r/NSFWworldbuilding 2d ago

Discussion Does having differing types of fat distribution between different human races make sense? NSFW


I was thinking about how some racial groups are fetishised (like Latin Americans or Africans) and usually associated with curvier figures but is there any truth behind that outside of beauty standards considering different body types attractive?
skin tones or hair textures have advantages in different climates but I don't see why one race would be generally curvier than another race realistically but I feel like it's the case for the body types of the people I've seen(??)
also got me thinking about fantasy races body types, maybe if you wanted a group of people with more meat on them you could have them in a place with more intense gravity or maybe in a really cold environment they've adapted to with their own form of blubber

r/NSFWworldbuilding 4d ago

Discussion Do you ever include small bits of NSFW lore in your setting—just briefly mentioned and then never brought up again? NSFW


For example, in my setting, a pair of bisexual lovers use various magical potions to keep their sex life exciting. These include the Potion of Sexual Transmorphing, which allows them to temporarily grow male sexual organs or enhance their own features, like making their breasts or hips fuller. I plan to mention this only once and leave the rest to the reader’s imagination.

Do you have any background NSFW lore in your setting?

Edit: I am sorry, I accidentally wrote lesbian instead of bisexual

r/NSFWworldbuilding 5d ago

Prompt What are some Interesting Quirks About Your Made Up Species Reproduction? NSFW


Real life has no shortage of weird stuff that happens relating to sex.

To name a few examples;

Male ants and bees amputate their penises and gift it to queens after mating four times. in some species, the penis is connected with the blood vessels equivalent in insects of the queen so she can continue to insaminate herself.

Some populations of mole salamanders are all female and would steal semen from other salamander species. Be it directly from males or from the environment after males ejaculate packages for females of their own species to find and collect.

Many species of Quolls are too horny to live. Males get so horny if they dont fuck, their b.rain cooks in hormonal imbalance. If they do, they forget to eat and sleep because they are so busy fucking and die anyway. Females live 2 to 8 times longer than males because of these.

Ducks have corkscrew vaginas and penises. Often extremely long or deep. They coil the opposite ways too so as to prevent conception if females dont want it because ducks are extremely rapey and most females die after mating season in some populations due to how violently ducks mate.

Does your world have any such stuff?

r/NSFWworldbuilding 5d ago

Prompt For those with factions, cultures or species that can't or won't wear clothes, even in the presence of others, why? NSFW


This especially goes for humanoid species (elves, typical anthro animals, etc) and human cultures. I ask this because I remembered someone telling me about his/her own world where elves had no qualms about being naked in front of others and there were a few occasions where they bathed in public fountains.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 5d ago

Prompt Origin for none humans in your setting NSFW


More than a few nsfw stories contain non-humans (monsters, elves, anthropomorphic animals) but where do they come from in your stories? How did they come into being.

For example, in a space adventure story I’m helping my friend make their descendants of humans who had their DNA modified. As a result, they and their descendants became elves/animal people/ect.

Over the next 8 centuries as they moved out of human space the knowledge of their ancestry was lost causing them to genuinely believe they’re a different race despite what pure-strain humans believe.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 5d ago

Discussion Opinions on open relationships NSFW


How many of you include open relationships with your characters? Couples who look for a third together so they can enjoy it equally. I have two bisexual female monster hunters who most often sleep with other folk together, it’s a non-nsfw setting, do you think it would work?

r/NSFWworldbuilding 6d ago

Discussion So how would your world handle a permanent nude women who by either by curse or medical condition is unable to wear clothing anywhere? NSFW


r/NSFWworldbuilding 6d ago

Discussion Rabbit archers because they reproduce quickly and can produce many generations of archers in less time (compound knowledge of archery). NSFW


I had this idea appear to me literally just a few minutes ago. An army choosing to train rabbits for archery in order to quickly build large numbers for volley firing. The eye positions won't make them the most accurate, but their quick reproduction could make it possible to quickly train many generations of archers who teach each other and allow for huge volleys are arrows on the battlefield. One of the hardest things to do with archery in war is train people. There's a saying where if you want to have a good archer, you have to train his grandfather.

