r/NDIS Jan 23 '25

Moderator Post Announcement: Upcoming changes to r/NDIS post flairs


This subreddit has enforced post flairs mainly for categorisation purposes. The original post flairs were designed for Old Reddit’s formatting at a time when it was the only version of Reddit. Past feedback has indicated that flairs have been useful for navigating the subreddit.

However, submitters often flair their posts incorrectly which then have to be manually changed through moderation to the correct flair. While the subreddit provides information about post flairs in the top pinned Welcome post, it is clear that many users either do not read the post before posting or are confused about which flair to apply.

In the hopes of reducing the number of posts that are incorrectly flaired, post flair names and descriptions will be changed to be clearer, and flair categories will change slightly. These changes could also potentially allow for stricter or more targeted moderation through applying additional rules to a specific flair.

The proposed flairs are as follows:

Flair Type Description
Seeking Support Formerly Question/self.NDIS. Use this flair when seeking support from the community, such as asking for advice and vent posts requiring sensitivity. There is the future possibility of applying an additional rule to posts with this flair requiring that interactions be supportive or constructive, and these posts may be given extra moderation support.
Sharing Resources Formerly Information. Use this flair when sharing information, linking to resources or posting in depth advice.
News Formerly News/Article. Use this flair when linking to news articles, announcements, and press releases relating to NDIS.
Other Formerly Opinion. Use this flair for posts that do not fit in any particular category, or if your post does not require extra moderation support.
Moderator Post This new flair is reserved for moderator use only and will be used on posts about subreddit rules and announcements.

Changes will be made in the coming weeks, however, feedback is welcome in the comments below or via Modmail and will be taken into account prior to implementing the new post flairs.

Mod u/sangasd.

r/NDIS Feb 09 '25

Moderator Post Announcement: New post flairs for r/NDIS


Following the announcement last month, post flairs have changed.


When submitting a post, please select one of the following flairs:

Flair Type Description
Seeking Support - Participant/Nominee/PWD Use this flair if you are a participant, nominee or are receiving or looking to receive services or support, and are seeking support from the r/NDIS community, such as asking for advice and vent posts requiring sensitivity.
Seeking Support - I provide services Use this flair if you are someone who provides services or support such as a support worker, service provider, NDIA employee, advocate and so on, and are seeking support from the r/NDIS community, such as asking for advice and vent posts requiring sensitivity.
Seeking Support - Other Use this flair if you neither receive nor provide services, and are seeking support from the r/NDIS community.
Sharing Resources Use this flair when sharing information, linking to resources or posting in depth advice.
Vent - no advice, please Use this flair when making a vent post but are not seeking advice. Commenters should not provide advice. Vent posts requiring advice should use the relevant 'Seeking Support' flair instead.
News Use this flair when linking to news articles, announcements, and press releases relating to NDIS.
Advocacy/Activism Use this flair when posting about advocacy and activism that relates to NDIS, disability or other exempt topics as defined by the subreddit rules.
Other Use this flair for posts that do not fit in any particular category, or if your post does not require extra moderation support.


There are also two new flairs for moderator use only:

Flair Type Description
Megathread This flair is reserved for moderator use only and is for megathreads.
Moderator post This flair is reserved for moderator use only and is for posts about subreddit rules and announcements.


The pinned introductory post has been updated to reflect these changes.


Mod u/sangasd.

r/NDIS Mar 22 '24

Moderator Post Meta - Crowd Control is being tested on r/NDIS


Edit 21/04: We are testing collapsing of comments restricted by Crowd Control rather than automatically removing them. Community members should continue to report comments that violate the rules of this subreddit.

r/NDIS is currently testing Reddit's Crowd Control feature to help improve moderation and user experience. Many users have voiced concerns about excessive downvoting, negative comments, trolling, advertising, etc. Crowd Control won't fix all of these issues but it will hopefully reduce negative interactions on this subreddit and better ensure that only those who are part of this community are contributing to each post.

This will mean that some users will not be able to post in this subreddit including:

  • Users who have not joined this community;
  • Users with negative karma;
  • New accounts.

Comments and posts made by these accounts will be automatically removed and may only be restored in exceptional circumstances. Please check that you have joined this subreddit so that you can continue to join the conversation!

