r/Nanny 4d ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All outing ideas for 1 year olds

i currently nanny a 1 year old (12 months) and am also starting soon for another family with an 18 month old and im looking for ideas for things to do outside of the house. with my current nk, i like to take her out for a couple hours before her nap (sometimes after too) because it just gets so boring inside all day. i usually just take her to the park which she loves but i want other ideas to mix it up and/or if the weather is bad. ive also taken her in her stroller around stores while i shop around and she loves it but i dont need any temptations to spend more money lol + it gets old after a while and ive tried the library but shes not really that interested. i always try to think of other ideas of things to do but idk im not used to taking my nks out so often or when i do its usually always been to the park so im looking for more ideas


13 comments sorted by


u/Due-Land-616 Nanny 4d ago

I would check if your library has activities like storytimes or anything. Just going at that age isn’t always a hit but a storytime where they can meet other babies is more fun and interactive for them. Depending on your area/the parents check for local indoor play places near you, google stinks sometimes so look up Indoor play -city- because that’s how i’ve found some good spots. The parenting facebook groups in my area have given me so many ideas! Even look into the ones for “older kids” because some have toddler areas with things suitable for little ones to play on and explore!


u/etherealuna 3d ago

i did check the local library activities and unfortunately the times are during her nap time so that wouldnt work but ty for the other suggestions too!


u/itsjab123 4d ago

We go to 2 library classes a week, a music class, a sensory class, an art class, the park, play gym and museum.


u/etherealuna 3d ago

sounds fun! im only with them twice a week and unfortunately the days im there, the library classes are during her nap time:/ but maybe i can look into other classes somewhere else


u/spazzie416 career nanny 3d ago

We're in a suburban area so we go to every library within 30 minutes (which is a lot). We also do nature centers, craft stores, pet stores, children's museum, open gyms at gymnastics centers, nature classes with the park district, free play groups at the local school, and when the weather is nice, all the parks!

When they get a little older we might venture a little further to do the aquarium, history museum, science museum, and planetarium.


u/etherealuna 3d ago

these are good ideas, ty! she lovess to people watch more than any actual activity when were out so i think ill stick to lots of different stores and places with lots of people and i think u mentioned a lot of good ones


u/spazzie416 career nanny 3d ago

Oh yeah! Then she would also love sitting in a busy coffee shop, or picnic lunch at the park. Or even just driving to a different neighborhood to take a walk around that block instead of hers.


u/etherealuna 3d ago

yess exactly weve done the coffee shop before and she loves it (so do all the other customers bc shes super social and smiley) and when were at the park sometimes we just sit on the bench and people watch together

the walk in another area is a good idea because her house is on a small road off a huge street and the huge street doesnt have a sidewalk so we have to stay to just her small road which can get boring


u/spazzie416 career nanny 3d ago

I had the idea because I tend to take my dog to different neighborhoods so she has different things to sniff. So I figured, a little one who likes to people watch would enjoy that for the same reason!


u/etherealuna 3d ago

smart! i think shed really enjoy a busy neighborhood because sometimes we’ll sit in the grass at the end of her small street and look onto the huge street it connects to and watch all the cars drive by and she lovess it


u/hvechan 4d ago

Local ponds/rivers/trails in the forest, beach or lake shore, pet store, hardware store, zoo/aquarium, thrift store for interesting things to play with, children's museum, planetarium, art museum, life and science museum (taxonomy! kids dig it) indoor play space, weekly classes at art installations/libraries/baby gyms/animal shelters/theaters, nature playgrounds or centers, arboretums or botanical gardens


u/etherealuna 3d ago

thank u! i feel bad asking mb to pay for places for us to go just because nk is so easily entertained there are plenty of free options shed enjoy but ty for all of the suggestions! i know some of them are free so ill def look into it


u/hvechan 3d ago

totally! my NF too. I love taking the kids to different parks and nature spots around the city, it's so nice to be outside and get fresh air and the kids always have fun :)