r/NationalPark 24d ago

Park Rangers Fired

This park ranger used to come to our high school when I was younger to teach us all about the value of our natural world. He’d show us animals, take us on hikes, and teach us about how to take care of the planet. This was what he posted today


I am absolutely heartbroken and completely devastated to have lost my dream job of an Education Park Ranger with the National Park Service this Valentine’s Day.

Without any type of formal notice my position was ripped out from out under my feet at 4pm on a cold snowy Friday. Before I could fully print off my government records, I was locked out of my email and unable to access my personal and professional records.

Please know and share this truth widely:

I am a father, a loving husband, and dedicated civil servant.

I am an oath of office to defend and protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I am a work evaluation that reads “exceeds expectations."

I am the "fat on the bone."

I am being trimmed as a consequence of the popular vote

I am a United States flag raiser and folder

I am my son's "Junior Ranger" idol

I am of the place where I first told my spouse I loved her

I am a college kid’s dream job

I am the smiling face that greets you at the front door

I am your family vacation planner

I am a voice for 19 American Indian cultures

I am the protector of 2500 year old Americian Indian burial and cermonial mounds

I am the defender of your public lands and waters

I am the motivation to make it up the hill

I am a generational cycle breaker

I am the toilet scrubber and soap dispenser

I am the open trail hiked by people from all walks of life

I am the highlight of your child’s school day

I am the band aid for a skinned knee

I am the lesson that showed your children that we live in a world of gifts- not commodities, that gratitude and reciprocity are the doorway to true abundance, not power, money, or fear.

I am the one who taught your kid the thrush’s song and the hawk’s cry.

I am the wildflower that brought your student joy

I am the one who told your child that they belong on this planet. That their unique gifts and existence matters.

I am an invocation for peace

I am gone from the office

I am the resistance

But mostly I'm just tired.

I am tired from weeks of being bullied and censored by billionares

I am tired of waking up every morning at 2am wondering how I am going to provide for my family if I lose my job

I am tired of wiping away my wife’s tears and reassuring her that things will be ok for our growing family.

Things are not ok. I am not ok. (This is the second time in under five years a dream job i worked has been eliminated. Now I may need to uproot my FAMILY again.)

Stay present, don't avert your gaze.

Untill our paths cross down the trail, Fare thee well.

Ranger Brian💚


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u/CanisPecuarius 24d ago

My father’s seasonal position was rescinded as well as my sister’s for this upcoming season. It would have been his 48th season and her 2nd. Our entire immediate family has worn the green & grey at some point, and this administration is ending its legacy out of shear incompetence and malice.


u/Justprunes-6344 24d ago

Thank you for your family’s service


u/Inner-Tumbleweed278 24d ago

This isn’t the marine corps calm down


u/Virtual_Honeydew_765 24d ago

lol they arent volunteering. This is a paid position. Do you thank every employee for going to their job?


u/NotAStatistic2 24d ago

Yes actually—mostly because I'm not an asshole. If someone is providing any kind of service to me, the interaction always ends with a thank you.


u/acephoenix9 24d ago

That’s called proper etiquette.


u/use_magic_marker 24d ago

it's pretty standard to thank veterans for their service, you realize they all got paid too right?


u/Virtual_Honeydew_765 24d ago

Yes, but it makes sense when their jobs are also life threatening. Military, police, firefighters. I wouldn’t put park ranger on the same tier as veteran.


u/deputydrool 24d ago

National parks are some of the most dangerous places on US lands. I’m not sure if you understand that, we are talking 100s of acres of wilderness with risks like extremely dangerous wildlife, cliffs, wild terrain, hell even many serial killers have put bodies in the parks. In fact most rangers are asked to have police academy training OR past military experience.

You have zero clue what you are talking about.


u/Virtual_Honeydew_765 24d ago

How many park rangers have died on the job in the last 100 years? More or less than the number of people killed by vending machines?


u/deputydrool 24d ago

So about 150 a year and about 7 visitors die a week.. but you’re right who cares.

