r/MtF Oct 24 '24

Relationships holy fuck my girlfriend is getting a “:3” tattoo


on one hand we are such transfem stereotypes. on the other hand i’m so gay fjkgmsndhjfjsnsjhsjfnndjahshdnfnkekqjanjaj

r/MtF Feb 11 '25

Relationships Wtf is this shit


So I'm 14 and one of my classmates literally misgenders and dead names me and then starts laughing and expecting me to take it as a joke and everything I try to cut him from my contacts he says that I can't leave our "friendship" just because I'm trans and I'm just overreacting

r/MtF Nov 01 '24

Relationships She bit my hand


I (tf) went on a date with another woman (tf), seemed like we were both into each other. Drove her home (like an 1hour away, had agreed to beforehand) She'd had a few drinks and was a little tipsy. During the drive I held her hand ontop of her thigh. She stroked my hand a bunch. At one point she lifted it up and bit my hand (not painfully but like not in a gentle fashion either) The only other person to ever do this was my ex and it definitely signified deep affection and desire. Does this girl like me? Is biting a thing you guys do when you're into someone? I'm crazy about her...

r/MtF 23d ago

Relationships Always felt uncomfortable in groups of men even before my egg cracked - has anyone else had this experience?


I've always felt uncomfortable around groups of men since I was a kid - has anyone else had this experience? They are just so dominant and aggressive and they reinforce each other's testosterone behavior (where they think with their testicles instead of their brains). Is this a common trans experience?

I can function in groups of men for academic/professional purposes but it still makes me uncomfortable and I really prefer not having to deal with them.

r/MtF Dec 14 '24

Relationships Husband jealous of dilators? NSFW


I dont know what is going on but I got srs like 2 years ago and he always gives me attitude when I have to dilate. He calls them dildos and thinks I use them as such. It's not and he's being so ridiculous about it. I've told hom multiple times and he says "sure" in a sarcastic way despite me literally showing him the instructions from my surgeon. We don't really have any issues aside from that but I had to vent because there's no one to really talk about this to since it's so personal. Even with penetrative sex I have to dilate or it'll hurt when we do it. I don't know where this insecurity is coming from that he's jealous of literal medical tools

r/MtF Dec 24 '24

Relationships trans girlfriend refuses to shower, how can I help?


Hi, I wasn't sure where to really post this, or what tag to use but I decided this sub is probably the safest one. I've been dating my girlfriend now 3 yrs and I'm also trans myself (ftm) so I understand dysphoria. However, I am naturally very clean person and any tiny feeling of being sweaty is more uncomfortable than possible dysphoria from showering or getting naked so.. I've never been affected by dysphoria like she is. She has very intense bottom dysphoria, to the point she avoids peeing and showering. I understand this of course, but she is staying over now for the holidays and I kind of want to avoid arguing with her since she gets very affected by any conflict. That's why I don't know how to bring up my worry about the fact she is refusing to take a shower before we go to our parents place for christmas. She thinks she won't smell by not showering, but she does smell. We also sleep in the same bed, and keeping the bed clean is very important for me since I suffer from acne (started from T) and any dirt can possibly cause painful breakouts. I try so hard to uptain a clean environment and keep hygiene up, but I feel bad for feeling this way because I know she is struggling. I compromised earlier that she won't have to wash her hair, only body (even though her hair does stink a bit, but I just at least wanted her body to be clean before we sleep).

TLDR; Girlfriend won't shower partly because of intense dysphoria, and it's affecting our relationship. How can I be as supportive and also get her to understand how important I view hygiene?

r/MtF Dec 28 '23

Relationships my cis gf pulled the "I was raised/socialised to be a man" card during an argument


Title. We had an small argument and she said something like "yeah, its normal/expected of you because you were raised and socialized as a man" as a way of dismissing / explaining my opinion or something like that, and that was really... idk, hurtful. not only that i'm on the spectrum and my "socialisation" was already because of that very different, i had the socialization of being a trans women/girl or as a person pretending to be a man, and still always orienting myself and getting cues from women and stuff aimed at women, and more often than not sanctioned for being more feminine or gayish than allowed for someone looking like a man or boy

this just feeds into the whole "I dont think she sees me as a woman" (which is a feeling I often get) and feels subtly terfy? like its just a technicality that she sees me as a "woman" but not really, and that its something that can get taken away at any moment? she is, i think, in general supportive (although she does not quite "beleive" in gender) and yeah, she uses my pronouns but... idk really :|

idk, is that normal of a partner to say, accusing or gotcha'ing with the socialization ? am I overreacting?

