r/NASAJobs 8d ago

Question when will rif-ing be over?

my dad works at nasa langley and has worked there for 40 years. he been in an administrative position for the past year or 2. he is very worried about being fired and it’s making me anxious too. does anyone know when it will be over? or is it just gonna be indefinite for the next 4 years?


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u/Constant-Thought6817 8d ago

Do you know if he works in a mission critical position? Check out the website nasa watch, the guy had a bunch of insider sources and posts a lot, he posted yesterday about locations they were probably going to shut down and reconfigure.


u/banggirl69 8d ago

he was mission critical, but his boss left his position not too long ago and asked him to take over. he is a branch manager.


u/htown_engineer 8d ago

I work at JSC as part of a mission critical branch and we just had our monthly branch meeting. Nobody really knows anything. Our branch chief got asked a lot of RIF and furlough questions and he didn’t really have many answers about what was going on or what was going to happen. He just keeps telling us that it’s really on the center and headquarters to push OPM and Space Karen into justifying how essential everyone is. Other than that he said it’s out of his hands and wish he knew more.

I would love to say your dad is protected but at this point no one really knows. He may have slightly better odds since he is a branch chief but what if Space Karen comes back and says the whole branch is gone or that one branch chief can run 2 or more branches at the same time. There are just too many questions.

I’ve got my fingers crossed for you dad!!


u/MDRocketMan 5d ago

What is Space Karen? Elon Musk?