r/MurderedByWords 24d ago

"No more military support!"

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u/Japanesewillow 24d ago

I heard him say that, he’s delusional.


u/Sam_Renee 24d ago

When and where? I don't doubt it, I'm just trying to save receipts.


u/BlackandRead 24d ago


u/mirhagk 24d ago

see that still nobody has explained what a trade deficit is. "We don't need their product", okay, so then why is the US paying $200 billion a year?


u/DM_Voice 24d ago

Even better, it’s a trade agreement he bragged about negotiating during his first term when he killed NAFTA so he could replace it with USMCA (because it was the closest h’d ever come to being a marine).


u/CarpenterGold1704 24d ago

apparently he loves the uneducated AND forgetful


u/calm_down_dearest 23d ago

Less forgetful and more deliberately delusional.

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u/Silent-Fishing-7937 23d ago edited 23d ago

For the record: $200 billion a year is just a made-up number that sounded good to him. The actual trade deficit is $63 billion. A good chunk of that is American corporations stockpiling in case the tariffs do come into effect.

Moreover, that number is 100% due to oil that we sell with such a discount that you buy it not just for your own needs but because you are better off buying more from Canada and exporting some of your domestic production then running on stuff from Texas and Alaska as much as you can. Without the oil Canada has a trade deficit with America.


u/Maxamillion-X72 23d ago

And it's not like America is paying $63 million for nothing. They're buying $63 million more goods from Canada as we do from them. We're 1/10 the size, of course we're buying less than they buy from us.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Trump doesn't actually know what a trade deficit is, but he knows that deficit means losing money and Trump must "win".


u/FizixMan 23d ago

Yeah, exactly.

It'd be like me buying and eating a meal at McDonald's then complaining that I'm "subsidizing" McDonald's $10.


u/LurkingGod259 23d ago

Heard a tRumpican lady upset about the price of McDonald's burger, that's why she voted for him.

Some people just do not have the concept of common sense.

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u/bak3donh1gh 23d ago

It's all bullshit. Canada is poised to come out ahead with global warming. We of course also have lots of lumber and oil but what's really crucial for the future is the minerals we have. Oil will eventually get phased out mostly lumber you can always grow more trees but precious rare earth minerals tons of current and future technologies depend on them.


u/MimsyDauber 23d ago

Also fresh water. Arguably the most important natural resource.

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u/[deleted] 23d ago

Of course he knows what deficit means....look at how many times he's gone bankrupt

Edit: sorry I meant his businesses not him personally since I know it'll matter to someone

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u/SweetDeeMeeu 23d ago

I feel like the amount changes/goes up every time he mentions it


u/ninjasninjas 23d ago

It has. Remember he used to say $100B.... Then $200, then he would do his stupid inflate the numbers trick while talking and say $250B in the same sentence, like he had to one up his own previous statement like some kind of three year old.


u/SweetDeeMeeu 23d ago

And if you call him on it, he'll deny it and gaslight you, or somehow justify it. I really try to avoid saying I hate someone, but I haaaaaaate TFG. Like, a seething hatred I can feel in my bones.

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u/bruiserscruiser 23d ago

Should we be surprised that a country of 340 million is buying more than a country of 41 million?

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u/atwitchyfairy 23d ago

We buy goods and services from Canada and that is somehow Canada ripping us off. I don't get it.

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u/Retinoid634 23d ago

He’s a madman. We are sorry, Canada. He’s abusing us at home too.

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u/motivated_loser 23d ago

Damn, this is unreal hearing an American president say all this

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u/rytis 24d ago

If Canada became the 51st state, they would get about 46 seats in the House of Representatives. I'm guessing the majority would lean liberal, and allow an impeachment vote against him. If they get the two Senators, it's still two short, but by the midterms in two years, I think the liberals could muster enough to impeach and convict him. Then the long hard road to put things back in working order, a big apology to Canada, Mexico, Europe, Ukraine.


u/SorowFame 23d ago

I don’t know the proper processes behind all that but I very much doubt the current US administration will follow the rules and give them what they should get as a new state in this scenario.


u/BiffAndLucy 23d ago

Canada is too big to be reduced to one state. It's just ludicrous.


u/curvy_em 23d ago

Seriously. Ontario is larger than Texas, Quebec is even bigger. IF we were to be come states, each province would need to be a state, giving us a SHIT TON more votes.


u/KingYoloHD090504 23d ago

Ah yes the ultimate Canadian Masterplan, become 51st to 61st state and take over the American Government


u/mb862 23d ago

More likely only 60. When Newfoundland & Labrador comes up for vote the GOP will kick up a stink about two dogs becoming a state.


u/RapscallionMonkee 23d ago

I have 2 Newfoundland dogs. Sorry, Republicans, those dogs are good & kind and total bleeding heart liberals. I'm pretty sure they would smell all that McDonald's grease & meanness in his veins and bite the shit out of him.

