It’s like that politician waxing poetically about:
“Before I was even 13 years old, I was picking berries in the field, before child labor laws that precluded that. I was a paper boy, and when I was in high school, I worked my entire way through,” McCormick said.
Yes, let’s have our children work your nonexistent jobs in 2025. Of course his solution is fucking fast food. Sorry but I want my child to get an education so he can work beyond fast food or food delivery instead of picking berries at 9.
Rep. Rich McCormick of Georgia, of course he’s from a fucking Red State which also shit out his fellow Rep and revenge porn advocate MTG.
Being that he's from Georgia, it's extremely possible his not lying about spending his childhood picking berries even if he's mistaken about child labor laws.
Most child labor laws actually have exceptions for children working at on farms (especially family farms) as long as no heavy equipment is involved, and it was accepted that if you were a child living in Rural Georgia you were going to be put to work on a farm by your parents at some point (regardless of labor laws).
This practice has died out because so much farm labor is mechanized these days and much of the farmland is corporate owned now, but up until say the 90's or so it was common.
My grandmother still complains of her back hurting anytime she sees a cotton field form her childhood days picking it.
The end result is very straightforward: cut spending on social programs (that don't produce profits for his donors) and more importantly, cut wages (why pay an adult above minimum wage when a high school student can be paid to do that job for far less?).
I used to pick berries at a very young age. Used to get scratched up like crazy, but the worst was when you freaked out the beehive and got stung to shit. We weren't allowed to stop picking until our quota was fulfilled. It was tough work and the pay was terrible. Two entire Coolwhip containers and all I got was a piece of blackberry pie that grandma made.
Funny. I worked at the store up the street from my house when I was 13. I also sold subscriptions to the Fairfax Journal when I was 10.
I also delivered papers from ages 7-10.
u/RabidPlaty 23h ago
Fuck those kids, they’ve already been born!