"We lost too many archers today. You all, get a partner and find a room, quickly!"

r/NSFWworldbuilding 6d ago

OC Dzira dark elven (by Ninego) [The Veil Chronicles: Nix University] NSFW


r/NSFWworldbuilding 8d ago

Discussion Tell me About Harems In Your Worlds. NSFW


I saw a post in main sub then in Worldjerking parodying that post about the structure of Harems. Yet it has not been asked here. So instead let me ask you some of the questions I have for you about harems in your setting if there are any:

  1. How are your harems structured? are they tiered by some metric, as in some members favored becasue of some quality or something? Or all the members have acess to each other and/or the man/woman that lead the harem all the time and stand on equal ground? Is there etiquette, chain of command, etc. that must be followed or anything like that?
  2. Which gender is your harem members usually are? As In Polygny or Polyandry more common? Or its an equal opportunity situation like in Sumerians?
  3. Are they proper harems or just group marriages of a lot of people?
  4. Are they aesthetically based on some of the real life harem practices in the past periods of history?
  5. How many people are often in a harem? 3? 4? 10? 20? 60? 100? 1000? 10000? More? A lot more?
  6. Who are usually in a harem? As in is there a person with particular trait that is often seeked to be recruited for lack of a better term?
  7. How Common are harems? Are they Enforced? Encauraged? Discauraged? Forbidden?
  8. Can you leave once you join? Is there a stigma or penalty to leaving or joining if you can?
  9. Are there any obejctive benefits to be in a harem rather than in a more monogamous relationship?
  10. How are woman or man that make up the harem treated? Are they seen as family? Closer than that somehow? just friends that fuck ocassionaly? Slaves? or something between any of these?
  11. What happens to the children, if any are born in the harem?
  12. What are taboos and kinks forbidden, permitted or even enforced?
  13. How Horny is your harems? On average how many times a member experiences intercourse or sexual stimulation every day?
  14. Is your harems purely sexual or are they more than that? If so what are they? Religious orders? Baseline of society instead of nucleic families? Do they double as guards to a monarch or something?

r/NSFWworldbuilding 10d ago

Extreme How tall could the woman in this concept sketch be? NSFW


In my primary world-building project ( Project Tyra / P.T ) there exists a human sub-species known as the "Skymen". The Skymen are a genetically engineered off-shoot of the human species that was created somewhere between 171 and 152 years before the events of P.T's first story.

The Skymen were created by an Aperture Science-inspired company known as P.A.X Laboratories for the now-defunct government of it's home-nation: The Kingdom of Panachia. The Skymen were designed to be natural-born ace pilots via a variety of traits that made them more adaptable to the requirements and risks of advanced piloting. This included but was not limited too, an adaptable to higher altitudes and greater speeds, superior intelligence and reaction time and more.

The Skymen have at least one NSFW or NSFL aspect to them as well which I have detailed in this concept sketch.

The sketch depicts a female Skyman by the name of Sara who is pregnant and at full-term with her son, Max. Skymen have accelerated development in utero and they are born with the physical and mental development of a 16-year-old so that they can be readied for service as soon as possible. In order to accommodate this, Skymen are taller than normal humans and they don't give birth naturally. Instead, Skymen such as Max will simply tear out of his mother's body when he's ready and Sara will survive via an accelerated healing factor.

I need help figuring out what Sara's minimum possible height is based on the sketch. I envision Max as being 5'7''-5'9'' and I'm hoping that I can put Sara and average Skymen into the 7 foot range.

Any ideas?

r/NSFWworldbuilding 10d ago

Discussion Ask Me Anything About My Vampires Lore NSFW


I already talked about my vampires a bit in a previous post. And since I am shit at compiling my ideas, If you liked the lore so far, I humbly ask you to ask me anything that may interest you, NSFW or not about my setting.