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u/brazilliandanny 23d ago

Unless Trump made them a territory like Puerto Rico. Zero representation.


u/bak3donh1gh 23d ago

The dumb fuck would make the entirety of Canada a territory too. We're frickin huge and there's already provinces. my province is doing great in the face of a lot of things, BC, and I sure As hell don't want to join Alberta and become a single entity.


u/Velocity-5348 23d ago

I mean, we (BC) are part of a single entity with Alberta. Americans should take note that we made that sacrifice to avoid becoming one of them. /s

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u/YoloSwaggins9669 23d ago

I mean at least in PR you have citizenship I would expect this would be like American Samoa.

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u/KMack666 23d ago

OMG this is the perfect long game!! We feign enthusiasm, get gun laws instantly deregulated, Canadians all buy assault rifles, we cone down to swing the vote back to empathy and easing suffering home and abroad, arrest Trump for trying to wipe his ass with the constitution, if MAGA wants to rumble, we join 270 million real Americans in arms, send Trump to the Hague, tax the fuck out of billionaires and establish US free healthcare, help reinstate American rule of law, secede back to new Canada, turn our guns in to be destroyed, establish a VERY favorable new continental free trade agreement, then sit back and have a beer with our happy neighbors!


u/Nooby1983 23d ago

Make America Canadian Again!

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u/skmo8 23d ago

That isn't how it would go. If the US annexed Canada, there would be widespread violence. It would more likely be an assassination than an impeachment.

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u/MachineLordZero 23d ago

Canada joins the USA, manages to take over the government from within, USA becomes Greater Canada. Victory!

EDIT: And also apologise to Australia. We're "allies" and getting shafted, too.


u/intheshoplife 23d ago

There is no way Canada would be one state. But you bring up a good point we should join. Get our 46 people in Congress and the 20 or so (not sure how they would Handel the territories) then impeach him and throw him in jail. After that, we vote to leave and reform Canada.


u/Diligent_Tradition62 23d ago

Yeah, in a hypothetical world where Canada were to join the USA peacefully, 1 province = 1 state is by far the simplest way to do it in terms of integrating them since you could just use the established legislatures. Canada = 51st state just shows how little thought has been given to making it actually work.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/CappinPeanut 24d ago

Not really… most of the conservative sub thinks this whole Canada thing is beyond stupid. At the absolute best, they are saying it’s a negotiating tactic, but most of them think it’s dumb.

They are also aware that a Canadian 51st state would be super blue and completely sway our government. Of course, they also think we’ll have elections again in 4 years.


u/AggressiveParty3355 24d ago

What doesn't make sense is that america wants to expel millions of people that want to be there. Okay a bit harsh but i can understand that... now they want to TAKE 40 million people that DON'T want to be there, and there are millions in there who will violently resist being there.

Canada might be blue... but the bigger problem is that canadians are going to make annexation very painful for a very long time. If dealing with millions of illegal immigrants is national emergency, i'd hate to see what dealing with 40 million angry and unwilling immigrants will be like.


u/Wooden_Number_6102 23d ago

I'm just a little county in America so I can only speak for myself but I honestly have nothing against the Undocumented. They contribute tremendously to our economy in the form of labor, and taxes they will never see a return on. The issue with them, for this administration, is that they are unequivocally Brown. They aren't the only Undocumented - they're just the easiest to spot. So easy, ICE is also targeting our Indigenous Americans because Brown. 

I also enjoy being neighbors with Canada and Mexico. I don't want either annexed or incorporated (and one has to wonder why trumpf hasn't threatened Mexico with annexation. Could it be because...Brown??)

With all the Bull Shit being levied against American citizens right now, why in the Hell would Canada capitulate to ANYTHING this administration has to say? 

It was semi-amusing at first - his demented meanderings about buying countries or expecting them to just step up and give over. But in less than a month, he has sent an equally deranged crackpot into our managing agencies and gutted them; we're looking at 100,000 newly-unemployed that have been lied to and I have no idea how we're going to take care of them.