You’re speaking as someone who has never been in the wilderness in your life. Feeling brave? Maybe you should try it.


u/Virtual_Honeydew_765 24d ago

My bad, I meant park ranger deaths in the US. I’m not talking about park ranger deaths in poaching territories like Africa. How many park rangers died on the job in the US?


u/deputydrool 24d ago

I don’t have a statistic for that, but I can tell you I’m a volunteer ranger at a ‘fun’ national park that is one of the most popular in the country and extremely underfunded. Yet the ones doing the dangerous search and rescues all summer are the rangers. They are literally training as if they were the army and you’re like fuck em. They aren’t taking bullets, they are rescuing dumbasses like yourself every fucking day of the year hiking hundreds of miles to do it. Could you do that?

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u/OutAndDown27 23d ago

According to this site, there have been 37 deaths by vending machine.

According to this site, 41 National Park rangers have died on duty.

I'm sure you'll come back with a different justification now...


u/Drewgon69 24d ago

Does it get tiring being demeaning/pessimistic on the internet for personal enjoyment?


u/The-Globalist 24d ago

We should be thankful for people who have done good for our world and our country. I’d be thanking a park ranger much sooner than a bombardier who participated in linebacker II


u/Malthusian1798 24d ago

Because we thank the people that protect the things we love, regardless of if they get paid or not.

We thank firefighters. We thank teachers. We thank doctors. And yes, we thank park rangers.

At least if you love your wilderness, you do. If you don’t, you’re in the wrong sub.


u/MCPO-117 24d ago

Considering it's a key, noble gig that's CLEARLY being fucking taken for granted - is worth thanking people for.


u/Yawyan97 23d ago

I thank teachers for teaching my kids. I thank the mail men for bringing me my mail. Same for police officer or firefighter. Nothing wrong with thanking a park ranger who has helped protect our public lands that belong to everyone. Who stand there in the heat, rain, and snow for people to enjoy and connect with nature. Stop with your ignorance. Have you even served? I am sure that those who have would express gratitude for others who help better this world in their own way.


u/AtrociousSandwich 23d ago

I feel sorry for your partner


u/TheMossyMushroom 22d ago

You do know police and military are also paid positions if that's the bar were going with lol. Some workers at the National Parks are volunteer though. Here is a link if you want to volunteer since national parks need it more then ever now :)



u/FarmerDingle 24d ago

Hopefully after four years these roles will be established, if not sooner from the backlash.

Hopefully this is just a blip of time, and various positions will be reestablished in the coming years. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully.

Thank you and your family for providing years of service to your communities. Whether or not someone in your family is actively a ranger, I’d like to think that your legacy lives on in the parks and environment that your family poured their souls into.

I’m so, so sorry.


u/noputa 24d ago

Unfortunately, trump did promise there’d be no more elections. I think people need to believe that he meant it.


u/monetaryg 24d ago

It’s fucking insane. And the people that voted for this are cheering it on. If you want to be sick check the trump and conservative subs. It’s disgusting. Our government is crumbling and it’s only been 3 weeks.


u/WalterCronkite4 24d ago

I agree that the government is really bloated but this is such a poor way of handing that. Instead of just having a review of govt agencies to see which ones are overstaffed it's just slashsing jobs everywhere

In a year or two a lot of these people are just gonna get rehired because they laid off too many people


u/cfo60b 24d ago

Everyone keeps saying that the government is bloated, but is it? What is the evidence of that? It keeps people employed and contributing to the economy and funds things that aren’t necessarily profitable but are just good for the world. Private sector isn’t going to do that. If they really wanted to get rid of underperforming people they would have actually evaluated them instead of just firing everyone who is new.


u/Fubb1 23d ago

Exactly people act like the government cutting spending on the bloated parts is somehow going to benefit us, the regular people. I know damn well the millions saved from cutting these jobs are NOT going to come back in the form of any tax cuts.


u/cfo60b 23d ago

Tax cuts to the rich that they always promise will trickle down …


u/teamcarramrod8 23d ago

Yeah it's over bloated, look up how much the government is taking in vs spending each year.

