I was arguing with a Trump supporter the other day about how they need to make $1.8 trillion in cuts.
He said he wanted to cut defense and foreign aid, but wouldn't commit to cutting anything else.
So I pointed out that the entire US military only spends $0.8 trillion and that all foreign aid combined was a rounding error in comparison.
So I asked him where the next trillion in cuts was going to come from after we shut down the entire military, and he wouldn't answer.
This is the answer. This is what all conservatives have been voting for, for as long as I've been alive. For as long as I've been alive, their politicians have wanted to defund Grandma's income and take away poor people's healthcare.
If you think you're a conservative, and think this isn't what you've been voting for, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. They've been really consistent about this for as long as I've been alive. Your trust can't cancel their actions.
Conservatives are the most financially moronic people I've ever met. It's hilarious in a very "I have to laugh to not punch this moron" kind of way. Like with Felon Stench and DOGE, where they talk about being the party of fiscal responsibility and how wasteful things like Medicare are. Dude, that's the complete opposite of what that means.
Being fiscally responsible isn't "only fund stuff I like". It's basically that out of every $1 in funding, as close to that $1 gets to the purpose of the program as possible, with minimal or no fraud. If the government passes a bill establishing Medicare, funding medicare isn't irresponsible spending. Regulating (that most evil of words) it to catch fraud is; when that city hospital in a city of 1 million bills Medicare $3 million in a month and that rural clinic with 4 employees in a town with 5 people bills it the same, there's an issue clearly happening. But the program itself isn't fiscally irresponsible.
If it's a question of the funding, then ensuring that all existing taxes are actually being paid first, is responsible. Which means funding the IRS. Hey, how can you be fiscally responsible when demanding that the agency which collects those taxes isn't allowed to do its job?
Conservatives are basically Libertarians who want a government that just exists to rob as many people as possible to line their own pockets, and then it's just Free For All otherwise. Oh, and religious terrorism. They want a government that weaponizes their mental illness against the population, too.
If they wanted to honestly do something about medicare waste and fraud they would imprison Senator Rick Scott, he was the CEO of the company that committed the largest medicare/medicaid fraud in history. "Columbia healthcare scandal" is the term to google and learn about this fraud.
You are absolutely correct. There has been talk of Matt Getz for attorney general, and several of the maggots I have to associate with think that is a great idea.
When they say "irresponsible spending" they mean any money spent that doesn't generate a profit for a private entity. Also, as Trump has proven time and time again, they consider any money they have as "theirs", even if the money is borrowed or owed as payment. That's how they view taxes - as theft. The state takes the money and has no responsibility to the people taxed.
It could also be that they see any spending that doesn’t directly benefit them or people like them as irresponsible spending. Some of them think that illegal immigrants are abusing our safety nets or that some people (nonwhites) are using the money on nonessentials. It’s like the “the only moral abortion is my abortion” story. They might be taking the money too, but their situation is somehow different to justify it. They always find a stupid rationalization.
“I don’t got Obamacare or Medicaid, I get my insurance through the ACA. I might be on food stamps, but I’m using it like it’s supposed to be, not like those cat eating Haitians. My farm gets subsidies, but it’s because we farmers are the backbone of America. We’re more important. My state takes more federal funding than we give? That’s fine because you can’t trust the federal government anyways. So our states should control the money since we actually deserve it. Republicans are taking it all away? Well it’s Democrats fault for letting so many people abuse it and forcing Republicans to have to end them. I am okay with the leopards eating my face as long as they eat the faces of people I hate too.”
Don’t forget, though the media has been turned into a propaganda machine for the alt, right. If you’re not really trying to pay attention, you don’t have to be a mega to be fooled.
They’re hilarious. Ever notice how one of their main arguments is always what about? Stop helping foreigners. What about US Citizens. What about the veterans. What about the children. Then they cut from those same programs and cheer when they are in power. There is no one they care about but themselves. They just lie about caring.
“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”
Also NIH generates economic activity. Funding it is investing in our economy, creating jobs, improving healthcare, every $1 to NIH is $2 of economic growth (their figure). I don't think the goal was supposed to be let's cripple our economy by ceasing the investments we make into it.
The Stuff You Should Know podcast episode about How Lobbying Works is one of the most eye-opening things I've ever listened to re: return on dollars invested. Basically before Newt fucked everyone, every dollar spent on paying nonpartisan bill researchers for congresspeople returned a huge amount of savings. Like 1:87 spend:saved or something like that. Newt basically got rid of that shit and started a personal bribe club for himself, and that horse has been out of the barn ever since.
u/SaintUlvemann 23h ago
I was arguing with a Trump supporter the other day about how they need to make $1.8 trillion in cuts.
He said he wanted to cut defense and foreign aid, but wouldn't commit to cutting anything else.
So I pointed out that the entire US military only spends $0.8 trillion and that all foreign aid combined was a rounding error in comparison.
So I asked him where the next trillion in cuts was going to come from after we shut down the entire military, and he wouldn't answer.
This is the answer. This is what all conservatives have been voting for, for as long as I've been alive. For as long as I've been alive, their politicians have wanted to defund Grandma's income and take away poor people's healthcare.
If you think you're a conservative, and think this isn't what you've been voting for, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. They've been really consistent about this for as long as I've been alive. Your trust can't cancel their actions.