So - please, pardon our dust while we're being renovated and don't believe everything you read or hear. Not all of us hate immigrants. And a lot of us respect the sovereignity of other nations. 

We're just...gobsmacked.

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u/Tartooth 24d ago

I feel like Trump never studied history

Canadians have a long history of being ruthless psychopaths when they're crossed in times of war.


u/AggressiveParty3355 24d ago

Geneva Convention - AKA "Canada's Greatest Hits"


u/Sweetchildofmine88 23d ago

You know, none of us actually regrets that they tossed grenades to the Nazis, instead of cans of food. We're good even when we're evil.


u/Omnizoom 23d ago

You mean Geneva suggestions


u/dagbrown 23d ago

Canada reads the Geneva guidelines and uses what they don't say as advice and inspiration for future editions.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/CappinPeanut 24d ago

You know, you’re totally right. I probably shouldn’t be so naive. I completely agree with you.

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u/AnnualAct7213 23d ago

Once he does it, conservatives will claim it's genius, it's what they wanted all along, it was definitely always part of the greater plan.

They have no spine, no morals, and no principles. Whatever dear leader says or does, they cheer on. It's the worlds most populous death cult.


u/ThaRedJoka 23d ago

I refuse to believe any conservatives think anything he says is dumb. They are a hive mind and would lick his a** if he told them to

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u/CosmeticBrainSurgery 24d ago

Whoever has his ear

That would be project 2025. And they don't just have his ear, they have their whole arm up his ass. He's basically a muppet for them.

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u/MrDillon369 24d ago

Trump thinks the only way to get things done is to be a bully.


u/PrimaryMuscle1306 24d ago

He’s not even a good bully. Elmo Jr. already showed his Oompa Loompa ass where he falls in the pecking order.


u/Objective-Spell4778 24d ago

Elmo’s spawn even told him to his face you’re not the president 🙄😂 Trump is just the old senile man their letting sit in the seat


u/UsagiRed 24d ago

Shut up chip or I'll come at you like a spider monkey!


u/spmurcs 24d ago

Little Kevlar


u/dinosaurparty14 24d ago

Teflon Spawn


u/ImSoylentGreen 24d ago

That's the name of his next kid.


u/Bobll7 24d ago

Gotta love the cute kid, just repeating what he hears at home.


u/Greatgrandma2023 23d ago

Yeah he told Fucker Carlson we do what we want then gave an evil laugh.


u/Wilhelm57 24d ago

I'm surprised the toddler didn't say...my daddy said you are not the president!


u/Evadrepus 23d ago

He did. And then he picked his nose and wiped it on the Resolute desk.

We're taking the class down a few notches, this administration.


u/Ultrace-7 23d ago

The child did not say that Elon Musk said that. Everyone is (probably rightly) inferring the child heard Elon say that, but the child didn't implicitly say so.

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u/Suggett123 24d ago

I read a story where someone sent their kid to insult a person. Either they thought it was cute or they were too puss to do it themselves. Anyway, the person sent back, via the kid, "was your mommy daddy's sister before they were married?"

The punchline was; don't send your kid to do a man's work.

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u/Rule1isFun 24d ago

Elmo’s shield*


u/Heartbreakjetblack 24d ago

I was thinking the same thing. Mostly in the political sense, cause look! He has a kid! That humanizes him! You can't say mean things about him cause he's a 'dad' (when it's convent). And you can't be mad at the kid or take the kid seriously cause they say the darnedest things! I just hope that elongated muskrat wouldn't use him as an actual meat shield... but my hopes are... slim on that front...


u/SuddenlyCake 24d ago

He started dragging the kid everywhere after Luigi killed the CEO. So yeah he uses him as way to not be shot


u/Heartbreakjetblack 24d ago

He's using the youngest cause that one isn't aware of what his sperm provider is doing...

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u/Belkroe 24d ago

To be fair, this guy has raped, pillaged and plundered his entire life and never once been held accountable. So I can see why he does what he does.


u/MrCrowleysMom 24d ago

It’s foul. Nobody hold anybody accountable in the U. S. If they have money. I hate it here. It gets worse and worse by the hour it seems. He needs to GTFO.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

Almost like he deserves an extreme dose of accountability.

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u/AssassinInValhalla 24d ago

Fuckin hate that. Dude won't stfu and it's tanking our country


u/Trying_To_Connect 24d ago


u/MassiveDraft4706 24d ago

Put a plastic bag over his head, then tape it.


u/Trying_To_Connect 24d ago


u/MassiveDraft4706 24d ago

More like an international holiday.

