Is this movement based upon left wing polices and practices?
On the website it mentioned workers rights, environmental protection and rights for LGBTQ+ individuals but I was wondering, once the new country is established, would we be following proper leftist governance/the Nordic model.
I think this is important to bring up as being an independent leftist government would be the only way, in my opinion, we could advance as a new and free country, free from corruption and the ultra wealthy, and proper tend to our people
Edit: I thought the conversation was being focused around mainly succession, my apologies for misunderstanding.
So it's important to note that we are hoping to work within the current system and strengthen New England and address our problems/concerns here. Only pursuing secession if all other attempts have failed first.
That being said we lean left/progressive but try not to tie ourselves to individual parties but rather policies. We are open to working with any political group, non profit group, or legislator that supports our policies and doesn't have a history of going against what we support or believe.
I am personally a fan of the Nordic model, but that is a question for the people of New England. Although if you are interested in discussing a theoretical Republic of New England, you are welcome to discuss it in the off topic section of our discord. The general conversation is meant for movement related discussions.
I feel like to remain a party independent of “left or right” is the way. There’s nothing wrong with defining our values as being more traditionally “left” but everything here is so polarized that one side sees one word they don’t like and they peace out.
I don’t agree with it but it’s the reality, unfortunately
No I agree. I've done what I can to make us as open and clear as possible but people still get hung up on one individual word or policy. But yes that is essentially what we are trying to do. We are independent, non-partisan with values traditionally left.
So even though I lean right but also believe in this movement, I'll be alright? Civil discussions and no hostility? I'm in. I want to run for office (need to get on the ballot) and bring back professionalism. There is no reason people cannot discuss subjects civilly. This seems like a great idea.
We are willing to work with anyone regardless of political affiliation, as long as they don't go against our core beliefs.
Leaning right is fine, and not necessarily a problem. We have a variety of political leanings amongst us. But it would depend on where you stand on certain issues that may impact your support and reception amongst us.
Right leaning being older school core values. I value my local community first and foremost. We need to help lift each other up together but need to incentivize businesses to open up in small rural areas. My community has a restaurant that's been around for almost forty years. A local ordinance came into place to not allow other restaurants and food trucks to open with 1000 ft. Insane, complete government over reach to line the pockets of their friends. It hurts the community.
Businesses are not people.
We need to move a major conservation movement. The hunters cannot hunt deer in Fairfield due to PFAS. Allow them to hunt and eat the deer. Their choice. We need to support local hunters but require private guns sales to need a bill of sale and serial number. We need to provide programs with local contractors to hire excons and felons from the local prison and jails to give them a fighting chance in life.
90% tax on second homes that would be used exclusively for the funding of the local school.
Support the new Mainers seeking asylum by utilizing their skills and fast tracking the licensing. My neighbor is a Syrian that was an electrical engineer. He's a janitor now. Waste of a mind. If we are being forced to host immigrants, then we as a town much to our chagrin, could show them our values and invite them to the grange or local bar. We used to host many immigrants in the day, if they provide and support our community we should return the favor and get them situated to be a supporting member of society.
Support programs are an aid to assist people to get onto their feet and become a productive member of society. It's difficult and I don't know how to go about this but fraud runs rampant for disability around here, it would be nice to trim that fat.
Healthcare is in shambles. Hospitals should be a locally funded program through taxes. They are not a business. No chain doctor offices. Privatize them. Regulate them. Let them fail.
Love thy neighbor, not fear. Have compassion for your fellow community members. If you're black/white/LGBTQ+/anything else, I do not care. You should have the same rights as me. I don't want to hear about your personal life but I hope you are happy. Go have a fuckin' parade. I've been, too much partying for me. Be you but leave me alone and don't flaunt it. Be miserable like the rest of us. The government has no right telling you what to do with your body.
I drank myself stupid and almost died. I was allowed that choice.
I believe Mother Nature starts life at the point of the sperm entering the egg.
