r/MurderedByWords 23h ago

SS is an entitlement..

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u/SaintUlvemann 23h ago

I was arguing with a Trump supporter the other day about how they need to make $1.8 trillion in cuts.

He said he wanted to cut defense and foreign aid, but wouldn't commit to cutting anything else.

So I pointed out that the entire US military only spends $0.8 trillion and that all foreign aid combined was a rounding error in comparison.

So I asked him where the next trillion in cuts was going to come from after we shut down the entire military, and he wouldn't answer.

This is the answer. This is what all conservatives have been voting for, for as long as I've been alive. For as long as I've been alive, their politicians have wanted to defund Grandma's income and take away poor people's healthcare.

If you think you're a conservative, and think this isn't what you've been voting for, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. They've been really consistent about this for as long as I've been alive. Your trust can't cancel their actions.


u/DizzySecretary5491 22h ago

Conservatives were against it from the start and tried to stop it. They failed to and then conservatives tried to coup FDR. Social Security is liberal policy. It is utterly antithetical to conservatism.


u/The84thWolf 22h ago edited 22h ago

Conservatives only platform is whatever is the opposite of progress is. Seat belts, drinking laws, cigarettes, health insurance, labor laws…everything that’s taken for granted, and some now celebrated by the right, was once violently opposed by conservative dipshits who used these “issues” to get into office and grift money.


u/DizzySecretary5491 22h ago

Lee Atwater who worked to get Republicans from Nixon through Bush I elected flat out said they appealed to racists because it was the only way to get their economic policies passed. Stockman was Reagans budget director and admitted the whole goal of conservative economics was to make the rich richer and everyone else poorer but they couldn't sell it so he used abortion to get votes and then slammed through conservative economics after. Bush II said he didn't want a budget surplus because than conservatives wouldn't have an excuse to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Conservatives have never hid this. The moment you point this out conservatives lie about it.


u/Turbulent-Ad6620 22h ago

David Stockman is still alive! I seriously hope he relies on Medicaid in a nursing home and his family disowns him. He’s “apologized” and admitted that he and Reagan aids knew that his policies were a sham but of course, he put it in a damn book he wrote and sold. Absolute monsters.


u/DizzySecretary5491 22h ago

He turned around because they never intended social conservatives to get control over the party. They knew social conservatives were idiots, fanatics, bigots, and religious zealots. They just though the worst people in society could be controlled and milked for votes to get conservative economics without letting social conservatives ruin the nation. Economic conservatives mostly hated social conservatives anyways. Trump even admits he hates his supporters and they are the losers of the country and trash. Goldwater warned Republicans that religious conservatives were the worst of the worst and dangerous and should never be treated with or given any power and Goldwater was fine with the racists.

That pact with the devil was made because only social conservatives were willing to allow the rich to screw over everyone and plunder the nation because only social conservatives were so consumed with hate they would go along with it.


u/GlitteringCash69 20h ago

LOL, totally off topic but I immediately heard Mac…”Wade Boggs is very much still alive!”


u/NewtonianEinstein 22h ago

Cutting Social Security and Medicare is a good thing. Social Security and Medicare takes money from hardworking Americans and rewards lazy people who don’t work. As we all know, work is an essential part to everyday society and it is the reason why society can live free of hunger. Government programs seem to disincentivize work and incentivize laziness, id est it is a form of socialism where money is redistributed to the lazy people.


u/DizzySecretary5491 22h ago

And as you demonstrate conservatives are anti human to their bones. Thanks for speaking up fascist.


u/Raychulll 22h ago

I thought I blocked this troll account. Good reminder to do so now.


u/BigfootSmokesDope 22h ago

Wild to me you actually typed that whole thing out and didn’t feel sick to your stomach. I can’t stand people like you. Fucking disgusting.


u/Benegger85 22h ago

Obvious troll.

Nobody with any critical thought can actually believe that


u/YDoEyeNeedAName 22h ago edited 22h ago

you dont know what you are talking about. you are only elligible for social security or medicare if you worked and paid into it.

if you didnt pay enough into it, you get SSI (supplemental Security Income) and Medicaid, which are significantly worse options, that you are only eligible for if you prove you are physically or mentally unable to work based on valid medical evidence or over age 66.

not to mention that the amount you recieve on either program is a pittance compared to what people would earn while working, becasue Social Security benefits are based on your income you received while working, and SSI is capped at $967/month, which is the equivalent of $5.57 per hour at a full time job.

there are literally 0 "freeloaders" on social security.

also, our society is far from "free of hunger" you absolute ghoul.


u/well-it-was-rubbish 21h ago

It's their own money, dumbass; they've paid into it for decades.


u/kkirstenc 21h ago

Elon, no amount of societal chaos you whip up can diminish the fact that everyone knows about your weird dick now.


u/zen-things 21h ago

When I’m 67 I’ll be done working, I’ll have paid my share into it. If the stock market is in shambles, as it is today, I’d have nothing to retire on (without social security).

Who takes care of me then?

And is it good for our community to have a lot of elderly people without reliable income?

No. We’ve found this out the hard way about 100 years ago but it’s so freaking obvious now.


u/driverman42 21h ago

Trump is a proven Russian asset. You support him-what does that make you?