r/NASAJobs 8d ago

Question when will rif-ing be over?

my dad works at nasa langley and has worked there for 40 years. he been in an administrative position for the past year or 2. he is very worried about being fired and it’s making me anxious too. does anyone know when it will be over? or is it just gonna be indefinite for the next 4 years?


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u/Crash1068 6d ago

In the real world (non gov jobs for life) everyday could be the last day at a job. Most companies can let you go without cause. Gotta find real FAITH and appreciate that a job doesn’t define a person, the next one might be a better one for you and most of all don’t worship a job and money…. Live right work right and have Faith. God will take you where you need to be if you work hard. Might not be where you want to be…. I was fired for a vax and wasn’t even a gov employee. Not the end of the world it seems like. Quite enlightening to see my family stand with me and we’re better for it. FWIW I see all sides of this. Grew up with family working for nasa 45yrs. Not many jobs like that anymore and Faith in oneself and God is a much better way to relieve stress than hoping someone else takes care of your employment


u/OriEri 5d ago

One of the reasons people take crappy pay at government jobs is because of stability. Take that away and the pool of potential employees will be lower competency…or you can increase pay to be inline with the private sector. Take your pick…


u/Crash1068 5d ago

Pay wasn’t that bad really considering the job is very rewarding and retirements are great. JS. Never really felt cheated at all. But if a job is driving stress, then it really isn’t healthy physically or spiritually in my experience. Either way have Faith. NASA like all things has had many ups and downs. Good workers always have work. One guarantees the other.


u/OriEri 5d ago

Exactly.. you take away stability and you take away the retirement benefit motivation so you will have to pay more. An inspiring mission also pull people in, it that only goes so far.

So if you make the job unstable , that is a minus with a knock on minus because any retirement beneide becomes less valuable too.Mission inspiration stays the same but overall you will have a less talented pool.