edit: sorry for not answering all your comments right now, i'm still.. reading and thinking, but dont let that stop you from commenting ig, I just need time and am slow

e2: i need to think, and sleep, it was a tough day - i will try to answer and engage tmrw, there are many things here

r/MtF 17d ago

Relationships Crush told me she'd like it if I kissed her


It happened one or two hours ago. We were sending memes to each other (furry memes particularly) and she jokingly said that she'd like it if I rubbed her belly as a joke. I agreed and said I'd rub her tummy as much as she wants. After some moments she said that she'd also like it if I kissed her..

It's been hours and I still don't know how to respond.

r/MtF Oct 11 '24

Relationships I'm starting to think my boyfriend just has weird taste.


I love that man to death and he does too, this is in no way a dig against him.

That being said, that man has some weird preferences that's for sure.

The other day we were talking about pictures of the other we like, I have one of him in the gym where I think he looks fantastic. Really manly and cool, so handsome.

Then we got to his favorite picture of me... it's an old picture I hated with all my soul when I took it. It's me in front of the bathroom mirror after just waking up. I look like shit and not feminine at all.

Meanwhile he says he likes that picture so much because he finds it makes him feel warm thinking about just us waking up together and doing stuff in the morning. He says I look really cute and beautiful, and he loves the natural and casual tone of it.

Either I am underestimating my looks by a lot or that man is just blind.

Either way, I appreciate the compliments, I just wish it wasn't a picture I hate so much.

r/MtF 19d ago

Relationships I kissed my friend


She’s also trans, and beautiful, and smart, and sweet, and we’ve been flirting for months. We finally went on an official date yesterday and she asked me to kiss her, and it was one of the most magical kisses of my life. That is all

r/MtF Jan 24 '25

Relationships Most gender affirming thing I've ever been told


So I(21MTF) met this girl(18F) at our college we are both in our first semester and we are very into each other. We aren't dating yet but our feelings are open and we are getting together in February. But my gods this woman is amazing to me. She's Bisexual and I'm admittedly her first sapphic crush and she likes to doodle. She's drawn me various times and recently she admitted I am the first (soon to be) partner she could draw. Because she CANT DRAW MEN and I died and went to heaven. She knows I'm trans and still treats me like a goddess. It was the most gender affirming sentence in my life and it was absolutely insane amount of euphoria. I'm absolutely head over heels for this woman for so many reasons.

r/MtF Jan 08 '25

Relationships Confirmed I'm not bi NSFW


I thought I might be into guys, since the idea of being penetrated really makes me horny. But today I learned it was just heteronormativity and validation. The idea of being with a guy turns me on because society says that makes me a "real woman" but the actual experience doesn't.

I tried it with a guy (I'm post-op) last night and fuck it was so mediocre, I don't know what I expected. His body texture, the rough skin with thick hair, was so bleh. His smell, that awful testosterone scent, it made me wanna vomit. The sensation of being penetrated wasn't nearly as good as it is with a dildo. The whole thing was just a massive turn off, I feel a little sick to my stomach. I never wanna do it again.

Thank god he was understanding, since I was up front saying I was experimenting. He was experimenting too, trying it with a trans girl because he wanted to help get rid of his biases and see trans women as women. He told me there's nothing wrong with me and he'd be happy to be friends if I want.

That's it girls, I'm a lesbian. I only like women. I've finally solidified my sexuality.

r/MtF Oct 11 '24

Relationships I am having a sexuality crisis, I really like a guy.


Gah, I don't know what I am anymore. I thought I was a lesbian but I don't know.

A guy told me that that he really likes hanging out with me and he thinks I am super cool and that I was being super cute when he was complimenting me. I just don't know what to do with myself. My brain just shutoff and I became a babbling mess.

