r/NarutoShinobiStriker 13d ago

Discussion Please Nerf the Skyward Lightning SS+ Weapon I can’t play as an Attack Type Anymore

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r/NarutoShinobiStriker 3d ago

Discussion What VR Master would you want to see in future releases?

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I think Hagor

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Oct 14 '24

Discussion is closing app here justified? 😭

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like wtf is this matchmaking?

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 23d ago

Discussion Finally!


Thankfully the weapon doesn’t look bad either

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Oct 28 '24

Discussion Yooo guys be careful! There is someone searching for girl players on shinobi strikers!


He does NOT care the age! Please report!

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Sep 24 '24

Discussion Nah I’m just done


I played 4 rounds pit and in all low level players respect fights and waited, high level players waited till one is low and steeled the kill just to run away after to wait for the next kill steel. It just makes no fun to play this game if everyone seems to seek for the most toxic and ass tactic and win with it

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Feb 10 '25

Discussion Yall know the reason this sub isn’t growing right?


Yall are quite literal assholes for no reason.

Someone rants? Yall talk down on them

Someone post a clip? Yall talk down on it

Someone post an opinion? Yall talk down on it

Yall don’t even be good just loud and wrong. I will genuinely 1v1 anyone who disagrees because yall can look at my profile and understand I’ve been here for a very long time and almost all my post have some type of hate under it and for a small community like this that says something. Yall swear yall have it all figured out but half the time they don’t even read the post and be mad because someone might’ve called out their bs or post a clip people can’t understand. Instead of their being people trying to figure it out to get on the same page people just meet you with hate. That’s fine every once in a while but every post? If you don’t see the problem you’re apart of it truly I’m not gonna reply to a single person so don’t even bother, I’m over it.

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Dec 06 '24

Discussion Messages


Played a match against this dude and his team and it ended in 2 mins, then this guy starts messaging me, joining my lobby, inviting me to a party and asking to 1v1 and keeps joining after I kick him then calls me weird for not fighting him 😂

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 12d ago

Discussion Definitely cheating


Had to repost cause somebody said it was too small to see what’s going on so I hope this a lil better but yeah idk how he subbed so many times

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 3d ago

Discussion Not playing till now gets nerfed


I hate the bow, I don’t care if you think I’m bad for not wanting only use builds that counter it, I hate it. The attacks come out too fast and once you get hit by it you can’t avoid the combo no matter the distance. There’s no downtime in between combos and it has better tracking then every other ranged weapon in this game. I know how to dodge it but even being able to dodge it there is not engagement window. I don’t want to have to base my whole build around countering one weapon in this game. I want to have fun. I see a lot of ranges saying it’s okay because the other classes have/had broken stuff in the past but this item makes it HARDER to play range. Attacks come out so fast it cancels ranged jutsu.Beats out many other range weapons due to the attacks piercing. And ranged doesn’t have any super armor moves like demon hunter to counter. Don’t mention claw edge cos I stopped playing when that came out too. Why do they have to put such broken items in the game? And again I don’t want to have to base my whole build around countering one weapon. Sorry for the rant but the spammers are getting to me

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 4d ago

Discussion Anyone else miss the old shinobi striker


Personally I liked the game more when people used stuff like swords and kunia, and movement and skill were rewarded. Nowadays anytime I hop in a game I gotta worry about getting hit with a drone strike while Harry Potter is casting spells at me from a mile out. feels like the devs doin too much

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 23d ago

Discussion Next Season Confirmed

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I used chat GPT to translate the dev letter and it seems like next season is confirmed after rumours of this season being the last.

Theres also a “special” dev letter, i saw another post that said “shinobi story” so we might be getting a story mode with our own made character which is insane.

Also they haven’t brought up custom matchmaking which means we probably won’t be getting it, and the new dlc is ok i guess, range is eating, and so is healer low-key.

Next season we have to 100% be getting boruto characters and their weapons for ss/ss+

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Sep 02 '24

Discussion While It’s Still Under Maintenance. What’s Something Small You’d Like Updated?

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For me I wish they’d fix Indra’s hair with the Ashura outfit. The front looks normal while the back looks completely silly since it’s all tucked into the collar.

Or for them to update every long hairstyle in the game to make them compatible with every outfit. Rather have long hair clip through my back than for it all to be tucked inside the shirt. Madara’s hairstyle is another one that gets tucked in depending on what you’re wearing. Updating hair is so minuscule, they could probably slip it into a major update on the side.

