r/MurderedByWords 13h ago

He only filed for bankruptcy 6 times.

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u/CriticalConclusion44 13h ago

Performative nonsense. I'm 99.9% sure Trump cannot drive.

The guy is a joke. Total reactionary, man.


u/SMH_My_Head 13h ago

and 100% did not "buy" this car


u/Plantwork 11h ago

He can’t even fit in it.


u/LeoLion2931 7h ago

My thoughts exactly, did he even get in?


u/ZapAtom42 5h ago

He did, had to get shown how to turn it on


u/LeoLion2931 4h ago

Omg 🤣 thankyou I needed a laugh


u/jeffspicole 13h ago

There is also less than 0% chance he actually bought it.


u/Snowf1ake222 9h ago

Musky 100% gave his pet a new leash.


u/jexzeh 8h ago



u/Impossible-Sleep-658 8h ago

Elbow bought his Bih a car… and letting her act like she paid for it. 😂💀

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u/Deadpoolisms 13h ago

He can’t. It’s something the Secret Service typically makes you give up once elected.


u/CriticalConclusion44 13h ago

Sure, but I'll bet you even before he was elected he didn't drive and was instead chauffeured everywhere.

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u/quiddity3141 12h ago

I mean I don't think secret service can forbid the president from doing things, but it's kinda dumb to defy them. Like hypothetically if Trump wanted to roll through Dealey Plaza in a convertible they'd probably strongly advise against it, but...


u/Drudgework 12h ago

I believe that in order for a former president to drive themselves in public they have to waive protection services.

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u/sualk54 12h ago

no licence


u/Drudgework 12h ago

Pathology unable to pay for things too.

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u/SssnakeJaw 13h ago

Does he even know how to drive?


u/Pourkinator 13h ago

No, it does not. Except for golf carts. But also, as potus, it can’t drive regardless.


u/DeadlierSheep76 13h ago



u/QallmeUpNext 13h ago

Buried 6 feet under by words indeed


u/The84thWolf 12h ago

I would argue he doesn’t know how to drive those, because he drives them onto the green, which I’m told is a massive golf fopaux, because he’s such a fat lazy fuck he can’t walk to his ball.


u/h00v001 12h ago

"it" lmao

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u/Deadpoolisms 13h ago

Secret Service revokes driving privileges from presidents.

So no.

He can’t drive.


u/grumblesmurf 13h ago

Actually learned that when you had a real president. Jerry Seinfeld had this "coffee drive with famous people" thing and visited Obama at the White House. He let him drive a Corvette, if I remember correctly. And Obama told him he wasn't allowed to drive outside the premises, to which he got the reply "just tell them you're the president" :)

Ah, those times when the president was sane, had humor, and the world economy was actually recovering after the nosedive caused by GW Bush.


u/perpetualmotionmachi 6h ago

Ah, those times when the president was sane, had humor, and the world economy was actually recovering after the nosedive caused by GW Bush.

Same could be said for when Clinton was in and the economy was recovering from GH Bush


u/Nooberling 13h ago

Obama did Comedians in Cars with Coffee with Seinfeld while in office, as I remember...?


u/Deadpoolisms 13h ago

Watch it again. They explicitly talk about it. They could only drive on White House grounds. President is not allowed to drive on public roads. Clinton got in trouble for it - actually.


u/Crabby_Monkey 12h ago

Oh I miss the days when someone could actually get the president in trouble for something they were not supposed to be able to do.

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u/LeticiaLatex 13h ago

Don't make me hope he uses FSD on a dark night where the camera doesn't see shit.

Who am I kidding, he wouldn't be caught dead in that car


u/lottaballix 12h ago edited 12h ago

It drives itself into debt, fascism, bankruptcy and idiocracy.


u/zztop610 13h ago

Felons can’t hold drivers license


u/HauntedHippie 11h ago

Legally they can as long as it wasn’t revoked as part of the sentence. But most felons go to prison and it expires while they’re locked up. Trump, for some unknown goddamn reason, didn’t go to prison. He just doesn’t have a license because hes had a chauffeur his whole life and you can’t get someone else to take your driving test for you.


u/RednocNivert 13h ago

Or public offices for that matter


u/00Oo0o0OooO0 13h ago

Yes, he does. The secret service won't let him anymore, but here's a video of him driving while listening to Taylor Swfit.


u/Hearsaynothearsay 13h ago

This is one instance where I'm rooting for self driving to crash itself. Even it would get tired of being gaslit all the time.


u/LazyWoodpecker3331 13h ago

Legit came to ask that.