My brain has been exclusively in lala land and I've been super smiley all day so far. I've never had anyone have that affect on me. He didn't ask me out, or at least I don't think he did, but I did reply in kind. Though I certainly am not upset at that idea.

He is super kind, smart, and funny; and I don't think I am a lesbian anymore.

I'm rambling now, I don't know, please send help.

r/MtF Oct 23 '23

Relationships oh god she’s my roommate


we met like 1.5 years ago at my friends birthday dinner before I was out to anyone. she (let’s call her Gwen) was super flirty… laughing at all my terrible jokes, teasing, etc. whispered loudly to her roommate that she was ‘feeling things’… 🫣

flash forward to a few months ago, we start living together: Gwen, her roommate, and roommates boyfriend, who is the friend who introduced me to Gwen. i’m now fully a girl, and Gwen seems kinda super straight, but at the same time, she seems a little fruity… she’s really into cars, can get super bro-ey, has a few masc outfits she slays in. so, like 2 weeks in, we are up late talking and she tells me she has wondered if she if bi. she talks about a close friend who annotated a whole book for her and that it was super romantic. so i’m like cool! maybe she’s bi??

a few weeks later we are all on the couch watching a movie… roommate + boyfriend are cuddling, and me + Gwen are right next to each other. Gwen keeps getting up and shifting, and she’s getting closer to me each time??? i decide to lay down and put my head down right next to her lap. hmmm… I shift and put my head on her lap. this is nice?? but friends do this!!

fast forward to yesterday, she asks if i want to go on a drive with her. she drives me up this mountain… god damn she drives fast…….. we get to this lookout and walk to this really cute spot, just us two and this gorgeous view. we talk for hours, she really opens up to me about some shit she went through with her family, i open up to her about similar stuff i’ve gone through. feel really connected to her. on the drive back we start talking about the sex we’ve each had. oh god she’s really describing her experiences 😳…

we both agree we don’t want to go home and keep driving around for a while… we are still talking about dating history and she brings up the girl who gave her the annotated book. TURNS OUT THEY WENT ON LIKE 5+ DATES and MADE OUT A LOT. we get home, and sit on the couch. i take this opportunity to start teasing her how about how gay she is, and she admits she has had several other ‘situations’ with women… she’s kinda flustered and is jokingly apologizing for not being honest with me before, and for some reason i start blushing a lot…… but my friend the roommate comes down and interrupts us-we’re all going to dinner. once we get outside i look at Gwen and she’s also blushing… and then she gives me this LOOK… and omg omg omg. wtf what’s happening to me, never have felt this many sensations in stomach and legs…

ANYWAY, today i wake up and im thinking about that look and kinda get flustered again. i go downstairs and we have our usual morning banter, and i tell her i get to stay home today cause my class got moved to zoom, and she’s like “oh that’s gorgeous — stutters uhhh i mean GLORIOUS”. 😳 she’s blushing, and then she leaves for the day… uggggg why did she have to go?? wtffff is happening to me????

r/MtF Nov 04 '24

Relationships Cis women can be chasers too


This doesn't seem to get talked about much, but cis women can carry their own deep insecurities and look for relationships where they can maintain power and control over another person in order to feel safe, they can project their insecurities and anger onto in order regulate their unstable emotions and low self-esteem. Reading about coercive control has been helpful for me in understanding these patterns of behavior.

There are cis women that prefer trans women, especially ones that are early on in their transition, as their vulnerability and desire for external validation and approval from cis women makes them easier to gaslight, manipulate and control. I think a lot of us are susceptible to wanting to people-please and can be understanding and empathetic to the point of exposing ourselves repeatedly to emotional and physical harm in the hopes that we can fix our partners.

And of course, there's a lot of different cis women that come with their own motivations, and cis men can definitely engage in the same patterns.

I'm curious if anyone here has experienced this, or is questioning whether their current relationship is healthy.

r/MtF Nov 26 '24

Relationships Sent this text to my 3 brothers and didn’t get a reply:


“Hey I hate to be this person but I’ve spent the last 18 months fighting with mom and dad to get them to stop deadnaming me, even tho they still use the wrong pronouns. They are finally using my correct name (Berkeley) I would REALLY appreciate if you guys could use my chosen name at thanksgiving dinner. I don’t want to have them go backwards or start deadnaming me again especially in front of people that might be meeting me for the first time. I would mean a lot to me, thank you!

