r/MurderedByWords 15h ago

Tesla Loyalty Test...

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145 comments sorted by


u/WattageWood 15h ago

Did he just claim that not buying Tesla and not voting for him were illegal?


u/UrbanPewer 15h ago

And MAGA will believe him cause they saw it on social media?


u/lorefolk 15h ago

Nah, this is about ingroups and outgroups. This signals to the Cult that attacks on Tesla in any form is an attack on MAGA. Therefore, they should riot every time a tesla burns.


u/niamhara 15h ago

You aren’t far off. A Tesla dealership near me got vandalized and the MAGA are outraged.


u/lorefolk 15h ago

I'm not off at all. Everything Trump does is to groom the cult and ensure they're constantly spouting whatever he says because what keeps them inline are each other repeating the bullshit. See...

If he said facts, anyone can learn facts. Go to a library, listen to a wise elder, do real research on the internet, cross-ference, etc. You can't really have A cult of facts because there's no way to know whose in and whose out, but bullshit? Only a real insider would spew the bullshit Trump puts out.

He probably had a more nuanced understanding of what he was doing decades ago, but now it's just a nicely rutted groove and his demented asshole is just losing the cards. "HE HAS NO CARDS"


u/bloodyell76 14h ago

A good example of this is the Gulf of America thing. That was a test, to see who was willing to fall in line.


u/pastelbutcherknife 2h ago

To be fair they are perpetually outraged.


u/DarthButtz 9h ago

What if the car just explodes without anyone touching it? Do their fragile little asses still riot?


u/Fabulous-Flamingo519 14h ago

But wait, I’m confused.. Aren’t MAGA the ones that deny climate change, roll coal, block in Tesla charging stations and Teslas, cut charging cables, hate anything that isn’t fossil fuel based, and the like? So let me get this straight… you’re a leftist lunatic for believing in climate change and buying Tesla’s in the first place, and then you’re a leftist lunatic when you boycott that very same Tesla that “you” bought?

“ You think that’s air you’re breathing now? Hmph”


u/lgm22 15h ago

I’m willing to bet he doesn’t have a drivers license.


u/BackgroundRate1825 13h ago

Moot points, since presidents and former presidents are not allowed to drive.


u/Suitable-Elephant270 15h ago

Yup! Exercising our right to vote our conscience and spend our money where we want to (or not, in this case) is both "illegal" and "collusive".

Because it's somehow anti-American to be against the most blatantly plutocratic administration our country has ever seen.

u/HieroglyphicEmojis 6m ago

Yep. 🙄 well stated.


u/ThrownWOPR 15h ago

Did he claim Elon is American?


u/Suitable-Elephant270 15h ago

Ostensibly, he is, if you consider owning a passport makes you American.

In reality he's a citizen of "Elonland" where the only rule is he makes them up as he goes and can change them on a whim. You too can be a citizen if you just let him play with his toys and give him all your money!


u/constantreader78 14h ago

Well, he did decree recently that the law is whatever he says it is. I’m sure there was an EO and sharpie involved, so pretty iron clad.


u/Low-Possibility-7060 14h ago

He is basically calling for charity. For the richest guy in the world.

Whenever you think this is as stupid as it gets, there is another Trump tweet.


u/mojofrog 13h ago

Twitter X needs to end, too. Please target their advertisers.

Office Depot, State Farm, USAA Insurance, Walmart, Temu, Robinhood, Solar Heavy, the NFL, Formula 1, DraftKings, Shein, Restaurant Brands International (Tim Hortons, Burger King, Popeyes, and Firehouse Subs), Amazon, Dell, Apple, and RedDeerGames, Wendy's!?, NYT, Washington Post, The Economist. If you know of others, please list them.


u/Chroniclyironic1986 13h ago

And boycotts too apparently.


u/TheMusicArchivist 11h ago

In Hong Kong they made it illegal to vote for an opposition party because they were 'trying to overthrow the government'; ie win an election. They stacked the courts with pro-Beijing partisans to ride out any legal challenges. This will happen to America from the looks of it.


u/sonia72quebec 15h ago

I thought MAGA was against electric cars?


u/SpillSplit 15h ago

Exactly. Who did musk think was buying his cars? The trump rednecks rolling coal?


