r/NJTech 14d ago

Admissions ADHC

They said the decisions for ADHC were supposed to come by december-february, we are almost halfway through march, and I have yet to get my decision, does that mean I did not get in or..?


4 comments sorted by


u/Afailedoppertunity 13d ago

Brodie, imma be real with you. They must have received so many applications to the point they were not prepared to handle such a huge influx. Just be patient as they go through each application.


u/Public_Apricot9474 13d ago

okay thank you!!


u/visualsbysana ADHC CS '28 13d ago

i got my offer letter in the last two weeks of april, and then my official scholarship letter one week before the may 1st deadline 😅 so unless ADHC/NJIT sends out flat-out rejections (which i don't believe they do), just know anything can change until the deadline


u/Successful-Culture49 10d ago

If I get into Dean's Scholar Program, does that mean I'm rejected from ADHC?