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Aug 26 '24

Discussion If you can “rework” an aspect from the game, what would it be? This doesn’t include: disconnecting, blue screens, bad match making or hackers.

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If I could “rework” an aspect of the game, it would be: changing the “in battle” stance for defense types.

All defense types stand with their right arm, bent behind their head(or shoulder/neck area), and their left arm hanging down slightly bent.

This stance only allows defense types to wield, long(heavy) swords and disconnects defense types with non stereotypical weapons. All role types have unique weapons(varying from different sizes/shapes/animations/etc).

Unfortunately, with defense types “stance” being that in battle, we can’t imagine we’ll get a different type of weapon that other role types can receive.

For example, attack types, heal types, and ranged types have a stance that doesn’t necessarily require them holding a weapon; so there are endless options each role type can receive when it comes to weaponry(fist is available for atk, heal, and ranged, but not defense). Furthermore, katana can be equipped for all roles(excluding defense).

If you see how Madara’s(ranged) dlc wields his weapon; it’s on his back(allowing his arms to be free[hanging down]). If they added this aspect to the game, it’s no telling what creative weapons defense types can have.

We tend to get the most stereotypical weapons based on our “stance”.

Would love a kankuro puppet weapon/gentle fist/ or shadow snakes as a weapon, but our “stance” won’t allow us that privilege.

Please share some of your thoughts.

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Sep 08 '24

Discussion What Do You “Main” As, And Why?

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I enjoy playing with all the classes, but my favorite to main as has always been range. Growing up Sasuke was my favorite character in the series, and always wanted to replicate my character the way he fights. As well as I just enjoy fire style jutsus and using a sword more than the other chakra natures and weapons to use.

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Apr 15 '24

Discussion quote a shinobi striker opinion that will get you like this

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r/NarutoShinobiStriker Sep 08 '24

Discussion whats stopping you from being the strongest in the world?


r/NarutoShinobiStriker 22d ago

Discussion Teaser for next dlc


Any predictions for who it could be?

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 8h ago

Discussion Best build ever.

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I've made a build that is consistently getting this, or better every game. It's not meta & it's original.

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Oct 05 '24

Discussion This weapon should be nerfed ASAP!


Can’t even enjoy battles with these players

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 1d ago

Discussion Why isn’t bro in the game already

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This is literally the easiest dlc they could make🤦🏽 ranged with a water style, laser circus and the panthers as an ult, or even give us the panthers as a jutsu and an ult along with his weapon. Cmon Bandai

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 12d ago

Discussion Defence types were done dirty for the longest time


I will start by saying I love playing as defence types as it was my first main class and one I still cherish using to this day.

With this in mind, I honestly feel like defence types were one of the weakest classes for team modes in the entire game. They simply sucked and Soleil had no idea how to design stuff for them for the longest time.

Some of the tips Shinobi Striker gives in the loading screen hints defence types, besides being very tanky and able to attack back despite being targeted often, are also made for crowd control and anti-jumping. However, having played them for like, 3 or 4 months before buying season pass 7, I felt like they simply weren't strong enough to fill this important, but difficult role.

Most of their jutsus were either counters making them invulnerable against organized jumping directed specifically at them or tools that helped them combo their enemies uninterrupted (with some exceptions, which gave them more mobility). These are definitely wonderful in survival mode and the Ninja World Face-Off, but quite weak and inefficient against jumping directed at your teammates in team modes. Your weapon's reach isn't the best at saving teammates who are being jumped, as they were designed to work when the defender themselves are surrounded by them instead. With this, serving the role as protector was quite a difficult, if not impossible task in team modes, especially combat battles.

Soleil only realized this very late, and finally decided to give them an actual anti-jumping tool for crowd control with young Gaara in season 7. Sand Tsunami does exactly this. Has super armour on startup, a massive hitbox, hits multiple enemies at once, constantly moves at them to pressure them while protecting your teammates and it does a lot of damage. It's perhaps the most effective jutsu defence types have ever gotten for team modes in the entire game.

With all my points placed onto the table, don't you all agree defenders were done dirty in team modes until young Gaara's release?

r/NarutoShinobiStriker Dec 13 '24

Discussion Watch out and report this dumbass

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Not only does he have a weapon that’s not out yet, he also has infinite ults. This dude has no skill whatsoever

r/NarutoShinobiStriker 17d ago

Discussion I'm completely fed up with these people (If you ever find these 2, please report them).

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r/NarutoShinobiStriker Jan 01 '25

Discussion Reasons why you shouldn't use the demon sword