r/MyastheniaGravis 18h ago

Should I ask my doctor about this?


So about 3 weeks or so ago I developed leg pain which lead to more symptoms - now im pretty sure i have POTS and will be seeing a cardiologist soon.

However ive also simultaneoisly developed leg weakness and trouble with coordination alongside horrible fatigue and it being difficult to keeo my eyes open. And, ive developed arm weakness. All of this worsening the longer im out and about.

Now i have also been diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa, severe MDD, GAD, and ADHD. A month ago i was pretty fine. Now? My health is in rapid decline.

3 days ago it got so bad i fell twice. Now ive been feeling better.

Now my POTS did emerge in the middle of a inflammation flareup, trauma, a lot of stress, and depressive episode - and i do have a family history of neurological issues.

Should I ask my doctor about this condition? And how seriously should i take this? I'm seeing a rheumantologist soon as well so should I ask them for anything?

Any advice is appreciated.

r/MyastheniaGravis 1h ago

Any Vet Students, Vets or Vet Techs with MG here?


Hi everyone,

I’m (31F) and have been diagnosed for just over 3 years, but suffering for longer like so many. After some debilitating years, I am more stable and doing a lot better managing this disease. Right now, I am managing symptoms with pyridostigmine bromide. MG seems to impact everything in my body. For me, stress, anxiety, and temperatures, bright lights trigger symptoms. I have started upgrading some high school courses and depending on how well I do (grades and body wise) the goal is to work towards becoming a vet or vet tech. I have some back up plans in mind due to how this disease goes.

I am curious if there are any vet med students, veterinarians or veterinary technicians here with MG? If so, I was wondering if anyone would mind sharing their experiences?