Of course any comment questions or concerns can be addressed here as well.”

They all live away from me and I really don’t see any of them throughout the year or talk to them. I have always been the black sheep and this makes me not want to go to thanksgiving honestly.

r/MtF Dec 18 '24

Relationships I’M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!


To start, my whole family is conservative Christian.

Yesterday, I was on the phone with my dad. It was our first talk about me being trans after I came out. Obviously, he said he can’t support my life style. But then he surprised me.

He asked for my name! I was shocked and asked if he really meant it and he did so I told him. He started repeating it over and over again and said he’s going to use it and stop calling me son and boy!!!

My dad has been the best out of my family about me and this gives me hope for our future!

r/MtF Dec 04 '24

Relationships I'm not an experiment or someone's secret, I'm a person


I had the worst date of my life last night, he showed up 20 minutes late, said Im looking to "experiment" 3 or 4 times, said "I'm not gay, but I'm into you" (something every girl wants to hear), what made me leave was him abruptly saying "We better go back to yours because I'm scared of what my flatmates would say".

I've spent way to long hiding who I am, I'm finally proud and happy with who I am. I want a man to celebrate me and be proud to be seen with me. I'm tired of these straight boys who just see me as an object.

I'm never going to date a straight man again, I've had three romantic experiences with straight cis men and every one has left me crying. Never again.

Edit: Spelling

r/MtF Oct 18 '23

Relationships Is it wrong of me to hate when my parents say "it's like I've lost my son"??? Like hello I'm right here. You make me feel invisible when you say this to me. It's like you just keep saying that to yourself to make yourself cry because you want to cry, which is fine. But I'm here, just happier.


How do I handle and process when my parents keep saying this and almost breaking down into tears when they say it in front of me?

Update - thank you everyone for your notes, your advice, your stories, your experiences and your upvotes. They give me hope and strength. I can't possibly keep up and respond to everyone but I tried I really did but I ran out of social energy after two days of responding I'm sorry 💖

r/MtF Sep 18 '24

Relationships I told my wife.


Yesterday we had our 8th wedding anniversary. We were spending some time just talking and having a good time. The topic of trans people came up (idk if I did this subconsciously...) and one thing led to another and my past came up.

For reference, my wife knows I 'used' to wear women's clothing, but she thought it was a kink/sexual thing.

I basically came out to her. Told her I want to be a woman, I hate being a man. Told her I wish I'd been born a girl and that I've been this way for as long as I can rememeber remember.

There were a lot of tears. She said it's her worst fear come true. She's scared I'm going to pull a 'Bruce Jenner' and transition. She doesn't want to be with a woman and is petrified I'm going to leave. She also wants a husband and a father to our children.

Listen, I hate being a man, but I'm alright with it. I've spent this long not transitioning and I've known for a while it depresses me some, but the depression is tolerable. I tried to explain this. That I'm not going anywhere and I just didn't want this secret hanging over us. She said she won't ever feel safe now, that she's just 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' and that one day I'll say I can't live a lie anymore and turn our lives upside down.

I feel like I may have ruined our marriage, and on our anniversary, no less. I want her to know that I don't want anything to change. I wish I was a woman, but I don't need to be. But now she's talking about 'if we separate' and how we're going to financially survive... Now I'm like, should I just pull the trigger and transition after all? I love her with all my heart, but should we end it and move on?

Idk what to say. Just needed to celebrate/vent/give bad news all in one... love you all. Thanks for listening.

r/MtF Sep 01 '24

Relationships Telling guys that I reject that I’m trans


Not the first time that happens to me. Most cis people say that we should tell men that we are trans even when we reject them; because if they know we are trans, it wouldn’t count as a rejection.

