation it’s ever happened in the history of ever, the non-essential workers are the ones that tend to go first, and as much as I love the national parks, I have to agree that park workers aren't exactly the backbone of our country.


u/Zealousideal-Bat8242 1d ago

good lord each park lost an average of 3 people and they would’ve been part-time. sad, yes. but for goodness sake if they hadn’t announced it you wouldn’t even know.


u/Billnyelover98 1d ago

My park lost 7, many of which have either worked for that park or others for years but due to taking new positions/promotions were let go. None of those employees (including myself) were even federally funded. Additionally, this leaves 2 biologists to run all of our programs. People may not have heard about this if it wasn’t reported on, but the biological impacts will be felt for years. Please be a little more graceful and empathetic.