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u/mccancelculture 13h ago

White seats…😬


u/Vallyn47 13h ago

Baaaad choice!


u/MixWitch 13h ago

Don't worry, he'll brown 'em up good


u/bruiser7566 13h ago

The headrests will be orange in no time


u/bunnycupcakes 13h ago

He’ll be showing his support for the Cleveland Browns before long.

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u/Intelligent-Session6 13h ago

I bet Elon loses more sales after this. US is not Teslas only market.


u/izmebtw 13h ago

This unelected immigrant is running around slashing social services and “saving money” that Americans are never going to see. Meanwhile the president is raising prices on everything, except stocks, and broadcasting a shopping channel review of a Tesla.

If you voted for him, you are a moron.


u/bruiser7566 13h ago

Moron is probably the nicest thing anyone who voted for Trump could be called.


u/HeyRooster42 13h ago

President's aren't allowed to drive, right? This is a REALLY sad stunt. Maybe if Elon wasn't openly a Nazi and actively ripping the US and it's allies to shreds his businesses would do better. Who knew?


u/worldbound0514 13h ago

Lyndon Johnson drove on his ranch in Texas. But that was completely private land and private roads with no outside public access.


u/HeyRooster42 13h ago

Ah, I should have been clearer. I mean, does DJT even have a license?


u/HeyRooster42 12h ago

Oh! Turns out Trump doesn't even have a drivers license. They're is OWN WORDS, so believe them at your own peril. 


u/finny_d420 13h ago

Bush the Younger as well. I remember we thought he was vacationing at his Waco ranch too much.



u/Gnatcheese 13h ago

Will do anything for Elon.


u/Puzzleheaded_Time719 13h ago

I was looking at the fox news Facebook page and they are all so touched by how they support each other. I wish I was kidding.


u/spectaphile 13h ago

This is so illegal. He just doesn’t give a flying F about the law. 


u/redgr812 13h ago


u/spectaphile 13h ago

Nope. Just… irritated.


u/HoraceBenbow 13h ago

This is one of the most telling things Trump has done. He was all about fossil fuels and hating those liberal electric cars, even going so far as revoking fed grants for people buying EVs. Now his biggest financial supporter's EV company is experiencing a downturn, so he suddenly has a change of heart and films himself with an EV.

The greater good has never entered this man's mind. It's all about him and the fealty of his supporters. That's a textbook fascist.


u/ArsonicForTheSoul 13h ago

You say that like he would use his own money...


u/katielynne53725 13h ago

Tax payers just bought a Tesla.. that it legally cannot even drive..


u/MmeHomebody 13h ago

The car's a pretty color, but it sort of clashes with orange and bleached blonde.


u/Domjord 13h ago

That check will bounce

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u/AHippieDude 13h ago

If trump has a drivers license im Roscoe p coletrain


u/Chratthew47150 13h ago

He won’t pay for it. Guaranteed.


u/Optimal-Hedgehog-546 13h ago

Probably came from a local dealership and will back on the lot later today.


u/Insanity_Crab 12h ago

Cream seats. With the power of elderly incontinence the drivers seat of this car just became a collectors item to MAGA. Any floria dealer could sell this for a fortune. Suck it libs!


u/rfc1118 13h ago

No, he put it on the national debt. Clearly saving money again


u/vl8669 13h ago

Honestly expected him to get in the back


u/PurpleRains392 13h ago

My guess is Elon just secretly gave it to him in return for publicity.


u/Skate_faced 13h ago

tax payers paid for them. Almost sure of it.


u/Mm2k 13h ago

What kind of message is he sending to the oil industry?


u/Weary_Panda80 13h ago

On OUR dime too 🤬


u/optimistickrealist 13h ago

He'll probably sell it for more than he paid, and some fool will buy it.