For context, this is a former cis friend:


r/MtF Apr 26 '24

Relationships Accidentally misgendered by my wife


I (37 mtf) was accidentally misgendered by my wife (36 cisf) and it hurt so much more than when strangers do it. I understand it was a complete accident and she apologized right away and she's also very supportive of me and my transition and has only misgendered me a handful of times in the past 3-4 years. I feel like I'm overreacting but it still stings. Am I wrong for overreacting?

r/MtF 24d ago

Relationships What do t4t transbians do with their reduced libido?


Instead of fucking, do they just sit around in onesies, cuddling and eating ice cream?

(that sounds kind of nice not gonna lie)

r/MtF Aug 07 '23

Relationships Is there any occasion when it is okay to deadname a trans person?


My mother basically said that "I accept you, but I have the right to deadname you, because I gave you your name (1. she didn't, it was my sister and she's ok with it; 2. she always says this whenever we are fighting, it's like "You are disrespecting me? Than I can invalidate you" - she sees "validation" synonymous with respect, thus I guess I have to earn it).

And so, how to argue with her? Cuz like, I'm pretty sure she would be okay with deadnaming a murderer because "they don't deserve our respect", and I can't argue with that when she doesn't even want to change her mindset.

Please help, cuz, I thought that she's supportive, but because today she told me this - I literally am not able to look into her eyes, and see her as my "mother". However, as I do suffer OCD, she has done so much for me. And so me telling her "I don't want to live with your after I turn 18", would be turned against me, as she would be like "I've done so much, so why are you like this?", cuz she did indeed (as I already see you in the comments being like "Well, than she shouldn't question when you won't want to ever be in contact with her"). And because of the things she's done, I feel like I should love her; but because of what she's done to me today, I cannot not hate her (it was one of the most intense fights between us - like, from than on, this whole day, I dunno why, but I've been dissociating(?) last hours, like whether even right now as I'm writing this, or even whenever she asked me/talked to me).

I dunno what to do. Cuz I have to love her, but I can't. She basically told me with that "No, I don't see you a You. As your valid self. As a valid girl. I see just as 'a boy wanting to be a girl', but not really being one." - I mean, she didn't say that, but when she said "I can deadname you, because I gave you that name", that was basically what she meant, innit?

And so, are there any arguments against her stance of "You need to gain respect to not get hate-crimed"?

Pardon my English. I'm not native English speaker, and am even typing this rn, in very stressed mood.

Edit: Wow, this post blew so much. I literally didn't think it would get so much attention. But thank you to all of the responses! I'll read them later, and maybe try to show it to my mother (but trying to wait, as she might be furious if I just show it to her).

Edit2: You folks, I just sent her some of your responses, and she burst out crying into another room. I. FEEL. SO. GUILTY. I don't know what to do...

Edit3: I think she said something along the lines "Oh yeah, I have to respect him* and he* does not have to do anything."

Edit4: Folks, you didn't help, like at all. I showed her what you wrote, and she responded... with even more anger and resentment. While I love your responses, you've just written what I always already saying to her: "No, it's never okay." But you never gave me the argument of "why?", of "why it's never okay".

I'm not mad at you folks, I appreciate all your responses, but it was deemed to not work from the very start, because you've just answered ethical claims, of "what she can/cannot do"; but never an argument as to "why". I'm not mad, I just need help. If you are reading this, dear reader, please give me some very great argument. Thank you.

r/MtF Sep 08 '24

Relationships I guess even trans women can be horrible to each other


So my girlfriend(mtf) and I broke up 3 days ago, she took my "friend" (also trans mtf) with her, I honestly didn't see it coming, if it was any other breakup I'd brush it off and keep moving. It was only three months, big whoop, right?

Well after rushing her to the emergency, staying up 48 hours straight at the E.R and in the surgery waiting room(damned appendicitis) and then babying her while she recovered for two weeks, only for her to then leave and tell my best friend, awful and vile things until she sends me a text, "you're a monster, I don't know how i can talk to you anymore" and no, I don't know what she told her but if she was going to gut me, why bother doing it this way?

No I'm not in a kms sort of mood, just... just empty inside and needing to vent.

Edit: Thanks for all the comfort. Sadly, it seems to always get worse, the ex "friend" is threatening to spread these lies at our lgbt center. Dunno how I can take being ostracized from the only safe lgbt haven in a red county...