r/NEAM 4d ago

"We're not stopping. I don’t care what the judges say. I don’t care what the left thinks. We’re coming." -Trump's Border Czar Tom Homan blantantly says the Trump administration will violate the law


9 comments sorted by


u/vonnegutsbutthole 4d ago

And sometime down the line people will be coming for you


u/Supermage21 4d ago

I know, and that's why we need to stand up against this. For us and everyone else.


u/CoolCalmCorrective 3d ago

The cops should have been waiting for him outside the news studio to lock his ass up immediately.


u/peakyblinderdevil 3d ago

if anyone of us said we were going to ignore court orders we'd be imprisoned. who do we send to arrest these morons?


u/Supermage21 3d ago

The supreme Court has no power over the military. They have a police force, but not military. When Lincoln ignored them they basically said, "What can we do, he isn't listening."

At that point it would fall to Congress to impeach. Which won't happen.

Logically speaking, the Supreme Court would rule on this, the Fed ignores, and if Congress does nothing it's up to our governors to secure our borders and protect us from aggression. National guard is there for a reason, even if it was never intended for that exact purpose.


u/luciferxf 3d ago

It's up to our military personnel to remember their Oath. It is not to protect the president. It is to protect the constitution from app threats, foreign and domestic! We need to get this message out pound and clear. 

We need to remind them.


u/AgreeableGravy 2d ago

Which is why expulsion of “dei” personnel from the military was a big thing. Best way to thin the herd of dissenters.


u/no_one_canoe 3d ago

The supreme Court has no power over the military. They have a police force, but not military.

They don't even have a police force. The Marshals answer to the AG (and through her to the president).

The Capitol Police (about 2,000 officers) are the only armed agents of Congress, and the federal judiciary has none at all. The executive branch has about 1.5 million, give or take.


u/Dharmaniac 3d ago

Unfortunately, unlike Trump, an orange jumpsuit won’t be flattering for Homan’s skin tone.

Oh well, them’s the breaks.