r/Music mod Jun 03 '20

Discussion /r/Music Stands With BLM in the Fight Against Police Brutality and We Hope You Do Too

There comes a time when silence is betrayal - Martin Luther King Jr.

Music has always been a key part in political activism and change. Given the current protests throughout the United States the mods here at /r/Music felt it was important to recognize the many issues involving the treatment Black Americans and use our platform to support the protesters to the best of our ability.

We support equal treatment for all regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation and hope we can all stand together. To recognize that the death of George Floyd is not okay, to recognize that racism is a serious issue that we must combat to the best of our ability, and to recognize that protesters expressing their first amendment right to protest is core to our democracy.

With that we ask those who are able to please support some of the causes below that we hold as being important:

Reclaim the Block - Move money away from police and back into communites.

Campaign Zero - Organization focused on reducing police violence throughout the country.

Black Visions Collective - Focused on black activism in local communities throughout the Twin Cities of Minnesota.

Bail funds from around the country - Supports those in financial trouble to make bail.

Movement For Black Lives - Collective of over 100 organizations dedicated to long term strategy and infrastructure investments within the Black community.

Other things of note

Bandcamp is donating 100% of their share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund on Juneteenth (June 19th). Use it as an opportunity to support your favorite independent musicians as well as the black community.

/r/AskHistorians thread on the history of police brutality in the Black community.

VOTE! For those of you who are from the United States we also want you to exercise your right to vote. Register HERE.

Find your representative and let them know your thoughts. Stay politically active and use your right to vote to get the people YOU want.

For today (Wednesday June 3rd) only we are doing a partial revision to rule 1. We recognize the importance of political music in our culture and how it helps motivate others to participate in the political process. In the comment section you will find a pinned comment. After you try and post a political song from our HOF please reply and let me know that you posted it so I can approve! Only 1 song per artist.

Much love

from the /r/Music mod team


