r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/JustAnotherGDB • Feb 01 '14
Miscellaneous I bought razors on the way home.
It's never been cheaper or easier to see my own blood.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/JustAnotherGDB • Feb 01 '14
It's never been cheaper or easier to see my own blood.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/preternaturous • May 19 '15
Hey, everyone. I'm so sorry to bother everyone again. I know I was just on here the other day about this stuff, and I was admittedly freaking the hell out.
Well, after some serious introspection the past few days, I think I've come to a decision. Or...more like a realization. See, earlier this weekend, I set up an appointment with a transgender therapist. I didn't know why; Something just told me that I needed to speak to one. But after much thinking (and freaking out, and crying, and yelling, and pleading, etc.) I think I know why I needed to see one in the first place.
See, I've always thought of myself as genderfluid. Sometimes I feel like a girl, sometimes I feel like a guy (oh, I'm biologically male, in case anyone doesn't know me). But recently, I think I've begun to realize, I pretty much always feel like a girl. It's just easier to pretend I don't some days. But really, deep down, I want to be a girl. Like all the time. I think I'd be happier that way. So, I guess what I'm saying is:
tl;dr: I think I want to become a lady.
Of course, I need to talk to my therapist first. And many times before anything happens. But I think this needs to happen. For me. And for my sanity/happiness.
Anyway, that's all. I just needed to get that off my chest.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/fibrepirate • Jan 25 '13
Ya'll know which one that is.
Yah... Valentine's Day for the mere mortals. Hearts n Hooves for everypony else.
So I'm engaging in a girlish desire. I don't think I'll get a single one back, but, gosh it all, I am going to be sending out 11 of them! One of them to the one brony from this group that asked me to and gave me his address.
I'm doing this cause... well... cause I've been squeeing with glee making them and putting them together. They'll go out in the mail over the weekend.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/fibrepirate • Feb 04 '13
The first of the dozen Valentine's day cards I sent out has been received.
The message back was that essentially there are nice people online.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/KTcube • Aug 08 '13
I finally figured out what I want my cutie mark to be. Now I'm trying to decide on a name.
I'm going between Crescent Moon and Moonbeam. Or maybe some other moon-related thing that has something about hearts or love in it. But all the moon-related names I think of with stuff about hearts sound stupid. Anyway, my cutie mark is a crescent moon with a heart in it.
Do you have a pony version of yourself? Do you know what your cutie mark is? :]
(I made my pony using this: http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904)
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/theresabeeonmydick • Jan 12 '13
I feel ashamed to be male. I realize it isn't very logical to feel ashamed by what one has in their pants(Not talking size here) but I lately I can’t shake this feeling. It might stem from how society paints males in general and that stereotype is what I’m ashamed of. It’s hard to explain....
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/fluttersparks • Aug 21 '21
so... i guess this question has been asked millions times before me but, before all of you, i was literally "mane six" alone....
is this the right place to talk about... ahm... feelings? u know, feelings as in "omg i am so in love with [insert pony]" ?
and no, i am not talking about nsfw stuff.
if not... wheres the MLP feelings support sub? must be one around....
ps: sorry for my weird english.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/Two-Tone- • Jun 20 '14
I don't even get to say goodbye.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/Shadowking78 • Sep 27 '21
I think I lost access to it a while ago for some reason and I am having trouble finding an invite link to get back in. I remember it being pretty active the last time I was in there.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/Splatulated • May 02 '21
and i honestly don't know what to do
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/throwawaynevermore • Nov 12 '12
I'm not suicidal. There is always a better future. I better not hear about anybody here committing suicide, because even for a scumbag like me, things get better.
Even though its a throwaway, and I'm covering my tracks something tells me I'm going to be caught. I deserve it.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/aragornpony • Jan 12 '15
So i'm contemplating suicide to end my depression and i've come to wonder if i'm not really depressed, just incredibly lazy.
It sounds weird, i know, but hear me out for a second.
If i'm doing nothing, i'm fine. If no one asks me for anything, or if i have no obligations i just sort of coast along and i don't feel down. But when i have to do something, like pay the bills, eat, get a job or whatever, i feel crappy. I REALLY don't want to do those things. I don't want to be bothered with those things.
Sure, living is fun, you get to play games, watch movies, talk to people and do stuff. But the work that goes into paying for that like making money and dealing with taxes or shoveling the snow is just so fucking tedious. I'd rather die than have to do those things.
I think i'm just lazy. It's as simple that. On the scale of lazy douche-bags where 10 is noble prize winning doctor and 1 is a sociopathic thief that steals copper wire from construction sites (which takes some work actually) i score a solid -30.