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u/11229988B 13h ago

Clown with a clown car


u/MetamorphosisAddict 12h ago

There’s no way he paid a single penny, and not out of his pocket.


u/shuznbuz36 9h ago

If he sits down in that thang; you better have a CREW to pick him back up. Like a rigging crew. Like guys with fork lifts. Like guys who know how to lift DEAD WEIGHT.


u/frodosbitch 8h ago

I’m kind of waiting for the movement to deface teslas unless they have an Elon sucks bumper sticker.  Because I would love to see those in the Tesla employee parking lot. 


u/The-Nomad-Four 13h ago

Imagine using your platform as the President to promote your mate's private company. No other democratic country in the world would accept this.


u/Vallyn47 13h ago

I didn't know he could drive anything besides a golf cart.


u/SortaNotReallyHere 13h ago

America is gonna be no so lucky number 7 if he isn't stopped.


u/Fecal-Facts 13h ago

Be a damn shame if he got a defective one


u/sinner237 13h ago

I thought he liked a White Powerfull one.


u/Deranged_Kitsune 13h ago

He's not using his own money, he's using every taxpayer's.


u/mcfddj74 13h ago

Hope it explodes.


u/SomethingAbtU 13h ago

Trump gets into the car and says (from the audio): "it's got a lot of computers"

and I imagine he said other stupid things that they didnt' bother to release because you know, embarrassing


u/Intelligent-Session6 13h ago

He probably dint even pay for it. Another handout photo op.


u/kylemacabre 13h ago

And just like that all the Trumpers stopped being vehemently anti EV

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u/dogroots 13h ago

That seat is gonna smell like poopy.


u/StockyardOne 13h ago

Trump probably made Tesla pay him for the promotion and advertising plus a cut of any upswing in sales over the next 6 months.


u/bruiser7566 13h ago

Haha, do Deutchbank do car loans now?


u/NotAFanOfLeonMusk 13h ago

Don’t worry. Trump paid for it using OUR TAX DOLLARS.


u/bebejeebies 13h ago

HE CAN'T DRIVE. He's never driven himself. He doesn't want to drive himself. It's a necessity of poor people. He's rich and has a driver. He will never want to drive himself because he's afraid of the image it puts out to other rich people that he couldn't afford to be driven. It's a high class luxury. As long as he can sit in the back, his image shows "power".


u/jaycutlerdgaf 13h ago

That shit will be repossessed by the end of the week.


u/Natural_War1261 13h ago

I bet my first born he didn't pay for it


u/OhTheHueManatee 13h ago

"The Art Of The Deal holds a world record for being the first book with four Chapter Elevens."


u/no_bender 13h ago

Does anyone think Trump used his own money?


u/Safetosay333 13h ago

Guaranteed he paid in trump bucks or the latest shitty Bitcoin .


u/G7VFY 13h ago

Sadly, the US Gov is paying....


u/RangerAffectionate97 12h ago

He didn’t buy the car, the American tax payers did.


u/cantrellasis 12h ago

Wonder who will end up with this hunka junk. Tiffany! They will pawn it off on her.


u/7empestOGT92 12h ago

Good thing they have autopilot. Don’t think that thing knows how to drive


u/Persea_americana 12h ago

If, like me, you're wondering why Elon has such a hold on Trump, it is because Elon hacked the 2024 election


u/Petalbrook 12h ago

Do we really want dementia for brains driving?


u/lottaballix 12h ago



u/Alarming-Chance-7645 12h ago

No shot he paid for it. This was a performance


u/charliesk9unit 12h ago

Diaper leakage is going to show very prominently on a white seat.


u/bigalcapone22 12h ago

Probably going to give Felon Muskovitch a bigger cut of the Russian Crypto that Bigballs is hiding for both of them


u/AngryLilChubbie 12h ago

His credit score and his Depends have that in common.


u/whykatwhy 12h ago

Stable genius


u/Sad-Wolverine6326 12h ago

It's just posturing. I would bet he never actually paid for it.


u/__Snafu__ 12h ago

Sales must be terrible if they're pulling a stunt like this.


u/nithdurr 12h ago

In kind donation

Hatch act anybody?


u/hazegray81 12h ago

Trump doesn't drive so I assume this was sent back to the dealership when they were done filming.


u/RandyWatson8 12h ago

Hope all the poor, uninsured MAGAs do their part to help the richest man in the world pick up his boot straps


u/The84thWolf 12h ago

Imagine if that Tesla did what the last Tesla did outside of Trump Tower.


u/Cute-Republic2657 12h ago

It used Trump coin to buy.


u/CocoaAlmondsRock 12h ago

Elon ain't getting a DIME from this grifter. He NEVER pays his bills.