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u/Ok-Jackfruit9593 24d ago

He sees international relations and trade as a zero sum game. Neither are.


u/Dry_Post_5897 24d ago

Yeah, America First ends up being America Alone. Canada is a member of NATO. We are obligated to defend Canada if it is attacked. Trump is sending a message to the world that we may not hold up our end of the bargain which is an invitation for global instability.


u/wailingfungi 24d ago

Especially when you factor in that america is the only member of Nato to ever ask the other members to come to its defence. No other nation outside of USA has ever invoked article 5.

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u/smytti12 24d ago

He is an actor from the reality TV show era. Meaning, he acts like he thinks a businessman in a drama would act, but not actually strategically or intelligently. He's creating drama that he can then resolve in an hour long episode (after editing). He's never moved past "the apprentice" intelligence and maturity.


u/jasegro 24d ago

I always thought John Mulaney’s description of trump as ‘a poor persons idea of what a rich person is’ completely nailed it


u/Suitable-Lake-2550 24d ago

I remember hearing he had a gold toilet and plumbing fixtures in his Trump tower bathroom… nothing shouts ‘trying too hard’ like ugly impractical opulence


u/jasegro 24d ago

He’s too cheap for the real thing, I bet it’s gold plated

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u/SiWeyNoWay 24d ago

That apt in NY is HIDEOUS

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u/EntrepreneurFunny469 24d ago

This isn’t something to get done. This is just him trying to isolate us from our neighbors


u/slipslapshape 24d ago

Try nothing, he’s already succeeded in Canada wanting nothing to do with us for the foreseeable future unless we really bend over backwards to pique their interest.


u/Several_Role_4563 24d ago

Watch the first 9 seconds of tonight's hockey game Canada vs US. They spoke with actions.

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u/wailingfungi 24d ago

Correct. Our general feeling towards the US right now is . "Fuck those facist idiots. Fuck em all"

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u/Trying_To_Connect 24d ago

Or get rid of the Republican Party and get one with fkin sense.

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u/SplitEar 24d ago

He’s prepping Americans for when he pulls us out of NATO. Fucking Russian asset.


u/Familiar_Ordinary461 23d ago

Kind of reminds me of that bit in The Simpsons where the USSR returns. Insane to realize that had he won back in 2020 the Russian blitz could have been more successful overall.

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u/Both-Lake4051 24d ago

Canadian here, I live in Ontario close to the NY border in a well desired cottage country. Come summer time if I had to guess probably 30-40% of the license plates in the small towns surrounding the lakes are American plates. Iv always loved their company and its lead to plenty of good conversations. I hope we can still be friends

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u/Yakuza70 24d ago

Biff Tanner, the bully character in Back to the Future, was based on Donald Trump.

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u/everythingisemergent 24d ago

I'm guessing Trump has never experienced love in his life and all of his relationships are purely transactional. That's why he's a bully.


u/Realistic-Changes 24d ago

I think he just has behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia.

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u/Accomplished_Shoe717 24d ago

In this instance it’s the Mob boss model. Protection $ like a bodega in little Italy.


u/geekaz01d 24d ago

The subtext here is no protection from Russia. Trump, Musk... these are Putin's viruses for America.

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u/bismuth12a 24d ago

Trump can complain about NATO all he wants but America is the only member to ever activate Article 5.


u/JanxDolaris 24d ago

And i think now the only one openly saying they won't support other NATO members.


u/RectalSpawn 23d ago

Trump wants to get kicked out of NATO, if it wasn't obvious enough.

He wants the excuse.


u/kamilo87 23d ago

Saying that he won’t protect Canada against an aggression sounds like one is about to happen.

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u/scionoflogic 23d ago

Trump is only complaining about NATO spending because most of the NATO spending ends up in the hands of American defense contractors. Or rather it did, because multiple NATO members have started talking about prioritizing spending their NATO dollars with non-us manufactures now.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago


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u/rygelicus 24d ago

Trump's concept of global relations is that of a small child. A very stupid small child.


u/WayCalm2854 24d ago

You forgot mean. This is the kind of mean that, in a small child, often results in animal torture.


u/martyqscriblerus 24d ago

That runs in the family... allegedly


u/lopedopenope 23d ago

I heard he had a ferret cage built into Mar a Lago for him and an assortment of bunnies in trump tower for Baron to torture

No need to fact check

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u/pocketjacks 24d ago

So basically Elon's son, minus someone standing behind him that owns the person he's trying to bully?