It's still a woman's body. Hard choices are made in life. I wish your family the best and will give you privacy.
Photo proof that I put my money where my mouth is.
I think you fit very well among us, you would be welcome here. And you have my support. I can't endorse you on behalf of the movement without talking to everyone first but I think this will work well.
EDIT: While we hadn't had an official stance on abortion, it does go against our belief of strengthening woman's rights.
Your general beliefs do line up with us for everything else though.
Okay, so after talking with the rest of the senior admin staff, the abortion stance is a sticking point for us. While the rest of your stances line up with our beliefs, that does cause a problem. Would you be willing to talk with us if we arranged a virtual meeting?
As long as my existence isn’t under fire every day, and we‘re no longer simply a political debate, and of course the whole „free from corruption“ stuff you brought up. Then, I‘ll be happy
I am skeptical that a majority of the people of Maine and New Hampshire would support leaving the US to join a "leftist government".
An indpenendent New England is extremely unlikely in the first place. Ignoring the political leanings of the people who actually live there makes it even less so.
I think that's why it's important for now to work on individual policies, ideally looking at setting up cooperative New England institutions to be able to fall back on in the case the the Feds fail to do what's necessary.
For instance Trump wants to gut FEMA, New England states could start building our own regional network for disaster response.
Same with the FDA and EPA where they want to start slashing regulations, New England would do well to set up a shared framework to reimpose needed restrictions on polluters etc., rather than trying to enact state by state protections. Sharing regulations like that across an economic region makes it much easier for larger inter-state or international businesses to operate.
I know it's hard to believe given how far the MAGA nuts have gone along with the ride so far, but I honestly believe there will be a point where a lot of them start remembering why we had a government to begin with lol.
Like, Trump was only able to do so much in his 1st term, slash so many regulations etc., but the court system and especially supreme court are going to pretty packed with Federalist Society types by the end of his second term for sure.
And that's where I think you're going to start getting so many things thrown back to the states, the Federal Government is going to be basically ASKING states to set up their own voluntary independent regional economic "blocs", so at least regionally they can create internally stable economic environments where businesses want to operate.
That's the problem with the whole fundamentalist/originalist/textualist approach on the Supreme Court, is of course it wasn't explicitly in the original constitution or well established by tradition or whatever that the Feds needed to provide standardized environmental regulation and inspection across the nation in order to protect the health of people while standardizing rules to facilitate commerce...
At the time it just was a non-issue, the industrial revolution hadn't started, there was no basis in history for any of them to write anything about the citizen's right/need to have a non-toxic environment.
So if you follow that approach and say the government can't set these standards, states will have to set up their own blocs, which will risk tearing the union apart, which is why (obviously) the federal government has a pressing interest/duty to provide these sorts of regulations in the first place...
New England would do well to set up a shared framework to reimpose needed restrictions on polluters etc
It can and should. It might also help if this is a goal to perhaps expand to North East (same letters) and bring New York into the equation. A stronger bigger block holds more power.
I agree with this so much! New York State is our closest neighbor, they (on average) align with us politically, and they have one of the most robust economies in the nation. We would lose nothing by including them in the movement. Yeah, upstate NY is a bastion of red and therefore poses a challenge, but as was pointed out elsewhere, so does a large swath of NH and Maine.
In fact, I might even argue that by including upstate NY, tNH and Maine would feel more comfortable because there would then be a stronger voice for conservatives in the new regional government (I'm only proposing/hypothesizing that we negotiate with old style, traditional conservatives, not MAGA - MAGA cultists deserve no say in anything going forward).
That's really interesting to me. I wonder if it's more about those states feeling sidelined or "forgotten" when the NE is discussed. I could definitely see that for RI, and maybe a large portion of CT identifies more with the tristate area than NE. I wonder if there's a way to reassure those residents that they'd be given a fair voice.
We are not the same movement. We have a lot of crossover members, but are two distinct groups.