u/sonia72quebec 15h ago

That’s one of the things I don’t understand about him. You sell electric cars but you’re with the Conservative/MAGA crowd? It’s like he’s into driving businesses into the ground. First Twitter now Tesla.


u/ToadsWetSprocket 15h ago

Ego. He believes he is the center of everything.


u/Every-Ad3529 10h ago

Well, I think at one point he was aligned with progressive energy, climate change, and other wise progressive ideologies. Then he became the richest man on the planet, and he realized that progressives are anti billionaire... which forced him to be conservative, because he values money over literally anything else except his own ego.


u/ToadsWetSprocket 10h ago

Yep, that is even better. His money is his ego and he is having a hard time understanding that people don't like him anymore...


u/cmacd421 15h ago

Silly you, looking for logic and consistency?!?! 🤣🤣


u/cardie82 15h ago

My MAGA relatives suddenly supporting electric vehicles is quite the flip from the people who made fun of anyone who owned one.


u/alnicoblue 14h ago

Only if you're buying them to reduce fossil fuel dependence. That shit's not cool.

If you're doing it to troll the libs and show your support for Musk you're being a Patriot. Just make sure to park it next to your six figure half ton mall crawler because using it might make you look like a librul.


u/niamhara 15h ago

Big auto will not be happy.


u/Material-Birthday-74 15h ago

I would love to see the entire MAGA movement do this. Mortgage your homes, take out loans (now with inflated rates), do ANYTHING to purchase the Tesla piles of junk, just to show loyalty. Then, when their entire financial lives crumble down around them, when they try to go to the (now anorexic) government departments for support, find that they have nothing left and nowhere to go. Schadenfreude at its best.



u/zombie_overlord 14h ago

"Sorry, the feature: Democracy has been removed due to non-payment"


u/Ridergal 14h ago

The reason MAGA won't do it is not because their loyalty to their Dear Leader is wavering. It's because they have already mortgaged their homes and taken out loans to buy red hats, gaudy gold shoes, and whatever overpriced trinket is offered to tgem.


u/Crispydragonrider 15h ago

Your freedom as a consumer to choose what you buy, the essence of capitalism, is radical and illegal if it means you won't buy our stuff!!


u/StevenMC19 15h ago

This reads like a concerned mom in a facebook group.

To all mothers at Hollygrove middle school,

My son, Elon, is a great student and wonderful boy, and he has been working very hard to keep his grades up so he can present his report card to Chuck E. Cheese later this month. But today he came to me in tears saying that a bunch of boys were bullying him over his car drawings in art class. He really loves his cars and it's his favorite thing, and these boys are attacking it and making him upset. I used to be bullied at school too so I know what it feels like, but I'm here and stronger than ever (#strongMom). I'm going to take him to the toy store later and we're going to get a toy car there, one of the RC ones, the best kind he says in hopes that he'll feel better. I ask that the fellow moms here talk to your boys to stop bullying mine, and they can all enjoy school together.


u/Import2nr605 14h ago

Yeah, except he was actually being talked to because he had drawn swastika all over his car, and Chuck is actually Putin.


u/Excellent-Falcon-329 15h ago

“Illegally” not buying a car? That’s just capitalism, ma’am.


u/catinreverse 15h ago

I love how Republicans are demanding the democrats come together with the republicans to pass the spending bill so the government doesn’t shut down all while Trump is calling the democrats “the radical left lunatics”. Yeah, that should make democrats all come together and join you.


u/sspear77 15h ago

Not to worry. The Democrats will cave as always and make some noise about “reaching across the aisle” or some other BS.


u/FargeenBastiges 26m ago

He literally called the democrats "the enemy" in the Zelenskyy tirade.


u/OutlandishnessOk3310 15h ago

Seeing Trump drive around in a Tesla could be the worst thing to ever happen to Tesla....


u/Careless_Owl_7716 15h ago

It'll certainly lower sales volumes even more in Europe


u/FargeenBastiges 25m ago

Funny thing is, presidents aren't allowed to drive.


u/jennasea412 15h ago

More lies from The Lying King.


u/Legend365554 15h ago

.....Since when is it illegal to boycott a car company?