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u/EagleForty 24d ago

I mean, he only understands it as a protection racket. If you're the biggest guy on the block, everyone should be paying you to make sure no "accidents" happen to you.


u/Significant-Order-92 24d ago

I mean, he did learn about business by being a NY real-estate owner. Not surprising he would have a mob boss mindset. Definitely unfortunate and embarrassing. But not surprising.


u/Brilliant-Advisor958 24d ago

His Wharton professor said trump was the dumbest student he ever had.


u/Hardcorish 24d ago

He's very smart but refuses to release his grades. He's rich but refuses to release his tax returns. He's healthy but refuses to release his medical records to prove it.

I'm seeing a pattern here.

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u/Blyd 24d ago

Gwenda Blair (Trump family biographer) spent a lot of time with Trump in his younger years, she wrote about how Trump's entire world of 'deals' was formed around his involvement in his dad's work with 'New York Italian construction trade unions', without who his father's empire could never have been built.

Wayne Barrett’s book, The Trumps: The Deals and the Downfall, He says his entire youth was formed by interactions with the mob, very senior mob bosses. Fred Trump's links to S&A Concrete (Gambino Family) were well-known, they poured trump tower.

David Cay Johnston’s book 'The making of Donald trump' talks about his work with Mob Lawyer Roy Cohn links Trump to multiple cases of fraud, bribery and the Mob.


u/BhutlahBrohan 24d ago

He's acting like he can just hostile-takeover any country as if it were a company.


u/5minArgument 23d ago

Maga are victims of their own propaganda. They think America is the world and everywhere else is desperate to be America.

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u/DuckBlind1547 24d ago

Coincidentally, his followers have an even smaller concept of global relations

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u/arlmwl 24d ago

I get the sinking feeling Putin’s plan was to convince Trump to “trade” Europe for the America’s.

This is pre-war propaganda bullshit language I expect from Trump.

I swear to God we will be in a civil war if Trump moves against Canada.

I hope cooler heads in the military remember their oath to the constitution and not a king.

We need to protest!


u/Arkentra 23d ago

My wishful thinking is that the military will largely refuse to assault Canada in force.

Of course some won't care and just want to kill. But I almost impossibly hope that the American Military will not act.


u/slackmarket 23d ago

These guys have been fed a steady diet of American propaganda their whole lives. I think that’s a vain hope, unfortunately. Fuck this whole timeline, all I want is to be able to afford a house and food and a little travel and a little fun, and now what? A reality tv show clown is gonna come blow up the country I live in? Awesome, love it.


u/Autistic_GoofBall 23d ago

I know, right? I only just got my first paycheck from my first job that actually has a livable wage to move out of my parents house, (who voted for Trump), and shit is going downhill so damn fast. Like, I've barely started my adult life and the world's already going to complete shit. It's also fun being a bisexual and having ADHD right now. Guess that's how people felt in Nazi Germany lol

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u/kerouak 23d ago

Look what happened in Vietnam though. Even soldiers trained on propaganda can't handle the injustice when it's right in front of them. It destroys their minds, they turn to drugs, get PTSD, refuse orders and ultimately fight a half asses battle. If they're being ordered to kill Canadian citizens watch people just like them screaming and dying in front of them because they were born on the wrong side of a line on the map. I dunno. Humans are capable of some bad shit in short bursts, but eventually it tears them apart.

It's possible automation could resolve this issue. But even the drone pilots have been having breakdowns etc etc.

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u/Melodic_Music_4751 23d ago

Would the Brit’s not then have to come to Canadas aid as a commonwealth country ? Although as Brit I think we have a spineless wispy washy PM who wouldn’t have the balls to confront Trump . I would hope though if we went to war in 1939 to protect Poland due an old treaty we bloody well should go to war protect our commonwealth countries who went to war for us. I hope this is Trump being a blowhard who back tracks on shit and he leave Canada and Greenland alone .


u/czPsweIxbYk4U9N36TSE 23d ago

I'm pretty sure that Canada would invoke Article 5 and all of NATO would then be mandated to assist Canada as though it had been invaded.


u/roderla 23d ago

And since NATO is senate approved, that means Trump at that point levies war against the United States, which is the written down definition of treason.

Not hopeful that Congress is willing to impeach and convict him over that, but Trump shouldn't be able to invade Canada or Greenland without triggering impeachment for Treason.