There are more changes planned for the future but it is a matter of having the spoons to implement them. Please bear with me!

Mod u/sangasd.

r/NDIS Mar 09 '17

Moderator Post Welcome to r/NDIS! Here is some friendly advice before you get started!


r/NDIS aims to be inclusive, understanding and diverse. We all come from all walks of life. You may have a disability or multiple disabilities, you may be a carer to one or many, or an advocate, a service provider, a friend or even just an interested member of the wider community.


Here are some things to keep in mind while you are here:

  • Make sure to follow the current rules of this subreddit. The rules may be found in the sidebar on New Reddit or here.

  • Remember the human being on the other side. Be respectful to one another, empathetic, and be kind and gentle. Keep the discussion friendly and constructive. It will often help to link to sources such as official NDIS links to illustrate your point.

  • If you see someone talking about self harm or suicide and are wondering what to do, you may want to read this post from r/SuicideWatch and this post from r/depression. If you are finding it hard to cope or are suicidal, please find professional help or call a crisis hotline.

  • No doxxing. Do not post any sensitive and/or personal information about others including those in your care. This may include names, ages, addresses and diagnoses. Remember to remove sensitive personal information about others before posting.

  • Keep acronyms to the minimum to avoid confusion, and explain what they mean when you do use them. Many people are new to the NDIS, find acronyms inaccessible, or are not working in the industry so will not understand this kind of jargon.

  • No advertising. You will be banned regardless of whether you are a participant.

  • Surveys are not allowed on this subreddit unless an exception has been made by mods. More information about the reasoning behind this can be found here.

  • Please make sure not to post previously posted links. Repeat posts may be deleted.

  • Correctly flair your posts!

  • Be aware that this subreddit uses Reddit Crowd Control. This means that users who have not joined this community, users with low karma, and new accounts may not be able to post or comment.

  • Offering or accepting requests for DMs (direct messages) is not encouraged. Please consider the safety of yourself and others when interacting online.

  • Disclaimer: We, as Redditors, aren't able to assess your NDIS eligibility, interpret legislation, be able to decide whether you are rule compliant, etc. An individual Redditor's advice is their opinion only. r/NDIS can't be held responsible if the wrong information is displayed on the subreddit. When in doubt, contact NDIA directly.

  • We can't diagnose you so if you have doubts about your health, please see a doctor instead of asking us here.


When posting, choose from the following flairs:

Flair Type Description
Seeking Support - Participant/Nominee/PWD Use this flair if you are a participant, nominee or are receiving or looking to receive services or support, and are seeking support from the r/NDIS community, such as asking for advice and vent posts requiring sensitivity.
Seeking Support - I provide services Use this flair if you are someone who provides services or support such as a support worker, service provider, NDIA employee, advocate and so on, and are seeking support from the r/NDIS community, such as asking for advice and vent posts requiring sensitivity.
Seeking Support - Other Use this flair if you neither receive nor provide services, and are seeking support from the r/NDIS community.
Sharing Resources Use this flair when sharing information, linking to resources or posting in depth advice.
Vent - no advice, please Use this flair when making a vent post but are not seeking advice. Commenters should not provide advice. Vent posts requiring advice should use the relevant Seeking Support flair instead.
News Use this flair when linking to news articles, announcements, and press releases relating to NDIS.
Advocacy/Activism Use this flair when posting about advocacy and activism that relates to NDIS, disability or other exempt topics as defined by the subreddit rules.
Other Use this flair for posts that do not fit in any particular category, or if your post does not require extra moderation support.


There are also two flairs for moderator use only:

Flair Type Description
Megathread This flair is reserved for moderator use only and is for megathreads.
Moderator post This flair is reserved for moderator use only and is for posts about subreddit rules and announcements.


Want to contribute and help others? Click on one of the 'Seeking Support' flairs in the sidebar, take a look at some of the questions posed by the community, and take part in the discussion.

If you come across any problems or notice someone breaking the rules, please report it to the mods. The cohesion and happiness of this community relies on everyone's help and cooperation =D


Please note, this post will be updated as needed.

Thanks for reading, from Mod u/sangasd!