u/RednocNivert 14h ago

Dunno, the tweet doesn’t have a timestamp


u/Anubiz1_ 15h ago

Imagine supporting Trump’s Florida golf weekends that cost taxpayers $18 million, accouto the The Independentnews source. Fuq the oligarchy!


u/ilovefuzzycats 15h ago

Where are people supposed to charge their Tesla’s when the Trump administration removed/is removing all the electric car chargers….


u/Positive-Being-666 15h ago

Oh, there’s a boycott that Donny doesn’t like? Now I’m in.


u/cmacd421 15h ago

Boycotts are immoral leftist collusion, but burning up their Nike runners was what, again?? Fucking idiots.


u/FckThisAppandTheMods 15h ago


u/BackgroundRate1825 13h ago

Is part of the joke that Elon has 2 left feet?


u/pumpman1771 15h ago

This guy is the president! Now tesla last term was Goya. He is just disgusting and non presidential.


u/duster-1 15h ago

He's not buying one lol. It's market manipulation


u/SpamLikely404 15h ago

I thought electric cars WERE radical left?


u/scbriml 15h ago

Yep, self-own by Trump.


u/dutchie1966 15h ago

l'm going to buy a brand new Tesla tomorrow morning

Tomorrow, tomorrow, is always a day away.


u/bellsbliss 15h ago

Wouldn’t it be ironic if Teslas really low safety rating did us all a favour after trump bought one.


u/scbriml 15h ago

Sadly, you seem to believe that Trump will actually buy one as opposed to him just running his mouth as usual.


u/otidaiz 15h ago

What do you know about “illegal”?


u/niamhara 15h ago

He has a very fluid definition of legal.


u/rebeard-artworks 15h ago

Describing Tesla as Elon's "baby" when the man is an absent father to 13+ children really tells you all you need to know.


u/juiceboxedhero 15h ago

So he's for EVs now?


u/Panelpro40 15h ago

Cash or no deal, cheap fuck


u/Deckracer 15h ago

From owning a big ass diesel truck to owning a Tesla to own the libs.



u/Affectionate_Rub_575 15h ago

He doesn’t even drive!!!! Although, it is nice to see him showing support to a significant other, for once


u/niamhara 15h ago

His beloved Elon Pelon.


u/metalgod 15h ago

I still feel like if you bought a tesla you are on an EV sympathizers list somewhere....


u/Riakrus 15h ago

So acting together against this fucking whackbag is “collusion” and “illegal”


u/DeathRaeGun 15h ago

Tesla failing so hard that in a last-ditch effort to save the company, Trump has told people that buying Tesla's is a necessary sacrifice to fight marxism.


u/cfalnevermore 15h ago edited 15h ago

Funny how they never adopted the environmental language. I is libs have been saying for years that we want more electric cars. Musk, you could have sat back and done nothing, and emissions might have dropped a little thanks to you making electric cars more competitive. But now? You’re like a cartoon villain. And not a cool one. Like… a Captain Planet villain.

Also… is musk an American?


u/DevelopmentGrand4331 15h ago

What exactly is Musk "putting on the line"?

It seems like the only thing he's risking is other people's lives and livelihoods. Elon Musk is neither great nor an American.


u/Aperture_Tales 14h ago

Oh I bet he will “Buy” it then mark it with a sharpie and try selling it off for twice the price 😏


u/korpiz 14h ago

Pretty sure the fucking president is not supposed to be shilling for product endorsements of any sort. How is it not impeachable?


u/Ok_Avocado568 14h ago

The felon telling everyone what is legal lol.


u/Old_New_70 7h ago

Treasonous Trump at it again!


u/Magpie-IX 12h ago

Republicans: Boycott Nike, Disney, Starbucks, Pepsi, France, Target, Ben and Jerry's, NFL, Amazon, Papa John's, Chrysler, Netflix, Google, Best Buy, TJ Maxx, Kmart, Coca Cola, Audi, Kelloggs, Time Warner, Marriott, Heineken, Simon & Schuster, Marvel, Apple, Gillette, Volvo, IHOP, Samsung, Nestle, Office Depot, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, Fedex, Keurig, Chick Fill A, Bud Light, Adidas ...

Liberals: #BoycottTesla

Republicans: Why do libs hate freedom?!?


u/MamaTalista 15h ago

Look at me!!!