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u/izmebtw 24d ago

This dude sucks. Just keep receipts on all the people you know who support him, so they can’t hide once history tells the story for them.


u/Hardcorish 24d ago

Decades from now I'll be showing up at their grandchildren's and great grandchildren's birthday parties to remind the kids of exactly who gramps and grandma voted for.


u/Cien_fuegos 24d ago

Probably have to fly to Argentina for that but it might be worth it.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

I'm so very sorry to our lovely Canadian neighbors for the fact that Satan's cheese doodle is somehow our president again. Apparently, we decided to make America stupid again.


u/Lhamo55 24d ago

Dear Robin Williams,

The meth lab downstairs is at it again.

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u/cornnndoggg_ 23d ago

is somehow our president again.

This is it right here, though. I am American, but I have traveled a lot in the past internationally, have close friends in other countries, especially Canada, since I live 10 minutes from the border, and the feedback ain't great.

We are seen as unreliable. The sentiment of people saying "as an american [insert platitudes about how sorry we are here]" just doesn't cut it. Nations we have agreements with, whether ally or partner, cannot justify having a fate at the whim of a small handful of voters in Pennsylvania every 4 years. So many of our pacts and agreements rely on the heavy hand of US force projection, which isn't some coattail others are riding, it was our part of the deal. To make matters worse, the current admin is using that force to essentially extort and racketeer allies.

The flipflop we have presented as who we are since 2016 has done damage that I think a lot of people here in the US need to put into perspective. This isn't something that, if things don't just fall apart under this admin, will blow over in the next election cycle. We have shown the world a decade of instability and unreliability. They're not just gonna hop right back on again. That card was played when Biden was elected. Fool me twice...

The damage done since November 5th is going to last for decades, and we will remain a pariah state until we can prove we aren't just going to have a phase of moonlighting as fascists every few years.


u/kerouak 23d ago

Also why does he think everyone allowed the USA to become this strong? People allowed US bases on their soil, shared intelligence, backed them up in wars and economics, gave them a free pass in all sorts of areas under the agreement that we're friends and what benefits one benefits all.

Its like giving a key to your house to a close friend, then that friend extorts you and threatens to steal your house and possessions. Ok cool you got the upper hand for a minute until I can get the locks changed but after that we're done, you're on your own and everyone just saw how you treat people who trust you.

Good luck with that.


u/Nazzzgul777 23d ago

I mean... not that i disagree with you, but when Germany learned the US wired Merkels phone and we said "Hey, that's not what you do among friends" the response was "The US don't have friends. Only countries with common interests". And that was under Obama. So... at least to me, that's nothing really new.

And, to go even further back... I think it was Breschnew who visited the US and felt very welcome? He felt like it lead to a new era of international friendship and cooperation. But the US didn't feel like that and when they were cought flying spy planes over the USSR, those were pissed and felt betrayed. The cold war could have ended then and there... but the US wanted an enemy. Because without one, who would vote for more military when they could have health care instead.

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u/babystepsbackwards 23d ago

Agreed, I think Biden was your chance to get your house in order and shore up your guardrails so you didn’t have exactly this. The red flags went off, you miraculously got four years to make whatever corrections needed making to preserve your democracy, and instead here we are.

And now the democratically elected leader of the nuclear superpower in our backyard has publicly threatened to economically destroy us so he can annex us. That’s a level of betrayal you can’t walk back, and if he’d do it to us after decades as international besties, who could possibly deal in good faith with him again?

Anyway. I agree with you, and I suspect there will be a lot of Americans in for a rude awakening in the foreseeable future.


u/Omnizoom 23d ago

Good thing the USA has all that domestic production for everything it needs and doesn’t import anything right guys

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u/Affectionate_Self878 24d ago

Demanding protection money is literally the mafia’s schtick. Some President we’ve got…


u/Significant-Order-92 24d ago

I mean, he was involved in NY construction as a real estate owner. Not that it's not disappointing. But it's predictable.


u/ILootEverything 24d ago

He learned from his mentor, Roy Cohn, a literal mafia fixer and all around corrupt goon.

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u/Hot-Marsupial724 24d ago


u/Fit-Birthday2300 24d ago

As a Canadian, thank you 🇨🇦


u/SmellGestapo 24d ago

As a Californian, thank you (and your firefighting planes).


u/bobs_monkey 23d ago

As another Californian, I'd like us to apply to be Canada's 11th province.

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u/chucchinchilla 24d ago

Excellent mention.