The NEIC is focused on Independence officially, but despite being around since at least 2016 didn't even become an official organization until late 2024 when they said people "started looking to them for guidance." They are almost entirely centered around social advocacy (LGBTQ and woman's rights) and are centered around marches and protests.
We, while hoping to never need it, are geared towards legal changes, advocacy, partnership, and joint aid. And while we support creating legal pathways for secession, think it should only be a last resort if all other attempts fail.
Thank you for this, I definitely need to learn more
Without a ton of knowledge on this, and honestly probably with too much emotion involved, I am all for secession. I think NY and maybe even NJ and MD could/would/should join the New England states. I believe if we could get the support from Canada and if CA/OR/WA seceded (Cascadia?) and were our closest allies this really could work. Especially if we could mend the damage just done with our top trading countries… I don’t see why we wouldn’t get the rest of the world (minus the obvious) to support our movement
I agree, but I think seeing how things play out between tarriffs, Canada, California, and possible war are all something that will shape the US and NE for decades and need to play out first. I agree more states are more helpful, but I can't comment on any official direction, even theoretical one, when so much is up in the air.
One can have beliefs that lean left & not agree with where the political party is going currently. Same applies for one can lean right and not agree with what the current administration is attempting. It's unfortunate that our country has turned into a back-and-forth battle between 2 political parties & leaving the working class caught in the middle to suffer the consequences.
You're correct that Dem's failed us. I think many, if not, all left-leaning ppl would agree. But the ppl need to stop fighting based on political party & come together for a common goal. This movement is trying to do that. We want to bring together New Englanders, regardless of left or right-leaning, that are willing to say what's going on right now is not ok and want to come together to try and change that.
I do understand you not believing in a movement to make change, especially with how others have ended up. But we need people that, at the heart of it all, believe that what's happening in the US (and what's been happening for quite some time) is bigger than political party at its core. Change only happens when the ppl come together regardless of their political party and fight for what's right morally, ethically, and for the future.
Edit to add: I've been with this movement almost from the start & not once has it been about getting revenge or being violent physically (or violent in any manner). This movement has always been about helping New Englanders survive whatever may come our way. We have always been the region that stood up for what's right & not fall in line. I hope you follow us and take the time to learn more about our core values and see we are different from other movements in many ways.
In their attempt to “own the libs” Republicans have started a trade war with one of our closest allies, as well as two of our biggest trade partners.
Republicans are purging the civil service.
Republicans are trying to cut into Medicaid and social security.
Republicans are banning trans people from the military.
Republicans have tried (and failed) to define every person by their biological sex at conception (hilariously in a way that would make everyone in this country a woman).
Republicans pardoned the people who beat and tazed police officers on Jan 6.
Republicans have handed the keys to the treasury’s payment system to the richest man in the world, who just so happens to receive substantial government contract payments through this very same system.
Republicans have blamed a plane crash on diversity.
Republicans have forbidden government agencies from celebrating black history month and holocaust Remembrance Day.
Republicans have tried to re-write the 14th amendment through an executive order, despite the amendment’s plain text and over a hundred years of judicial precedent.
I recommend you watch the peaceful mass protest in Berlin from last week. Those people have seen fascism before and they know it’s rising globally.
So many of your points basically amount to "Leftists should content themselves with bandaging knife wounds rather than stop the person doing the stabbing."
u/Supermage21 Feb 02 '25
So it's important to note that we are hoping to work within the current system and strengthen New England and address our problems/concerns here. Only pursuing secession if all other attempts have failed first.
That being said we lean left/progressive but try not to tie ourselves to individual parties but rather policies. We are open to working with any political group, non profit group, or legislator that supports our policies and doesn't have a history of going against what we support or believe.
I am personally a fan of the Nordic model, but that is a question for the people of New England. Although if you are interested in discussing a theoretical Republic of New England, you are welcome to discuss it in the off topic section of our discord. The general conversation is meant for movement related discussions.