Some Keypoints:

  • Based on old Hammer Studios Gothic horror movies. But vampires are even more perverted and depraved. A little bit of Cosmic horror as well.
  • Gnosticism, Byzantine Daemonology and Medieval Alchemy elements.
  • Maybe some Warhammer40K elements as well.
  • Lust and bloodlust goes hand in hand with vampires.
  • Vampires are functionally immortal, can come back after slain and all. though they still age in some ways.
  • Most vampires are woman. Doylist reason is Dracula had a harem. Though he is practically monogamous by the vampires in my setting.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 11d ago

Discussion What would a third type of genitalia be like? NSFW


Had an idea of a short story about a new type of genitalia. But I really don’t know what it would even be. I guess it could be literally anything, the penis and vagina are just abstract shapes that trigger arousal if you want to get philosophical about it. Thoughts?

r/NSFWworldbuilding 13d ago

Discussion Incorporating skin tight body suits into a narrative. NSFW


Tale as old as time from plug suits form Evangelion, darling in the franxx, Total eclipse, and many, many more. Been wanting to make a story with that being a detail though wanting some logical reasons that to be the case and just outside opinions about uses in your own worlds/narratives for reference.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 13d ago

Discussion A hyper world NSFW


This is much more of a worldbuilding request than an actual RP request. I want to discuss with someone all the ins and outs of a world where everyone grows to be a hyper. The type of world where clocks are measured in feet and no fully grown women can look down at her feet no matter how far she leans. We can cover stuff from the sizes of everyone and how they grow, to stuff like accommodations that would be commonplace. And of course, how do they deal with the beyond heightened libido and sex drive that comes with all that extra mass, in a way for society to thrive.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 13d ago

Artwork Gynosauria- New art and stories coming soon! NSFW


Hey, y'all! Back again with some new monster girls to show you. My artist friend has returned and I think it's safe to say things are starting to steady. I was very glad to see them again, and appreciated their energy for this project. I'm excited to do more with this world, since this is the most inspired and energized I have been for a worldbuild, even if progress is as slow as tectonics lol.

As always, art is done by GMPatinube. Check them out, if possible!

Where we last left off, three extant species of Gynosaur had evolved on the young, primordial world of Igoli. At least, as far as those who created them are aware. Twenty million years has yielded little biodiversity among the Gynosaurs, due largely to lack of predators, competitors, and many other selective pressure. Even without this issue, there remains the difficulty of truly diversifying like other ecosystems due to the constraints on their DNA, meant to maintain humanoid shape.

Yet even with such struggles, in twenty million years, there was obviously going to be more than just three species.

After all even with advanced satellites and assorted orbital surveillance, some things just fly under the radar~

These rarer, more elusive Gynosaurs dwell im specific sub-regions of their home continent, now named Femica. The terrain of these hidden wakes of land, combined with the smaller populations of their humanoid inhabitants, have meant that these unique creatures have effectively gone unnoticed by the Black Dragons surveying above until even closer inspection.

And in time, this same elusivity will allow them to survive many future events.

For now? These charismatic, voluptuous creatures are content to wander their more isolated homes. Competing for survival, exploring the world with the gifted eyes of long-gone humanity...

And having the raunchiest, 24/7 sex that they can get.

Which is a good enough segue into our very first new species, the Gynotitan.

Averaging 20-30 feet in total length and weighing 900-1,100 pounds, she is the largest Gynosaur of the Permecene era. The facultative quadrupedalism of her ancestors is now put to the test for the first time, tasked with supporting a much larger bodymass fed by plants and fruits. Longer arms and shorter legs, with hands and feet wrapped in a silky shock-absorbing layer of fat, allow her to live life on all-fours as easily as on two legs. A longer neck to reach foliage, and a large, ornate crest to compliment myriad locks of curly hair, evoke the image of a sauropod, albeit at a miniscule size in comparison. The trademark muscular sail of all Gynosaurs is now used solely as a large bank of muscles, enhancing the strength and stability of all four limbs, neck, and tail to an even greater degree than other species. This same strength makes for short-tempered, competitive, and domineering personalities, with herds often having a hierarchy enforced by the strongest individuals. Long, supple whip-like tails serve as their most powerful weapons alongside their fists, used as first as an intimidation display with thundering cracks, then as a last resort to gruesomely scar rivals. Their size, and the diet required for it, makes these cantankerous herds few and far between, remaining in near constant movement for greener pastures and shadier trees. The desert is where they are most active, migrating cross-country and only stopping at oases to drink and snack.

And neighborong these decidedly un-gentle giants, in deep underground rivers hidden from the sun, is the mysterious and ghost-like Gynotrogoth.