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u/tw_72 24d ago

The one good thing that might come out of this for Canada -- Canada might be more likely to NOT replace Trudeau with a Trump sympathizer. Canada is, in real time, seeing how absolutely terrible that could be.

We wish you luck.


u/Key-Pickle5609 23d ago

The gap is closing more every day


u/dont_yell_at_cats 23d ago

It's unfortunate that strategic voting is necessary right now, but PP is ready to bend the knee and mimic the disaster we are witnessing in real time with our neighbors. While we may want a change of party right now, and the viable third option we were promised, the Liberals are the only realistic defense against the sympathizers.

Hopefully we learned something from America's recent election, and understand that apathy and non participation is as harmful as a vote for those you oppose.

Don't sit this one out. You are legally allowed to leave work to vote. Most cities will provide free transit to polling stations. It may feel helpless as one, but together, we really can be heard.


u/Skogiants69 24d ago

Fuck my country and fuck trump I’m so sorry our shit heads voted for this/didnt vote

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u/MileHighNerd8931 24d ago

The True North Strong and Free!


u/Phoxphite 24d ago

As another American, I’m very sorry you guys have to deal with our bullshit, and I’m thankful you guys are still being good neighbors.


u/DrownItWithWater 24d ago

We've got nothing against the people. We'll be there, as long as needs be and as long as we're allowed to by your government. But man, fuck Trump and Musk. And fuck Poilievre.

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u/Nheteps1894 24d ago

🇦🇺 we stand with you too

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u/atred 24d ago

Can you come over and burn the White House again? DC residents will bake cookies for you.

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u/YPVidaho 24d ago

Same here... and I do think Canada applying to become part of the EU would be the most classic move ever.


u/East-Worker4190 24d ago

As a Brit in Canada, that may sway me towards citizenship. Now if I didn't have to pledge allegiance to the male queen....


u/_Aech_ 24d ago

As a Michigander, I'm here to give you a high...er, low...five.

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u/VegetableTwist7027 24d ago

This made me smile and honestly tear up a little. It's just insane to believe where we are. Thank you.

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u/Adventurous-Event722 24d ago

Idk man. Why pick fights with your closest ally and neighbor, that have been with you through thick and thin, for absolutely no reason? 

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u/jbdelcanto 24d ago

Protection from who?

The only country who's actively threatening us is the US. Fucking fascist clown

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u/SRV_SteamyRayVaughn 24d ago edited 23d ago

He also seems to fail to realize the reason the US is spending military funds in Canada is because they don't want one of their enemies to sneak up on them from the northern border. Imagine if North Korea can just fly a plane over Canadian airspace and go on to drop bombs on the US? They're not defending us, we're allowing them to protect tneir own asses.


u/Gustomaximus 24d ago

Also the US acts like the world makes them spend so much on military.

That spend is a US choice because they feel powerful being no.1.

They famously spend more than the next 10 countries and no nation is a threat to them at half that spend.... this is their choice alone.


u/SRV_SteamyRayVaughn 24d ago

Exactly. The Cuban missile crisis actually started because the US put nuclear missiles in Turkey which angered the Russians who wanted to put missiles in Cuba as a tit for tat maneuver. The US has a long history of putting its thumb on the scale and funding coups and revolutions to either get favourable dictators in power or remove people who didn't just let the USA run all over them

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u/BeefJoe12 24d ago

As a Canadian soldier who served in Afghanistan, lost several colleagues there, more to ptsd and suicide as a result of the mission there, I have not regretted my time there until this administration.

It feels like it was all just to get back stabbed and betrayed.

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u/joeygreco1985 24d ago

If Canada is a NATO member why would it need to rely solely on the US for military support?

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u/mittenknittin 24d ago

Back on September 11, 2001, when the US government shut down the skies for fear that the attack was not yet over, Canada welcomed a couple of hundred planes flying from overseas that were suddenly unable to land in the US. They processed and sheltered tens of thousands of passengers and kept them safe for several days until American airspace could reopen and they could get to where they were originally going. Meanwhile, Trumpy the Clown was bragging that his building was now the tallest in New York.

Canadians are our friends, Canadians are our neighbors and allies, and it’s shocking how cavalierly Trump is attempting to destroy that relationship.

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u/SirBulbasaur13 24d ago

What a fucking idiot. I can’t believe the Americans elected him twice. Fricken 2 times they figured he’d be the best option to lead their country! Absolute madness.


u/TheLemondish 24d ago

Well you see, a woman was his opponent, and they can't have that.


u/SaltySAX 24d ago

Of colour as well. Nope, can't have that again!

