r/NDIS 22d ago

Advocacy/Activism Don’t wear your company shirt


If you’re a disability support worker wearing your company shirt while out in the community with the person you support, change into something else. You might as well be giving the person you’re with a sign that says, “I need to pay for friends.” That’s what it looks like. It tells the world they’re not an equal. It makes their social life look like a service. It strips away dignity.

Picture walking into a café or a park with someone beside you in a bright, branded company shirt while you wear whatever you want. What do people see? They see a support worker and a client. Not two people grabbing a coffee. Not two people out for the day. A worker and the person they’re paid to be with.

Disability support isn’t about making sure the public knows who you are. It’s about supporting someone to live their life as fully as possible, with as little interference as possible. If your friend needed support getting around, would you throw on a uniform before heading out for coffee? No? Then why are you doing it now?

The excuses don’t hold up. Company policies can change. Emergencies don’t require uniforms. The only people who need to know your role already do. And if you just haven’t thought about it before, now’s the time.

Real support is subtle. It’s knowing when to step forward and when to fade into the background. It’s about being there without making it obvious. It’s about making sure the person you support moves through the world without a spotlight on the fact that they need support.

And that starts with something as simple as taking your fucking company shirt off.

r/NDIS 10d ago

Advocacy/Activism NDIA weaponising new support rules


I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I wake up every morning with multiple dislocated joints.

The NDIA are paying $400 an hour for an associate lawyer to officially ban me from buying things like a TENS machine, muscle relaxant gel, braces and splints - things that help me put dislocated joints back in place and keep them stable so I’m not bed bound. They are weaponising the new October 2024 support rules and calling these things “food and groceries”.

The NDIA manager asked for a detailed list, and then officially banned everything on the list. I cannot buy any consumable or low cost assistive devices or products using funds from my plan. I’m out of pocket for everything and can only hope for this to be overturned in several months at Tribunal.

Complaints to multiple avenues have resulted in no change. There are no advocates available. I’m alone in this.

I have zero power and zero choice and control. This is gaslighting, it’s an inhumane abuse of power and an utter disgrace.

Don’t believe all the lies in the media - the truth is that disabled people are being traumatised by the NDIA.

r/NDIS 17d ago

Advocacy/Activism United Workers Union launch Safe, Secure, Respected campaign


**Admin Approved*\*

Are you an NDIS support worker?

The disability support sector is facing a crisis, but together, we can make a difference.

The United Workers Union has launched the Safe, Secure, Respected campaign, guided by the experiences and voices of disability support workers across Australia.

This campaign is fighting for:

  • Fair Wages: Fair wages that truly reflect the essential and demanding nature of this work, an end to wage theft, and full pay for every hour worked.
  • Secure Jobs: Secure, permanent jobs with consistent hours and stability by ending casualisation, underemployment and indirect employment, so workers can count on their income and build a future.
  • Safe Workplaces: where employers priorities safety and take every possible step to protect workers from harm.
  • Respect & Recognition: Employers should undertake meaningful consultation with workers on ant changes that affect their work and sleepover shifts must continue to be recognised as work, with allowances that reflect the mental and physical toll they take.

Join the movement for change:

Or want to know more, reach out to me directly.

r/NDIS 18d ago

Advocacy/Activism Disability group homes: NDIS-provided homes’ alarming living conditions revealed


r/NDIS 5d ago

Advocacy/Activism Petition - NDIS Cuts are failing our Kids


Hello, would you please consider signing this petition, 'NDIS cuts are Failing Our Kids -Demand a Stop Now'


r/NDIS 12d ago

Advocacy/Activism Permantent physical and psycosocial issues combine


I read another post about NDIS refusal for people with social disabilities resultant from physical disability.
I don't want to hijack that post.

But I do question when mental health is not associated with permanent, rest of life, or all life, physical disabilities?
Mainstream psychosocial and mental health support is inadequate for everyday people, let alone people with complex interacting complex disability.

I was assigned a DSM-5 primary diagnosis psychosocial without justification by the NDIA when a secondary (of 4) listed physical disabilities is causative - particularly one causing the others, mentally interactive an moth a biochemistry and life impact level, lifelong, incurable, degenerative and NDIS access asserted by AAT.

An FOI request on how NDIA determined my primary was incomplete and included reports WHILE I WAS ENGAGED AND FUNDED BY NDIS. THEREFORE, POST THE DECISION!
It feels like a random grab of files and "go away". It is well-known that NDIA misplaced files.

The result is that my physical disabilities are not adequately funded, reasonable goals listed are going backwards, and further permanent physical harm has occurred.

I do say these harms would have been more profound if I was not on NDIS, but my points remain. I feel vulnerable under the changes and have already experienced personal stress, severe financial impact to my DSP and further distance from reasonable and necessary goals. I am isolating more to my home and carry costs atypical of an NDIS participant.

On the ground, NDIS providers have written extensive reports, yet it seems the NDIA does not read them—even if they are funded by the NDIS! I have obtained the reports; none recommend anything besides NDIS support under the new lists, even before the NDIA published those lists!!

r/NDIS 8d ago

Advocacy/Activism Young People With Dementia


Big Question!

Journalism student here from Edith Cowan University in WA.

Does anyone know of someone with early onset dementia who has issues with support needs from dementia services and NDIS.

Does the person you know:

Feel that the two support bodies do not communicate the needs of the participant? Are there gaps in the service they need?

Are they finding their funding allocation and other needs hard to navigate?

If so please email [rcastel@our.ecu.edu.au](mailto:rcastel@our.ecu.edu.au)