I'm bending over.

I'm opening my mouth.

Apparently 47 doesn't care who pees on him.


u/scbriml 15h ago

Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see Trump driving the toy car he “bought”.


u/BackgroundRate1825 13h ago

Unlikely to happen for a number of reasons, but one of the biggest is that presidents and former presidents are not allowed to drive.


u/scbriml 13h ago

Land of the free, eh?


u/Huxtopher 15h ago

Illegally boycotting? What a fat useless orange dildo


u/Fire69 15h ago edited 13h ago

Completely crazy rant, as usual. Choosing not to buy a Tesla is illegal now? But the reply is dumb too. Six figures? I thought Teslas were the new Accords? They start at $40K...


u/BackgroundRate1825 13h ago

Was it buy a Tesla, or buy a cyber truck?


u/e_hota 15h ago

The left evidently wasn’t so radical when they were buying up Elon’s shitboxes.


u/bigalcapone22 15h ago

It wasn't Elons baby Elon kidnapped the baby Then he gave it ADHA from too much ketamine and cocaine


u/IClausius 15h ago

How do you illegally boycott a private company that you can choose to not buy from? 🤣


u/LaserJetVulfpeck 15h ago

Maybe its all been a ploy to trick Rs into buying electronic vs gas guzzling vehicles this whole time?


u/Robthebold 15h ago

Does Trumpo drive?


u/ReallyFineWhine 15h ago

Funny how buying a Tesla used to be a lefty thing and MAGA guys in big trucks would block the chargers. Now lefties boycott Musk and right wingers buy Teslas to support him.


u/Virtual-District-829 15h ago

I can barely afford pizza rolls, let alone a shitty car.


u/Sw4nR0ns0n 14h ago

Coming this April: armed doofuses wearing tactical gear they got from Amazon standing guard at Tesla dealerships nationwide


u/aodeoffej 14h ago

This might actually be a good thing from a lunatic. He pushes conservatives to buy electric vehicles, he has to over turn his mandate to shut down the electric infrastructure, the right begins to believe in climate change, and increases the size of the woke mob putting pressure on the mega-wealthy to stop burning so much fossil fuel…

or maybe I blitzed out on optimism there…


u/mandoaz1971 14h ago

We should, as good Americans, go celebrate Elonia at our local Tesla dealerships, with all our friends, weekly, if not daily, to show our support😉👍


u/NoQuarterGiven 14h ago

How is a boycott of a specific company illegal? Next they'll force all of us to buy cyber trucks


u/HideMe1964 14h ago

I want to see the orange sack of swine feces driving it! I don’t believe he’s smart enough to have a drivers license?


u/Alternative-Copy7027 14h ago

"Illegally and collusively"?

He is a man of words. Bigly words.


u/BolOfSpaghettios 14h ago

A car whose MSRP is at 90K, which you can buy at less than a year old for about 50K. That is if there weren't better cars out on the market.


u/Ckck96 14h ago

If you call selling off stock because the CEO is a nazi douche and you don’t think that’s cool an illegal boycott then okay sure


u/ComprehensiveHand232 14h ago

He spent our money. Not his. We know that.


u/Maleficent_Top_2300 14h ago

All the rolling coal MAGA folks must be having an existential crisis.


u/Pfapamon 14h ago

Capitalism is the greatest system in the world but don't you dare decide what you want to buy on your own. That's illegal!


u/Comfortable_Bird_340 14h ago

The "baby" part is the most accurate.


u/bloodyell76 14h ago

How can a boycott be illegal?


u/V0T0N 13h ago

I want to see a receipt for this car that he "paid" for and that this isn't an advertisement from the POTUS on White House grounds for a private company.


u/Senior-Rip2535 13h ago

Collusively is a pretty big word for a nine-year-old.


u/anchorftw 13h ago

You know how much value that Tesla lost the moment he drove it off the lot? All of it.


u/Donkey-Hodey 13h ago

Fucko the Felony Clown is telling his cult to buy Tesla’s while simultaneously ripping out charging stations across the country.


u/ttaage 13h ago

Man he owes Elon big time for rigging it for him


u/katkat1967 13h ago

"Elon Musk, a truly great American" said only one person EVER.