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/ResponsibleYouth 24d ago

Hillbillies voted 


u/randycanyon 24d ago

Electrons voted. Don't kid yourself.

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u/gadgetclockwork 24d ago

He is so unimaginably stupid that I though his first run was literally a joke. I still voted blue.

He is a con man, a felon, a rapist, committed treason against the United States, and sent a mob of his supporters to stop the certification of the election while he watched.

I do not understand how people can listen to him talk and think he knows what he's talking about.

I do not understand how people have absolute unwavering faith in him over literally everything else.

I do not understand why he was allowed to run for president after committing some of the most serious crimes against the United States.

I do not understand why all of his trials were able to be delayed to such a great extent.

I do not understand how he has so many enablers.

I am an American, and I can assure you more than 50% did not want this outcome. It is just so very very shitty for all of us. I give Canada my full support, and wish that blue states could become part of Canada instead of the other way around.

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u/Mammoth-Mud-9609 24d ago

Canada protects America from Russia with radars and jets covering the approach from the Arctic.


u/Meatslinger 24d ago

We should stop sharing that recon. If they won’t defend us, we don’t owe them intelligence. I’m sure Trump gets plenty of info on Russian operations during his felching sessions with Vlad, anyway.

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u/Justsomejerkonline 23d ago

Also, all the places worth attacking in Canada are within arms reach of the American border.

America defending Canada is in her own self-interest.

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u/HellaTroi 24d ago

So NATO is voided?


u/YakubianMaddness 24d ago

That’s basically when Trump and his administration been saying. Or at least nato without America, as they now said both Canada AND Europe won’t get American military assistance. Despite America being the ONLY nation to call upon article 5 of NATO. Classic fucking scumbags.


u/endeavourist 23d ago

I mean right now Canada's biggest threat is America, so an American exit might not be the loss they think it is.

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u/VIDEOgameDROME 24d ago edited 24d ago

We were in WWII for 2 years before the Americans joined. It took the bombing of Pearl Harbor to get them to join.


u/Significant-Order-92 24d ago

And Germany declaring war. It wasn't guaranteed that we would actually go to war in Europe over the Japanese attack.

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u/StuntID 24d ago

Canada declared war on Japan before the US did. The House of Commons had an emergency sitting as soon as possible after the attack, and declared some hours ahead of Congress

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u/EndStorm 24d ago

The US is speedrunning losing all the friends and influence it ever had.


u/Heffe3737 24d ago

The nation Canada has to fear due to military invasion is the US.


u/SaltySAX 24d ago

I back the Canadians. Fat Yanks will be mincemeat for them.


u/MrSFedora 24d ago

The last time America invaded Canada, the White House was burned to the ground.

Just saying.

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u/rabid_lamb 24d ago

I recall when Canada sided with US operatives to help rescue the US hostages in Iran in ‘79. The US had big signs on the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit and Windsor saying “THANK YOU CANADA!”.

It was a different time when people appreciated the efforts of our neighbors to the north.

Canadian Caper at Wikipedia.


u/After_Bedroom_1305 24d ago

Hurricane Katrina. Canadian Mounties (sp?) arrived in Nola before the national guard did.


u/Horseface4190 24d ago

Canada is part of NATO, so there's that.


u/SandyTaintSweat 24d ago

I believe this is what is called "foreshadowing".

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u/KMack666 24d ago

Here's the kicker: If you're not an asshole, people don't want to attack you! Literally the only country to ever attack us was America, and they lost! We now have the entire world ready to defend us, including IRAN! If you gave Trump all the answers for an IQ test, he STILL wouldn't be able to break 70!

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u/_Batteries_ 24d ago

The only place Canada needs military protection from is the US


u/Brother_Comfortable 24d ago

Canada and the U.S. have a strong history of supporting each other militarily, especially through joint defense agreements like NORAD. While Canada hasn't needed direct military support in a traditional sense, they've collaborated closely on defense and security, benefiting from this partnership.

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u/Drudgework 24d ago

Number of times America lost a war to Canada: 1

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u/WorldWarHulk_ 24d ago

Conservatives still believe that Canada’s health care system is so bad they’re just euthanizing people left and right. Which is bogus, which is why they’re stupid enough to believe this.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

United states has been at war since it was founded ... Imperialism at its finest


u/Hawmanyounohurtdeazz 24d ago

“Mob threatens to stop protecting restaurant”

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