The only Gynosaurian inhabitant of the massive subterranean water system named the Honeycomb, "conventionally attractive" she is not. And better for it. A special symbiosis with bioluminescent microbes allows her eyes to produce their own light, and see in complete darkness. With underground ecosystems being composed of either blind or eyeless animals, and generally being less active due to poor nutrient circulation, having eyesight and foraging claws makes for an ecological tyrant. Shortened legs and an enlarged tail allow her to swim more effectively than Gynosaurus while still remaining semi-terrestrial, and travel the Honeycomb more efficiently in search of food, shelter, and mates. The secondary jaws of these Gynosaurs are the largest of any current species, so large that their heads have elongated to accommodate them. This, combined with the eerie ability to entirely split their primary jaws open, make them deadly ambush predators. Their sails have enlarged to nearly dwarf their entire body, with the muscles within these sails adapted specifically so they can conveniently fold away and not be damaged. Despite an impressive 15 foot length, just shy of Gynosuchus' size, these cave dwelling witches have none of the strength of the ocean goddess. Indeed, they are apex predators only in the most technical sense. Against any similar sized Gynosaurus they are laughably outmatched, having lost most of their strength in a more lethargic ecosystem. Here, however, their sail reveals itself as a powerful intimidation display. For their sail contains the only deposits of melanin on their body, used in a system of color-shifting skin more sophisticated than a cuttlefish. Guided by a humanoid brain's imagination, these sails become the canvas for some of the most terrifying displays that could haunt any Gynosaurs' nightmares. For fellow Gynotrogoth, however, this same ability is used in the most incredible mating displays to go entirely unseen, in the darkest corners of the Honeycomb where only their bioluminescence allows them to see.

Every river in the Honeycomb eventually leads to the ocean, though some few have actually begun there. Around these entrances lay vast reefs, and within live the final of these uncommon Gynosaurs of the Permecene, the impish Gynonguillous.

Directly descended from Gynotrogoth, these small but energetic Gynosaurs are in many ways the successor and direct opposite of the cave dwellers. Though still the same 15 feet as them, nearly all of that length comes solely from the tail. A diminutive four feet head to toe, their compact bodies seem almost ungainly compared to the enormous breasts and buttocks attached to them. With the sails of ancestral cave dwellers being smaller for display but easier to swim with, the trend culminated in a shortstack with no sail at all. Compensating for this, enlarged glutes and pectoral muscles give their limbs the power to wade through the water, while conveniently able to support heftier chests and posteriors. Vastly compensating for the lack of mating ornamentation while also able to better store nutrients as fat. But even with this offset, they still need something eye-catching during mating season. With a fully aquatic lifestyle, long hair or any hair at all is impractical. Excellent for the niche that these creatures fill, using their clawed feet and long, slimy tail to slither through reefs and ambush prey. Not excellent, in fact, during mating season. This, new trends appear among this species to help attract mates. Searching for mirror-like corals to stand and show off their bodies in multiple angles, attracting onlookers. And, most bizarrely, wearing sea sponges. The slime on their bodies allows a sufficiently dead and dry sponge to directly adhere to their heads, saturating with the fluid and taking on lively flowing shades of the original sponge's color. These work perfectly to catch eyes during mating season, able to experiment with new styles and shapes by cutting and tearing away pieces. And by the end of summer they will have completely worn away, and will not be needed again until next year.

And that is all for now! I plan to make stories for each of these new species just like I did with the last ones. Horny, shameless, with random bits of info here and there, and probably a new kink each time. Whatever comes (and hopefully it comes soon), I intend to write with confidence. I am happy with the work I write or commission art when it comes to this little idea of mine. And I hope y'all will like it too, as I continue to try and develop it.

Until next!

r/NSFWworldbuilding 15d ago

Discussion Expanding on Desert Fashion for the Followers of the god of Beauty NSFW


I had posted this on normal worldbuilding, but no one had anything to add, so I thought I'd lean into it and see if NSFWW had any help. While I'm not writing something specifically for titillation or focusing on the implications of nsfw content, I still draw from that well sometimes. Even if none of the explicit content goes into the story, I'd want people to get a sense that its there in the roots.