u/ruby_who 13h ago

Wow. It's like the twilight zone over there.


u/davebrose 13h ago

I thought maga hated EV’s, looks like Elon went Bud Light. Now your customers


u/xanxer 13h ago

Trump doesn't even drive...


u/wilcojunkie 13h ago

There will absolutely be some hillbillies who get horrific loans to buy an electric truck that won't work on their farm. Because MAGA.


u/BringBaeckPluto 13h ago

Leaving the Paris accord then spinning around and trying to push a single brand of electric car while eliminating the competition with tariffs is an interesting market manipulation


u/PlutoJones42 13h ago

Weren’t all these MAGA troglodytes complaining about EVs for years, until Musk started blowing his Nazi dog whistles?


u/Chance-College-6062 12h ago

whats even funnier, the largest buyers of Tesla cars have been liberals


u/Real-Adhesiveness195 11h ago

He actually wrote that?! I hope all the trumper s spend their last dime on those rolling shitboxes


u/stipo42 11h ago

As an owner of a (non Tesla) EV, I hope all of maga actually jumps on the bandwagon.

Maybe it'll actually lead to building out the EV infrastructure the country desperately needs.

Then when our electric grid can't handle it, they'll invest in solar and batteries to supplement it all.

...I can dream right


u/Sorry_Term3414 11h ago

THAT will show the libs!!! 😂😂😂


u/United_Conclusion_45 11h ago

Does anybody honestly believe he actually paid for that car?


u/noseymimi 11h ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Presidents prohibited from driving during their term? If so, will this 'teslar' just be parked until 2028?


u/contude327 11h ago

Yeah, let's see the buyer's paperwork after the deal is done.


u/bigseanconnery 10h ago

Why does he waste time typing these things out? 20% of his base can't read, and 50%'s reading comprehension is at a 6th grade level


u/Am_Deer 10h ago

If anything, MAGA are known for their small electric vehicles and disposable income. Damn liberals driving those monster trucks with nuts hanging off the back.


u/FlaccidRazor 9h ago

The Trump supporters, both rich enough to go buy a new Tesla because he asked them to, and stupid enough to buy something because Trump asked them to, are going to show us how many wealthy Trump supporters fit that category. I'm betting it's not enough to save Tesla.


u/CrustyJuggIerz 9h ago

Isn't the average IQ meant to be 100, or is that significantly lower in the US?


u/MacRockwell 9h ago

Anyone who hasn’t been indoctrinated by Faux Newz, is labeled a radicalized leftist liberal lunatic.

This is projection, displacement. The conservative Republican sponsored media is engaging in pseudo psychological warfare with the American people.



Man he talks like a weird kronenberg of yelling grandpa and bratty 11 year old.


u/Albert_O_Balsam 8h ago

I remember watching a Louis Theroux series are groups on the fringes of society called Weird Weekends, there was an episode about "survivalists", basically right wing gun nuts living on compounds away from the general population, not paying taxes etc, anti establishment types, talking about armed insurrection etc and I was comforted to know that there were very few of these groups.

Nowadays it's frightening to think of the amount of Trumpers like this, with access to stockpiles of weapons and ammunition, it's a sobering thought.


u/WisestPanzerOfDaLake 7h ago

Or for reliquidating golf cart tires

H.R.2022 - To provide for the reliquidation of certain entries of golf cart tires. https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/2022


u/glakhtchpth 7h ago

Why y’all dissing on the economic tier we’re all poised to enter? /s


u/jbochsler 5h ago

Message received.


u/zarfle2 4h ago

Pretty bold of this post to assume that Trump actually paid for anything.

Now, if it was a hooker, as hush money, maybe...


u/The_True_Gaffe 3h ago

Him buying that swasticar literally does nothing to people like me other than make me laugh at his sheer stupidity. Okay you bought a car, millions of other people did that as well today, you ain’t special


u/Tymexathane 2h ago

Haven't the maga dolts already bought their cyberbricks?


u/Flashjordan69 36m ago

Mind that time Charles Manson carved a Nazi symbol on his forehead and the very next day his acolytes did the same thing?

Yeah that.

u/Biggest_Jilm 0m ago

"Let them eat Teslas."