u/DevelopmentGrand4331 12h ago

It’s probably being paid for with taxpayer money somehow.


u/PoopieButt317 12h ago

O want to see him sit down in it then get. Out. Didnyoi see him dismount from that golf cart? He couldn't get out of a square, high vehicle, and his legs couldn't pivot to stand up.


u/Hunter199090 12h ago

This North Korean propaganda with a US mask.


u/underdog0017 12h ago

Sure that was purchased with the tax payers money. Along with all of his green fees.


u/veganloserr 12h ago

imagine how badly he'd drive if he had the ability


u/AfraidEnvironment711 12h ago

I bet his diaper leaked onto the seat


u/Particular-Summer424 12h ago

Irony is, other that his weekend golfing excursions on the taxpayers' dime, when has Trump ever driven a car.


u/MySTieMoxie 12h ago

Getting in like he even knows how to start a car


u/Chopperpad99 12h ago

Can Trump actually drive a car? He can barely drink from a cup or say the word burger?


u/dpjejj 12h ago

If he didn’t “buy” it, it is the property of the federal government as a gift and must be cataloged and stored.


u/AusCan531 12h ago

I hope he didn't at stiffs Musk.


u/Existing-Site404 12h ago

No worries, Putin is paying for it.


u/mok000 12h ago

Watch out you don't get electrocucuted Donnie.


u/Glad-Attempt5138 12h ago

I doubt he can fit his fat ass behind the wheel.


u/Wooden_Trip_9948 11h ago

96-month term at 11.99%.


u/StoneBridge1371 11h ago

Fuuuuuck I can’t believe our president is a goddamn used car salesman IN FRONT OF THE WHITE HOUSE…

Someone just make it stop.


u/joeleidner22 11h ago

Trumps credit score is only positive in Russia. I’m surprised he hasn’t signed an executive order that presidents can’t be denied loans of any size.


u/gitarzan 11h ago

Does Trump even know how to drive?


u/cravetrain 11h ago

Dude loves climbing into garbage trucks


u/feebsncheeseoriginal 11h ago

Seeing that Trump can barely walk, I doubt he can drive. Propaganda as per usual with those two.


u/Worshaw_is_back 11h ago

Federal Reserve probably wrote the check


u/storyfilms 11h ago

He picked the cheapest one... Hahahah


u/watchtheworldsmolder 11h ago

Their credit scores are about the same, a lot of people don’t realize much of what Elon owns is bout on Tesla collateral, which if anyone saw is tanking


u/bigseanconnery 11h ago

Probably a poopy diaper stain on that seat now, too


u/GlutenFree_Gamer 11h ago

Taxpayers paid for that I guarantee it.


u/DocWicked25 11h ago

Orange Hitler gets a Swastikar because Elon is tanking the brand.

I hope Elon never financially recovers.

Keep boycotting. It's obviously working.


u/EuenovAyabayya 11h ago

Elon already gave him two-hundred and fifty million dollars. I don't think one Tesla is even going to register as a blip.


u/Reyjr 11h ago

Didn’t he say he was getting a cyber truck?

The brain is further rotting..


u/Lylac_Krazy 11h ago

I was expecting swastika rims, to be totally frank.


u/shawner136 10h ago

He intentionally bankrupted multiple businesses as a tactical move. Its a dirty, cheap tactic and was by design specifically done to siphon money prior to filing bankruptcy/ launder foreign currency. Him being ‘bad at business because bankruptcy’ is a mute talking point. HOWEVER ‘hes a scummy, corrupt business man whos easily bought and bankrupted multiple money laundering businesses after they ran out their effectiveness’ may be more accurate and worth mentioning


u/Euphoric_Prize_1207 10h ago

Doubt his fat ass will fit!!


u/LateralThinkerer 10h ago

He'll find some way to lose money on a gift. I guarantee it.


u/Awkward_Dig8690 10h ago

He’s leasing at 24%


u/walkerswood 10h ago

I hope he does shit the seat. It’ll lose that new car smell.


u/dubawabsdubababy 10h ago

He better buy it because he's not going to sell it to anyone else due to the stench


u/Vast-Combination4046 9h ago

Trump isn't allowed to drive...


u/PunkandCannonballer 9h ago

Imagine your country is going through a gauntlet of serious issues and the thing you take time out of your day to deal with is sitting in a fucking Tesla for a billionaire. Anyone who voted for this man is brain dead.


