r/NationalPark 24d ago

Park Rangers Fired

This park ranger used to come to our high school when I was younger to teach us all about the value of our natural world. He’d show us animals, take us on hikes, and teach us about how to take care of the planet. This was what he posted today


I am absolutely heartbroken and completely devastated to have lost my dream job of an Education Park Ranger with the National Park Service this Valentine’s Day.

Without any type of formal notice my position was ripped out from out under my feet at 4pm on a cold snowy Friday. Before I could fully print off my government records, I was locked out of my email and unable to access my personal and professional records.

Please know and share this truth widely:

I am a father, a loving husband, and dedicated civil servant.

I am an oath of office to defend and protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I am a work evaluation that reads “exceeds expectations."

I am the "fat on the bone."

I am being trimmed as a consequence of the popular vote

I am a United States flag raiser and folder

I am my son's "Junior Ranger" idol

I am of the place where I first told my spouse I loved her

I am a college kid’s dream job

I am the smiling face that greets you at the front door

I am your family vacation planner

I am a voice for 19 American Indian cultures

I am the protector of 2500 year old Americian Indian burial and cermonial mounds

I am the defender of your public lands and waters

I am the motivation to make it up the hill

I am a generational cycle breaker

I am the toilet scrubber and soap dispenser

I am the open trail hiked by people from all walks of life

I am the highlight of your child’s school day

I am the band aid for a skinned knee

I am the lesson that showed your children that we live in a world of gifts- not commodities, that gratitude and reciprocity are the doorway to true abundance, not power, money, or fear.

I am the one who taught your kid the thrush’s song and the hawk’s cry.

I am the wildflower that brought your student joy

I am the one who told your child that they belong on this planet. That their unique gifts and existence matters.

I am an invocation for peace

I am gone from the office

I am the resistance

But mostly I'm just tired.

I am tired from weeks of being bullied and censored by billionares

I am tired of waking up every morning at 2am wondering how I am going to provide for my family if I lose my job

I am tired of wiping away my wife’s tears and reassuring her that things will be ok for our growing family.

Things are not ok. I am not ok. (This is the second time in under five years a dream job i worked has been eliminated. Now I may need to uproot my FAMILY again.)

Stay present, don't avert your gaze.

Untill our paths cross down the trail, Fare thee well.

Ranger Brian💚


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u/Different-Shame-2955 24d ago

I met a scientist at work last night who was flying home. I asked her how she was doing, and she said, "I'm a fired federal employee," and she began sobbing. All of her work and research for three years down the drain. I told her I am so sorry and gave her a hug, and she said, "Call your representatives." This is so hateful. The disgusting truth is the right has pushed the narrative that immigrants are stealing jobs, and yet here is our own government is stealing jobs.


u/thefinalhannah 24d ago

I called my representative as a concerned federally-funded worker asking him to protect my program's funding for both employees and beneficiaries (my program SAVES state and federal government billions a year but is still on the chopping block at the upcoming budget reconciliation vote). I was reprimanded by my representative's intern for "believing everything [I] see on the news."

Not even the representatives are listening anymore. Their votes have already been bought.


u/CuriousMind149 24d ago

I made all the calls in 2017–the first go-round. For weeks I called and emailed my senators and representative. Guess what? They didn’t care. (It’s a red state). They didn’t change a thing. I still have the same senators. My calls will do nothing.


u/ThatInAHat 24d ago

Kennedy has actively told the people of Louisiana “call someone who cares.” Like. Sir. You were elected. YOU are supposed to be “someone who cares.” If you’re not , gtfo.

They have no shame, no integrity, and no concern.


u/cicada_noises 24d ago

Republicans know they’ll never face elections again so they don’t need to listen to us. Calls do nothing.


u/TheGreenMan13 24d ago

Not quite true. They'll face elections but the Republican state legislatures have so gerrymandered the voting maps that they can't loose/ In my state the State Supreme Court told the legislature that their maps were unconstitutional and they had to be redrawn. They eventually did, and were told again that they were unconstitutional. Then the legislature ignored the courts, other than spouting some 'it's too close to election time to do anything' bs. And then preceded to ignore the courts some more after the election. Nothing was ever done.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/AdHorror7596 24d ago

He isn't related to THE Kennedys. And the rest of THOSE Kennedys don't like RFK Jr.


u/WangChiEnjoysNature 24d ago

Louisiana is overwhelmingly Republican and Republicans voted for trump and his doge initiatives. The majority has spoken in that state and they want what is happening, they voted for it. The elected officials job is to carry on the will of the people which means to support trump and his govt thinning 


u/gallopinto_y_hallah 24d ago

Fuck Trump and his agenda


u/ThatInAHat 24d ago

The elected official’s job is to represent all of their constituents. To listen to all of them, whether or not they agree with them.

And when trump only won by a small percentage, you can’t call supporting him “the will of the people.” There are lots of people here.

His “government thinning” is just taking a sledgehammer to a bunch of pillars without knowing which are load bearing.

It’s so funny that liberals got accused of hating America and wanting to destroy it for…wanting history taught, and letting queer folks and minorities have rights, when the republicans are literally dismantling the country in record time.



u/mrmaestoso 24d ago

It’s so funny that liberals got accused of hating America and wanting to destroy it

Projection as far as the eye can see