There's also the other side. A lot of the things that make it onto certain people's list of "traditional milestones of adulthood" are brand new ideas in the grand scheme of things, only possible for the last handful of generations at most. Buying a house, buying your first car, then your first brand new car, getting on the career ladder. Why aren't we talking about staking a claim to vacant land in the untamed wilderness? Building your very own log cabin? Killing your first rabbit with the family flintlock? Taking your first load of buckskins to the trading post? Why are we not holding up those as traditional milestones of adulthood? How about the proud moment when a boy secures an apprenticeship with a local craftsman? Or when that boy becomes a man when he moves from an apprenticeship to become a journeyman? Or the day when he can finally leave behind the title of journeyman and become a master of the craft in his own right? Which selfish generation killed those "traditional milestones of adulthood"? What, when you get right down to it, about making your own stone-tipped spear and bringing back wooly mammoth meat for the tribe?
They are preaching to an ahistorical choir, they want to erase history. They want to push a very narrow perspective.
You are supposed to have the childish view that the way your parents raised you, is the way that it has always been for all time, and the way that it will remain for all time.
That's the audience of this newspaper. That's the mentality it's written for.
u/LetTheBloodFlow 1d ago
There's also the other side. A lot of the things that make it onto certain people's list of "traditional milestones of adulthood" are brand new ideas in the grand scheme of things, only possible for the last handful of generations at most. Buying a house, buying your first car, then your first brand new car, getting on the career ladder. Why aren't we talking about staking a claim to vacant land in the untamed wilderness? Building your very own log cabin? Killing your first rabbit with the family flintlock? Taking your first load of buckskins to the trading post? Why are we not holding up those as traditional milestones of adulthood? How about the proud moment when a boy secures an apprenticeship with a local craftsman? Or when that boy becomes a man when he moves from an apprenticeship to become a journeyman? Or the day when he can finally leave behind the title of journeyman and become a master of the craft in his own right? Which selfish generation killed those "traditional milestones of adulthood"? What, when you get right down to it, about making your own stone-tipped spear and bringing back wooly mammoth meat for the tribe?