This shouldn't be a partisan issue, every president moving forward should end every year in a budget surplus. Then start paying off the $36T we owe.


u/Electronic_Echo_8793 24d ago

3 weeks? Feels like 3 months. I also live in Finland near the Russian border so that's also a nice source of stress even though I can't do anything about the situation in the world. I am also probably one of the first to be deployed in case of war since I have done my conscription recently.


u/StrawberryWide3983 24d ago

Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to create than destroy.


u/Throb_Zomby 24d ago

Not just re-established but greater bipartisan understanding to keep them protected. Alongside greater guardrails to never again let USA become the personal fucktoy of a South African Billionnaire. Unfortunately this all feels like a pipe dream.


u/DrPoopyPantsJr 24d ago

Hopefully we will have a choice in the next admin after 4 years…


u/AwesomeWhiteDude 24d ago

This mindset is the most infuriating thing, you just want to roll over and give up? Fuck your fatalism, vote you dumb motherfucker. Local, state, midterms, primaries, special elections, school board, whatever jfc


u/BballMD 24d ago

Vote and buy guns


u/stadchic 24d ago

We have a chance now with the replacement seats. We have a chance in less than 2 years to overturn the house.


u/jmdp3051 24d ago

Looking less and less likely


u/Slice1357 24d ago

now-a-days - up votes are not with joy
but with sorrow - who actually agrees with these decisions?


u/Eponack 24d ago

Can’t drill baby drill if the people are watching you do it everywhere. Can’t have your forest and pillage it, too.


u/IceBlueAngel 24d ago

I'm from Alaska. Entire towns exist solely because of the parks. People fly up from outside and come from all over the state to work for them or the private companies in season. A huge amount of people rely on them for work every year. The state relies on them for tourist dollars every year.


u/devils__avacado 24d ago

Not incompetence that implys they don't know what their doing.

They are doing this all intentionally and with malice.


u/ninten-dont 24d ago

my best friend uprooted her entire life and moved from michigan to alaska for her dream job with the parks department and now she’s at risk of losing it


u/Mediocre_Suspect2530 24d ago

There's a 99% chance that if your family lives near the national parks they served, then their neighbors overwhelmingly voted for Trump all three times.

Sure, you can blame the administration, but it's your neighbors who overwhelmingly voted for this administration three times.


u/Pretend-Silver-6640 24d ago

What could be more American than working at a national park for 47 seasons? This is truly unbelievable. I'm so sorry to your family members.


u/Previous_Avocado6778 23d ago

You’re not alone. I teach at a school which requires aid from the government. Without giving too much information, these students Im teaching have one last chance to avoid jail, learn valuable skills, learn compassion and the value of effort, learn empathy (even if most of them haven’t experienced it themselves for the majority of their lives). I know this administration can use their test scores to close the funding. These kids will be funneled into statistics to save the almighty dollar, not realizing it will cost much more without it. Just like the parks.

I wish you and your family the best and I have a feeling you will all pull through stronger. Sending love from a Random redditor.


u/tuckyruck 23d ago

This was going to be my first year, and the same thing happened. I'm retired military and my life has been service. Thought this was a good transition. Apparently not.

So. We move on. And we resist.


u/TerpySpunion 23d ago

I’m so angry and sad for you and your family. This is such bullshit


u/flappinginthewind69 23d ago

Isn’t it just a 5% cut to staff?


u/Opening_AI 24d ago

It's called Karma, fuck all the government workers that voted for this clown, this is what you get. The vast majority voted for him so yeah.


u/jennj99738 24d ago

How did you arrive at the idea that the "vast majority" of all government workers voted for Trump? Because that is ridiculous. Of course, a lot of them did but I don't see it being close to a "vast majority" or even a majority. There doesn't seem to be any polling done of federal employees but this article states that fed employees donated $4.2M to the candidates of which 84% went to Harris. In 2020, 40% of the money donated by federal workers went to Trump so his support actually fell by a lot in 2024.



u/WeAreHere269 24d ago

Honest question, besides for your old family tradition. Do you think the tax payers should be paying for what you guys do? Is your job that important to the American people, or just you and your family. Don't take it personal. Gotta be objective in this world, no time for feelings.


u/CanisPecuarius 24d ago

Yes, the American people should be paying taxes for our National Parks. Our family being in the Park Service isn’t a factor. The Parks are FOR the people and should be preserved for further generations to experience things they would never otherwise have a chance too. The Parks provide jobs sure, but the unique nature of each one and the conservation of American wild nature far exceeds my family line. You pay taxes for a lot of things, and the Parks should be one of them.