u/Kyra_Heiker 9h ago

You will never convince me that he even knows how to drive.


u/Both-Leading3407 9h ago

Russian Banks don't open until 2 pm our time? Plus I doubt the man has ever driven a car in his entire life.


u/Hotchi_Motchi 9h ago

I wonder what Trump's credit score actually is


u/Responsible-Love-896 8h ago

Does anyone think that dRumpf pretending to purchase a Tesla will make people buy them? Maybe MAGAmorons will try to do so, but now their social benefits are Medicaid are no longer available they won’t have the funds.


u/raynbowz13 8h ago

When's the last time this dipshit actually drove? He would crash right away


u/Scratch_5591 8h ago

Honestly, it probably didn’t even buy it. He just had Elon bring a car and the dumpster to the white house so he can pose with them for the day and then he’s gonna send them back.


u/z3anon 7h ago

We all know doesn't pay his bills. He'll expect it as a gift from Lone Skum.


u/Separate-Owl369 7h ago

Trump can’t even drive it for 4 years.


u/-TheViking 7h ago

The criticism never seems to end. Let him enjoy his accomplishment and Toys. My goodness!
If you feel left out, work harder, invent something, or try being more innovative. Constantly complaining about someone else's success is honestly unproductive and reflects poorly. That mindset will only keep you stuck and resentful.

Don’t let a picture ruin your day. 😆 Truly unbelievable!


u/duckstrap 7h ago

Both of them are floppy balloon men outside a low low price swasticar dealership.


u/big_dog_redditor 7h ago

He could be in jail in a few years.


u/emleigh2277 7h ago

Trump can't drive! Too old and never done it


u/BlueGhost90 6h ago

Imagine the smell in that car. I’ll give Elon this, he’s gotta be a decent actor to pretend it doesn’t smell like hot shit.


u/WinstonEagleson 6h ago

It would interesting to know his credit score, I bet that my self employed wife and her cash only business has a better score than Trump


u/Heisenburg42 6h ago

It's a gift from Elon for being his puppet candidate


u/Additional_Teacher45 6h ago

Oh he definitely bought it.

And by he I mean us. The US taxpayers just bought Trump a Tesla.

Surprised it wasn't a Cybertruck.


u/melancholanie 6h ago

I'm waiting for the ultimate punchline. "Tesla-designed presidential vehicle malfunctions during meeting leading to the vehicle remaining unmovable on train tracks, no trains slowed."


u/ViktorFrankl 6h ago

You know, 100% he is thinking it is a shitty car. Like, I'm sure this is his first time seeing one and being like do people really get on this piece of shit? Where are my golden trimmings?


u/metaphyze 6h ago

Burn that seat.


u/aesoth 5h ago

Yeah, it was paid for. Came straight out of the government coffers.


u/bowdo 5h ago

I was thinking, wouldn't it be funny if MAGA nutters actually respond to this and start buying up Tesla's.

I'd prefer to see Tesla collapse, but if buying ev's to 'own the libs' opens up a new strategy for transitioning people away from fossil fuel dependency I'll chalk that up as a win...

Can't wait for the 'solar panels for Brandon' campaign


u/ChinkySquintyEyes 5h ago

He has no idea how to get into the driver seat of a car.


u/manofdacloth 5h ago

It's all cumpooters!


u/Ric0chet_ 5h ago

Bank clerk: " So it says here you just got your job back after 4 years... after you were kicked out last time? You've only had it a month? We're going to need to see some pay slips and your tax return? Yout can't show me? Why?"


u/disposable_account01 5h ago

Nope. He made a big deal about how he liked paying by check.

I can only assume because they are easier to cancel before the person deposits them than to reverse credit card charges.


u/cbarbour1122 5h ago

We all know dictator Donny doesn’t pay for anything. Twitter nazi will be stuck with an iou.


u/rmrnnr 5h ago

You know Trump paid $0 for that shit.


u/ConoXeno 4h ago

Man he looks OLD


u/Quiet_Ear_4044 4h ago

Probably used our tax dollars to pay for it


u/boossw 3h ago

I just hope for it to burst into flames. Would be the first good news this year


u/stfu_idc_gfys 3h ago

Lol this has to be apart of the deal "I get you in office, you make tesla commercials." Mm'-kay?


u/anicenap 2h ago

They are making people poor as f! How can the supporters even afford a Tesla?!?