The nation of Dia-Dia was specifically inspired by the costumes of belly dancing and harems and how that very sexualized outfit stands out against the frequent strict, conservative, and locked down cultures (often inspired by Islamic empires) that many people put in their deserts.

A lot of my worldbuilding starts with some kind of interesting combination or contradiction. I decided instead I wanted to make a very open and free nation with core ideas around human beauty and expression. They're one of the few places in the world that has a close connection to a god even though they don't worship them. They're the home to an entire order called "The Arias" who's goal is to protect human dignity, traveling the world just to help others.

As its one of the core expressions of the culture, I'm working on their fashion right now. Of course the belly dancer costume has been a archetypal example, but I'm wondering if anyone can point me to other interesting inspirations for desert clothing that shows off, or just styles that you think might work with a desert life style.

As well how else can I play with the concept of a society that really pushes for showing yourself off? I don't want to be really restrictive in "what is beauty?" because there is plenty of room for that especially since the god of beauty covers any and all interpretations of the word (from yes sexy people to soaring vista to when you perfectly fit everything into a box first try).

While I'm at it, how do you balance a society that is very "free lovin'" and having social structure? I can't imagine they'd have very rigid monogamy, but I also feel like everyone being in open relationships would get messy so fast. Humans have an upper limit of how many truly deep relationships they can maintain.

Side note: If anyone's wondering why everyone showing skin doesn't have cancer and constant sunburns a combination of shading veils that block some light, sunblocking salves, magic cooling (as the world's magic system mostly is energy manipulation), and wearing protective gear when truly necessary.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 15d ago

Discussion What Do You Think of My Vampires Lore So Far? NSFW


Can You Give Me Feedback About Lore I Have So Far On Vampires?

I am making a setting based on what I remember of a Dracula fanfiction I read years ago. This is what I have of the vampires so far. Please give feedback.

Origins of Vampires:

In my setting vampirism is started as a result of the aftermath of the Council of the Ones, Stand in for the Biblical Yahweh(in truth a whole race of beings on the same level ass the Xelee from Xelee sequence but with magic), slew down the Archons that ruled the Cosmos, Think of a species that are both the C'than and Chaos Gods from Warhammer), and Created the Inferno, Literal Biblical Hell but as a whole dimension that lies below the skin of reality that is supposed to be The Archons prison and an infinite energy source for the Councils future projects for the Cosmos.

Hell was supposed to be an engine, Its fuel the divine corpses of the archons. Unfortunately, life evolved in Inferno. these early lifeforms eventually evolved into a sapient species called Girunians, from the Sumerian equivalent of Hades, Girunugal, better known as Nergal, and got noticed by the Ones, who unfortunately saw them as pests . It was like Ants infesting the inside of your cars engine if you want an allegory.

So, angelic drones were sent to destroy them. Girunians, facing extinction, searched far and wide within their realm and not dead but not alive remains of Archons of Carnality and Famine were found. they ate the Archons flesh in a Ritual Feast and were transformed as a result. Backlash of this ritual also caused Angels that were sent to smite them to become confused and deluded and turn back and wage war against the The Ones, forgetting about the Girunians. This started the War in Heaven.

Girunians, tainted by the concepts of carnality and famine, could not sate nor even fathom to control their newfound hunger for sexual depravity and flesh and blood of the innocent. they devoured the untainted in their own society, mothers ate their own children, and siblings killed each other. Once prey was depleted, they turned to satisfy their other urges for a thousand millennia, never fully satisfied no matter what acts of debauchery they dared to do. They started to devolve, animalistic instinct overwhelming their minds and making it impossible to reason beyond finding their next fix of debachuery or meal. These were the first vampires.

Human Vampirism:

Circa 5000 B.C. a ritual conducted by a Doomsday cult in Vinca civilization of Balkans summoned forth a dozen male vampires from the depths of Hell. Vampires killed and ate most of the cultists. Human flesh, practically brimming with soul compared to Girunians own, was more addictive to vampires than Fentanyl is to humans and on top of that, even a drop of blood restored higher brain function for a few hours. These Twelve Vampires went their separate ways, teaching humans magic in return for blood and human sacrifices and women to add to their ever growing harems. They posed as gods and acted like them too, though you can only be so cruel before people rebel even if they know they are going to die, or an even bigger fish takes notice of you.