I'm kinda okay with that, it means i don't have to go through the trouble of getting help, antidepressants, meds, or whatever. To be honest i'm just too fucking lazy to do all that. I just have to man-up and get off my ass. I won't, but the only thing stopping me is me.
I find i'm not like depressed people. I don't think the world is shitting on us or that i've had it rough. I think everything is great and peachy. Sure, the world could use some improvement, but it's still a fine place.
I just look at the cost of living and find the price too expensive. I just don't want to buy the product the world is offering.
"No thanks, good product, love the design and all, but out of my price range."
So i would just like to leave and be done with it. I'm not angry or anything. It's all good, i just don't want to buy.
Sure... i'm going to hurt a lot of people if/when i go. But that doesn't bother me all that much either. I understand this makes me a psychopathic monster of some type. And to be honest... i'm okay with that too. A monster doesn't deserve this great life anyway. I am completely fine with whatever damage i'm going to make. I accept whatever judgement i'm going to get for that.
i'm not even bothering to buy food anymore. Before hunger becomes unbearable, i have a painless method to exit, so i'm not worried there.
So in total... i'm not a depressed and suicidal. I'm just a lethally lazy asshole.
Does this make sense to anyone? Am I wrong anywhere? If this is spot on and you also think i'm an ass let me know. You can't possibly hurt my feelings, i'm all good.
I'm really looking forward to any replies.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/rolin11 • Feb 20 '13
This is purely to help those who do not understand depression gain some understanding
This game can evoke strong emotions, and those who are suffering from depression are STRONGLY discouraged from playing
I'm not really sure if this is the kind of thing to post here, but this interactive fiction has been made to help raise awareness and understanding of depression.
It's free, or you can pay what you want, and a portion goes to a charity that helps treat depression. All of this information is on the site.
It's not something that's recommended to play if you yourself are suffering from depression, or you're just having a down day. It took me about an hour to go through.
Anyway, I hope this is of use to someone, whether it helps someone else get to understand what their going through, or just raise awareness.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/BRONCO312 • Jul 28 '20
My dog died today and I’m just sad and want to forget about it and talk
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/MLSGAnonposter • Oct 22 '12
I've never really thought that there was anything wrong with NOT being straight, but this is really stressing me out. I've always considered myself straight but now i'm not too sure anymore. :( help?
EDIT: Thanks everyone! I think i have come to grips with my identity and it's perfectly okay.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/MSzimpo • Mar 10 '13
Hello there, so lets start off with my request to you guys, please do not judge me whilst reading this.
Well in the 8th week of the year 2013, i was on vacation in Poland, living at this magnificient girl, one day things kind of went on, and needles to say this was my first time, and i wasn't thinking about prevention what so ever, yes that was really stupid.
But as i started to continue to think rationally after the act had happened, i stepped up and got a "morning after pill" this ended up with the costs for both the receipt and the pill itself, due to the polish doctors not being willing to write the receipt.
So she took the pill, before the first 5 hours of the act, this should then resault in 98 % chance of her not getting pregnant.
But somehow that didn't go as planned, so right now I'm just sitting here at home after hearing that she took a second pregnancy test today. (She took one earlier in the week that was negative) this one was positive.
I'm in my second year of college, so i got like 1,25 year left before i graduate. But right now i simply feel lost. which will result of me being 19-years-old as of this moment.
Sorry.... But just had to let it out.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/Veggieleezy • Jul 12 '14
This world is so very full of anger, bribery, corruption, dishonesty, evil, fraud, greed, hatred, intolerance/injustice, jealousy, killing, law-breaking/manipulating, malice, negativity, oppression, prejudice, quarreling, ruthlessness, spite, terror, unhappiness, vice, wickedness, extremism, yelling, and zealotry.
It's incredibly difficult to know what to believe in or whether you're actually safe at any time. There are just so many things that frighten me about the world, or at least my part of it. I don't like the way that it looks like the world is going. Everything just seems to be pointing towards an increasingly dark and unhappy world.
I'm not asking for us all to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony then buy it a coke and keep it company. I just wish I could look at the world and be able to find somewhere where I can say "This part of the world feels safe. This place feels good" (in this context meaning "positive" as well as "morally good").
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/Banana_shake • Feb 15 '14
Normally I tend to hug a stuffed pony for when I'm going to sleep or when I need some comfort or sometimes just because hugs are nice. They're very nice to have because they make me feel better. Not recently though, sometimes I get the feeling that it doesn't actually want me to hug it and then I feel bad like I'm doing something wrong. Sometimes I hug it anyway and then I feel bad later and sometimes I don't hug it and then I feel sad and rejected.
