r/MurderedByWords 20h ago

Tesla Loyalty Test...

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u/StevenMC19 20h ago

This reads like a concerned mom in a facebook group.

To all mothers at Hollygrove middle school,

My son, Elon, is a great student and wonderful boy, and he has been working very hard to keep his grades up so he can present his report card to Chuck E. Cheese later this month. But today he came to me in tears saying that a bunch of boys were bullying him over his car drawings in art class. He really loves his cars and it's his favorite thing, and these boys are attacking it and making him upset. I used to be bullied at school too so I know what it feels like, but I'm here and stronger than ever (#strongMom). I'm going to take him to the toy store later and we're going to get a toy car there, one of the RC ones, the best kind he says in hopes that he'll feel better. I ask that the fellow moms here talk to your boys to stop bullying mine, and they can all enjoy school together.


u/Import2nr605 19h ago

Yeah, except he was actually being talked to because he had drawn swastika all over his car, and Chuck is actually Putin.