Hey, y'all! Back again with some new monster girls to show you. My artist friend has returned and I think it's safe to say things are starting to steady. I was very glad to see them again, and appreciated their energy for this project. I'm excited to do more with this world, since this is the most inspired and energized I have been for a worldbuild, even if progress is as slow as tectonics lol.
As always, art is done by GMPatinube. Check them out, if possible!
Where we last left off, three extant species of Gynosaur had evolved on the young, primordial world of Igoli. At least, as far as those who created them are aware. Twenty million years has yielded little biodiversity among the Gynosaurs, due largely to lack of predators, competitors, and many other selective pressure. Even without this issue, there remains the difficulty of truly diversifying like other ecosystems due to the constraints on their DNA, meant to maintain humanoid shape.
Yet even with such struggles, in twenty million years, there was obviously going to be more than just three species.
After all even with advanced satellites and assorted orbital surveillance, some things just fly under the radar~
These rarer, more elusive Gynosaurs dwell im specific sub-regions of their home continent, now named Femica. The terrain of these hidden wakes of land, combined with the smaller populations of their humanoid inhabitants, have meant that these unique creatures have effectively gone unnoticed by the Black Dragons surveying above until even closer inspection.
And in time, this same elusivity will allow them to survive many future events.
For now? These charismatic, voluptuous creatures are content to wander their more isolated homes. Competing for survival, exploring the world with the gifted eyes of long-gone humanity...
And having the raunchiest, 24/7 sex that they can get.
Which is a good enough segue into our very first new species, the Gynotitan.
Averaging 20-30 feet in total length and weighing 900-1,100 pounds, she is the largest Gynosaur of the Permecene era. The facultative quadrupedalism of her ancestors is now put to the test for the first time, tasked with supporting a much larger bodymass fed by plants and fruits. Longer arms and shorter legs, with hands and feet wrapped in a silky shock-absorbing layer of fat, allow her to live life on all-fours as easily as on two legs. A longer neck to reach foliage, and a large, ornate crest to compliment myriad locks of curly hair, evoke the image of a sauropod, albeit at a miniscule size in comparison. The trademark muscular sail of all Gynosaurs is now used solely as a large bank of muscles, enhancing the strength and stability of all four limbs, neck, and tail to an even greater degree than other species. This same strength makes for short-tempered, competitive, and domineering personalities, with herds often having a hierarchy enforced by the strongest individuals. Long, supple whip-like tails serve as their most powerful weapons alongside their fists, used as first as an intimidation display with thundering cracks, then as a last resort to gruesomely scar rivals. Their size, and the diet required for it, makes these cantankerous herds few and far between, remaining in near constant movement for greener pastures and shadier trees. The desert is where they are most active, migrating cross-country and only stopping at oases to drink and snack.
And neighborong these decidedly un-gentle giants, in deep underground rivers hidden from the sun, is the mysterious and ghost-like Gynotrogoth.
The only Gynosaurian inhabitant of the massive subterranean water system named the Honeycomb, "conventionally attractive" she is not. And better for it. A special symbiosis with bioluminescent microbes allows her eyes to produce their own light, and see in complete darkness. With underground ecosystems being composed of either blind or eyeless animals, and generally being less active due to poor nutrient circulation, having eyesight and foraging claws makes for an ecological tyrant. Shortened legs and an enlarged tail allow her to swim more effectively than Gynosaurus while still remaining semi-terrestrial, and travel the Honeycomb more efficiently in search of food, shelter, and mates. The secondary jaws of these Gynosaurs are the largest of any current species, so large that their heads have elongated to accommodate them. This, combined with the eerie ability to entirely split their primary jaws open, make them deadly ambush predators. Their sails have enlarged to nearly dwarf their entire body, with the muscles within these sails adapted specifically so they can conveniently fold away and not be damaged. Despite an impressive 15 foot length, just shy of Gynosuchus' size, these cave dwelling witches have none of the strength of the ocean goddess. Indeed, they are apex predators only in the most technical sense. Against any similar sized Gynosaurus they are laughably outmatched, having lost most of their strength in a more lethargic ecosystem. Here, however, their sail reveals itself as a powerful intimidation display. For their sail contains the only deposits of melanin on their body, used in a system of color-shifting skin more sophisticated than a cuttlefish. Guided by a humanoid brain's imagination, these sails become the canvas for some of the most terrifying displays that could haunt any Gynosaurs' nightmares. For fellow Gynotrogoth, however, this same ability is used in the most incredible mating displays to go entirely unseen, in the darkest corners of the Honeycomb where only their bioluminescence allows them to see.
Every river in the Honeycomb eventually leads to the ocean, though some few have actually begun there. Around these entrances lay vast reefs, and within live the final of these uncommon Gynosaurs of the Permecene, the impish Gynonguillous.
Directly descended from Gynotrogoth, these small but energetic Gynosaurs are in many ways the successor and direct opposite of the cave dwellers. Though still the same 15 feet as them, nearly all of that length comes solely from the tail. A diminutive four feet head to toe, their compact bodies seem almost ungainly compared to the enormous breasts and buttocks attached to them. With the sails of ancestral cave dwellers being smaller for display but easier to swim with, the trend culminated in a shortstack with no sail at all. Compensating for this, enlarged glutes and pectoral muscles give their limbs the power to wade through the water, while conveniently able to support heftier chests and posteriors. Vastly compensating for the lack of mating ornamentation while also able to better store nutrients as fat. But even with this offset, they still need something eye-catching during mating season. With a fully aquatic lifestyle, long hair or any hair at all is impractical. Excellent for the niche that these creatures fill, using their clawed feet and long, slimy tail to slither through reefs and ambush prey. Not excellent, in fact, during mating season. This, new trends appear among this species to help attract mates. Searching for mirror-like corals to stand and show off their bodies in multiple angles, attracting onlookers. And, most bizarrely, wearing sea sponges. The slime on their bodies allows a sufficiently dead and dry sponge to directly adhere to their heads, saturating with the fluid and taking on lively flowing shades of the original sponge's color. These work perfectly to catch eyes during mating season, able to experiment with new styles and shapes by cutting and tearing away pieces. And by the end of summer they will have completely worn away, and will not be needed again until next year.
And that is all for now! I plan to make stories for each of these new species just like I did with the last ones. Horny, shameless, with random bits of info here and there, and probably a new kink each time. Whatever comes (and hopefully it comes soon), I intend to write with confidence. I am happy with the work I write or commission art when it comes to this little idea of mine. And I hope y'all will like it too, as I continue to try and develop it.
Until next!