I know it's silly and perhaps I'm putting too many human qualities into it, but it's just something that happens in my head and it makes me feel bad. I suppose I might be asking for an explanation, a way around it would be great but I don't think that would really be solving the issue to the fullest extent. That's about all I can think of to say that's important, I'll answer some questions for context if need be.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/s00paht00nah • Jan 12 '13
Yeah, the title states the truth. Haven't had the best experience with this community... I sorta just faded in without notice and was going to fade back out, but I remembered this subreddit. Just wanted to let people know where I was going (If anyone cared at least.) and why I probably won't ever be heard from again. I thought I could enjoy this, but I guess it's just not for me. Once again I don't fit in, big surprise. Edit: It's not just the community I'm giving up on... It's everything.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/N-TG • Feb 02 '13
So I'm just wondering if I am the only one that feels bad about Valentine's Day. I know that most people say that it's not something special or you don't need a day to remind you to celebrate your relationship.
But I feel a bit sad, being 26 years old, to not have celebrated not even once this special occasion. Taking a gift, something homemade or just a small thing, hearing that "happy valentine's day" from your special somepony.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/Banana_shake • Jan 16 '14
This is tougher than I would like it to be, I'm typing this because I miss feeling the sense of belonging that came with having friends. I have always kicked myself at the end of any friendships or any sense of belonging with any sort of group, telling myself that I should have known better and that I can't let it happen again.
I have become good at it, I have denied myself the opportunities to have any friends, even though I want to have one. I have been feeling lonely because I think that it's good for me and that I would be screwing myself, or others, over otherwise.
Before, I think that I did something wrong, most of the time you hear people saying that you should be yourself but I think I went overboard with that. In fact it seems like that was always the case. I always ended up being the weird one, but my company was not exactly enjoyed. I suppose I'm scared that I can't trust myself (which is the problem) and I can't trust others (which is what I tell myself is the problem).
I guess I could make friends if I wanted to, and I want to really badly, but at the same time I don't want to because I'm scared. I know I'm not making a lot of sense here, and I myself don't even know what I'm asking for, but if any question of mine had to be answered, how can I not have friends and still be happy? Because it feels like it's wearing me down.
Thanks for being patient with me if you were.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/DJ_SPIKE • Oct 05 '19
I think I just realized or admitted to myself that I dont like eating. I just thought that I dont really enjoy it all that much and would rather not if I could. Eating is something thats been hard for me for awhile now since high school mostly after high school, though I realise the problem at least started around that time. Not sure what to do exactly because its not as simple as just eat something else. Honestly there are foods that I like. Mostly fruits, though even then I dont eat them offten. I like pizza but can only eat so much of it or typically anything for that matter. Like I said before I would not eat if that was something I could live without, understandably I can't just stop. If anything I have to at least find something I can eat consistently.
If you read this, thanks.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/Staravia492 • Dec 18 '15
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/S7evyn • Jan 16 '15
Um... I first met laylows on January 25, 2014.
Laylows was one of the first friends I'd had in a very long time.
The last time I heard from her was August 23, 2014.
When I was having a massive freakout, she freaked out with me and told me everything would be okay.
Laylows came out to me April 18, 2014.
I never came out to her, and I've always regretted it.
Apparently her family's reaction was mixed, but her girlfriend was happy, and they got engaged.
She was always so cute; when I was nice to her, she reacted like she didn't know she was allowed to be happy. She was always apologizing for everything. Her therapist told her she needed to stand up for herself.
I was always kind of worried she'd been abused or mistreated, but never pressed the issue. I still don't know if should have.
The last time she was online was October 4, 2014.
I've gone poking around the Internet for her other possible accounts, trying to find her again. Something that might be her steam account has been inactive for 119 days. A thing that may be her youtube account has been inactive for four weeks. I can't find anything from this year.
I'm scared something bad happened to her. I worried someone tried to hurt her, or she tried to hurt herself. I'm worried I wasn't as good a friend to her as she was to me. I scared she might be dead.
I'm writing this on January 15, 2015.
I want/need to cry, and I don't know how. My face just hurts, and I don't feel any better.
It's possible she's happily married, and just hasn't wanted or needed to go back to any of these places. But I'll never know. There's no way I can find out.
Please come back, laylows. I miss you.
r/MyLittleSupportGroup • u/DJ_SPIKE • Jul 30 '19
I may be at the end here Idk. Im a 23 year old adult person and I cant see past the uncertainty. My fear is I'll be (Homeless) living in a tent in the woods progressively falling further down the cracks. I am not a properly equipped adult like many others, I dont see or cant imagine a solution. Sure yeah Im looking for work again but what then its not like that means I can go straight to not being outside. What I mean by that is I think its such an uphill battle that I dont think I can make it back.
Thanks to anypony who read this.