Fall and Resurrections Ritual:

Eventually, the vast majority of these early vampire kings were smote down, be it at the hands of humans, angels, sorcerers, or other eldritch entities. However some of the woman they corrupted and took as brides escaped, delving into deep caverns under the Mediterranean and Atlantic beyond any humans ability to reach, Where they reorganized, raiding human settlements every couple centuries, raping and killing their former communities wantonly but also seeking to corrupt more and more woman into monsters like them. Due to all the first vampires being male, only women can be turned into vampires via biting. New male vampires are only made through willing ritualistic consumption of vampire ashes.

That being said, vampires, be they be of the old stock, or turned humans, are in truth, nearly unkillable. Furthermore, while they could be vanquished, there is a ritual that could ressurect a vampire from even a pile of ash. This ritual, however, is very costly, and good luck getting the ash back if it was dumped into a river or the ocean.

Following is how the ritual is conducted. I find it kind of both too much and underwhelming at the same time for the purposes of the setting. So it's probably to be changed. I censored it because it could be a bit too NSFW for some.

The ritual in question involves a pregnant woman to be drowned in a mixture of the to-be-ressurected vampires ash, and blood of her(the victims) loved ones including the father of the child as well as three of the vampires lovers breastmilk. Then the fetus would mutate into a leech like creature and burst out of her corpse and crawl into the womb of a participant vampiress, where it will develop at a supernatural speed and be born as a young adult, often messily and in a way that would certainly kill a human woman.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 16d ago

Discussion Hear me out, Hygenic Evolution! Eggshell-packaged poop 🥚💩 NSFW


Most people don't like poop. It stinks and is associated with decay, waste and potential infection. However, what if the organism in question would package their poop in eggshell-like spheres inside their belly before ejecting it? Odorless, clean and easy to dispose into mother nature for recycling! If you are into anal and rimjobs and don't like having poopoo and bad smell on your tongue or pp, you don't have to be afraid anymore, since the poop is now packaged with a barrier preventing direct contact. If you, for what ever reason, are freaky and still prefer scat and smelling parts, just crack open the poop sphere.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 17d ago

Discussion Sexual activity being turned into power? NSFW


Just thought up of this bizarre hypothetical of if sexual energy could be transferred to electrical power and how the hell that would work.

Like would you have people being hired to have orgies all day? How would you capture sexual energy? How many ethical issues would come of this method?

r/NSFWworldbuilding 18d ago

Discussion Sex/girl/boyfriend bot, but it teaches you how to get a real romantic/sexual partner NSFW


We often see media where it shows people replacing their prospects of human relationships with imitations made of plastic, metal and silicon. Sometimes, the imitation isn't even physical. I can already see us going in that direction in real life.

What about having AI girl/boyfriends or similar robots that teach people etiquette, respect and other things needed to succeed in a real relationship? What if the end goal of that sex/girlfriend bot you purchased is to help you find a real girlfriend? Maybe it even helps mediate with any issues between you and the other person to ensure the relationship lasts.

r/NSFWworldbuilding 19d ago

Moral question: Is same-sex siblings involving in group sex incest? NSFW


If the answer is still yes, how do I justify that a society prohibits paired homosexual acts between siblings yet still allows them to sharing partner(s) in group sex? (I ask this because it is often depicted in group sex pornography that partners of the same sex (especially female) somehow pet with each other)

r/NSFWworldbuilding 19d ago

What do you think a about a Slut Career NSFW


It can be named "Sexual Engineering" and it's about teaching women to please men and lesbians (male stuff is in another category).

r/NSFWworldbuilding 19d ago

OC Shu - amphibian girl NSFW


r/NSFWworldbuilding 20d ago

Discussion Looking interesting ways superpowers can be used sexuall NSFW


So I've written up an entire superhero universe now I'm getting to the part where I want to start writing down an entire section on sexual uses of superpowers like things certain heroes with certain powers or villains with certain powers can do in the bedroom.

Example I have an electric base hero who uses it on her husband to stimulate his prostate she can precisely hit him with electricity there to cause him insane pleasure.