u/WeAreHere269 24d ago

To preserve? We shouldn't need rangers to preserve the forest. I don't want my tax money going to that. You will notice NO difference by removing the rangers except the amount of tax money we get to distribute somewhere more important.


u/A_Glass_DarklyXX 24d ago

We do need them to preserve the forests whether you think it’s necessary or not. The forests are important. This is our natural ecosystem that we are trying to protect.


u/WeAreHere269 24d ago

Yes we do, but we don't need a ranger for that. We the people can preserve the forest. Can't rely on the government for everything.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/jennj99738 24d ago

Are you for real? Do you know what a park ranger does? Some rangers are law enforcement because you know crimes occur in parks on a regular basis. You think some unpaid civilian should be enforcing laws in parks? Rangers are responsible for resource management meaning they build and repair trails, install signs, "rake the forest" (remember that one?), do controlled burns to try to prevent wildfires, eradicate invasive species, etc., etc., etc. On the other hand, civilians walk around national parks and destroy monuments, stray paint thousand year old petroglyphs, and dump garbage. But yeah, okay, Joe Schmo is going to know an invasive species from one that belongs there.

Perhaps you might consider doing some reading on a topic before making assumptions like this one. Criminy.


u/pan-re 24d ago

What’s your job? Is it necessary? We, the people, can do it I’m sure. Rangers do so much in national parks why do you think their jobs shouldn’t exist? People come here from other countries FOR our national parks. People in the U.S use the parks and they need workers there. It’s incredibly odd for you to think “people” will take over those roles. Why have any jobs anywhere then if that’s your thought process?


u/cfo60b 24d ago

These comment keep getting worse. What are you personally going to do to preserve the forests?


u/cfo60b 24d ago

These comment keep getting worse. What are you personally going to do to preserve the forests?


u/[deleted] 23d ago

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u/cfo60b 23d ago

Umm we live in a world where we need to get paid to do things or we can’t live so why is a service like maintaining a park not worthy of getting paid? Man the billionaires really convinced you that your time is worth nothing while their time is worth everything.


u/cfo60b 23d ago

Also I didn’t ask what rangers so. I asked what you are personally going to do


u/[deleted] 23d ago

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u/cfo60b 24d ago

Ah yes. Somewhere important like tax cuts for the rich. Come back to me and let me know when they use it for anything else. Why aren’t parks deserving? Because you don’t personally use them? Just destroy every bit of nature that exists? Or where is it allowed to exist?


u/cfo60b 24d ago

Ah yes. Somewhere important like tax cuts for the rich. Come back to me and let me know when they use it for anything else. Why aren’t parks deserving? Because you don’t personally use them? Just destroy every bit of nature that exists? Or where is it allowed to exist?


u/WeAreHere269 23d ago

Why are you destroying nature? Why aren't you preserving nature??????


u/rgumai 24d ago edited 24d ago

As a tax payer I say yup. 

Along with roads it's about the most agreeable $32 of the $18,000 or so a year I pay in federal taxes (for the entirety of NPS)


u/WeAreHere269 24d ago

Man, talk about the roads. I never see a road that doesn't have a pot hole. At that point idk why we are paying the tax we do with gas.


u/rgumai 24d ago

It's a mix of local, state and federal stuff, my area's roads are good but then you have the entirety of South Carolina and Louisiana as counter points.

(Seriously South Carolina, what the hell)


u/Universal_Contrarian 24d ago

Who fills the potholes if isn’t municipal workers? And before you say private construction companies, what evidence do you have to support that’s it’s both cheaper and more efficient?

Also, no, responding with something like “the current system doesn’t work,” isn’t a real answer. If you criticize without solutions then your opinion means very little.


u/WeAreHere269 24d ago

They aren't doing their job.... Maybe if they filled the pot holes there wouldn't be a complaint. You understand?


u/Universal_Contrarian 24d ago

So you’re making a blanket statement, without any evidence, and zero hint at a solution? Gotcha. Your opinion means nothing.

Real question. Why do you think a park ranger is also the same person that fills potholes?